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(* $Id:,v 1.10 2001/03/10 16:43:21 gerd Exp $
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This module is part of the cryptgps package by Gerd Stolpmann.

(* Note: Bits are numbered from MSB to LSB! *)

(* 64 bit numbers are represented as four 16 bit numbers,
 *   (int * int *  int * int), MSB first.
 * 56 bit numbers: like 64 bit numbers with 4 leading and 4 trailing zeros.
 * 48 bit numbers are represented as two 24 bit numbers,
 *   (int * int), MSB first.
 * 32 bit numbers are represented as two 16 bit numbers,
 *   (int * int), MSB first.

open Crypt_aux

(******************** key parity ************************)

let odd_parity =
  [|  1;  1;  2;  2;  4;  4;  7;  7;  8;  8; 11; 11; 13; 13; 14; 14;
     16; 16; 19; 19; 21; 21; 22; 22; 25; 25; 26; 26; 28; 28; 31; 31;
     32; 32; 35; 35; 37; 37; 38; 38; 41; 41; 42; 42; 44; 44; 47; 47;
     49; 49; 50; 50; 52; 52; 55; 55; 56; 56; 59; 59; 61; 61; 62; 62;
     64; 64; 67; 67; 69; 69; 70; 70; 73; 73; 74; 74; 76; 76; 79; 79;
     81; 81; 82; 82; 84; 84; 87; 87; 88; 88; 91; 91; 93; 93; 94; 94;
     97; 97; 98; 98;100;100;103;103;104;104;107;107;109;109;110;110;
    241;241;242;242;244;244;247;247;248;248;251;251;253;253;254;254; |];;

let check_parity key =
  let l_key = String.length key in
  if l_key <> 8 then 
    failwith "Crypt_des: invalid key length";
  for i = 0 to 7 do
    let k = Char.code key.[i] in
    if k <> odd_parity.(k) then
      failwith "Crypt_des: key parity error"

let set_parity key =
  let l_key = String.length key in
  if l_key <> 8 then 
    failwith "Crypt_des: invalid key length";
  let key' = String.copy key in
  for i = 0 to 7 do
    let k = Char.code key.[i] in
    key'.[i] <- Char.chr(odd_parity.(k))

module Cryptsystem : Cryptsystem_64.T =

    type value64 = (int * int * int * int)
    type value48 = (int * int)
    type value32 = (int * int)

    (********************* permutations **********************)

    type perm64 = value64 array
     (* An array with 8 * 256 elements describing 64 bit numbers.
      * To permute a 64 bit number (b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) given as byte
      * sequence, do
      * a.(b1) lor a.(256+b2) lor a.(512+b3) lor ... lor a.(1792+b8)

    type perm48 = value48 array
     (* An array with 6 * 256 elements describing 48 bit numbers.
      * To permute a 48 bit number (b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6) given as byte
      * sequence, do
      * a.(b1) lor a.(256+b2) lor a.(512+b3) lor ... lor a.(1280+b6)
    type perm32 = value32 array
     (* An array with 4 * 256 elements describing 32 bit numbers.
      * To permute a 32 bit number (b1,b2,b3,b4) given as byte
      * sequence, do
      * a.(b1) lor a.(256+b2) lor a.(512+b3) lor a.(768+b4)

    let quad_lor (a,b,c,d) (a',b',c',d') =
      (a lor a', b lor b', c lor c', d lor d')

    let ( |||| ) = quad_lor

    let double_lor (a,b) (a',b') =
      (a lor a', b lor b')

    let ( || ) = double_lor

    let inv64 p =
      let rec pos k x =
	if k < 64 then begin
	  if p.(k) = x then k else pos (k+1) x
	else failwith "inv64"
      let p' = Array.create 64 0 in
      for k = 0 to 63 do
	p'.(k) <- pos 0 k

    let mk_perm64 p' =
      (* p: a 64 element array. p(i)=j means that bit position i of the output
       * is bit position j in the input.
      let rec pos k x =
	if k < 64 then begin
	  if p'.(k) = x then k :: pos (k+1) x else pos (k+1) x
	else []
      let p = Array.create 64 [] in
      for k = 0 to 63 do
	p.(k) <- pos 0 k

      let p64 = Array.create 2048 (0,0,0,0) in
      for n = 0 to 7 do        (* n counts bytes *)
	for v = 0 to 255 do    (* v counts values of a byte *)
	  let v' = ref (0,0,0,0) in
	  for ni = 0 to 7 do     (* ni counts bits within bytes *)
	    let i = 8*n + ni in
	    if ((v lsl ni) land (0x80)) > 0 then begin
		(fun j ->
	      (* the bit in position ni of byte v is set *)
		  match j lsr 4 with
		    0 -> v' := !v' |||| (0x8000 lsr j, 0, 0, 0)
		  | 1 -> v' := !v' |||| (0, 0x8000 lsr (j-16), 0, 0)
		  | 2 -> v' := !v' |||| (0, 0, 0x8000 lsr (j-32), 0)
		  | 3 -> v' := !v' |||| (0, 0, 0, 0x8000 lsr (j-48))
		  | _ -> ()
	  p64.(256*n + v) <- !v'

