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(* $Id: 1588 2011-04-28 13:59:54Z gerd $
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

module Base64 = struct
  let b64_pattern plus slash =
    [| 'A'; 'B'; 'C'; 'D'; 'E'; 'F'; 'G'; 'H'; 'I'; 'J'; 'K'; 'L'; 'M';
       'N'; 'O'; 'P'; 'Q'; 'R'; 'S'; 'T'; 'U'; 'V'; 'W'; 'X'; 'Y'; 'Z';
       'a'; 'b'; 'c'; 'd'; 'e'; 'f'; 'g'; 'h'; 'i'; 'j'; 'k'; 'l'; 'm';
       'n'; 'o'; 'p'; 'q'; 'r'; 's'; 't'; 'u'; 'v'; 'w'; 'x'; 'y'; 'z';
       '0'; '1'; '2'; '3'; '4'; '5'; '6'; '7'; '8'; '9'; plus; slash |];;

  let rfc_pattern = b64_pattern '+' '/';;
  let url_pattern = b64_pattern '-' '/';;

  let encode_with_options b64 equal s pos len 
                          linelen first_linelen crlf =
  (* encode using "base64".
   * 'b64': The encoding table, created by b64_pattern.
   * 'equal': The character that should be used instead of '=' in the original
   *          encoding scheme. Pass '=' to get the original encoding scheme.
   * s, pos, len, linelen: See the interface description of encode_substring.
   * first_linelen: The length of the first line.
   * Returns: (s,last_linelen) where [s] is the encoded string, and 
   *   [last_linelen] is the length of the last line
    assert (Array.length b64 = 64);
    if len < 0 || pos < 0 || pos > String.length s || linelen < 0 then
      invalid_arg "Netencoding.Base64.encode";
    if pos + len > String.length s then
      invalid_arg "Netencoding.Base64.encode";

    let linelen = (linelen asr 2) lsl 2 in
    let first_linelen = (first_linelen asr 2) lsl 2 in

    let l_t = if len = 0 then 0 else ((len - 1) / 3 + 1) * 4 in
    (* l_t: length of the result without additional line endings *)

    let factor = if crlf then 2 else 1 in
    let l_t' = 
      if linelen < 4 then
	if l_t <= first_linelen then 
	  ( if l_t = 0 then 0 else l_t + factor )
	  let n_lines = ((l_t - first_linelen - 1) / linelen) + 2 in
	  l_t + n_lines * factor
    (* l_t': length of the result with CRLF or LF characters *)
    let t = String.make l_t' equal in
    let j = ref 0 in
    let q = ref (linelen - first_linelen) in
    for k = 0 to len / 3 - 1 do
      let p = pos + 3*k in
      (* p >= pos >= 0: this is evident
       * p+2 < pos+len <= String.length s:
       *   Because k <= len/3-1
       *         3*k <= 3*(len/3-1) = len - 3
       *   pos+3*k+2 <= pos + len - 3 + 2 = pos + len - 1 < pos + len
       * So it is proved that the following unsafe string accesses always
       * work.
      let bits = (Char.code (String.unsafe_get s (p))   lsl 16) lor
		 (Char.code (String.unsafe_get s (p+1)) lsl  8) lor
		 (Char.code (String.unsafe_get s (p+2))) in
      (* Obviously, 'bits' is a 24 bit entity (i.e. bits < 2**24) *)
      assert(!j + 3 < l_t');
      String.unsafe_set t !j     (Array.unsafe_get b64 ( bits lsr 18));
      String.unsafe_set t (!j+1) (Array.unsafe_get b64 ((bits lsr 12) land 63));
      String.unsafe_set t (!j+2) (Array.unsafe_get b64 ((bits lsr  6) land 63));
      String.unsafe_set t (!j+3) (Array.unsafe_get b64 ( bits         land 63));
      j := !j + 4;
      if linelen > 3 then begin
	q := !q + 4;
	if !q + 4 > linelen then begin
	  (* The next 4 characters won't fit on the current line. So insert
	   * a line ending.
	  if crlf then begin
	    t.[ !j ] <- '\013';
	    t.[ !j+1 ] <- '\010';
	    j := !j + 2;
	  else begin 
	    t.[ !j ] <- '\010';
	    incr j
	  q := 0;
    (* padding if needed: *)
    let m = len mod 3 in
      match m with
	  0 -> ()
	| 1 ->
            let bits = Char.code (s.[pos + len - 1]) in
	    t.[ !j     ] <- b64.( bits lsr 2);
	    t.[ !j + 1 ] <- b64.( (bits land 0x03) lsl 4);
	    j := !j + 4;
	    q := !q + 4;
	| 2 ->
	    let bits = (Char.code (s.[pos + len - 2]) lsl 8) lor
                       (Char.code (s.[pos + len - 1])) in
	    t.[ !j     ] <- b64.( bits lsr 10);
	    t.[ !j + 1 ] <- b64.((bits lsr  4) land 0x3f);
	    t.[ !j + 2 ] <- b64.((bits lsl  2) land 0x3f);
	    j := !j + 4;
	    q := !q + 4;
	| _ -> assert false

    (* If required, add another line end: *)

    if linelen > 3 && !q > 0 && len > 0 then begin
      if crlf then begin
	t.[ !j ] <- '\013';
	t.[ !j+1 ] <- '\010';
	j := !j + 2;
      else begin 
	t.[ !j ] <- '\010';
	incr j;

    (t, !q) ;;

  let encode ?(pos=0) ?len ?(linelength=0) ?(crlf=false) s =
    let l = match len with None -> String.length s - pos | Some x -> x in
    let s,_ = 
      encode_with_options rfc_pattern '=' s pos l linelength linelength crlf in

  let url_encode ?(pos=0) ?len ?(linelength=0) ?(crlf=false) s =
    let l = match len with None -> String.length s - pos | Some x -> x in
    let s,_ = 
      encode_with_options url_pattern '.' s pos l linelength linelength crlf in

  let encoding_pipe_conv ?(linelength = 0) ?(crlf = false) lastlen 
                         incoming incoming_eof outgoing =
    let linelength = (linelength asr 2) lsl 2 in
    let len = Netbuffer.length incoming in
    let len' =
      if incoming_eof then 
	len - (len mod 3)    (* only process a multiple of three characters *)
    let (s,ll) = 
	rfc_pattern '=' (Netbuffer.unsafe_buffer incoming) 0 len' 
	linelength (linelength - !lastlen) crlf
    Netbuffer.delete incoming 0 len';
    (* LF/CRLF: Unless s = "", s ends with a LF/CRLF. This is only right
     * if ll = 0 or at EOF. In the other cases, this additional LF/CRLF
     * must not be added to [outgoing].
    if linelength < 3  ||  ll=0  ||  s="" then begin
      Netbuffer.add_string outgoing s;
    else begin
      let sl = String.length s in
      assert(s.[sl-1] = '\n');
      let sl' = if crlf then sl-2 else sl-1 in
      Netbuffer.add_sub_string outgoing s 0 sl';
    lastlen := ll;
    (* Ensure there is a LF/CRLF at the end: *)
    if incoming_eof && linelength > 3 && ll > 0 then
      Netbuffer.add_string outgoing (if crlf then "\r\n" else "\n");

