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#! /bin/sh
# (*
exec ocaml "$0" "$@"
*) directory ".";;

(* $Id: ocamlfind-mini 49 2003-12-30 09:48:02Z gerd $
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------


(* Module split, rev. 1.2 *)

module Split = struct
let in_words s =
  (* splits s in words separated by commas and/or whitespace *)
  let l = String.length s in
  let rec split i j =
    if j < l then
      match s.[j] with
	(' '|'\t'|'\n'|'\r'|',') ->
	  if i<j then (String.sub s i (j-i)) :: (split (j+1) (j+1))
		 else split (j+1) (j+1)
      |	_ ->
	  split i (j+1)
      if i<j then [ String.sub s i (j-i) ] else []
  split 0 0

let in_words_ws s =
  (* splits s in words separated by whitespace *)
  let l = String.length s in
  let rec split i j =
    if j < l then
      match s.[j] with
	(' '|'\t'|'\n'|'\r') ->
	  if i<j then (String.sub s i (j-i)) :: (split (j+1) (j+1))
		 else split (j+1) (j+1)
      |	_ ->
	  split i (j+1)
      if i<j then [ String.sub s i (j-i) ] else []
  split 0 0

let path_separator =
  match Sys.os_type with
      "Unix"   -> ':'
    | "Cygwin" -> ';'   (* You might want to change this *)
    | "Win32"  -> ';'
    | "MacOS"  -> failwith "Findlib: I do not know what is the correct path separator for MacOS. If you can help me, write a mail to"
    | _ -> failwith "Findlib: unknown operating system"

let path str =
  (* split "str" into parts separated by "path_separator" *)
  let l = String.length str in
  let rec split_up j k =
    if k < l then begin
      let c = str.[k] in
      if c = path_separator then begin
        if k - j > 0 then
	  String.sub str j (k-j) :: split_up (k+1) (k+1)
	  split_up (k+1) (k+1)
	split_up j (k+1)
      if k - j > 0 then
        [ String.sub str j (k-j) ]
  split_up 0 0


exception Usage;;

type mode =
    M_use | M_query | M_install | M_remove | M_compiler of string
  | M_printconf | M_guess | M_list

let rec remove_dups l =
  match l with
    x :: l' ->
      if List.mem x l' then remove_dups l' else x::remove_dups l'
  | [] -> []

let arg n =
  if n < Array.length Sys.argv then Sys.argv.(n) else raise Not_found


let ocaml_stdlib_default = "/usr/local/lib/ocaml";;

let ocaml_stdlib =
    (* Execute "ocamlc -v" and read the stdlib directory *)
    let filename = Filename.temp_file "ocamlfind." ".dat" in
    let command = "ocamlc -v >" ^ filename in                  (* SYS *)
    let n = Sys.command command in
    if n <> 0 then begin
      prerr_endline ("ocamlfind-mini: [WARNING] Cannot determine directory of stdlib; using " ^ ocaml_stdlib_default ^ " by default");
    else begin
      (* Search the line "Standard library directory: " *)
      let tag = "Standard library directory: " in
      let taglen = String.length tag in
      let f = open_in filename in
      let dir = ref ocaml_stdlib_default in
	while true do
	  let s = input_line f in
	  if String.length s >= taglen && String.sub s 0 taglen = tag then begin
	    dir := String.sub s taglen (String.length s - taglen);
	    raise Exit;
        assert false
	  Exit ->
	    close_in f;
	    (try Sys.remove filename with _ -> ());
	| End_of_file ->
	    close_in f;
	    prerr_endline ("ocamlfind-mini: [WARNING] Cannot determine directory of stdlib; using " ^ ocaml_stdlib_default ^ " by default");

let ocamlpath =
    Split.path (Sys.getenv "OCAMLPATH")
      Not_found ->
	(* Use stdlib as default: *)
	[ ocaml_stdlib ]

let env_destdir =
  try Sys.getenv "OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR" with Not_found -> "";;

let env_metadir =
  try Sys.getenv "OCAMLFIND_METADIR" with Not_found -> "";;