    let do_perm64 (p64:perm64) (v64:value64) =
      let (a,b,c,d) = v64 in
      let (a0,b0,c0,d0) = p64.(        a lsr 8 ) in
      let (a1,b1,c1,d1) = p64.(  256 + (a land 0xff)) in
      let (a2,b2,c2,d2) = p64.(  512 + (b lsr 8) ) in
      let (a3,b3,c3,d3) = p64.(  768 + (b land 0xff) ) in
      let (a4,b4,c4,d4) = p64.( 1024 + (c lsr 8) ) in
      let (a5,b5,c5,d5) = p64.( 1280 + (c land 0xff) ) in
      let (a6,b6,c6,d6) = p64.( 1536 + (d lsr 8) ) in
      let (a7,b7,c7,d7) = p64.( 1792 + (d land 0xff) ) in
      (a0 lor a1 lor a2 lor a3 lor a4 lor a5 lor a6 lor a7,
       b0 lor b1 lor b2 lor b3 lor b4 lor b5 lor b6 lor b7,
       c0 lor c1 lor c2 lor c3 lor c4 lor c5 lor c6 lor c7,
       d0 lor d1 lor d2 lor d3 lor d4 lor d5 lor d6 lor d7)

    let mk_perm48 p' =
      (* p: a 48 element array. p(i)=j means that bit position i of the output
       * is bit position j in the input.
      let rec pos k x =
	if k < 48 then begin
	  if p'.(k) = x then k :: pos (k+1) x else pos (k+1) x
	else []
      let p = Array.create 48 [] in
      for k = 0 to 47 do
	p.(k) <- pos 0 k
      let p48 = Array.create 1536 (0,0) in
      for n = 0 to 5 do        (* n counts bytes *)
	for v = 0 to 255 do    (* v counts values of a byte *)
	  let v' = ref (0,0) in
	  for ni = 0 to 7 do     (* ni counts bits within bytes *)
	    let i = 8*n + ni in
	    if ((v lsl ni) land (0x80)) > 0 then begin
	      (* the bit in position ni of byte v is set *)
		(fun j ->
	      match j / 24 with
		0 -> v' := !v' || (0x800000 lsr j, 0)
	      | 1 -> v' := !v' || (0, 0x800000 lsr (j-24))
	      | _ -> ())
	  p48.(256*n + v) <- !v'

    let do_perm48 (p48:perm48) (v48:value48) =
      let (a,b) = v48 in
      let (a0,b0) = p48.(         a lsr 16 ) in
      let (a1,b1) = p48.(  256 + ((a lsr 8) land 0xff)) in
      let (a2,b2) = p48.(  512 + (a land 0xff) ) in
      let (a3,b3) = p48.(  768 + ( b lsr 16 ) ) in
      let (a4,b4) = p48.( 1024 + ((b lsr 8) land 0xff) ) in
      let (a5,b5) = p48.( 1280 + (b land 0xff) ) in

      ( a0 lor a1 lor a2 lor a3 lor a4 lor a5,
        b0 lor b1 lor b2 lor b3 lor b4 lor b5 )

    let combine48_and_64 (p48:perm48) (p64:perm64) : perm64 =
      (* creates a 'perm64' like table which is:
       * let (a,b,c,d) = do_perm64 (x0,x1) in
       * let (a',b') = do_perm48 (a,b) in
       * let (c',d') = do_perm48 (c,d) in
       * (a',b',c',d')
       * Note that the result is, strictly speaking, no value64, but
       * a value96.
      let q = Array.create 2048 (0,0,0,0) in
      for i = 0 to 2047 do
	let (a,b,c,d) = p64.(i) in
	let (a',b') = do_perm48 p48 (a,b) in
	let (c',d') = do_perm48 p48 (c,d) in
	q.(i) <- (a',b',c',d')

    let mk_perm32 p' =
      (* p: a 32 element array. p(i)=j means that bit position i of the output
       * is bit position j in the input.
      let rec pos k x =
	if k < 32 then begin
	  if p'.(k) = x then k :: pos (k+1) x else pos (k+1) x
	else []
      let p = Array.create 32 [] in
      for k = 0 to 31 do
	p.(k) <- pos 0 k
      let p32 = Array.create 1024 (0,0) in
      for n = 0 to 3 do        (* n counts bytes *)
	for v = 0 to 255 do    (* v counts values of a byte *)
	  let v' = ref (0,0) in
	  for ni = 0 to 7 do     (* ni counts bits within bytes *)
	    let i = 8*n + ni in
	    let j = p.(i) in
	    if ((v lsl ni) land (0x80)) > 0 then begin
	      (* the bit in position ni of byte v is set *)
		(fun j ->
		  match j lsr 4 with
		    0 -> v' := !v' || (0x8000 lsr j, 0)
		  | 1 -> v' := !v' || (0, 0x8000 lsr (j-16))
		  | _ -> ())
	  p32.(256*n + v) <- !v'

    let do_perm32 (p32:perm32) (v32:value32) =
      let (a,b) = v32 in
      let (a0,b0) = p32.(         a lsr 8 ) in
      let (a1,b1) = p32.(  256 + (a land 0xff)) in
      let (a2,b2) = p32.(  512 + (b lsr 8) ) in
      let (a3,b3) = p32.(  768 + (b land 0xff)) in

