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(* $Id: 1631 2011-06-16 15:04:56Z gerd $ *)

open Netgssapi
open Rpc_auth_gssapi_aux
open Printf

type support_level =
    [ `Required | `If_possible | `None ]

type window =
    { window : string;
      mutable window_length : int64;
      mutable window_offset : int;
      mutable window_last : int64;

type rpc_context =
    { context : context;
      mutable ctx_continue : bool;
      ctx_handle : string;
      ctx_conn_id : Rpc_server.connection_id option;
      mutable ctx_svc_none : bool;       
        (* whether unprotected messages are ok *)
      mutable ctx_svc_integrity : bool;
        (* whether integrity-protected msgs are ok *)
      mutable ctx_svc_privacy : bool;
        (* whether privacy-protected msgs are ok *)

      ctx_window : window option;

type user_name_format =
    [ `Exported_name
    | `Prefixed_name
    | `Plain_name

type user_name_interpretation =
    [ `Exported_name
    | `Prefixed_name
    | `Plain_name of oid

module Debug = struct
  let enable = ref false

let dlog = Netlog.Debug.mk_dlog "Rpc_auth_gssapi" Debug.enable
let dlogr = Netlog.Debug.mk_dlogr "Rpc_auth_gssapi" Debug.enable

let () =
  Netlog.Debug.register_module "Rpc_auth_gssapi" Debug.enable

let split_rpc_gss_data_t ms =
  let ms_len =  Xdr_mstring.length_mstrings ms in
  if ms_len < 4 then
    failwith "Rpc_auth_gssapi.split_rpc_gss_data_t";
  let seq_s = Xdr_mstring.prefix_mstrings ms 4 in
  let rest_s = Xdr_mstring.shared_sub_mstrings ms 4 (ms_len - 4) in
  let seq = Rtypes.read_uint4 seq_s 0 in
  (seq, rest_s)

let omax = Rtypes.mk_uint4 ('\255', '\255', '\255', '\255')

let integrity_encoder (gss_api : Netgssapi.gss_api)
                      ctx is_server cred1 rpc_gss_integ_data s =
  dlog "integrity_encoder";
  let data =
      (Rtypes.uint4_as_string cred1.seq_num) ::  s in
  let mic =
    gss_api # get_mic
      ~out:(fun ~msg_token ~minor_status ~major_status () ->
	      let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
	      if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then (
		if is_server then (
		  (* The RFC demands that no response is sent if a
		     get_mic problem occurs in the server
		  Netlog.logf `Err
		    "Rpc_auth_gssapi: Cannot obtain MIC: %s"
		    (string_of_major_status major_status);
		  raise Rpc_server.Late_drop
		  failwith("Rpc_auth_gssapi: \
                          Cannot obtain MIC: " ^ 
			     string_of_major_status major_status);
      () in
  (* The commented out code block performs two superflous string copies.
     We avoid this by doing the XDR-ing manually.
  let integ =
    { databody_integ = (Xdr_mstring.concat_mstrings data);
      checksum = mic;
    } in
  let xdr_val = Rpc_auth_gssapi_aux._of_rpc_gss_integ_data integ in
  Xdr.pack_xdr_value_as_string xdr_val rpc_gss_integ_data []
  let data_len = Xdr_mstring.length_mstrings data in
  let data_decolen = Xdr.get_string_decoration_size data_len omax in
  let data_hdr = Rtypes.uint4_as_string (Rtypes.uint4_of_int data_len) in
  let data_padlen = data_decolen - 4 in
  let data_pad = String.make data_padlen '\000' in
  let mic_len = String.length mic in
  let mic_decolen =  Xdr.get_string_decoration_size mic_len omax in
  let mic_hdr = Rtypes.uint4_as_string (Rtypes.uint4_of_int mic_len) in
  let mic_padlen = mic_decolen - 4 in
  let mic_pad = String.make mic_padlen '\000' in

  [ Xdr_mstring.string_to_mstring data_hdr ] @
  data @
  [ Xdr_mstring.string_to_mstring (data_pad ^ 
				     mic_hdr ^ mic ^ mic_pad)