let core_packages =
  [ "bigarray",      ocaml_stdlib;
    "dbm",           ocaml_stdlib;
    "dynlink",       ocaml_stdlib;
    "graphics",      ocaml_stdlib;
    "labltk",        (Filename.concat ocaml_stdlib "labltk");
    "num",           ocaml_stdlib;
    "stdlib",        ocaml_stdlib;
    "str",           ocaml_stdlib;
    "threads",       (Filename.concat ocaml_stdlib "threads");
    "unix",          ocaml_stdlib;


let package_directory pkg =
  let rec lookup path =
    match path with
      | [] -> raise Not_found
      | dir :: path' ->
	  let pkgdir = Filename.concat dir pkg in
	  let meta =   Filename.concat pkgdir "META" in
	  if Sys.file_exists meta then
	    lookup path'

    List.assoc pkg core_packages
      Not_found ->
	lookup ocamlpath


let use_package prefix pkgnames =
  let pdirs =
      (fun pname ->
          "-I " ^ package_directory pname
	  Not_found -> failwith ("Cannot find package " ^ pname ^ " (check environment variable OCAMLPATH)"))

  print_endline (prefix ^ String.concat " " pdirs)

(**************** OCAMLC/OCAMLMKTOP/OCAMLOPT subcommands ****************)

type pass_file_t =
    Pass of string
  | Impl of string
  | Intf of string

let ocamlc which () =
  Arg.current := 1;

  let switches = ref [] in
  let pass_options = ref [] in
  let pass_files = ref [] in
  let incpath = ref [] in

  let packages = ref [] in

  let add_switch name =
    Arg.Unit (fun () ->
                switches := name :: !switches;
                pass_options := !pass_options @ [name]) in
  let add_spec_fn name s =
    pass_options := !pass_options @ [name; s] in
  let add_spec name = Arg.String (add_spec_fn name) in
  let add_pkg =
    Arg.String (fun s -> packages := !packages @ (Split.in_words s)) in

    [ [
      "-package", add_pkg,
               " <name>   Refer to package when compiling";
      "-linkpkg", Arg.Unit(fun _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "Not supported: -linkpkg")),
               "          Link the packages in (NOT SUPPORTED)";
      "-predicates", Arg.String(fun _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "Not supported: -predicates")),
                  " <p>   Add predicate <p> when resolving package properties (NOT SUPPORTED)";
      "-dontlink", Arg.String(fun _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "Not supported: -dontlink")),
                " <name>  Do not link in package <name> and its ancestors (NOT SUPPORTED)";
      "-syntax", Arg.String(fun _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "Not supported: -syntax")),
              " <p>       Use preprocessor with predicate <p> (NOT SUPPORTED)";
      "-ppopt", Arg.String(fun _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "Not supported: -ppopt")),
             " <opt>      Append option <opt> to preprocessor invocation (NOT SUPPORTED)";
      "-passopt", Arg.String (fun s -> pass_options := !pass_options @ [s]),
               " <opt>    Pass option <opt> directly to ocamlc/opt/mktop\nSTANDARD OPTIONS:";