      ( a0 lor a1 lor a2 lor a3,
        b0 lor b1 lor b2 lor b3 )

    let des_iperm, des_fperm =   (* initial, final permutation *)
      let p = 
	[| 57; 49; 41; 33; 25; 17;  9;  1; 59; 51; 43; 35; 27; 19; 11;  3;
	   61; 53; 45; 37; 29; 21; 13;  5; 63; 55; 47; 39; 31; 23; 15;  7;
	   56; 48; 40; 32; 24; 16;  8;  0; 58; 50; 42; 34; 26; 18; 10;  2;
	   60; 52; 44; 36; 28; 20; 12;  4; 62; 54; 46; 38; 30; 22; 14;  6 |] in
      let p' = inv64 p in
      lazy (mk_perm64 p), lazy (mk_perm64 p')
      (* OK *)

    let des_kperm =   (* key permutation *)
	   [| 64; 64; 64; 64; 
	      56; 48; 40; 32; 24; 16;  8;  0; 57; 49; 41; 33; 25; 17;
              9;  1; 58; 50; 42; 34; 26; 18; 10;  2; 59; 51; 43; 35;
	      62; 54; 46; 38; 30; 22; 14;  6; 61; 53; 45; 37; 29; 21;
              13;  5; 60; 52; 44; 36; 28; 20; 12;  4; 27; 19; 11;  3;
              64; 64; 64; 64 |] )
    (* OK *)

(* des_kperm: this is a 64-to-56 bit permutation. Remember that 56 bit
 * numbers are represented like 64 bit numbers but have 4 leading and
 * 4 trailing zeros. The "64" in the array literal above sets the corresponding
 * bit to zero.

    let des_cperm =  (* compression permutation *)
	   [| 64; 64; 64; 64; 64; 64; 64; 64;
	      17; 20; 14; 27;  4;  8;  6; 31; 18;  9; 24; 13;
              26; 22; 15;  7; 29; 11; 19; 10; 30; 23; 16;  5;
              64; 64; 64; 64; 64; 64; 64; 64;
              44; 55; 34; 40; 50; 58; 33; 43; 54; 48; 36; 51;
              47; 52; 42; 59; 37; 56; 49; 45; 53; 39; 32; 35;
	   |] )
    (* OK *)

(* des_cperm: This is a 56-to-48 bit permutation. The input number is a
 * 56 bit number represented as described above (using bits 4 to 59 of a
 * 64 bit number).
 * The output number has a special representation, using bits 8 to 31 and
 * bits 40 to 63 of a 64 bit number. This representation simplifies the
 * conversion to value48.

    let des_xperm =  (* expansion permutation *)
	      (fun n ->
		if n <= 16 then n+7 else n+15)
	      [| 32;  1;  2;  3;  4;  5;  4;  5;  6;  7;  8;  9;
		 8;  9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17;
		 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25;
		 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; 28; 29; 30; 31; 32;  1 |] ))
    (* (OK) *)

(*  1..16: + 7 *)
(* 17..32: + 15 *)

(* des_xperm: This is a 32-to-48 bit permutation. The input number is a
 * value32 taken as value48, i.e. bits 8 to 23 and 32 to 47 are used.
 * The output number is a value48.

    let des_ixperm =   (* combined iperm and xperm *)
	(let iperm = Lazy.force des_iperm in
	 let xperm = Lazy.force des_xperm in
	 combine48_and_64 xperm iperm)

    let des_pboxperm =
	   [| 15;  6; 19; 20; 28; 11; 27; 16;  0; 14; 22; 25;  4; 17; 30;  9;
	      1;  7; 23; 13; 31; 26;  2;  8; 18; 12; 29;  5; 21; 10;  3; 24 |] )
    (* (OK) *)

(* des_pboxperm: a 32-to-32 bit permutation *)

(********************* S-boxes ***************************)