let ms_factories = Hashtbl.create 3

let () =
  Hashtbl.add ms_factories "*" Xdr_mstring.string_based_mstrings

let integrity_decoder (gss_api : Netgssapi.gss_api)
                      ctx is_server cred1 rpc_gss_integ_data s pos len =
  dlog "integrity_decoder";
    let xdr_val, xdr_len =
	~pos ~len ~fast:true s rpc_gss_integ_data ~prefix:true
	[] in
    let integ =
      _to_rpc_gss_integ_data xdr_val in
    let data =
      integ.databody_integ in
    (* In the server, any integrity problem should be mapped
       to GARBAGE. We get this by raising Xdr_format exceptions here.
    gss_api # verify_mic
      ~out:(fun ~qop_state ~minor_status ~major_status () ->
	      let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
	      if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
			"Rpc_auth_gssapi: \
                          Cannot verify MIC: " ^ 
			  string_of_major_status major_status));
    let (seq, args) =
      split_rpc_gss_data_t [data] in
    if seq <> cred1.seq_num then
      raise(Xdr.Xdr_format "Rpc_auth_gssapi: bad sequence number");
    dlog "integrity_decoder returns normally";
    (Xdr_mstring.concat_mstrings args, xdr_len)
      (* This "concat" is hard to avoid. We are still decoding strings,
	 not mstrings.
    | Xdr.Xdr_format _ as e ->
	raise e
    | e ->
		"Rpc_auth_gssapi: cannot decode integrity-proctected message")

let privacy_encoder (gss_api : Netgssapi.gss_api)
                     ctx is_server cred1 rpc_gss_priv_data s =
  dlog "privacy_encoder";
  let data =
      (Rtypes.uint4_as_string cred1.seq_num) ::  s in
  gss_api # wrap
    ~out:(fun ~conf_state ~output_message ~minor_status ~major_status () ->
	      let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
	      if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then (
		failwith("Rpc_auth_gssapi: \
                          Cannot wrap message: " ^ 
			   string_of_major_status major_status);
	      if not conf_state then
		  "Rpc_auth_gssapi: no privacy-ensuring wrapping possible";
  (* The commented out code block performs two superflous string copies.
     We avoid this by doing the XDR-ing manually.
	      let priv_len = Xdr_mstring.length_mstrings output_message in
	      let priv_decolen = Xdr.get_string_decoration_size priv_len omax in
	      let priv_hdr = 
		Rtypes.uint4_as_string (Rtypes.uint4_of_int priv_len) in
	      let priv_padlen = priv_decolen - 4 in
	      let priv_pad = String.make priv_padlen '\000' in
	      [ Xdr_mstring.string_to_mstring priv_hdr ] @
		output_message @
		[ Xdr_mstring.string_to_mstring priv_pad ]
	      let priv =
		{ databody_priv = output_message } in
	      let xdr_val = Rpc_auth_gssapi_aux._of_rpc_gss_priv_data priv in
	      Xdr.pack_xdr_value_as_mstring xdr_val rpc_gss_priv_data []
	      | (Failure s | Xdr.Xdr_failure s) when is_server ->
		  (* The RFC demands that no response is sent if a
		     wrap problem occurs in the server
		  Netlog.log `Err s;
		  raise Rpc_server.Late_drop

let privacy_decoder (gss_api : Netgssapi.gss_api)
                     ctx is_server cred1 rpc_gss_priv_data s pos len =
  dlog "privacy_decoder";
    let xdr_val, xdr_len =
	~pos ~len ~fast:true ~prefix:true s rpc_gss_priv_data 
	[] in
    let priv =
      _to_rpc_gss_priv_data xdr_val in
    let data =
      priv.databody_priv in
    (* In the server, any integrity problem should be mapped
       to GARBAGE. We get this by raising Xdr_format exceptions here.
    gss_api # unwrap
      ~out:(fun ~output_message ~conf_state ~qop_state ~minor_status 
	      () ->
		let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
		if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
			  ("Rpc_auth_gssapi: \
                            Cannot unwrap message: " ^ 
			     string_of_major_status major_status));
		if not conf_state then
		       "Rpc_auth_gssapi: no privacy-ensuring unwrapping \
		let (seq, args) =
		  split_rpc_gss_data_t output_message in
		if seq <> cred1.seq_num then
		  raise(Xdr.Xdr_format "Rpc_auth_gssapi: bad sequence number");
		dlog "privacy_decoder returns normally";
		(Xdr_mstring.concat_mstrings args, xdr_len)
    | Xdr.Xdr_format _ as e ->
	raise e
    | e ->
		"Rpc_auth_gssapi: cannot decode privacy-proctected message")

let init_window n =
  let n' = ((n-1) / 8) + 1 in
  { window = String.make n' '\000';
    window_length = 0L;
    window_offset = 0;
    window_last = 0L;

let check_seq_num w seq_num =
  (* The interpretation is as follows:
     - The window starts at window_last - window_length + 1
     - The window ends at window_last
     - The string window is seen as a bit string
     - The first bit of the window is mapped to the bit window_offset
       in window