      "-a", add_switch "-a",
         "                Build a library";
      "-c", add_switch "-c",
         "                Compile only (do not link)";
      "-cc", add_spec "-cc",
          " <comp>        Use <comp> as the C compiler and linker";
      "-cclib", add_spec "-cclib",
             " <opt>      Pass option <opt> to the C linker";
      "-ccopt", add_spec "-ccopt",
             " <opt>      Pass option <opt> to the C compiler and linker";
      if which = "ocamlopt" then  [
      "-compact", add_switch "-compact",
               "          Optimize code size rather than speed"
      else [];
      if which <> "ocamlopt" then [
      "-custom", add_switch "-custom",
              "           Link in custom mode";
      "-g", add_switch "-g",
         "                Save debugging information";
      ] else [];
      "-i", add_switch "-i",
         "                Print the types";
      "-I", (Arg.String
	       (fun s ->
		  incpath := s :: !incpath;
		  add_spec_fn "-I" s)),
         " <dir>          Add <dir> to the list of include directories";
      "-impl", Arg.String (fun s -> pass_files := !pass_files @ [ Impl s ]),
            " <file>      Compile <file> as a .ml file";
      ]	;
      if which = "ocamlopt" then [
      "-inline", add_spec "-inline",
              " <n>       Set aggressiveness of inlining to <n>";
      ]	else [];
      "-intf", Arg.String (fun s -> pass_files := !pass_files @ [ Intf s ]),
            " <file>      Compile <file> as a .mli file";
      "-intf-suffix", add_spec "-intf-suffix",
                   " <s>  Suffix for interface file (default: .mli)";
      "-intf_suffix", add_spec "-intf_suffix",
                   " <s>  same as -intf-suffix";
      "-labels", add_switch "-labels",
              "           Use commuting label mode";
      "-linkall", add_switch "-linkall",
               "          Link all modules, even unused ones";
      ]	;
      if which <> "ocamlopt" then [
      "-make-runtime", add_switch "-make-runtime",
                    "     Build a runtime system";
      "-make_runtime", add_switch "-make_runtime",
                    "     same as -make-runtime";
      ]	else [];
      "-noautolink", add_switch "-noautolink",
                  "       Don't automatically link C libraries specif'd in .cma files";
      "-noassert", add_switch "-noassert",
                "         Do not compile assertion checks";
      "-o", add_spec "-o",
         " <file>         Set output file name to <file>";
      "-output-obj", add_switch "-output-obj",
                  "       Output a C object file instead of an executable";
      if which = "ocamlopt" then [
      "-p", add_switch "-p",
         "                Compile/link with profiling support for \"gprof\"
                       (implies -predicates gprof)";
      ]	else if which = "ocamlcp" then [
      "-p", add_spec "-p",
	 " [afilmt]       Profile constructs specified by argument:
      a  Everything
      f  Function calls
      i  if ... then ... else
      l  while, for
      m  match ... with
      t  try ... with";
      ]	else [];
      "-pp", Arg.String (fun s -> add_spec_fn "-pp" s),
          " <command>     Pipe sources through preprocessor <command>";
      "-rectypes", add_switch "-rectypes",
                "         Allow arbitrary recursive types";
      ]	;
      if which = "ocamlopt" then [
      "-S", add_switch "-S",
         "                Keep intermediate assembly file";
      ]	 else [];
      "-thread", add_switch "-thread",
              "           Use thread-safe standard library (implies -predicate mt)";
      "-unsafe", add_switch "-unsafe",
              "           No bounds checking on array and string access";
      ]	;
      if which <> "ocamlopt" then [
      "-use-runtime", add_spec "-use-runtime",
                   " <path>   Generate bytecode for the given runtime system";
      "-use_runtime", add_spec "-use_runtime",
                   "          same as -use-runtime";
      ]	 else [];
      "-v", add_switch "-v",
         "                Print compiler version number";
      "-verbose", add_switch "-verbose",
               "          Print calls to external commands";
      "-w", add_spec "-w",
         " <flags>        Enable or disable warnings according to <flags>:
     A/a enable/disable all warnings
     C/c enable/disable suspicious comment
     F/f enable/disable partially applied function
     M/m enable/disable overriden methods
     P/p enable/disable partial match
     S/s enable/disable non-unit statement
     U/u enable/disable unused match case
     V/v enable/disable hidden instance variables
     X/x enable/disable all other warnings
     default setting is A (all warnings enabled)";
      "-warn-error", add_spec "-warn-error",
                  "       Turn these warnings into errors";
      "-where", add_switch "-where",
             "            Print standard library directory";
       "-", Arg.String (fun s -> pass_files := !pass_files @  [ Pass s ]),
	 " <file>          Treat <file> as a file name (even if it starts with `-')";
    (fun s -> pass_files := !pass_files @ [ Pass s])
    ("usage: ocamlfind-mini " ^ which ^ " [options] file ...");

  begin match which with
  | "ocamlcp"
  | "ocamlmktop"
  | "ocamlopt"   -> ()
  | _            -> failwith "unsupported backend"

  let verbose = List.mem "-verbose" !switches in

  (* check packages: *)
    (fun pkg ->
	let _ = package_directory pkg in
	Not_found ->
	  failwith ("package '" ^ pkg ^ "' not found (check environment variable OCAMLPATH)"))

