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*** About Cache ***

Cache implements a caching service for storing arbitrary strings
that can be located by string keys. The caching service is reachable
over TCP. The cache can be distributed over several nodes. The cache
can be saved to disk in regular intervals.

A client module is included. Both synchronous and asynchronous access
methods are defined.

For the license conditions, see the file LICENSE.

*** Prerequisites ***

You need the following to build Cache:

- omake
- ocamlnet (at least the parts equeue, rpc, netstring, netplex)
- ocamlpcre
- findlib

*** Build & Install ***

Build the bytecode version: make all
Build the native version: make opt

Install the library in the findlib default location: make install
Remove it from there: make uninstall

Note that the "Makefile" is just a wrapper for "OMakefile". For detailed
control you might want to invoke omake directly.

*** Documentation ***

The reference manual is in doc/html.

*** Authors ***

Netdns has been developed by Gerd Stolpmann <>
and Mika Illouz <> for Wink Technologies, Inc. 

This web site is published by Informatikbüro Gerd Stolpmann
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