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(* $Id: 20558 2009-03-26 21:21:01Z gerd $ *)

let debug_log = ref None
let set_debug_log f = debug_log := Some f
(* To enable debug logging, call set_debug_log with a function that
   outputs debug messages

let debug_log_enabled = ref (fun () -> !debug_log <> None)
let set_debug_log_enabled f = debug_log_enabled := f
(* The debug_log_enabled function checks whether debug logging is
   enabled. The default definition simply checks whether set_debug_log
   was called or not. It is possible to override this definition with
   something more fine-grained, especially if the debug logging function
   uses some criterion to decide whether to actually output a message.

let dlog msg =
  match !debug_log with
    | Some f -> f msg
    | None -> ()

let dlogf msgf =
  Printf.kprintf dlog msgf

let dlog_enabled() =

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