      (* TODO: Can be improved by using Netbuffer.add_inplace

  class encoding_pipe ?linelength ?crlf () =
    let lastlen = ref 0 in
    Netchannels.pipe ~conv:(encoding_pipe_conv ?linelength ?crlf lastlen) ()

  let decode_prefix t pos len p_url p_spaces p_full p_null =
    (* Decodes the prefix of a Base64-encoded string. Returns a triple
     * (s,n,eof) where s is the decoded prefix, and n is the number of 
     * processed characters from t (i.e. the characters pos to pos+n-1 have
     * been processed), and where eof is the boolean flag whether the
     * padding '=' characters at the end of the string have been seen.
     * p_url: accepts strings produced by url_endode
     * p_spaces: accepts spaces in [t] (at the price of reduced speed)
     * p_full: [t] must be a closed encoded string (i.e. no prefix)
     * p_null: [t] must be an encoded null string

    if len < 0 || pos < 0 || pos > String.length t then
      invalid_arg "Netencoding.Base64.decode";
    if pos + len > String.length t then
      invalid_arg "Netencoding.Base64.decode";

    (* Compute the number of effective characters l_t in 't';
     * pad_chars: number of '=' characters at the end of the string.
    let l_t, pad_chars =
      if p_spaces then begin
	(* Count all non-whitespace characters: *)
	let c = ref 0 in
	let p = ref 0 in
	for i = pos to pos + len - 1 do
	  match String.unsafe_get t i with
	      (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n'|'>') -> ()
	    | ('='|'.') as ch ->
		if ch = '.' && not p_url then
		  invalid_arg "Netencoding.Base64.decode";
		incr c;
		incr p;
		if !p > 2 then
		  invalid_arg "Netencoding.Base64.decode";
		for j = i+1 to pos + len - 1 do
		  match String.unsafe_get t j with
		      (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n'|'.'|'=') -> ()
		    | _ ->
			(* Only another '=' or spaces allowed *)
			invalid_arg "Netencoding.Base64.decode";
	    | _ -> incr c
	!c, !p
	( if len > 0 then (
	    if String.sub t (len - 2) 2 = "==" || 
	       (p_url && String.sub t (len - 2) 2 = "..") then 2
	      if String.sub t (len - 1) 1 = "=" || 
		 (p_url && String.sub t (len - 1) 1 = ".") then 1
	  else 0 

    if p_null && l_t <> 0 then invalid_arg "Netencoding.Base64.decode";

    (* Compute the number of characters [l_t] that can be processed now
     * (i.e. the effective prefix)
    let l_t, pad_chars =
      let m = l_t mod 4 in
      if m = 0 then (
	(l_t, pad_chars)         (* a multiple of 4 *)
      ) else (
	if p_full then invalid_arg "Netencoding.Base64.decode";
	(l_t - m, 0)             (* rounded to a multiple of 4 *)

    let l_s = (l_t / 4) * 3 - pad_chars in
    let s = String.create l_s in

    let decode_char c =
      match c with
	  'A' .. 'Z'  -> Char.code(c) - 65     (* 65 = Char.code 'A' *)
	| 'a' .. 'z'  -> Char.code(c) - 71     (* 71 = Char.code 'a' - 26 *)
	| '0' .. '9'  -> Char.code(c) + 4      (* -4 = Char.code '0' - 52 *)
	| '+'         -> 62
	| '-'         -> if not p_url then 
	                   invalid_arg "Netencoding.Base64.decode";
	| '/'         -> 63
	| _           -> invalid_arg "Netencoding.Base64.decode";

    (* Decode all but the last quartet: *)

    let cursor = ref pos in
    let rec next_char() = 
      match t.[ !cursor ] with
	  (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n'|'>') -> 
	    if p_spaces then (incr cursor; next_char())
	    else invalid_arg "Netencoding.Base64.decode"
	| c ->
	    incr cursor; c

    if p_spaces then begin
      for k = 0 to l_t / 4 - 2 do
	let q = 3*k in
	let c0 = next_char() in
	let c1 = next_char() in
	let c2 = next_char() in
	let c3 = next_char() in
	let n0 = decode_char c0 in
	let n1 = decode_char c1 in
	let n2 = decode_char c2 in
	let n3 = decode_char c3 in
	let x0 = (n0 lsl 2) lor (n1 lsr 4) in
	let x1 = ((n1 lsl 4) land 0xf0) lor (n2 lsr 2) in
	let x2 = ((n2 lsl 6) land 0xc0) lor n3 in
	String.unsafe_set s q     (Char.chr x0);
	String.unsafe_set s (q+1) (Char.chr x1);
	String.unsafe_set s (q+2) (Char.chr x2);
    else begin
      (* Much faster: *)
      for k = 0 to l_t / 4 - 2 do
	let p = pos + 4*k in
	let q = 3*k in
	let c0 = String.unsafe_get t p in
	let c1 = String.unsafe_get t (p + 1) in
	let c2 = String.unsafe_get t (p + 2) in
	let c3 = String.unsafe_get t (p + 3) in
	let n0 = decode_char c0 in
	let n1 = decode_char c1 in
	let n2 = decode_char c2 in
	let n3 = decode_char c3 in
	let x0 = (n0 lsl 2) lor (n1 lsr 4) in
	let x1 = ((n1 lsl 4) land 0xf0) lor (n2 lsr 2) in
	let x2 = ((n2 lsl 6) land 0xc0) lor n3 in
	String.unsafe_set s q     (Char.chr x0);
	String.unsafe_set s (q+1) (Char.chr x1);
	String.unsafe_set s (q+2) (Char.chr x2);
      cursor := pos + l_t - 4;

    (* Decode the last quartet: *)

    if l_t > 0 then begin
      let q = 3*(l_t / 4 - 1) in
      let c0 = next_char() in
      let c1 = next_char() in
      let c2 = next_char() in
      let c3 = next_char() in

      if (c2 = '=' & c3 = '=') or (p_url & c2 = '.' & c3 = '.') then begin
	let n0 = decode_char c0 in
	let n1 = decode_char c1 in
	let x0 = (n0 lsl 2) lor (n1 lsr 4) in
	s.[ q ]   <- Char.chr x0;
	if (c3 = '=') or (p_url & c3 = '.') then begin
	  let n0 = decode_char c0 in
	  let n1 = decode_char c1 in
	  let n2 = decode_char c2 in
	  let x0 = (n0 lsl 2) lor (n1 lsr 4) in
	  let x1 = ((n1 lsl 4) land 0xf0) lor (n2 lsr 2) in
	  s.[ q ]   <- Char.chr x0;
	  s.[ q+1 ] <- Char.chr x1;
	else begin
	  let n0 = decode_char c0 in
	  let n1 = decode_char c1 in
	  let n2 = decode_char c2 in
	  let n3 = decode_char c3 in
	  let x0 = (n0 lsl 2) lor (n1 lsr 4) in
	  let x1 = ((n1 lsl 4) land 0xf0) lor (n2 lsr 2) in
	  let x2 = ((n2 lsl 6) land 0xc0) lor n3 in
	  s.[ q ]   <- Char.chr x0;
	  s.[ q+1 ] <- Char.chr x1;
	  s.[ q+2 ] <- Char.chr x2;

    else cursor := 0;

