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(* $Id: netplex_controller.mli 1403 2010-02-10 17:14:08Z gerd $ *)

(** Controller *)

(** The controller is the main part of the Netplex system that starts and
  * stop the individual service containers.

open Netplex_types

val create_controller : parallelizer -> controller_config -> controller
  (** Create a controller with the default event system *)

val create_controller_for_esys : 
      Unixqueue.event_system -> parallelizer -> controller_config -> controller
  (** Create a controller for the passed event system *)

val extract_config : 
  logger_factory list -> config_file -> controller_config
  (** Extracts the controller config *)

(** {1 Configuring the controller} 

    There is a [controller] section that may configure the controller:

    {[ netplex {
         controller {
           socket_directory = "/var/run/myapp_sockets";
           max_level = "debug";
           logging { ... };

    The [socket_directory] overrides the location where the special
    directory with Unix Domain sockets and other runtime files is

    The [max_level] parameter defines the global maximum log level.
    It defaults to "info". By setting it to "debug" (as shown) debug
    logging is enabled. This parameter can be modified at runtime.

    The [logging] section is explained in {!Netplex_log}.


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