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Index of values

add_predicates [Topfind]

Adds predicates to the list of predicates

announce [Topfind]

Output the startup message

command [Findlib]

Get the name/path of the executable

config_file [Findlib]

The location of the configuration file

default_location [Findlib]

Get the default installation directory for packages

don't_load [Topfind]

The packages named in pkglist are added to the list of packages which are already loaded.

don't_load_deeply [Topfind]

The packages named in pkglist and all direct and indirect ancestors are added to the list of packages which are already loaded.

ignore_dups_in [Findlib]

If Some d, duplicate packages below d are ignored, and do not produce warnings.

init [Fl_package_base]

This function must be called before Fl_package_base can be used.

init [Findlib]

Initializes the library from the configuration file and the environment.

init_manually [Findlib]

This is an alternate way to initialize the library directly.

is_recorded_package [Findlib]

Whether there is a recording for this package

list_packages [Fl_package_base]

Ensures that the complete package graph is loaded into memory (like load_base), and returns the (unsorted) list of all packages.

list_packages [Findlib]

Prints the list of available packages to the out_channel.

list_packages' [Findlib]

Returns the (unsorted) list of all packages.

load [Topfind]

The packages from the passed package list are loaded, from left to right, but packages that have already been loaded are left out.

load_base [Fl_package_base]

Ensures that the complete package graph is loaded into memory.

load_deeply [Topfind]

The packages from the passed package list and all direct or indirect ancestors are loaded in topological order.

load_packages [Fl_dynload]

Load the given packages and all their dependencies dynamically.

log [Topfind]

Function used to log messages from this module.

lookup [Fl_metascanner]

lookup variable_name predicate_list def:

lookup_2 [Fl_metascanner]

Like lookup, but also returns the list of predicates that had to be considered to select the particular variable definition.

meta_directory [Findlib]

Get the META installation directory for packages.

module_conflict_report [Fl_package_base]

Checks whether there are cmi files for the same modules.

ocaml_ldconf [Findlib]

Get the file name of ld.conf

ocaml_stdlib [Findlib]

Get the directory of the standard library

package_ancestors [Findlib]

package_ancestors predlist pkg: Determines the direct ancestors of package pkg under the assumption that the predicates in predlist are true, i.e.

package_conflict_report [Fl_package_base]

Checks whether there are several META files for the same main packages.

package_deep_ancestors [Findlib]

package_deep_ancestors predlist pkglist: determines the list of direct or indirect ancestors of the packages named in pkglist under the assumption that the predicates in predlist are true.

package_definitions [Fl_package_base]

Return all META files defining this package that occur in the directories mentioned in search_path.

package_directory [Findlib]

Get the absolute path of the directory where the given package is stored.

package_meta_file [Findlib]

Get the absolute path of the META file of the given package

package_property [Findlib]

package_property predlist pkg propname: Looks up the property propname of package pkg under the assumption that the predicates in predlist are true.

package_property_2 [Findlib]

package_property_2 predlist pkg propname: This returns two values (v, preds).

package_users [Fl_package_base]

Ensures that the complete package graph is loaded into memory (like load_base), and determines the packages using one of the packages passed as second argument.

packages_in_meta_file [Fl_package_base]

Parses the META file whose name is meta_file.

parse [Fl_metascanner]

parse ch: scans and parses the file connected with channel ch.

parse2 [Fl_metascanner]
parse2_lexing [Fl_metascanner]
parse_lexing [Fl_metascanner]
predicate_exists [Fl_metascanner]

predicate_exists variable_name def:

predicates [Topfind]

The list of predicates used for package loading

print [Fl_metascanner]

print ch expr: Outputs the package expression to a channel.

print_def [Fl_metascanner]

print_def ch def: Outputs the definition to a channel.

query [Fl_package_base]

Returns the package definition for the fully-qualified package name, or raises No_such_package.

record_package [Findlib]

Record this package

record_package_predicates [Findlib]

Record the predicates to be used for package loading.

recorded_packages [Findlib]

The list of packages recorded with record_package

recorded_predicates [Findlib]

The most recent version of the recorded predicate list

requires [Fl_package_base]

Analyzes the direct requirements of the package whose name is passed as second argument under the assumption that the predicates preds hold.

requires_deeply [Fl_package_base]

Analyzes the direct or indirect requirements of the packages whose names are passed as second argument under the assumption that the predicates preds hold.

reset [Topfind]

All entries in the list of loaded packages that have been added by load or load_deeply functions are removed from this list.

reset_recordings [Findlib]

Removes all Record_load packages from the list of recordings.

resolve_path [Findlib]

Resolves findlib notation in filename paths.

revised_syntax [Topfind]

Adds predicates that select the revised syntax.

search_path [Findlib]

Get the search path for packages

standard_syntax [Topfind]

Adds predicates that select the standard syntax.

syntax [Topfind]

Emulates the -syntax option

type_of_recorded_package [Findlib]

Returns the type, or raises Not_found

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