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(* $Id: 1447 2010-04-29 18:19:50Z gerd $ *)

open Netplex_types
open Printf

type cmdline_config =
    { mutable config_filename_opt : string option;
      mutable pidfile : string option;
      mutable foreground : bool;

let is_win32 =
  match Sys.os_type with
    | "Win32" -> true
    | _ -> false;;

let create ?config_filename
           ?(pidfile = None)
           ?(foreground = false) () =
  { config_filename_opt = config_filename;
    pidfile = pidfile;
    foreground = foreground

let modify ?config_filename
           ?foreground cfg =
  { config_filename_opt = ( match config_filename with
			      | Some f -> Some f
			      | None -> cfg.config_filename_opt
    pidfile = ( match pidfile with
		  | Some popt -> popt
		  | None -> cfg.pidfile
    foreground = ( match foreground with
		     | Some fg -> fg
		     | None -> cfg.foreground

let args ?(defaults = create()) () =
  let config =
    (* copy of defaults: *)
    modify defaults in

  let spec =
    [ "-conf",
      (Arg.String (fun s -> config.config_filename_opt <- Some s)),
      "<file>  Read this configuration file";
      (Arg.String (fun s -> config.pidfile <- Some s)),
      "<file>  Write this PID file";
      (Arg.Unit (fun () -> config.foreground <- true)),
      "  Start in the foreground and do not run as daemon";
    ] in
  (spec, config)

let config_filename cf = 
  match cf.config_filename_opt with
    | Some f -> f
    | None -> "/etc/netplex.conf"

let config_filename_opt cf = cf.config_filename_opt

let pidfile cf = cf.pidfile

let foreground cf = cf.foreground

let daemon f =
  (* Double fork to avoid becoming a pg leader. The outer process waits
     until the most important initializations of the child are done
     (e.g. master sockets are created).
  if is_win32 then
    failwith "Startup as daemon is unsupported on Win32 - use -fg switch";
  let fd_rd, fd_wr = Unix.pipe() in
  match Unix.fork() with
    | 0 ->
        ( match Unix.fork() with
            | 0 ->
		Unix.close fd_rd;
                let _ = Unix.setsid() in (* Start new session/get rid of tty *)
                (* Assign stdin/stdout to /dev/null *)
                Unix.close Unix.stdin;
                ignore(Unix.openfile "/dev/null" [ Unix.O_RDONLY ] 0);
                Unix.close Unix.stdout;
                ignore(Unix.openfile "/dev/null" [ Unix.O_WRONLY ] 0);
                (* Keep stderr open: error messages should appear *)
                f ~init_done:(fun () -> Unix.close fd_wr)
            | _ ->
                Netsys._exit 0
    | _ ->
	Unix.close fd_wr;
	ignore(Netsys.wait_until_readable `Read_write fd_rd (-1.0));
	Unix.close fd_rd

let rec run ctrl =
  try ctrl#event_system
    | error ->
	ctrl # logger # log
	  ~message:("Uncaught exception: " ^ Netexn.to_string error);
	run ctrl

let startup ?(late_initializer = fun _ _ -> ())
            ?(config_parser = Netplex_config.read_config_file)
            par c_logger_cf c_wrkmg_cf c_proc_cf cf =
  let config_file = config_parser (config_filename cf) in
  let netplex_config =
      c_logger_cf c_wrkmg_cf c_proc_cf 
      config_file in

  let maybe_daemonize =
    (if cf.foreground then
       (fun f -> f ~init_done:(fun () -> ()))
       daemon) in
    (fun ~init_done ->
       let remove_pid_file =
	 match cf.pidfile with
	   | Some file ->
               let f = open_out file in
               fprintf f "%d\n" (Unix.getpid());
               close_out f;
               (fun () ->
		  try Sys.remove file with _ -> ())
	   | None ->
               (fun () -> ())
	 let controller_config = netplex_config # controller_config in
	 let controller = 
	     par controller_config in

	 Netplex_cenv.register_ctrl controller;

	 (* Change to / so we don't block filesystems without need.
            Do this after controller creation so the controller has a
            chance to remember the cwd
	 Unix.chdir "/";  (* FIXME Win32: Something like c:/ *)

	 let old_logger = !Netlog.current_logger in
	 let old_dlogger = !Netlog.Debug.current_dlogger in

	 Netlog.current_logger := 
	   (fun level message ->
		Netplex_cenv.log level message
		  (* This function also works from the controller thread! *)
		| Netplex_cenv.Not_in_container_thread ->
		    (* Fall back to something safe: *)
		    old_logger level message
	 (* hmmm, Netlog.Debug cannot be handled by netplex *)
	 Netlog.Debug.current_dlogger := 
	   (fun mname msg ->
	      Netlog.channel_logger stderr `Debug `Debug (mname ^ ": " ^ msg)

	 let processors =
	     (fun (sockserv_cfg, 
		   (procaddr, c_proc_cfg), 
		   (wrkmngaddr, c_wrkmng_cfg)
		  ) ->
		c_proc_cfg # create_processor
		  controller_config config_file procaddr)
	     netplex_config#services in
	 (* An exception while creating the processors will prevent the
          * startup of the whole system!

	 let services =
	     (fun (sockserv_cfg, 
		   (procaddr, c_proc_cfg), 
		   (wrkmngaddr, c_wrkmng_cfg)
  		  processor ->
		  let wrkmng =
		    c_wrkmng_cfg # create_workload_manager
		      controller_config config_file wrkmngaddr in
		  let sockserv = 
		      processor sockserv_cfg in
		  Some (sockserv, wrkmng)
		  | error ->
		      (* An error while creating the sockets is quite
                       * problematic. We do not add the service, but we cannot
                       * prevent the system startup at that late point in time
		      controller # logger # log
			~message:("Uncaught exception preparing service " ^ 
				    sockserv_cfg#name ^ ": " ^ 
				    Netexn.to_string error);
	     processors in

	      | Some(sockserv,wrkmng) ->
		  ( try
		      controller # add_service sockserv wrkmng
		      | error ->
			  (* An error is very problematic now... *)
			  controller # logger # log
			    ~message:("Uncaught exception adding service " ^ 
					sockserv#name ^ ": " ^ 
					Netexn.to_string error);
	      | None ->

	 ( try
	     late_initializer config_file controller
	     | error ->
		 (* An error is ... *)
		 controller # logger # log
		   ~message:("Uncaught exception in late initialization: " ^ 
			       Netexn.to_string error);


	 run controller;
	 Netplex_cenv.unregister_ctrl controller;
	 controller # free_resources();

	 Netlog.current_logger := old_logger;
	 Netlog.Debug.current_dlogger := old_dlogger

	 | error ->
             raise error

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