    (s, !cursor - pos, pad_chars > 0) 

  let decode ?(pos=0) ?len ?(url_variant=true) ?(accept_spaces=false) s =
    let l = match len with None -> String.length s - pos | Some x -> x in
    let (s,_,_) = decode_prefix s pos l url_variant accept_spaces true false in

  (* TODO: Use Netbuffer.add_inplace instead of creating an intermediate 
   * string s in [decoding_pipe_conv].

  let decoding_pipe_conv url_variant accept_spaces padding_seen
                         incoming incoming_eof outgoing =
    let len = Netbuffer.length incoming in
    let t = Netbuffer.unsafe_buffer incoming in
    if !padding_seen then begin
      (* Only accept the null string: *)
      let _,_,_ = decode_prefix t 0 len url_variant accept_spaces false true in
      Netbuffer.clear incoming
    else begin
      let (s,n,ps) = 
	decode_prefix t 0 len url_variant accept_spaces incoming_eof false in
      padding_seen := ps;
      if incoming_eof then 
	Netbuffer.clear incoming
	Netbuffer.delete incoming 0 n;
      Netbuffer.add_string outgoing s

  class decoding_pipe ?(url_variant=true) ?(accept_spaces=false) () =
    let padding_seen = ref false in
      ~conv:(decoding_pipe_conv url_variant accept_spaces padding_seen) ()

  module Deprecated = struct

    let encode_substring s ~pos ~len ~linelength ~crlf =
      let s,_ =
	  rfc_pattern '=' s pos len linelength linelength crlf in
      s ;;

    let decode_ignore_spaces s =
      let (s,_,_) = decode_prefix s 0 (String.length s) true true true false in
      s ;;

    let decode_substring s ~pos ~len ~url_variant ~accept_spaces =
      let (s,_,_) = decode_prefix s pos len url_variant accept_spaces true false
      s ;;



module QuotedPrintable = struct

  let encode_substring ?(crlf = true) ?(eot = false) ?(line_length = ref 0) s ~pos ~len =
    (* line_length:
     * - on input, the length of the line where the encoding starts
     * - on output, the length of the last written line
     * eot:
     * - false: it is known that the chunk is not at the end of text
     * - true: the chunk may be at the end of the text
     * eot has only an effect on trailing spaces
    if len < 0 or pos < 0 or pos > String.length s then
      invalid_arg "Netencoding.QuotedPrintable.encode";
    if pos + len > String.length s then
      invalid_arg "Netencoding.QuotedPrintable.encode";

    let eol_len = if crlf then 2 else 1 in    (* length of eol *)

    (* Note: The [count] algorithm must strictly correspond to the
     * "for" loop below.

    let rec count l n i =
      (* l: output line length
       * n: output byte count
       * i: input byte count
      if i < len then
	match String.unsafe_get s (pos+i) with
	    '\r' ->              (* CR is deleted *)
	      count l n (i+1)
	  | '\n' ->              (* LF may be expanded to CR/LF *)
	      count 0 (n+eol_len) (i+1)
	  | ('\000'..'\031'|'\127'..'\255'|
	     '!'|'"'|'#'|'$'|'@'|'['|']'|'^'|'\''|'{'|'|'|'}'|'~'|'=') ->
	      if l <= 69 then
		count (l+3) (n+3) (i+1)
		(* Add soft line break after the encoded char: *)
		count 0 (n+4+eol_len) (i+1)
	  | 'F' when l=0 ->
	      (* Protect 'F' at the beginning of lines *)
	      count (l+3) (n+3) (i+1)
	  | ' ' when (i=len-1 && eot) ||   (* at end of text *)
	             l>69 ||               (* line too long *)
                     (i<len-1 && (s.[pos+i+1]='\r' || s.[pos+i+1]='\n')) 
		        (* end of line *)
	      (* Protect spaces only if they occur at the end of a line,
	       * or just before soft line breaks
	      if l <= 69 then
		count (l+3) (n+3) (i+1)
		(* Add soft line after the encoded space: *)
		count 0 (n+4+eol_len) (i+1)
	  | _ ->
	      if l>71 then
		(* Add soft line break after the char: *)
		count 0 (n+2+eol_len) (i+1)
		count (l+1) (n+1) (i+1)

    let t_len = count !line_length 0 0 in
    let t = String.create t_len in
    let hexdigit =
      [| '0'; '1'; '2'; '3'; '4'; '5'; '6'; '7';
	 '8'; '9'; 'A'; 'B'; 'C'; 'D'; 'E'; 'F'; |] in

    let k = ref 0 in

    let add_quoted c =
      t.[ !k ]   <- '=';
      t.[ !k+1 ] <- hexdigit.( Char.code c lsr 4 );
      t.[ !k+2 ] <- hexdigit.( Char.code c land 15 )

    let add_soft_break() =
      t.[ !k ]   <- '=';
      if crlf then (
	t.[ !k+1 ] <- '\r';
	t.[ !k+2 ] <- '\n';
	t.[ !k+1 ] <- '\n';

    (* In the following, the soft break criterion is [!l > 72]. Why?
     * We need to be able to add at least an encoded char (3 bytes)
     * plus the "=" sign for the soft break. So we are on the safe side
     * when there are four bytes space on the line. Lines must not be
     * longer than 76 chars (w/o CRLF), so 76-4=72.

    let l = ref !line_length in
    for i = 0 to len - 1 do
      match String.unsafe_get s i with
	  '\r' ->   (* CR is deleted *)
	| '\n' ->   (* LF is expanded to CR/LF *)
	    if crlf then (
	      t.[ !k ] <- '\r';
	      t.[ !k+1 ] <- '\n';
	      k := !k + 2;
	    ) else (
	      t.[ !k ] <- '\n';
	      k := !k + 1;
	    l := 0
	| ('\000'..'\031'|'\127'..'\255'|
	   '!'|'"'|'#'|'$'|'@'|'['|']'|'^'|'\''|'{'|'|'|'}'|'~'|'=') as c ->
	    add_quoted c;
	    k := !k + 3;
	    l := !l + 3;
	    if !l > 72 then (
	      (* Add soft line break: *)
	      k := !k + 1 + eol_len;
	      l := 0
	| 'F' when !l = 0 ->
	    (* Protect 'F' at the beginning of lines *)
	    add_quoted 'F';
	    k := !k + 3;
	    l := !l + 3;
	| ' ' when ((i=len-1 && eot) ||
	              !l > 69 ||
                     (i<len-1 && (s.[pos+i+1]='\r' || s.[pos+i+1]='\n'))) ->
	    add_quoted ' ';
	    k := !k + 3;
	    l := !l + 3;
	    if !l > 72 then (
	      k := !k + 1 + eol_len;
	      l := 0;
	| c ->
	    String.unsafe_set t !k c;
	    incr k;
	    incr l;
	    if !l > 72 then (
	      k := !k + 1 + eol_len;
	      l := 0;

