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(* $Id: 11914 2007-06-28 23:06:44Z gerd $ *)

type key =
    [ `Hash of Digest.t 
    | `String of string

let hash_of_key k =
  match k with
    | `Hash s -> s
    | `String s -> Digest.string s

let bucket_of_hash q h =
  (* We take the last 63 bits of the h string modulo q. Using int64 so
   * it also runs on Gerd's 32 bit laptop.
  assert(String.length h = 16);
  let hid_63 =
         (Rtypes.read_uint8 h 8))
      0x7fff_ffff_ffff_ffffL in
  Int64.to_int (Int64.rem hid_63 (Int64.of_int q))

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