     returns true if the seq num is ok
  let l = String.length w.window * 8 in
  let lL = Int64.of_int l in
  let seq_numL = Rtypes.int64_of_uint4 seq_num in
  if w.window_length = 0L then (
    (* initialization. Assume ctx.ctx_window is filled with zeros *)
    if seq_numL >= lL then
      w.window_length <- lL
      w.window_length <- Int64.succ seq_numL;
    w.window_offset <- 0;
    w.window_last <- seq_numL;
    let n2 = Int64.to_int w.window_length - 1 in
    let k = n2 lsr 3 in
    let j = n2 land 7 in
    let c = Char.code w.window.[k] in
    let c' =  c lor (1 lsl j) in
    w.window.[k] <- Char.chr c';
    if seq_numL > w.window_last then (
      (* all ok, just advance the window *)
      while seq_numL > w.window_last do
	let next = Int64.succ w.window_last in
	if w.window_length < lL then
	  w.window_length <- Int64.succ w.window_length
	  w.window_offset <- (succ w.window_offset) mod l;
	let n2 = 
	  (w.window_offset + Int64.to_int w.window_length - 1) mod l in
	let k = n2 lsr 3 in
	let j = n2 land 7 in
	let c = Char.code w.window.[k] in
	let c' = 
	  if seq_numL = next then
	    c lor (1 lsl j) 
	  c land (lnot (1 lsl j)) in
	w.window.[k] <- Char.chr c';
	w.window_last <- next
    ) else
      let before_start =
	Int64.sub w.window_last w.window_length in
      seq_numL > before_start && (
	let n1 = Int64.to_int (Int64.pred (Int64.sub seq_numL before_start)) in
	let n2 = (w.window_offset + n1) mod l in
	let k = n2 lsr 3 in
	let j = n2 land 7 in
	let c = Char.code w.window.[k] in
	let ok = (c land (1 lsl j)) = 0 in
	if ok then (
	  let c' = c lor (1 lsl j) in
	  w.window.[k] <- Char.chr c';

let server_auth_method 
      ?(user_name_format = `Prefixed_name)
      (gss_api : gss_api) mech : Rpc_server.auth_method =

  let acceptor_cred =
    match acceptor_cred with
      | None ->
	  gss_api # acquire_cred
	      fun ~cred ~actual_mechs ~time_rec ~minor_status ~major_status() ->
		let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
		if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
		  failwith("Rpc_auth_gssapi: Cannot acquire default creds: " ^ 
			     string_of_major_status major_status);
      | Some c -> c in

  let rpc_gss_cred_t =
      Rpc_auth_gssapi_aux.xdrt_rpc_gss_cred_t in

  let rpc_gss_init_arg =
      Rpc_auth_gssapi_aux.xdrt_rpc_gss_init_arg in

  let rpc_gss_init_res =
      Rpc_auth_gssapi_aux.xdrt_rpc_gss_init_res in

  let rpc_gss_integ_data =
      Rpc_auth_gssapi_aux.xdrt_rpc_gss_integ_data in

  let rpc_gss_priv_data =
      Rpc_auth_gssapi_aux.xdrt_rpc_gss_priv_data in

  let ctx_by_handle = Hashtbl.create 42 in

  let handle_nr = ref 0 in

  let new_handle() =
    let n = !handle_nr in
    incr handle_nr;
    let random = String.make 16 '\000' in
    Netsys_rng.fill_random random;
    sprintf "%6d_%s" n (Digest.to_hex random) in

  ( object(self)
      method name = "RPCSEC_GSS"

      method flavors = [ "RPCSEC_GSS" ]

      method peek = `None

      method authenticate srv conn_id (details:Rpc_server.auth_details) auth =
	dlog "authenticate";
	(* First decode the rpc_gss_cred_t structure in the header: *)
	  let (_, cred_data) = details # credential in
	  let xdr_val =
	    with _ ->
	      (* Bad credential *)
	      raise(Rpc.Rpc_server Rpc.Auth_bad_cred) in
	  let cred =
	    _to_rpc_gss_cred_t xdr_val in
	  match cred with
	    | `_1 cred1 ->
		let r =
		  match cred1.gss_proc with
		    | `rpcsec_gss_init ->
			self # auth_init srv conn_id details cred1
		    | `rpcsec_gss_continue_init ->
			self # auth_cont_init srv conn_id details cred1
		    | `rpcsec_gss_destroy ->
			self # auth_destroy srv conn_id details cred1
		    | `rpcsec_gss_data ->
			self # auth_data srv conn_id details cred1
		let () = auth r in
		dlog "authenticate returns normally";
	  | Rpc.Rpc_server code ->
	      auth(Rpc_server.Auth_negative code)
	  | error ->
	      Netlog.logf `Err
		"Failed RPC authentication (GSS-API): %s"
		(Netexn.to_string error);
	      auth(Rpc_server.Auth_negative Rpc.Auth_failed)

      method private get_token details =
	let body_data =
	    details#message details#frame_len in
	let xdr_val =
	    [] in
	let token_struct =
	  _to_rpc_gss_init_arg xdr_val in