    assert(!k == t_len);

    line_length := !l;

    t ;;

  let encode ?crlf ?(pos=0) ?len s =
    let l = match len with None -> String.length s - pos | Some x -> x in 
    encode_substring ?crlf ~eot:true s ~pos ~len:l;;

  let encoding_pipe_conv ?crlf line_length incoming incoming_eof outgoing =
    (* Problematic case: the incoming buffer ends with a space, but we are
     * not at EOF. It is possible that a LF immediately follows, and that
     * the space needs to be quoted.
     * Solution: Do not convert such spaces, they remain in the buffer.
    let s = Netbuffer.unsafe_buffer incoming in
    let len = Netbuffer.length incoming in
    let (len',eot) =
      if not incoming_eof && len > 0 && s.[len-1] = ' ' then
	(len-1, false)
	(len, true)
    let s' = encode_substring ?crlf ~eot ~line_length s ~pos:0 ~len:len' in
    Netbuffer.add_string outgoing s';
    Netbuffer.delete incoming 0 len'

  class encoding_pipe ?crlf () =
    let line_length = ref 0 in
    Netchannels.pipe ~conv:(encoding_pipe_conv ?crlf line_length) ()

  let decode_substring s ~pos ~len =
    if len < 0 or pos < 0 or pos > String.length s then
      invalid_arg "Netencoding.QuotedPrintable.decode";
    if pos + len > String.length s then
      invalid_arg "Netencoding.QuotedPrintable.decode";

    let decode_hex c =
      match c with
	  '0'..'9' -> Char.code c - 48
	| 'A'..'F' -> Char.code c - 55
	| 'a'..'f' -> Char.code c - 87
	| _ ->
	   invalid_arg "Netencoding.QuotedPrintable.decode";

    let rec count n i =
      if i < len then
	match String.unsafe_get s (pos+i) with
	    '=' ->
	      if i+1 = len then
		(* A '=' at EOF is ignored *)
		count n (i+1)
		if i+1 < len then
		  match s.[pos+i+1] with
		      '\r' ->
			(* Official soft break *)
			if i+2 < len & s.[pos+i+2] = '\n' then
			  count n (i+3)
			  count n (i+2)
		    | '\n' ->
			(* Inofficial soft break *)
			count n (i+2)
		    | _ ->
			if i+2 >= len then
			let _ = decode_hex s.[pos+i+1] in
			let _ = decode_hex s.[pos+i+2] in
			count (n+1) (i+3)
		  invalid_arg "Netencoding.QuotedPrintable.decode"
	  | _ ->
	      count (n+1) (i+1)

    let l = count 0 0 in
    let t = String.create l in
    let k = ref pos in
    let e = pos + len in
    let i = ref 0 in

    while !i < l do
      match String.unsafe_get s !k with
	  '=' ->
	    if !k+1 = e then
	      (* A '=' at EOF is ignored *)
	      if !k+1 < e then
		match s.[!k+1] with
		    '\r' ->
		      (* Official soft break *)
		      if !k+2 < e & s.[!k+2] = '\n' then
			k := !k + 3
			k := !k + 2
		  | '\n' ->
		      (* Inofficial soft break *)
		      k := !k + 2
		  | _ ->
		      if !k+2 >= e then
		      let x1 = decode_hex s.[!k+1] in
		      let x2 = decode_hex s.[!k+2] in
		      t.[ !i ] <- Char.chr ((x1 lsl 4) lor x2);
		      k := !k + 3;
		      incr i
		invalid_arg "Netencoding.QuotedPrintable.decode_substring"
	| c ->
	    String.unsafe_set t !i c;
	    incr k;
	    incr i

    t ;;

  let decode ?(pos=0) ?len s =
    let l = match len with None -> String.length s - pos | Some x -> x in 
    decode_substring s pos l;;

  let decoding_pipe_conv incoming incoming_eof outgoing =
    (* Problematic case: The incoming buffer ends with '=' or '=X'. In this
     * case these characters remain in the buffer, because they will be
     * completed to a full hex sequence by the next conversion call.
    let s = Netbuffer.unsafe_buffer incoming in
    let len = Netbuffer.length incoming in
    let len' =
      if not incoming_eof then begin
	if len > 0 && s.[len-1] = '=' then
	  len - 1  
	  if len > 1 && s.[len-2] = '=' then
	    len - 2
    let s' = decode ~len:len' s in
    Netbuffer.add_string outgoing s';
    Netbuffer.delete incoming 0 len'

  class decoding_pipe () =
    Netchannels.pipe ~conv:decoding_pipe_conv ()

  module Deprecated = struct
    let encode_substring = encode_substring ?line_length:None
    let decode_substring = decode_substring

module Q = struct

  let encode_substring s ~pos ~len =
    if len < 0 or pos < 0 or pos > String.length s then
      invalid_arg "Netencoding.Q.encode_substring";
    if pos + len > String.length s then
      invalid_arg "Netencoding.Q.encode_substring";

    let rec count n i =
      if i < len then
	match String.unsafe_get s (pos+i) with
	  | ('A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|'0'..'9') ->
	      count (n+1) (i+1)
	  | _ ->
	      count (n+3) (i+1)

    let l = count 0 0 in
    let t = String.create l in
    let hexdigit =
      [| '0'; '1'; '2'; '3'; '4'; '5'; '6'; '7';
	 '8'; '9'; 'A'; 'B'; 'C'; 'D'; 'E'; 'F'; |] in

    let k = ref 0 in

    let add_quoted c =
      t.[ !k ]   <- '=';
      t.[ !k+1 ] <- hexdigit.( Char.code c lsr 4 );
      t.[ !k+2 ] <- hexdigit.( Char.code c land 15 )

    for i = 0 to len - 1 do
      match String.unsafe_get s i with
	| ('A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|'0'..'9') as c ->
	    String.unsafe_set t !k c;
	    incr k
	| c ->
	    add_quoted c;
	    k := !k + 3

    t ;;

  let encode ?(pos=0) ?len s =
    let l = match len with None -> String.length s - pos | Some x -> x in 
    encode_substring s pos l;;

  let decode_substring s ~pos ~len =
    if len < 0 or pos < 0 or pos > String.length s then
      invalid_arg "Netencoding.Q.decode_substring";
    if pos + len > String.length s then
      invalid_arg "Netencoding.Q.decode_substring";

    let decode_hex c =
      match c with
	  '0'..'9' -> Char.code c - 48
	| 'A'..'F' -> Char.code c - 55
	| 'a'..'f' -> Char.code c - 87
	| _ ->
	   invalid_arg "Netencoding.Q.decode_substring";

