This example demonstrates how to use Unixqueues together with labltk applications. To get the example running, you need the TCL queue extension, i.e. you must have built -with-equeue-tcl. Compile simply with "make". This creates the executable "filecopy". Furthermore, you need an arbitrary file "a.old" which will be copied by the program to "". It should be rather large; otherwise copying will not last long enough to see the effect. You can create a test file by doing dd if=/dev/zero of=a.old count=10000 Start then "filecopy". You will see a window that counts the number of bytes already copied. While the copy is in progress, the "Stop" button of this window is still active, because the Tcl/Tk events are processed concurrently with the events of the copy procedure. If you press the button, copying stops immediately. The copy procedure is rather slow compared with the native "cp" command of the operating system. The reason are the too frequent updates of the "progress meter"; you may consider to introduce another timer into the example which limits the update frequency to a reasonable value.