  let eff_packages = !packages in

  let eff_packages_dl =
    remove_dups ( package_directory eff_packages) in

  let stdlibdir =
    (* normalized form of the stdlib directory *)
    let d = ocaml_stdlib in
    if d <> "" & d.[String.length d - 1] = '/' then
      String.sub d 0 (String.length d - 1)
  let stdlibdirslash = stdlibdir ^ "/" in

  let i_options =
	 (fun pkgdir ->
	    if pkgdir = stdlibdir  or  pkgdir = stdlibdirslash then
	      [ "-I"; pkgdir;
		"-ccopt"; "-I" ^ pkgdir; ])
	 eff_packages_dl) in

  let pass_files' =
	      Pass s ->
		if s.[0] = '-'
		then [ "-"; String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) ]
		else [ s ]
	    | Impl s ->
		[ "-impl"; s ]
	    | Intf s ->
		[ "-intf"; s ]

  let arguments =
    !pass_options @
    i_options @

  let actual_command = which in

  if verbose then
    print_string ("+ " ^ actual_command ^ " " ^
		  String.concat " " arguments ^ "\n");

  flush stdout;

  let argstring =
    String.concat " "
      ( Filename.quote arguments)

  let status = Sys.command (actual_command ^ " " ^ argstring) in

    match status with
      0 -> ()
    | n ->
	if verbose then
	  print_string (actual_command ^ " returned with exit code " ^ string_of_int n ^ "\n");
	exit n


let make_directory dirname =
  (* Invoke the mkdir command *)
  let cmd =
    match Sys.os_type with
	"Unix"   -> "mkdir"
      | "Cygwin" -> "mkdir"     (* don't really know *)
      | "Win32"  -> "md"
      | "MacOS"  -> failwith "make_directory not implemented for MacOS"
      | _        -> failwith "Findlib: unknown operating system"
  let c = Sys.command (cmd ^ " " ^ Filename.quote dirname) in
  if c <> 0 then
    failwith ("Cannot make directory " ^ dirname)

let remove_directory dirname =
  (* Invoke the rmdir command *)
  let cmd =
    match Sys.os_type with
	"Unix"   -> "rmdir"
      | "Cygwin" -> "rmdir"     (* don't really know *)
      | "Win32"  -> "rd"
      | "MacOS"  -> failwith "remove_directory not implemented for MacOS"
      | _        -> failwith "Findlib: unknown operating system"
  let c = Sys.command (cmd ^ " " ^ Filename.quote dirname) in
  if c <> 0 then
    failwith ("Cannot remove directory " ^ dirname)

let list_dir dirname =
  let rec rd_dir f =
      let s = input_line f in
      if s = "" then rd_dir f else s::rd_dir f
	End_of_file ->
	  close_in f;

  (* Invoke the ls command *)
  let cmd =
    match Sys.os_type with
	"Unix"   -> "ls -1"
      | "Cygwin" -> "ls -1"     (* don't really know *)
      | "Win32"  -> "dir /b"
      | "MacOS"  -> failwith "list_dir not implemented for MacOS"
      | _        -> failwith "Findlib: unknown operating system"
  let filename = Filename.temp_file "ocamlfind." ".dat" in
  let fullcmd = cmd ^ " " ^ Filename.quote dirname ^ " >" ^ filename in
  let n = Sys.command fullcmd in
  if n <> 0 then
    failwith ("Cannot execute: " ^ fullcmd);
  let f = open_in filename in
  let l = rd_dir f in
  close_in f;
  (try Sys.remove filename with _ -> ());

let copy_file ?(rename = (fun name -> name)) ?(append = "") src dstdir =
  (* A system-independent function to copy the file src to dstdir *)
  let outname = rename (Filename.basename src) in
  let ch_in = open_in_bin src in
    let outpath = Filename.concat dstdir outname in
    if Sys.file_exists outpath then
      prerr_endline ("ocamlfind-mini: [WARNING] Overwriting file " ^ outpath);
    let ch_out = open_out_bin outpath in
      let buflen = 4096 in
      let buf = String.create buflen in
      let pos = ref 0 in
      let len = ref (input ch_in buf 0 buflen) in
      while !len > 0 do
	output ch_out buf !pos !len;
	len := input ch_in buf !pos buflen;
      output_string ch_out append;
      close_out ch_out;
      close_in ch_in;
      prerr_endline("Installed " ^ outpath);
	exc -> close_out ch_out; raise exc
      exc -> close_in ch_in; raise exc