    let rec count n i =
      if i < len then
	match String.unsafe_get s (pos+i) with
	    '=' ->
	      if i+2 >= len then
		invalid_arg "Netencoding.Q.decode_substring";
	      let _ = decode_hex s.[pos+i+1] in
	      let _ = decode_hex s.[pos+i+2] in
	      count (n+1) (i+3)
	  | _ ->  (* including '_' *)
	      count (n+1) (i+1)

    let l = count 0 0 in
    let t = String.create l in
    let k = ref pos in
    let e = pos + len in
    let i = ref 0 in

    while !i < l do
      match String.unsafe_get s !k with
	  '=' ->
	    if !k+2 >= e then
	      invalid_arg "Netencoding.Q.decode_substring";
	    let x1 = decode_hex s.[!k+1] in
	    let x2 = decode_hex s.[!k+2] in
	    t.[ !i ] <- Char.chr ((x1 lsl 4) lor x2);
	    k := !k + 3;
	    incr i
	| '_' ->
	    String.unsafe_set t !i ' ';
	    incr k;
	    incr i
	| c ->
	    String.unsafe_set t !i c;
	    incr k;
	    incr i

    t ;;

  let decode ?(pos=0) ?len s =
    let l = match len with None -> String.length s - pos | Some x -> x in 
    decode_substring s pos l ;;

  module Deprecated = struct
    let encode_substring = encode_substring
    let decode_substring = decode_substring


module Url = struct
  let hex_digits =
    [| '0'; '1'; '2'; '3'; '4'; '5'; '6'; '7';
       '8'; '9'; 'A'; 'B'; 'C'; 'D'; 'E'; 'F' |];;

  let to_hex2 k =
    (* Converts k to a 2-digit hex string *)
    let s = String.create 2 in
    s.[0] <- hex_digits.( (k lsr 4) land 15 );
    s.[1] <- hex_digits.( k land 15 );
    s ;;

  let of_hex1 c =
    match c with
	('0'..'9') -> Char.code c - Char.code '0'
      | ('A'..'F') -> Char.code c - Char.code 'A' + 10
      | ('a'..'f') -> Char.code c - Char.code 'a' + 10
      | _ ->
	raise Not_found ;;

  let url_encoding_re =
    Netstring_str.regexp "[^A-Za-z0-9_.!*-]";;

  let url_decoding_re =
    Netstring_str.regexp "\\+\\|%..\\|%.\\|%";;

  let encode ?(plus = true) s =
      (fun r _ ->
	 match Netstring_str.matched_string r s with
	     " " when plus -> "+"
	   | x ->
	       let k = Char.code(x.[0]) in
	       "%" ^ to_hex2 k
      s ;;

  let decode ?(plus = true) ?(pos=0) ?len s =
    let s_l = String.length s in
    let s1 = 
      if pos = 0 && len=None then s else 
	let len = match len with Some n -> n | None -> s_l in
	String.sub s pos len in
    let l = String.length s1 in
      (fun r _ ->
	 match Netstring_str.matched_string r s1 with
	   | "+" -> if plus then " " else "+"
	   | _ ->
	       let i = Netstring_str.match_beginning r in
	       (* Assertion: s1.[i] = '%' *)
	       if i+2 >= l then failwith "Netencoding.Url.decode";
	       let c1 = s1.[i+1] in
	       let c2 = s1.[i+2] in
		   let k1 = of_hex1 c1 in
		   let k2 = of_hex1 c2 in
		   String.make 1 (Char.chr((k1 lsl 4) lor k2))
		     Not_found ->
		       failwith "Netencoding.Url.decode"
      s1 ;;

  let url_split_re =
    Netstring_str.regexp "[&=]";;

  let mk_url_encoded_parameters nv_pairs =
    String.concat "&"
	 (fun (name,value) ->
	    let name_encoded = encode name in
	    let value_encoded = encode value in
	    name_encoded ^ "=" ^ value_encoded

  let dest_url_encoded_parameters parstr =
    let rec parse_after_amp tl =
      match tl with
	  Netstring_str.Text name :: Netstring_str.Delim "=" :: Netstring_str.Text value :: tl' ->
	    (decode name, decode value) :: parse_next tl'
	| Netstring_str.Text name :: Netstring_str.Delim "=" :: Netstring_str.Delim "&" :: tl' ->
	    (decode name, "") :: parse_after_amp tl'
	| Netstring_str.Text name :: Netstring_str.Delim "=" :: [] ->
	    [decode name, ""]
	| _ ->
	    failwith "Netencoding.Url.dest_url_encoded_parameters"
    and parse_next tl =
      match tl with
	  [] -> []
	| Netstring_str.Delim "&" :: tl' ->
	    parse_after_amp tl'
	| _ ->
	    failwith "Netencoding.Url.dest_url_encoded_parameters"
    let toklist = Netstring_str.full_split url_split_re parstr in
    match toklist with
	[] -> []
      | _ -> parse_after_amp toklist

(* Alternative version. It is commented out because it causes problems
   in Neturl.


  (* The Ocamlnet3 version is from Christophe Troestler. 
     See netcgi.mli for the full copyright message.

     This module is a drop-in replacement of [Netencoding.Url].  Not
     only it is much faster (about 10 times) but it also avoids the
     dependency on PCRE (less dependencies are good, especially on
     windows or if you need to install by hand).

  (* Decoding -------------------------------------------------- *)
  exception Hex_of_char

  let hex_of_char =
    let code_a = Char.code 'a' - 10
    and code_A = Char.code 'A' - 10 in
    | '0' .. '9' as c -> Char.code c - Char.code '0'
    | 'a' .. 'f' as c -> Char.code c - code_a
    | 'A' .. 'F' as c -> Char.code c - code_A
    | _ -> raise Hex_of_char

  (* Overwrite the part of the range [s.[i0 .. up-1]] with the decoded
     string.  Returns [i] such that [s.[i0 .. i]] is the decoded
     string.  Invalid '%XX' are left unchanged.  *)
  let rec decode_range_loop plus i0 i up s =
    if i0 >= up then i else begin
      match String.unsafe_get s i0 with
      | '+' ->
	  String.unsafe_set s i plus;
	  decode_range_loop plus (succ i0) (succ i) up s
      | '%' when i0 + 2 < up ->
          let i1 = succ i0 in
          let i2 = succ i1 in
          let i0_next =
              let v = hex_of_char(String.unsafe_get s i1) lsl 4
                + hex_of_char(String.unsafe_get s i2) in
	      String.unsafe_set s i (Char.chr v);
	      succ i2
            with Hex_of_char ->
	      String.unsafe_set s i '%';
	      i1 in
	  decode_range_loop plus i0_next (succ i) up s
      | c ->
	  String.unsafe_set s i c;
	  decode_range_loop plus (succ i0) (succ i) up s

  (* We do not strip heading and trailing spaces of key-value data
     because it does not conform the specs.  However certain browsers
     do it, so the user should not rely on them.  See e.g. *)

  let decode ?(plus=true) ?(pos=0) ?len s =
    let real_len = 
      match len with 
	| None -> String.length s - pos
	| Some l -> l in
    let s = String.sub s pos real_len in
    let up = decode_range_loop (if plus then ' ' else '+') 0 0 real_len s in
    if up <> real_len then String.sub s 0 up else s