(* an S-box is an array with 64 numbers from 0 to 15 *)

    let mk_sbox p48 p32 shift a =
      (* transform the S-box notation found in the literature to a lookup table *)
      (* p48: a 48-bit permutation which should be applied immediately
       * p32: a 32-bit permutation which should be applied immediately
       * shift: either 0,4,8,12,16,20,24, or 28. 
      let a' = Array.create 64 (0,0) in
      for k' = 0 to 63 do
	let k = ((k' land 0x1e) lsr 1) lor (k' land 0x20) lor ((k' land 1) lsl 4) in
	let x =  a.(k) in
	let x' = 
	  if shift < 16 then
	    (0, x lsl shift)
	    (x lsl (shift-16), 0)
	a'.( k' ) <- do_perm48 p48 (do_perm32 p32 x')

    let sbox1 =
	(let pboxperm = Lazy.force des_pboxperm in
	 let xperm = Lazy.force des_xperm in
         mk_sbox xperm pboxperm 28
	   [| 14;  4; 13;  1;  2; 15; 11;  8;  3; 10;  6; 12;  5;  9;  0;  7;
              0; 15;  7;  4; 14;  2; 13;  1; 10;  6; 12; 11;  9;  5;  3;  8;
              4;  1; 14;  8; 13;  6;  2; 11; 15; 12;  9;  7;  3; 10;  5;  0;
	      15; 12;  8;  2;  4;  9;  1;  7;  5; 11;  3; 14; 10;  0;  6; 13 |])
    (* (OK) *)

    let sbox2 =
	(let pboxperm = Lazy.force des_pboxperm in
	 let xperm = Lazy.force des_xperm in
	 mk_sbox xperm pboxperm 24
	   [| 15;  1;  8; 14;  6; 11;  3;  4;  9;  7;  2; 13; 12;  0;  5; 10; 
	      3; 13;  4;  7; 15;  2;  8; 14; 12;  0;  1; 10;  6;  9; 11;  5; 
	      0; 14;  7; 11; 10;  4; 13;  1;  5;  8; 12;  6;  9;  3;  2; 15; 
	      13;  8; 10;  1;  3; 15;  4;  2; 11;  6;  7; 12;  0;  5; 14;  9 |])
    (* (OK) *)

    let sbox3 =
	(let pboxperm = Lazy.force des_pboxperm in
	 let xperm = Lazy.force des_xperm in
	 mk_sbox xperm pboxperm 20
	   [| 10;  0;  9; 14;  6;  3; 15;  5;  1; 13; 12;  7; 11;  4;  2;  8; 
 	      13;  7;  0;  9;  3;  4;  6; 10;  2;  8;  5; 14; 12; 11; 15;  1; 
	      13;  6;  4;  9;  8; 15;  3;  0; 11;  1;  2; 12;  5; 10; 14;  7; 
	      1; 10; 13;  0;  6;  9;  8;  7;  4; 15; 14;  3; 11;  5;  2; 12 |])
    (* (OK) *)

    let sbox4 =
	(let pboxperm = Lazy.force des_pboxperm in
	 let xperm = Lazy.force des_xperm in
	 mk_sbox xperm pboxperm 16
	   [|  7; 13; 14;  3;  0;  6;  9; 10;  1;  2;  8;  5; 11; 12;  4; 15; 
  	      13;  8; 11;  5;  6; 15;  0;  3;  4;  7;  2; 12;  1; 10; 14;  9; 
	      10;  6;  9;  0; 12; 11;  7; 13; 15;  1;  3; 14;  5;  2;  8;  4; 
	      3; 15;  0;  6; 10;  1; 13;  8;  9;  4;  5; 11; 12;  7;  2; 14 |])
    (* (OK) *)

    let sbox5 =
	(let pboxperm = Lazy.force des_pboxperm in
	 let xperm = Lazy.force des_xperm in
	 mk_sbox xperm pboxperm 12
	   [|  2; 12;  4;  1;  7; 10; 11;  6;  8;  5;  3; 15; 13;  0; 14;  9; 
	      14; 11;  2; 12;  4;  7; 13;  1;  5;  0; 15; 10;  3;  9;  8;  6; 
	      4;  2;  1; 11; 10; 13;  7;  8; 15;  9; 12;  5;  6;  3;  0; 14; 
	      11;  8; 12;  7;  1; 14;  2; 13;  6; 15;  0;  9; 10;  4;  5; 3 |])
     (* (OK) *)

    let sbox6 =
	(let pboxperm = Lazy.force des_pboxperm in
	 let xperm = Lazy.force des_xperm in
	 mk_sbox xperm pboxperm 8
	   [| 12;  1; 10; 15;  9;  2;  6;  8;  0; 13;  3;  4; 14;  7;  5; 11; 
	      10; 15;  4;  2;  7; 12;  9;  5;  6;  1; 13; 14;  0; 11;  3;  8; 
	      9; 14; 15;  5;  2;  8; 12;  3;  7;  0;  4; 10;  1; 13; 11;  6; 
	      4;  3;  2; 12;  9;  5; 15; 10; 11; 14;  1;  7;  6;  0;  8; 13 |])
    (* (OK) *)

    let sbox7 =
	(let pboxperm = Lazy.force des_pboxperm in
	 let xperm = Lazy.force des_xperm in
	 mk_sbox xperm pboxperm 4
	   [|  4; 11;  2; 14; 15;  0;  8; 13;  3; 12;  9;  7;  5; 10;  6;  1; 
	      13;  0; 11;  7;  4;  9;  1; 10; 14;  3;  5; 12;  2; 15;  8;  6; 
	      1;  4; 11; 13; 12;  3;  7; 14; 10; 15;  6;  8;  0;  5;  9;  2; 
	      6; 11; 13;  8;  1;  4; 10;  7;  9;  5;  0; 15; 14;  2;  3; 12 |])
    (* (OK) *)

