method clear : [ `Ok | `Timeout ] Cache_client.async_reply -> unit
method clear_counters : [ `Ok | `Timeout ] Cache_client.async_reply -> unit
method client_config : Cache_client.client_config
method delete :
[ `Ok | `Timeout ] Cache_client.async_reply ->
Cache_client.key ->
Cache_client.timestamp -> Cache_client.delete_options -> unit
method get :
[ `Found of Cache_client.entry | `Not_found | `Timeout ]
Cache_client.async_reply ->
Cache_client.key -> Cache_client.get_options -> unit
method get_config :
[ `Ok of (Rpc_client.connector * Cache_client.config) list | `Timeout ]
Cache_client.async_reply -> unit
method get_stats :
[ `Ok of (Rpc_client.connector * Cache_client.stats) list | `Timeout ]
Cache_client.async_reply -> unit
method set :
[ `Not_stored | `Stored | `Timeout ] Cache_client.async_reply ->
Cache_client.key ->
string -> Cache_client.timestamp -> Cache_client.set_options -> unit
method set_config :
[ `Ok | `Timeout ] Cache_client.async_reply ->
(Rpc_client.connector * Cache_client.config) list -> unit
method shutdown : unit -> unit