  (* Query parsing -------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* It is ASSUMED that the range is valid i.e., [0 <= low] and [up <=
     String.length s].  *)
  let decode_range s low up =
    if low >= up then "" else
      let len = up - low in
      let s = String.sub s low len in
      let up = decode_range_loop ' ' 0 0 len s in
      if up <> len then String.sub s 0 up else s

  (* Split the query string [qs] into a list of pairs (key,value).
     [i0] is the initial index of the key or value, [i] the current
     index and [up-1] the last index to scan. *)
  let rec get_key qs i0 i up =
    if i >= up then [(decode_range qs i0 up, "")] else
      match String.unsafe_get qs i with
      | '=' -> get_val qs (i+1) (i+1) up (decode_range qs i0 i)
      | '&' ->
	  (* key but no val *)
	  (decode_range qs i0 i, "") :: get_key qs (i+1) (i+1) up
      | _ ->
	  get_key qs i0 (i+1) up
  and get_val qs i0 i up key =
    if i >= up then [(key, decode_range qs i0 up)] else
      match String.unsafe_get qs i with
      | '&' -> (key, decode_range qs i0 i) :: get_key qs (i+1) (i+1) up
      | _ -> get_val qs i0 (i+1) up key

  let dest_url_encoded_parameters qs =
    if qs = "" then [] else get_key qs 0 0 (String.length qs)

  (* Encoding -------------------------------------------------- *)

  let hex = [| '0'; '1'; '2'; '3'; '4'; '5'; '6'; '7'; '8'; '9';
	       'A'; 'B'; 'C'; 'D'; 'E'; 'F' |]
  let char_of_hex i = Array.(*unsafe_*)get hex i

  let encode_wrt is_special s0 =
    let len = String.length s0 in
    let encoded_length = ref len in
    for i = 0 to len - 1 do
      if is_special(String.unsafe_get s0 i) then
	encoded_length := !encoded_length + 2
    let s = String.create !encoded_length in
    let rec do_enc i0 i = (* copy the encoded string in s *)
      if i0 < len then begin
	let s0i0 = String.unsafe_get s0 i0 in
	(* It is important to check first that [s0i0] is special in
	   case [' '] is considered as such a character. *)
	if is_special s0i0 then begin
          let c = Char.code s0i0 in
          let i1 = succ i in
          let i2 = succ i1 in
          String.unsafe_set s i '%';
          String.unsafe_set s i1 (char_of_hex (c lsr 4));
          String.unsafe_set s i2 (char_of_hex (c land 0x0F));
          do_enc (succ i0) (succ i2)
	else if s0i0 = ' ' then begin
	  String.unsafe_set s i '+';
          do_enc (succ i0) (succ i)
	else begin
          String.unsafe_set s i s0i0;
          do_enc (succ i0) (succ i)
      end in
    do_enc 0 0;

  (* Unreserved characters consist of all alphanumeric chars and the
     following limited set of punctuation marks and symbols: '-' | '_' |
     '.' | '!' | '~' | '*' | '\'' | '(' | ')'.  According to RFC 2396,
     they should not be escaped unless the context requires it. *)
  let special_rfc2396 = function
    | ';' | '/' | '?' | ':' | '@' | '&' | '=' | '+' | '$' | ',' (* Reserved *)
    | '\000' .. '\031' | '\127' .. '\255' (* Control chars and non-ASCII *)
    | '<' | '>' | '#' | '%' | '"'         (* delimiters *)
    | '{' | '}' | '|' | '\\' | '^' | '[' | ']' | '`' (* unwise *)
    | '~' (* causes sometimes problems *)
	-> true
    | _ -> false
  (* ' ' must also be encoded but its encoding '+' takes a single char. *)

  let encode ?(plus=true) s =
    let is_special =
      if plus then special_rfc2396
      else (fun c -> special_rfc2396 c || c = ' ') in
    encode_wrt is_special s


  let mk_url_encoded_parameters params =
    String.concat "&"
      ( (fun (name, value) -> encode name ^ "=" ^ encode value) params)


