exception Message_lost
exception Message_timeout
exception Response_dropped
exception Communication_error of exn
exception Client_is_down
exception Keep_call
exception Unbound_exception of exn
type t
type connector =
Inet of (string * int)
| Internet of (Unix.inet_addr * int)
| Unix of string
| W32_pipe of string
| Descriptor of Unix.file_descr
| Dynamic_descriptor of (unit -> Unix.file_descr)
| Portmapped of string
val connector_of_sockaddr : Unix.sockaddr -> Rpc_client.connector
val connector_of_socksymbol :
Netsockaddr.socksymbol -> Rpc_client.connector
val shutdown_connector :
Rpc_client.t ->
Rpc_transport.rpc_multiplex_controller -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
class type socket_config =
method multiplexing :
close_inactive_descr:bool ->
Rpc.protocol ->
Unix.file_descr ->
Unixqueue.event_system ->
Rpc_transport.rpc_multiplex_controller Uq_engines.engine
method non_blocking_connect : bool
val default_socket_config : Rpc_client.socket_config
class default_socket_config : socket_config
val blocking_socket_config : Rpc_client.socket_config
class blocking_socket_config : socket_config
type mode2 =
[ `Multiplexer_endpoint of Rpc_transport.rpc_multiplex_controller
| `Socket of
Rpc.protocol * Rpc_client.connector * Rpc_client.socket_config
| `Socket_endpoint of Rpc.protocol * Unix.file_descr ]
val create2 :
?program_number:Rtypes.uint4 ->
?version_number:Rtypes.uint4 ->
?initial_xid:int ->
?shutdown:(Rpc_client.t ->
Rpc_transport.rpc_multiplex_controller ->
(unit -> unit) -> unit) ->
Rpc_client.mode2 ->
Rpc_program.t -> Unixqueue.event_system -> Rpc_client.t
val unbound_create :
?initial_xid:int ->
?shutdown:(Rpc_client.t ->
Rpc_transport.rpc_multiplex_controller ->
(unit -> unit) -> unit) ->
Rpc_client.mode2 -> Unixqueue.event_system -> Rpc_client.t
val bind : Rpc_client.t -> Rpc_program.t -> unit
val use : Rpc_client.t -> Rpc_program.t -> unit
val configure : Rpc_client.t -> int -> float -> unit
val configure_next_call : Rpc_client.t -> int -> float -> unit
val set_dgram_destination : Rpc_client.t -> Unix.sockaddr option -> unit
val set_batch_call : Rpc_client.t -> unit
val set_user_name : Rpc_client.t -> string option -> unit
val set_max_response_length : Rpc_client.t -> int -> unit
val set_exception_handler : Rpc_client.t -> (exn -> unit) -> unit
val set_mstring_factories :
Rpc_client.t -> Xdr_mstring.named_mstring_factories -> unit
val event_system : Rpc_client.t -> Unixqueue.event_system
val programs : Rpc_client.t -> Rpc_program.t list
val get_socket_name : Rpc_client.t -> Unix.sockaddr
val get_peer_name : Rpc_client.t -> Unix.sockaddr
val get_sender_of_last_response : Rpc_client.t -> Unix.sockaddr
val get_protocol : Rpc_client.t -> Rpc.protocol
val is_up : Rpc_client.t -> bool
val unbound_sync_call :
Rpc_client.t -> Rpc_program.t -> string -> Xdr.xdr_value -> Xdr.xdr_value
val unbound_async_call :
Rpc_client.t ->
Rpc_program.t ->
string -> Xdr.xdr_value -> ((unit -> Xdr.xdr_value) -> unit) -> unit
class unbound_async_call :
Rpc_client.t ->
Rpc_program.t ->
string -> Xdr.xdr_value -> [Xdr.xdr_value] Uq_engines.engine
val synchronize :
Unixqueue.event_system ->
('a -> ((unit -> 'b) -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a -> 'b
val shut_down : Rpc_client.t -> unit
val sync_shutdown : Rpc_client.t -> unit
val trigger_shutdown : Rpc_client.t -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
type reject_code = [ `Fail | `Next | `Renew | `Retry ]
class type auth_session =
method auth_protocol : Rpc_client.auth_protocol
method next_credentials :
Rpc_client.t ->
Rpc_program.t ->
string ->
Rtypes.uint4 ->
string * string * string * string * Xdr.encoder option *
Xdr.decoder option
method server_accepts :
Rpc_client.t -> Rtypes.uint4 -> string -> string -> unit
method server_rejects :
Rpc_client.t ->
Rtypes.uint4 -> Rpc.server_error -> Rpc_client.reject_code
and auth_protocol =
method auth_method : Rpc_client.auth_method
method emit :
Rtypes.uint4 ->
Rtypes.uint4 -> Rtypes.uint4 -> Rpc_packer.packed_value
method receive : Rpc_packer.packed_value -> unit
method state :
[ `Done of Rpc_client.auth_session
| `Emit
| `Error
| `Receive of Rtypes.uint4 ]
and auth_method =
method name : string
method new_session :
Rpc_client.t -> string option -> Rpc_client.auth_protocol
val auth_none : Rpc_client.auth_method
val set_auth_methods : Rpc_client.t -> Rpc_client.auth_method list -> unit
module type USE_CLIENT =
type t
val use : Rpc_client.USE_CLIENT.t -> Rpc_program.t -> unit
val unbound_sync_call :
Rpc_client.USE_CLIENT.t ->
Rpc_program.t -> string -> Xdr.xdr_value -> Xdr.xdr_value
val unbound_async_call :
Rpc_client.USE_CLIENT.t ->
Rpc_program.t ->
string -> Xdr.xdr_value -> ((unit -> Xdr.xdr_value) -> unit) -> unit
val create :
?program_number:Rtypes.uint4 ->
?version_number:Rtypes.uint4 ->
?initial_xid:int ->
?shutdown:(Rpc_client.t ->
Rpc_transport.rpc_multiplex_controller ->
(unit -> unit) -> unit) ->
Unixqueue.event_system ->
Rpc_client.connector -> Rpc.protocol -> Rpc_program.t -> Rpc_client.t
val program : Rpc_client.t -> Rpc_program.t
val add_call :
Rpc_client.t ->
string -> Xdr.xdr_value -> ((unit -> Xdr.xdr_value) -> unit) -> unit
val sync_call : Rpc_client.t -> string -> Xdr.xdr_value -> Xdr.xdr_value
val verbose : bool -> unit
module Debug :
val enable : bool Pervasives.ref
val enable_ptrace : bool Pervasives.ref
val ptrace_verbosity : Rpc_util.verbosity Pervasives.ref
val disable_for_client : Rpc_client.t -> unit