    let sbox8 =
	(let pboxperm = Lazy.force des_pboxperm in
	 let xperm = Lazy.force des_xperm in
	 mk_sbox xperm pboxperm 0
	   [| 13;  2;  8;  4;  6; 15; 11;  1; 10;  9;  3; 14;  5;  0; 12;  7; 
	      1; 15; 13;  8; 10;  3;  7;  4; 12;  5;  6; 11;  0; 14;  9;  2; 
	      7; 11;  4;  1;  9; 12; 14;  2;  0;  6; 10; 13; 15;  3;  5;  8; 
	      2;  1; 14;  7;  4; 10;  8; 13; 15; 12;  9;  0;  3;  5;  6; 11; |])
    (* (OK) *)

    (******************* The algorithm ************************)

    type key =
	{ data : string;
	  k64 : value64;
	  k56 : value64;
	  k_enc : value48 array;
	  k_dec : value48 array;

	  fperm : perm64;
	  ixperm : perm64;
	  sbox1 : (int * int) array;
	  sbox2 : (int * int) array;
	  sbox3 : (int * int) array;
	  sbox4 : (int * int) array;
	  sbox5 : (int * int) array;
	  sbox6 : (int * int) array;
	  sbox7 : (int * int) array;
	  sbox8 : (int * int) array;

	  (* k_enc: encryption keys for 16 rounds;
	   * k_dec: decryption keys for 16 rounds 

    let des key k x =
      let fperm = key.fperm in
      let ixperm = key.ixperm in
      let s1 = key.sbox1 in
      let s2 = key.sbox2 in
      let s3 = key.sbox3 in
      let s4 = key.sbox4 in
      let s5 = key.sbox5 in
      let s6 = key.sbox6 in
      let s7 = key.sbox7 in
      let s8 = key.sbox8 in

      let rec do_rounds i blast0 blast1 last0 last1 =
	let l48_0 = blast0 in
	let l48_1 = blast1 in
	let r48_0 = last0 in
	let r48_1 = last1 in

	if i < 16 then
	  let k48_0, k48_1 = k.(i) in

	  let y0 = k48_0 lxor r48_0 in
	  let y1 = k48_1 lxor r48_1 in

	  let x00,x01 = s1.( y0 lsr 18 ) in
	  let x10,x11 = s2.( (y0 lsr 12) land 63 ) in
	  let x20,x21 = s3.( (y0 lsr 6) land 63 ) in
	  let x30,x31 = s4.( y0 land 63 ) in
	  let x40,x41 = s5.( y1 lsr 18 ) in
	  let x50,x51 = s6.( (y1 lsr 12) land 63 ) in
	  let x60,x61 = s7.( (y1 lsr 6) land 63 ) in
	  let x70,x71 = s8.( y1 land 63 ) in
	  let p0 =x00 lor x10 lor x20 lor x30 lor x40 lor x50 lor x60 lor x70 in
	  let p1 =x01 lor x11 lor x21 lor x31 lor x41 lor x51 lor x61 lor x71 in

	  do_rounds (i+1) last0 last1 (p0 lxor l48_0) (p1 lxor l48_1)
	  (* TO COMPUTE: l32_0, l32_1 = do_perm (inverse xperm) (l48_0,l48_1) *)
	  let l32_0 = ((l48_0 lsr 1) land 0x001f) lor
	              ((l48_0 lsr 3) land 0x01e0) lor
	              ((l48_0 lsr 5) land 0x1e00) lor
	              ((l48_0 lsr 7) land 0xe000) in
	  let l32_1 = ((l48_1 lsr 1) land 0x001f) lor
	              ((l48_1 lsr 3) land 0x01e0) lor
	              ((l48_1 lsr 5) land 0x1e00) lor
	              ((l48_1 lsr 7) land 0xe000) in

	  (* TO COMPUTE: r32_0, r32_1 = do_perm (inverse xperm) (r48_0,r48_1) *)
	  let r32_0 = ((r48_0 lsr 1) land 0x001f) lor
	              ((r48_0 lsr 3) land 0x01e0) lor
	              ((r48_0 lsr 5) land 0x1e00) lor
	              ((r48_0 lsr 7) land 0xe000) in
	  let r32_1 = ((r48_1 lsr 1) land 0x001f) lor
	              ((r48_1 lsr 3) land 0x01e0) lor
	              ((r48_1 lsr 5) land 0x1e00) lor
	              ((r48_1 lsr 7) land 0xe000) in