let install_create_directory pkgname dstdir =
  if Sys.file_exists dstdir then
    failwith ("Package " ^ pkgname ^ " is already installed; please remove it first");
  make_directory dstdir

exception Skip_file;;

let install_package () =
  let destdir = ref (env_destdir) in
  let metadir = ref (env_metadir) in
  let don't_add_directory_directive = ref false in
  let pkgname = ref "" in
  let files = ref [] in

  let keywords =
    [ "-destdir", (Arg.String (fun s -> destdir := s)),
               "<path>    Set the destination directory";
      "-metadir", (Arg.String (fun s -> metadir := s)),
               "<path>    Install the META file into this directory";
      "-dont-add-directory-directive", (Arg.Set don't_add_directory_directive),
               " never append directory='...' to META";
    ] in
  let errmsg = "usage: ocamlfind-mini install [options] <package_name> <file> ..." in

  Arg.current := 1;
	(fun s ->
	   if !pkgname = ""
	   then pkgname := s
	   else files := s :: !files
  if !pkgname = "" then (Arg.usage keywords errmsg; exit 1);

  (* Check destdir: *)
  if !destdir = "" then
    failwith ("No destination directory. Either specify the -destdir option, or set the environment variable OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR");
  if not (Sys.file_exists !destdir) then
    failwith ("The destination directory " ^ !destdir ^ " does not exist");

  (* Check whether META exists: *)
  let meta_dot_pkg = "META." ^ !pkgname in
  let has_meta =
      (fun p ->
	 let b = Filename.basename p in
	 b = "META" || b = meta_dot_pkg)
  if not has_meta then
    failwith "The META file is missing";

  (* Check that there is no meta_dot_pkg: *)
  if Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat !metadir meta_dot_pkg) then
    failwith ("Package " ^ !pkgname ^ " is already installed; please remove it first");

  (* Create the package directory: *)
  let pkgdir = Filename.concat !destdir !pkgname in
  install_create_directory !pkgname pkgdir;

  (* Now copy the files into the package directory: *)
  let has_metadir = !metadir <> "" in
    (fun p ->
	   ~rename: (fun f ->
		       if has_metadir then begin
			 if f = "META" || f = meta_dot_pkg
			 then raise Skip_file
			 else f
			 if f = meta_dot_pkg then "META" else f)
	   Skip_file -> ()

  (* Finally copy META into metadir, if this has been requested *)
  if has_metadir then begin
      (fun p ->
	 let b = Filename.basename p in
	 if b = "META" || b = meta_dot_pkg then
	     ~rename: (fun f ->
			 if f = "META" then meta_dot_pkg else f)
	     ~append: ("\ndirectory=\"" ^ pkgdir ^ "\" # auto-added by ocamlfind-mini\n")

let remove_package () =
  let destdir = ref (env_destdir) in
  let metadir = ref (env_metadir) in
  let pkgname = ref "" in

  let keywords =
    [ "-destdir", (Arg.String (fun s -> destdir := s)),
               "<path>    Set the destination directory";
      "-metadir", (Arg.String (fun s -> metadir := s)),
               "<path>    Remove the META file from this directory";
    ] in
  let errmsg = "usage: ocamlfind-mini remove [options] <package_name>" in

  Arg.current := 1;
	(fun s ->
	   if !pkgname = ""
	   then pkgname := s
	   else raise (Arg.Bad "too many arguments")
  if !pkgname = "" then (Arg.usage keywords errmsg; exit 1);

