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Index of class methods

buckets [Cache_client.client_config]
For every bucket i=0..n-1 the array element buckets.(i) contains the address of the server storing this bucket.

clear [Cache_client.sync_client]
clear r: Delete all entries.
clear [Cache_client.async_client]
clear r: Delete all entries.
clear_counters [Cache_client.sync_client]
clear_counters r: Reset the statistics counters for all servers.
clear_counters [Cache_client.async_client]
clear_counters r: Reset the statistics counters for all servers.
client_config [Cache_client.sync_client]
The configuration of this client
client_config [Cache_client.async_client]
The configuration of this client

delete [Cache_client.sync_client]
delete r k t_del opts: Tries to move the entry for key k from the regular store to the delete queue where it is marked as being scheduled for deletion at time t_del.
delete [Cache_client.async_client]
delete r k t_del opts: Tries to move the entry for key k from the regular store to the delete queue where it is marked as being scheduled for deletion at time t_del.
directory [Cache_server.cache_config]
The directory where the cache contents are stored as file

get [Cache_client.sync_client]
get r k opts: Tries to get the entry for key k.
get [Cache_client.async_client]
get r k opts: Tries to get the entry for key k.
get_config [Cache_client.sync_client]
get_config r: Return the connector and the server config for all servers as list l.
get_config [Cache_client.async_client]
get_config r: Return the connector and the server config for all servers as list l.
get_stats [Cache_client.sync_client]
get_stats r: Return the connector and the statistics record for all servers as list l.
get_stats [Cache_client.async_client]
get_stats r: Return the connector and the statistics record for all servers as list l.

idle_timeout [Cache_client.client_config]
After this number of seconds idle TCP connections are closed
is_alive [Cache_client.client_config]
Before a connection to an RPC server is used, this function is called with the bucket index i.

max_size [Cache_server.cache_config]
The (initial) maximum size in bytes

query_timeout [Cache_client.client_config]
After this number of seconds the queries time out and reply `Timeout.

rpc_program_number [Cache_server.cache_config]
The program number to use in the RPC protocol

save_cache_period [Cache_server.cache_config]
Save the cache to disk every this number of seconds (0 disables)
save_cache_speed [Cache_server.cache_config]
Write this number of bytes per second (0 means as fast as possible)
set [Cache_client.sync_client]
set r k v t_exp opts: Tries to set key k to value v with expiration timestamp t_opt.
set [Cache_client.async_client]
set r k v t_exp opts: Tries to set key k to value v with expiration timestamp t_opt.
set_config [Cache_client.sync_client]
set_config r: Set the server config for the servers identified by connectors in list l.
set_config [Cache_client.async_client]
set_config r: Set the server config for the servers identified by connectors in list l.
shutdown [Cache_client.sync_client]
Shutdown all network connections.
shutdown [Cache_client.async_client]
Shutdown all network connections.
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