module Html = struct

  let etable =
    [ "lt", 60;
      "gt", 62;
      "amp", 38;
      "quot", 34;     
         (* Note: &quot; is new in HTML-4.0, but it has been widely used
	  * much earlier.
      "apos", 39;
         (* Only used if contained in unsafe_chars *)
      (* ISO-8859-1: *)
      "nbsp", 160;
      "iexcl", 161;
      "cent", 162;
      "pound", 163;
      "curren", 164;
      "yen", 165;
      "brvbar", 166;
      "sect", 167;
      "uml", 168;
      "copy", 169;
      "ordf", 170;
      "laquo", 171;
      "not", 172;
      "shy", 173;
      "reg", 174;
      "macr", 175;
      "deg", 176;
      "plusmn", 177;
      "sup2", 178;
      "sup3", 179;
      "acute", 180;
      "micro", 181;
      "para", 182;
      "middot", 183;
      "cedil", 184;
      "sup1", 185;
      "ordm", 186;
      "raquo", 187;
      "frac14", 188;
      "frac12", 189;
      "frac34", 190;
      "iquest", 191;
      "Agrave", 192;
      "Aacute", 193;
      "Acirc", 194;
      "Atilde", 195;
      "Auml", 196;
      "Aring", 197;
      "AElig", 198;
      "Ccedil", 199;
      "Egrave", 200;
      "Eacute", 201;
      "Ecirc", 202;
      "Euml", 203;
      "Igrave", 204;
      "Iacute", 205;
      "Icirc", 206;
      "Iuml", 207;
      "ETH", 208;
      "Ntilde", 209;
      "Ograve", 210;
      "Oacute", 211;
      "Ocirc", 212;
      "Otilde", 213;
      "Ouml", 214;
      "times", 215;
      "Oslash", 216;
      "Ugrave", 217;
      "Uacute", 218;
      "Ucirc", 219;
      "Uuml", 220;
      "Yacute", 221;
      "THORN", 222;
      "szlig", 223;
      "agrave", 224;
      "aacute", 225;
      "acirc", 226;
      "atilde", 227;
      "auml", 228;
      "aring", 229;
      "aelig", 230;
      "ccedil", 231;
      "egrave", 232;
      "eacute", 233;
      "ecirc", 234;
      "euml", 235;
      "igrave", 236;
      "iacute", 237;
      "icirc", 238;
      "iuml", 239;
      "eth", 240;
      "ntilde", 241;
      "ograve", 242;
      "oacute", 243;
      "ocirc", 244;
      "otilde", 245;
      "ouml", 246;
      "divide", 247;
      "oslash", 248;
      "ugrave", 249;
      "uacute", 250;
      "ucirc", 251;
      "uuml", 252;
      "yacute", 253;
      "thorn", 254;
      "yuml", 255;
      (* Other: *)
      "fnof", 402;
      "Alpha", 913;
      "Beta", 914;
      "Gamma", 915;
      "Delta", 916;
      "Epsilon", 917;
      "Zeta", 918;
      "Eta", 919;
      "Theta", 920;
      "Iota", 921;
      "Kappa", 922;
      "Lambda", 923;
      "Mu", 924;
      "Nu", 925;
      "Xi", 926;
      "Omicron", 927;
      "Pi", 928;
      "Rho", 929;
      "Sigma", 931;
      "Tau", 932;
      "Upsilon", 933;
      "Phi", 934;
      "Chi", 935;
      "Psi", 936;
      "Omega", 937;
      "alpha", 945;
      "beta", 946;
      "gamma", 947;
      "delta", 948;
      "epsilon", 949;
      "zeta", 950;
      "eta", 951;
      "theta", 952;
      "iota", 953;
      "kappa", 954;
      "lambda", 955;
      "mu", 956;
      "nu", 957;
      "xi", 958;
      "omicron", 959;
      "pi", 960;
      "rho", 961;
      "sigmaf", 962;
      "sigma", 963;
      "tau", 964;
      "upsilon", 965;
      "phi", 966;
      "chi", 967;
      "psi", 968;
      "omega", 969;
      "thetasym", 977;
      "upsih", 978;
      "piv", 982;
      "bull", 8226;
      "hellip", 8230;
      "prime", 8242;
      "Prime", 8243;
      "oline", 8254;
      "frasl", 8260;
      "weierp", 8472;
      "image", 8465;
      "real", 8476;
      "trade", 8482;
      "alefsym", 8501;
      "larr", 8592;
      "uarr", 8593;
      "rarr", 8594;
      "darr", 8595;
      "harr", 8596;
      "crarr", 8629;
      "lArr", 8656;
      "uArr", 8657;
      "rArr", 8658;
      "dArr", 8659;
      "hArr", 8660;
      "forall", 8704;
      "part", 8706;
      "exist", 8707;
      "empty", 8709;
      "nabla", 8711;
      "isin", 8712;
      "notin", 8713;
      "ni", 8715;
      "prod", 8719;
      "sum", 8721;
      "minus", 8722;
      "lowast", 8727;
      "radic", 8730;
      "prop", 8733;
      "infin", 8734;
      "ang", 8736;
      "and", 8743;
      "or", 8744;
      "cap", 8745;
      "cup", 8746;
      "int", 8747;
      "there4", 8756;
      "sim", 8764;
      "cong", 8773;
      "asymp", 8776;
      "ne", 8800;
      "equiv", 8801;
      "le", 8804;
      "ge", 8805;
      "sub", 8834;
      "sup", 8835;
      "nsub", 8836;
      "sube", 8838;
      "supe", 8839;
      "oplus", 8853;
      "otimes", 8855;
      "perp", 8869;
      "sdot", 8901;
      "lceil", 8968;
      "rceil", 8969;
      "lfloor", 8970;
      "rfloor", 8971;
      "lang", 9001;
      "rang", 9002;
      "loz", 9674;
      "spades", 9824;
      "clubs", 9827;
      "hearts", 9829;
      "diams", 9830;
      "OElig", 338;
      "oelig", 339;
      "Scaron", 352;
      "scaron", 353;
      "Yuml", 376;
      "circ", 710;
      "tilde", 732;
      "ensp", 8194;
      "emsp", 8195;
      "thinsp", 8201;
      "zwnj", 8204;
      "zwj", 8205;
      "lrm", 8206;
      "rlm", 8207;
      "ndash", 8211;
      "mdash", 8212;
      "lsquo", 8216;
      "rsquo", 8217;
      "sbquo", 8218;
      "ldquo", 8220;
      "rdquo", 8221;
      "bdquo", 8222;
      "dagger", 8224;
      "Dagger", 8225;
      "permil", 8240;
      "lsaquo", 8249;
      "rsaquo", 8250;
      "euro", 8364;
    ] ;;

  let quick_etable_html =
    let ht = Hashtbl.create 50 in
    List.iter (fun (name,value) -> 
		 Hashtbl.add ht name value
    ht ;;

  let quick_etable_xml =
    let ht = Hashtbl.create 5 in
    List.iter (fun name -> 
		 let value = List.assoc name etable in
		 Hashtbl.add ht name value
              [ "lt"; "gt"; "amp"; "quot"; "apos"];
    ht ;;

  let rev_etable =
    (* Only code points 0 to 255: *)
    let a = Array.create 256 "" in
    List.iter (fun (name,value) -> 
		 if value <= 255 then
		   a.(value) <- "&" ^ name ^ ";"
	      ) etable;
    a ;;

  let rev_etable_rest =
    (* Only code points >= 256: *)
    let ht = Hashtbl.create 150 in
    List.iter (fun (name,value) -> 
		 if value >= 256 then
		   Hashtbl.add ht value ("&" ^ name ^ ";")
	      ) etable;
    ht ;;

  let unsafe_chars_html4 = "<>\"&\000\001\002\003\004\005\006\007\008\011\012\014\015\016\017\018\019\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027\028\029\030\031\127" ;;

  (* The functions [encode_quickly] and [encode_ascii] are special cases of 
   * [encode] that can be implemented by regular expressions.

  let encode_quickly ~prefer_name ~unsafe_chars () =
    (* Preconditions: in_enc = out_enc, and the encoding must be a single-byte,
     * ASCII-compatible encoding.
    if unsafe_chars = "" then
      (fun s -> s)
      let unsafe_re_str = 
	Netstring_str.quote_set unsafe_chars in
      let unsafe_re = 
	Netstring_str.regexp unsafe_re_str in
	(fun r s ->
	   let t = Netstring_str.matched_string r s in
	   let p = Char.code (t.[0]) in    (* p is an ASCII code point *)
	   let name = rev_etable.(p) in
	   if prefer_name && name <> "" then
	     "&#" ^ string_of_int p ^ ";"

  let msb_set = (
    let s = String.create 128 in
    for k = 0 to 127 do s.[k] <- Char.chr (128+k) done;

  let encode_ascii ~in_enc ~prefer_name ~unsafe_chars () =
    (* Preconditions: out_enc = `Enc_usascii, and in_enc must be a single-byte,
     * ASCII-compatible encoding.
    let unsafe_chars1 = unsafe_chars ^ msb_set in
    let unsafe_re_str = 
      Netstring_str.quote_set unsafe_chars1 in
    let unsafe_re = 
      Netstring_str.regexp unsafe_re_str in
    (* unicode_of.[q] = p: the code point q+128 of in_enc is the same as the
     * Unicode code point p
    let unicode_of = Array.make 128 (-1) in
    for i = 0 to 127 do
	let s = String.make 1 (Char.chr (i+128)) in
	let u = Netconversion.uarray_of_ustring in_enc s in
	match u with
	    [| u0 |] -> unicode_of.(i) <- u0
	  | _ -> assert false
	  Netconversion.Malformed_code -> 
	    unicode_of.(i) <- (-1)
      (fun r s ->
	 let t = Netstring_str.matched_string r s in
	 (* p is the code point in the encoding ~in_enc; p' is the Unicode
	  * code point:
	 let p = Char.code (t.[0]) in
	 let p' = if p < 128 then p else unicode_of.(p - 128) in
	 if p' < 0 then raise Netconversion.Malformed_code;
	 let name = 
	   if prefer_name then begin
	     if p' <= 255 then rev_etable.(p') else
		 Hashtbl.find rev_etable_rest p'
		   Not_found -> ""
	   else "" in
	 if name = "" then
	   "&#" ^ string_of_int p' ^ ";"

