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(* $Id$ -*- tuareg -*- *)

(* For Ocaml-3.03 and up, so you can do: #use "topfind" and get a
 * working findlib toploop.

(* To access Toploop in OCaml >= 4.00. This directory will be later removed from path if possible *)
#directory "+compiler-libs";;

let exists path =
  match Sys.file_exists path with
  | true -> Some path
  | false -> None

let ( / ) = Filename.concat in

let findlib_conf_of_path path =
  match exists (path / "etc" / "findlib.conf") with
  | Some etc_path -> etc_path
  | None -> path / "lib" / "findlib.conf"

let install_dir_from_opam_switch_prefix path =
  match Sys.file_exists (findlib_conf_of_path path) with
  | false -> None
  | true -> Some path

let install_dir_from_ocaml_toplevel_path path =
  let exe_dir = Filename.dirname path in
  let install_dir = Filename.dirname exe_dir in
  let config_path = findlib_conf_of_path install_dir in
  match Sys.file_exists config_path with
  | true -> Some install_dir
  | false -> None

let fl_split_path_separator =
  match Sys.os_type with
    | "Unix" | "BeOS"   -> ':'
    | "Cygwin" -> ';'   (* You might want to change this *)
    | "Win32"  -> ';'
    | "MacOS"  -> failwith "Findlib: I do not know what is the correct path separator for MacOS. If you can help me, write a mail to"
    | _ -> failwith "Findlib: unknown operating system"

let string_split_on_char sep s =
  let r = ref [] in
  let j = ref (String.length s) in
  for i = String.length s - 1 downto 0 do
    if String.unsafe_get s i = sep then begin
      r := String.sub s (i + 1) (!j - i - 1) :: !r;
      j := i
  String.sub s 0 !j :: !r

let rec list_find_map f = function
  | [] -> None
  | x :: l ->
     begin match f x with
       | Some _ as result -> result
       | None -> list_find_map f l

let install_dir_from_ld_library_path paths =
  let v = string_split_on_char fl_split_path_separator paths in
  list_find_map (fun path ->
    let parent = Filename.dirname path in
    let parent' = Filename.dirname parent in
    match Sys.file_exists (findlib_conf_of_path parent') with
    | true -> Some parent'
    | false -> None) v

let getenv_opt v = try Some (Sys.getenv v) with Not_found -> None in

let rec try_vars = function
  | [] -> None
  | (var, mapper)::xs -> (
    match getenv_opt var with
    | None -> try_vars xs
    | Some content -> (
      match mapper content with
      | None -> try_vars xs
      | Some _ as found -> found))

let location =
  match try_vars [
    ("OPAM_SWITCH_PREFIX", install_dir_from_opam_switch_prefix);
    ("CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH", install_dir_from_ld_library_path);
    ("OCAML_TOPLEVEL_PATH", install_dir_from_ocaml_toplevel_path);
  ] with
  | Some location -> location
  | None -> "@SITELIB@"

let findlib_directory = match @RELATIVE_PATHS@ with
  | true -> location / "lib" / "findlib"
  | false -> "@SITELIB@/findlib"

let () = Topdirs.dir_directory findlib_directory in
  (* OCaml-4.00 requires to use dir_directory before we load anything *)

let exec_test s =
  let l = Lexing.from_string s in
  let ph = !Toploop.parse_toplevel_phrase l in
  let fmt = Format.make_formatter (fun _ _ _ -> ()) (fun _ -> ()) in
    Toploop.execute_phrase false fmt ph
      _ -> false

(* one of the few observable differences... *)
let is_native = (Gc.get ()).Gc.stack_limit = 0 in

let suffix = if is_native then "cmxs" else "cma" in

(* First test whether findlib_top is already loaded. If not, load it now.
 * The test works by executing the toplevel phrase "Topfind.reset" and
 * checking whether this causes an error.
if not (exec_test "Topfind.reset;;") then (
  Topdirs.dir_load Format.err_formatter (findlib_directory / ("findlib." ^ suffix));
  Topdirs.dir_load Format.err_formatter (findlib_directory / ("findlib_top." ^ suffix)))
(* phrase has to end here otherwise Topfind is not accessible *)

(* OCaml < 4.00 do not have this so only include this code if it was detected *)
let () = Topdirs.dir_remove_directory "+compiler-libs" in

(* The following is always executed. It is harmless if findlib was already
 * initialized
let is_native = (Gc.get ()).Gc.stack_limit = 0 in
let pred = if is_native then "native" else "byte" in

Topfind.add_predicates [ pred; "toploop" ];
Topfind.don't_load ["findlib"];
Topfind.announce ();;

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