	  (* --------- manually inlined code ---------- *)
	  (* OLD: do_perm64 fperm (last0, last1, blast0, blast1) *)
	  let (a0,b0,c0,d0) = fperm.(          r32_0 lsr 8 ) in
	  let (a1,b1,c1,d1) = fperm.(  256 lor (r32_0 land 0xff)) in
	  let (a2,b2,c2,d2) = fperm.(  512 lor (r32_1 lsr 8) ) in
	  let (a3,b3,c3,d3) = fperm.(  768 lor (r32_1 land 0xff) ) in
	  let (a4,b4,c4,d4) = fperm.( 1024 lor (l32_0 lsr 8) ) in
	  let (a5,b5,c5,d5) = fperm.( 1280 lor (l32_0 land 0xff) ) in
	  let (a6,b6,c6,d6) = fperm.( 1536 lor (l32_1 lsr 8) ) in
	  let (a7,b7,c7,d7) = fperm.( 1792 lor (l32_1 land 0xff) ) in

	  (a0 lor a1 lor a2 lor a3 lor a4 lor a5 lor a6 lor a7,
	   b0 lor b1 lor b2 lor b3 lor b4 lor b5 lor b6 lor b7,
	   c0 lor c1 lor c2 lor c3 lor c4 lor c5 lor c6 lor c7,
	   d0 lor d1 lor d2 lor d3 lor d4 lor d5 lor d6 lor d7)
	  (* ------------------ end -------------------- *)

      (* --------- manually inlined code ---------- *)
      (* OLD: let (l00_48, l01_48, r00_48, r01_48) = do_perm64 ixperm x in *)
      let (a,b,c,d)     = x in
      let (a0,b0,c0,d0) = ixperm.(          a lsr 8 ) in
      let (a1,b1,c1,d1) = ixperm.(  256 lor (a land 0xff)) in
      let (a2,b2,c2,d2) = ixperm.(  512 lor (b lsr 8) ) in
      let (a3,b3,c3,d3) = ixperm.(  768 lor (b land 0xff) ) in
      let (a4,b4,c4,d4) = ixperm.( 1024 lor (c lsr 8) ) in
      let (a5,b5,c5,d5) = ixperm.( 1280 lor (c land 0xff) ) in
      let (a6,b6,c6,d6) = ixperm.( 1536 lor (d lsr 8) ) in
      let (a7,b7,c7,d7) = ixperm.( 1792 lor (d land 0xff) ) in
      let l00_48 = a0 lor a1 lor a2 lor a3 lor a4 lor a5 lor a6 lor a7 in
      let l01_48 = b0 lor b1 lor b2 lor b3 lor b4 lor b5 lor b6 lor b7 in
      let r00_48 = c0 lor c1 lor c2 lor c3 lor c4 lor c5 lor c6 lor c7 in
      let r01_48 = d0 lor d1 lor d2 lor d3 lor d4 lor d5 lor d6 lor d7 in
      (* ------------------ end -------------------- *)

      do_rounds 0 l00_48 l01_48 r00_48 r01_48

    let encrypt_ecb k x =
      des k k.k_enc x

    let encrypt_ecb_int32 k xl xr ret_xl ret_xr =
      let x = quadruple_of_int32 xl xr in
      let y = encrypt_ecb k x in
      int32_of_quadruple y ret_xl ret_xr

    let decrypt_ecb k x =
      des k k.k_dec x

    let decrypt_ecb_int32 k xl xr ret_xl ret_xr =
      let x = quadruple_of_int32 xl xr in
      let y = decrypt_ecb k x in
      int32_of_quadruple y ret_xl ret_xr

    let prepare key =
      let l_key = String.length key in
      if l_key <> 8 (* & l_key <> 7 *) then 
	failwith "Crypt_des: invalid key length";

      let iperm = Lazy.force des_iperm in
      let fperm = Lazy.force des_fperm in
      let kperm = Lazy.force des_kperm in
      let cperm = Lazy.force des_cperm in
      let xperm = Lazy.force des_xperm in
      let pboxperm = Lazy.force des_pboxperm in
      let s1 = Lazy.force sbox1 in
      let s2 = Lazy.force sbox2 in
      let s3 = Lazy.force sbox3 in
      let s4 = Lazy.force sbox4 in
      let s5 = Lazy.force sbox5 in
      let s6 = Lazy.force sbox6 in
      let s7 = Lazy.force sbox7 in
      let s8 = Lazy.force sbox8 in

      let k56, k64 =
	if l_key = 8 then begin
	  check_parity key;
	  let k64 = 
	    ( (Char.code(key.[0]) lsl 8) lor (Char.code(key.[1])),
	      (Char.code(key.[2]) lsl 8) lor (Char.code(key.[3])),
	      (Char.code(key.[4]) lsl 8) lor (Char.code(key.[5])),
	      (Char.code(key.[6]) lsl 8) lor (Char.code(key.[7])) ) in
	  do_perm64 kperm k64, k64
	else (* l_key = 7 *)
	  (* This is currently not supported! *)
	  failwith "Crypt_des"
	  let k0 = Char.code key.[0] in
	  let k1 = Char.code key.[1] in
	  let k2 = Char.code key.[2] in
	  let k3 = Char.code key.[3] in
	  let k4 = Char.code key.[4] in
	  let k5 = Char.code key.[5] in
	  let k6 = Char.code key.[6] in
	  ( (k0 lsl 4) lor (k1 lsr 4),
	    ((k1 land 15) lsl 12) lor (k2 lsl 4) lor (k3 lsr 4),
	    ((k3 land 15) lsl 12) lor (k4 lsl 4) lor (k5 lsr 4),
	    ((k5 land 15) lsl 12) lor (k6 lsl 4) )