  (* Check destdir: *)
  if !destdir = "" then
    failwith ("No destination directory. Either specify the -destdir option, or set the environment variable OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR");
  if not (Sys.file_exists !destdir) then
    failwith ("The destination directory " ^ !destdir ^ " does not exist");

  let meta_dot_pkg = "META." ^ !pkgname in
  let has_metadir = !metadir <> "" in

  (* If there is a metadir, remove the META file from it: *)
  if has_metadir then begin
    let f = Filename.concat !metadir meta_dot_pkg in
    if Sys.file_exists f then begin
      Sys.remove f;
      prerr_endline ("Removed " ^ f);
      prerr_endline ("ocamlfind-mini: [WARNING] No such file: " ^ f)

  (* Remove the files from the package directory: *)
  let pkgdir = Filename.concat !destdir !pkgname in

  if Sys.file_exists pkgdir then begin
    let files = list_dir pkgdir in
    List.iter (fun f -> Sys.remove (Filename.concat pkgdir f)) files;
    remove_directory pkgdir;
    prerr_endline ("Removed " ^ pkgdir)
    prerr_endline("ocamlfind-mini: [WARNING] No such directory: " ^ pkgdir);

let select_mode() =
  let m_string = try arg 1 with Not_found -> raise Usage in
  let m =
    match m_string with
      ("use"|"-use") ->          M_use
    | ("query"|"-query") ->      M_query
    | ("install"|"-install") ->  M_install
    | ("remove"|"-remove") ->    M_remove
    | ("ocamlc"|"-ocamlc") ->    M_compiler "ocamlc"
    | ("ocamlcp"|"-ocamlcp") ->  M_compiler "ocamlcp"
    | ("ocamlmktop"|"-ocamlmktop") -> M_compiler "ocamlmktop"
    | ("ocamlopt"|"-ocamlopt") -> M_compiler "ocamlopt"
    | ("printconf"|"-printconf") -> M_printconf
    | ("guess"|"-guess") ->      M_guess
    | ("list"|"-list") ->        M_list
    | _ -> raise Usage


let sorry() =
  prerr_endline "ocamlfind-mini: sorry, this function is not implemented in the reduced version of ocamlfind";
  exit 1

let main() =
    let m = select_mode() in
    let l = Array.length Sys.argv in
    let rest = Array.sub Sys.argv 2 (l-2) in
    match m with
      M_use      -> if rest = [| |] then raise Usage;
                    if rest.(0) = "-p" then begin
	              if l<4 then raise Usage;
	              use_package rest.(1)
	                          ( rest)))
                      use_package "" (Array.to_list rest)
    | M_query    -> sorry()
    | M_install  -> install_package()
    | M_remove   -> remove_package ()
    | M_printconf      -> sorry()
    | M_guess ->          sorry()
    | M_list ->           sorry()
    | M_compiler which -> ocamlc which ()
    Usage ->
      prerr_endline "usage: ocamlfind-mini ocamlc     [-help | other options] <file> ...";
      prerr_endline "   or: ocamlfind-mini ocamlcp    [-help | other options] <file> ...";
      prerr_endline "   or: ocamlfind-mini ocamlmktop [-help | other options] <file> ...";
      prerr_endline "   or: ocamlfind-mini ocamlopt   [-help | other options] <file> ...";
      prerr_endline "   or: ocamlfind-mini install    [-help | other options] <package_name> <file> ...";
      prerr_endline "   or: ocamlfind-mini remove     [-help | other options] <package_name>";
      exit 2
  | Failure f ->
      prerr_endline ("ocamlfind-mini: " ^ f);
      exit 2

  Sys.catch_break true;
  any ->
    prerr_endline ("Uncaught exception: " ^ Printexc.to_string any);
    let raise_again =
      try ignore(Sys.getenv "OCAMLFIND_DEBUG"); true
      with Not_found -> false
    if raise_again then raise any;
    exit 3

(* ======================================================================
 * History:
 * $Log: ocamlfind-mini,v $
 * Revision 1.4  2001/03/10 08:15:24  gerd
 * 	-warn-error
 * Revision 1.3  2001/03/06 20:18:03  gerd
 * 	Option -where.
 * Revision 1.2  2001/03/04 19:03:56  gerd
 * 	list_dir: deletes the temp file after use
 * Revision 1.1  2001/03/04 19:01:21  gerd
 * 	Initial revision.

This web site is published by Informatikbüro Gerd Stolpmann
Powered by Caml