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This example shows how to use netcgi2 together with netplex. The
resulting server is a stand-alone application server that can be
contacted over FCGI, SCGI and AJP.

In dir lighttpd there is a configuration how to configure FCGI and SCGI
for lighttpd (no AJP support in this web server).

Run the program with

./netplex -config netplex.cfg -fg

(or without -fg as background daemon). See also 
The program opens several sockets:

- port 4444: FastCGI
- port 4445: SCGI
- port 4446: AJP

In the suggested lighttpd configuration, the services are then
available as:

http://localhost:2080/fcgi/: Contacts the FastCGI port
http://localhost:2080/scgi/: Contacts the SCGI port

There is no AJP support in lighttpd.

This web site is published by Informatikbüro Gerd Stolpmann
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