      (* compute encryption keys *)

      let shifts = [| 1; 1; 2; 2; 2; 2; 2; 2; 1; 2; 2; 2; 2; 2; 2; 1 |] in
      let cycle28 x n =  
        (* shift 28 bit number x circularly left by n bits; n <= 2 *)
	let x' = x lsl n in
	(x' land 0xfffffff) lor (x' lsr 28)
      let k = ref k56 in
      let k_enc = Array.create 16 (0,0) in
      let k_dec = Array.create 16 (0,0) in
      for n = 0 to 15 do
	let (k0,k1,k2,k3) = !k in
	let k_left  = (k0 lsl 16) lor k1 in         (* k_left:  28 bits *)
	let k_right = (k2 lsl 12) lor (k3 lsr 4) in (* k_right: 28 bits *)
	let s = shifts.(n) in
	let k_left'  = cycle28 k_left s in
	let k_right' = cycle28 k_right s in
	k := ( k_left' lsr 16, 
	       k_left' land 0xffff,
	       k_right' lsr 12,
	       (k_right' land 0xfff) lsl 4 );
	let (c0,c1,c2,c3) = do_perm64 cperm !k in
	let k48_0, k48_1 =
	  ( (c0 lsl 16) lor c1,
	    (c2 lsl 16) lor c3 ) in
	k_enc.(n) <- k48_0, k48_1;
	k_dec.(15 - n) <- k_enc.(n)

      { data = key;
	k64 = k64;
	k56 = k56;
	k_enc = k_enc;
	k_dec = k_dec;
	fperm = Lazy.force des_fperm;
	ixperm = Lazy.force des_ixperm;
	sbox1 = Lazy.force sbox1;
	sbox2 = Lazy.force sbox2;
	sbox3 = Lazy.force sbox3;
	sbox4 = Lazy.force sbox4;
	sbox5 = Lazy.force sbox5;
	sbox6 = Lazy.force sbox6;
	sbox7 = Lazy.force sbox7;
	sbox8 = Lazy.force sbox8;