  let encode_from_latin1 =            (* backwards compatible *)
      ~in_enc:`Enc_iso88591 ~prefer_name:true ~unsafe_chars:unsafe_chars_html4

  let encode 
        ?(out_enc = `Enc_usascii)
	?(prefer_name = true)
	?(unsafe_chars = unsafe_chars_html4)
	() =
    (* This function implements the general case *)
    (* Check arguments: *)
    if not (Netconversion.is_ascii_compatible out_enc) then
      invalid_arg "Netencoding.Html.encode: out_enc not ASCII-compatible";
    for i = 0 to String.length unsafe_chars - 1 do
      if Char.code(unsafe_chars.[i]) >= 128 then
	invalid_arg "Netencoding.Html.encode: non-ASCII character in unsafe_chars";
    (* Are there better implementations than the general one? *)
    let in_single = Netconversion.is_single_byte in_enc in
    let in_subset = match in_enc with `Enc_subset(_,_) -> true | _ -> false in
    if not in_subset && in_enc=out_enc && in_single then 
      encode_quickly ~prefer_name ~unsafe_chars ()
    else if not in_subset && out_enc=`Enc_usascii && in_single then
      encode_ascii ~in_enc ~prefer_name ~unsafe_chars ()
    else begin
      (* ... only the general implementation is applicable. *)
      (* Create the domain function: *)
      let dom_array = Array.make 128 true in
      let dom p =  p >= 128 || dom_array.(p) in
      (* Set dom_array from unsafe_chars: *)
      for i = 0 to String.length unsafe_chars - 1 do
	let c = Char.code(unsafe_chars.[i]) in
	dom_array.(c) <- false
      (* Create the substitution function: *)
      let subst p =
	let name = 
	  if prefer_name then begin
	    if p <= 255 then rev_etable.(p) else
		 Hashtbl.find rev_etable_rest p
		   Not_found -> ""
	  else "" in
	if name = "" then
	  "&#" ^ string_of_int p ^ ";"
      (* Recode: *)
        ~in_enc ~out_enc:(`Enc_subset(out_enc,dom)) ~subst

  type entity_set = [ `Html | `Xml | `Empty ];;

  let eref_re = 
    Netstring_str.regexp "&\\(\
                          \\)" ;;

  let total_enc =
    (* every byte must have a corresponding Unicode code point, i.e. the
     * encoding must be "byte-total"
      | `Enc_iso88592
      | `Enc_iso88593
      | `Enc_iso88594
      | `Enc_iso88595
      | `Enc_iso88599
      | `Enc_iso885910
      | `Enc_iso885913
      | `Enc_iso885914
      | `Enc_iso885915
      | `Enc_iso885916  -> true
      | _ -> false

  let hex_digit_of_char c =
    match c with
       '0'..'9' -> Char.code c - 48
      | 'A'..'F' -> Char.code c - 55
      | 'a'..'f' -> Char.code c - 87
      | _ -> assert false

  let hex_of_string s =
    let n = ref 0 in
    for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
      let d = hex_digit_of_char s.[i] in
      n := (!n lsl 4) lor d

  let search_all re s pos =
    let rec search p acc =
	try Some(Netstring_str.search_forward re s p) with Not_found -> None
	| Some (k,r) ->
	    search (k+1) ( (k,r) :: acc )
	| None ->
	    List.rev acc in
    search pos []

  let decode 
        ?(lookup=fun name -> 
	    failwith ("Netencoding.Html.decode: Unknown entity `" ^ name ^ "'"))
        ?(subst=fun p ->
	    failwith ("Netencoding.Html.decode: Character cannot be represented: " ^ string_of_int p))
	?(entity_base = (`Html : entity_set))
	() =
    (* Argument checks: *)
    if not (Netconversion.is_ascii_compatible in_enc) then
      invalid_arg "Netencoding.Html.decode: in_enc not ASCII-compatible";
    (* makechar: *)
    let raw_makechar = Netconversion.makechar out_enc in
    let makechar p =
      try raw_makechar p
      with Not_found -> subst p
    (* Entity lookup: *)
    let lookup_entity =
      match entity_base with
	| `Xml ->
	    let ht = 
	      if entity_base = `Html 
	      then quick_etable_html 
	      else quick_etable_xml in
	    ( fun name ->
		  makechar(Hashtbl.find ht name)
		    Not_found -> lookup name
	| `Empty ->
    (* Recode strings: *)
    let recode_str =
      if total_enc in_enc && in_enc = out_enc then
	(fun s -> s)
	Netconversion.recode_string ~in_enc ~out_enc ~subst
    (fun s ->
       (* Find all occurrences of &name; or &#num; or &#xnum; *)
       let occurrences = search_all eref_re s 0  in
       (* Collect the resulting string in a buffer *)
       let buf = Buffer.create 250 in
       let n = ref 0 in
	 (fun (n0,r) ->
	    let n1 = Netstring_str.match_end r in
	    if n0 > !n then
	      Buffer.add_string buf (recode_str (String.sub s !n (n0 - !n)));
	    (* TODO: avoid String.sub *)
	    let replacement =
	      let num = 
		try Netstring_str.matched_group r 2 s with Not_found -> "" in
	      (* Note: Older versions of Pcre return "" when the substring
	       * did not match, newer versions raise Not_found  
	      if num <> "" then begin
		let n = int_of_string num in
		makechar n
	      else begin
		let xnum = 
		  try Netstring_str.matched_group r 3 s with Not_found -> "" in
		(* Note: Older versions of Pcre return "" when the substring
		 * did not match, newer versions raise Not_found  
		if xnum <> "" then begin
		  let n = hex_of_string xnum in
		  makechar n
		else begin
		  let name = 
		    try Netstring_str.matched_group r 4 s with Not_found -> "" in
		  (* Note: Older versions of Pcre return "" when the substring
	           * did not match, newer versions raise Not_found  
		  assert(name <> "");
		  lookup_entity name
	    Buffer.add_string buf replacement;
	    n := n1;
       let n0 = String.length s in
       if n0 > !n then
	 Buffer.add_string buf (recode_str (String.sub s !n (n0 - !n)));
       (* TODO: avoid String.sub *)
       (* Return *)
       Buffer.contents buf
  let decode_to_latin1 =
    decode ~in_enc:`Enc_iso88591 ~out_enc:`Enc_iso88591 
           ~lookup:(fun s -> "&" ^ s ^ ";")
           ~subst:(fun p -> "&#" ^ string_of_int p ^ ";")


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