    let textkey k =

    let is_weak k =
      let weak_keys = 
	[  0x0101, 0x0101, 0x0101, 0x0101; (* weak keys *)
	   0x1f1f, 0x1f1f, 0x0e0e, 0x0e0e;
	   0xe0e0, 0xe0e0, 0xf1f1, 0xf1f1;
	   0xfefe, 0xfefe, 0xfefe, 0xfefe;
	   0x01fe, 0x01fe, 0x01fe, 0x01fe; (* semiweak keys *)
	   0xfe01, 0xfe01, 0xfe01, 0xfe01;
	   0x1fe0, 0x1fe0, 0x0ef1, 0x0ef1;
	   0xe01f, 0xe01f, 0xf10e, 0xf10e;
	   0x01e0, 0x01e0, 0x01f1, 0x01f1;
	   0xe001, 0xe001, 0xf101, 0xf101;
	   0x1ffe, 0x1ffe, 0x0efe, 0x0efe;
	   0xfe1f, 0xfe1f, 0xfe0e, 0xfe0e;
	   0x011f, 0x011f, 0x010e, 0x010e;
	   0x1f01, 0x1f01, 0x0e01, 0x0e01;
	   0xe0fe, 0xe0fe, 0xf1fe, 0xf1fe;
	   0xfee0, 0xfee0, 0xfef1, 0xfef1;
	   0x1f1f, 0x0101, 0x0e0e, 0x0101; (* possibly weak keys *)
	   0x011f, 0x1f01, 0x010e, 0x0e01;
	   0x1f01, 0x011f, 0x0e01, 0x010e;
	   0x0101, 0x1f1f, 0x0101, 0x0e0e;
	   0xe0e0, 0x0101, 0xf1f1, 0x0101;
	   0xfefe, 0x0101, 0xfefe, 0x0101;
	   0xfee0, 0x1f01, 0xfef1, 0x0e01;
	   0xe0fe, 0x1f01, 0xf1fe, 0x0e01;
	   0xfee0, 0x011f, 0xfef1, 0x010e;
	   0xe0fe, 0x011f, 0xf1fe, 0x010e;
	   0xe0e0, 0x1f1f, 0xf1f1, 0x0e0e;
	   0xfefe, 0x1f1f, 0xfefe, 0x0e0e;
	   0xfe1f, 0xe001, 0xfe0e, 0xf101;
	   0xe01f, 0xfe01, 0xf10e, 0xfe01;
	   0xfe01, 0xe01f, 0xfe01, 0xf10e;
	   0xe001, 0xfe1f, 0xf101, 0xfe0e;
	   0x01e0, 0xe001, 0x01f1, 0xf101;
	   0x1ffe, 0xe001, 0x0efe, 0xf001;
	   0x1fe0, 0xfe01, 0x0ef1, 0xfe01;
	   0x01fe, 0xfe01, 0x01fe, 0xfe01;
	   0x1fe0, 0xe01f, 0x0ef1, 0xf10e;
	   0x01fe, 0xe01f, 0x01fe, 0xf10e;
	   0x01e0, 0xfe1f, 0x01f1, 0xfe0e;
	   0x1ffe, 0xfe1f, 0x0efe, 0xfe0e;
	   0xe001, 0x01e0, 0xf101, 0x01f1;
	   0xfe1f, 0x01e0, 0xfe0e, 0x01f1;
	   0xfe01, 0x1fe0, 0xfe01, 0x0ef1;
	   0xe01f, 0x1fe0, 0xf10e, 0x0ef1;
	   0xfe01, 0x01fe, 0xfe01, 0x01fe;
	   0xe01f, 0x01fe, 0xf10e, 0x01fe;
  	   0xe001, 0x1ffe, 0xf101, 0x0efe;
	   0xfe1f, 0x1ffe, 0xfe0e, 0x0efe;
	   0x1ffe, 0x01e0, 0x0efe, 0x01f1;
	   0x01fe, 0x1fe0, 0x01fe, 0x0ef1;
	   0x1fe0, 0x01fe, 0x0ef1, 0x01fe;
	   0x01e0, 0x1ffe, 0x01f1, 0x0efe;
	   0x0101, 0xe0e0, 0x0101, 0xf1f1;
	   0x1f1f, 0xe0e0, 0x0e0e, 0xf1f1;
	   0x1f01, 0xfee0, 0x0e01, 0xfef1;
	   0x011f, 0xfee0, 0x010e, 0xfef1;
	   0x1f01, 0xe0fe, 0x0e01, 0xf1fe;
	   0x011f, 0xe0fe, 0x010e, 0xf1fe;
	   0x0101, 0xfefe, 0x0101, 0xfefe;
	   0x1f1f, 0xfefe, 0x0e0e, 0xfefe;
	   0xfefe, 0xe0e0, 0xfefe, 0xf1f1;
	   0xe0fe, 0xfee0, 0xf1fe, 0xfef1;
	   0xfee0, 0xe0fe, 0xfef1, 0xf1fe;
	   0xe0e0, 0xfefe, 0xf1f1, 0xfefe ]
      List.mem k.k64 weak_keys


module Cryptmodes = Cryptmodes_64.Make_modes(Cryptsystem)

(* ======================================================================
 * history:
 * $Log:,v $
 * Revision 1.10  2001/03/10 16:43:21  gerd
 * 	int32 experiments
 * Revision 1.9  1999/06/18 00:23:58  gerd
 * 	First release.
 * Revision 1.8  1999/06/17 21:00:31  gerd
 * 	Some additions have been turned into lor operations (faster).
 * 	The Lazy.force calls in the 'des' functions have been avoided.
 * Revision 1.7  1999/06/17 20:39:46  gerd
 * 	The initial iperm and xperm permutations have been combined
 * such that only one table lookup is necessary.
 * Revision 1.6  1999/06/17 20:26:35  gerd
 * 	In previous revisions, in every 'do_rounds' loop cycle the 'xperm'
 * permutation was applied again to convert 32 bit numbers to 48 bit numbers.
 * Now the 'do_rounds' directly works with 48 bit numbers, and 32 bit
 * entites are converted on entry and on exit. Effectively, we have now
 * two 'xperm's and two inverse 'xperm's instead of 16 'xperm's before.
 * Revision 1.5  1999/06/17 19:41:10  gerd
 * 	Logical operations differ in their speed because of Ocaml's
 * integer representation. lor and land are a bit faster than lxor.
 * Because of this I reduced the number of lxor operations.
 * Revision 1.4  1999/06/17 16:51:33  gerd
 * 	The 'xperm' permutation is done by bit-shifting instead of
 * an array lookup.
 * Revision 1.3  1999/06/17 15:57:02  gerd
 * 	Invocations of 'do_perm32', 'do_perm48', and 'do_perm64' have
 * been manually inlined. This speeds the algorithm up from 55 sec per
 * 1MB CBC-encryption to 38 sec.
 * Revision 1.2  1999/06/17 15:24:24  gerd
 * 	Instead of calling 'f' sequently, there is now a loop. This
 * prevents the compiler from inlining the 16 invocations of 'f', which
 * leads to shorter code and MUCH better cache performance.
 * Revision 1.1  1999/06/17 14:55:04  gerd
 * 	Added module for DES.

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