      method private fixup_svc_flags ctx ret_flags =
	let have_privacy = List.mem `Conf_flag ret_flags in
	let have_integrity = List.mem `Integ_flag ret_flags in
	if require_privacy && not have_privacy then
	    "Rpc_auth_gssapi: Privacy requested but unavailable";
	if require_integrity && not have_integrity then
	    "Rpc_auth_gssapi: Integrity requested but unavailable";

	ctx.ctx_svc_none      <- not require_privacy && not require_integrity;
	ctx.ctx_svc_integrity <- not require_privacy && have_integrity;
	ctx.ctx_svc_privacy   <- have_privacy;

      method private verify_context ctx conn_id =
	( match ctx.ctx_conn_id with
	    | None -> ()
	    | Some id ->
		if id <> conn_id then
		  failwith "Rpc_auth_gssapi: this context is unavailable \
                            to this connection"
	  (* CHECK: do we need to inquire_context, and to check whether
	     the context is fully established?

      method private get_user ctx =
	let name =
	  gss_api # inquire_context
	    ~out:(fun ~src_name ~targ_name ~lifetime_req ~mech_type
		    ~ctx_flags ~locally_initiated ~is_open 
		    ~minor_status ~major_status
		      let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
		      if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
			failwith("Rpc_auth_gssapi: Cannot extract name: " 
				   ^ string_of_major_status major_status);
		      if not is_open then
			failwith("Rpc_auth_gssapi: get_user: context is not \
                               fully established");
			(* this is guaranteed to be a mechanism name (MN),
			   so it is already canonicalized
	  () in
	if user_name_format = `Exported_name then
	  gss_api # export_name
	    ~out:(fun ~exported_name ~minor_status ~major_status () ->
		    let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
		    if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
		      failwith("Rpc_auth_gssapi: Cannot export name: " 
			       ^ string_of_major_status major_status);
	else (
	  gss_api # display_name
	    ~out:(fun ~output_name ~output_name_type ~minor_status ~major_status
		    () ->
		      match user_name_format with
			| `Exported_name -> assert false
			| `Prefixed_name ->
			    let oid_s =
			      Netgssapi.oid_to_string output_name_type in
			    oid_s ^ output_name
			| `Plain_name ->

      method private auth_init srv conn_id details cred1 =
	dlog "auth_init";
	let (verf_flav, verf_data) = details # verifier in
	if details#procedure <> Rtypes.uint4_of_int 0 then
	  failwith "For context initialization the RPC procedure must be 0";
	if cred1.handle <> "" then
	  failwith "Context handle is not empty";
	if verf_flav <> "AUTH_NONE" then
	  failwith "Bad verifier (1)";
	if verf_data <> "" then
	  failwith "Bad verifier (2)";
	gss_api # accept_sec_context
	  ~input_token:(self # get_token details)
	    fun ~src_name ~mech_type ~output_context
	      ~output_token ~ret_flags ~time_rec 
	      ~delegated_cred ~minor_status ~major_status
	      () ->
		let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
		if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
		  failwith("Rpc_auth_gssapi: Cannot accept token: " ^ 
			     string_of_major_status major_status);
		let h = new_handle() in
		let context =
		  match output_context with
		    | None ->
			failwith "Rpc_auth_gssapi: no context"
		    | Some c -> c in
		let cont = List.mem `Continue_needed flags in
		let ctx =
		  { context = context;
		    ctx_continue = cont;
		    ctx_handle = h;
		    ctx_conn_id = 
		      if shared_context then None else Some conn_id;
		    ctx_svc_none = false;
		    ctx_svc_integrity = false;
		    ctx_svc_privacy = false;
		    ctx_window = ( match seq_number_window with
				     | None -> None
				     | Some n -> Some(init_window n)
		  } in
		if not cont then
		  self#fixup_svc_flags ctx ret_flags;
		Hashtbl.replace ctx_by_handle h ctx;
		let reply =
		  { res_handle = h;
		    res_major =
		      if ctx.ctx_continue 
		      then gss_s_continue_needed
		      else gss_s_complete;
		    res_minor = zero;
		    res_seq_window = ( match seq_number_window with
					 | None ->
					 | Some n -> 
					     Rtypes.uint4_of_int n
		    res_token = output_token
		  } in
		self # auth_init_result ctx reply

      method private auth_cont_init srv conn_id details cred1 =
	dlog "auth_cont_init";
	let (verf_flav, verf_data) = details # verifier in
	if details#procedure <> Rtypes.uint4_of_int 0 then
	  failwith "For context initialization the RPC procedure must be 0";
	if verf_flav <> "AUTH_NONE" then
	  failwith "Bad verifier (1)";
	if verf_data <> "" then
	  failwith "Bad verifier (2)";
	let h = cred1.handle in
	let ctx =
	  try Hashtbl.find ctx_by_handle h
	  with Not_found ->
	    failwith "Rpc_auth_gssapi: unknown context handle" in
	if not ctx.ctx_continue then
	  failwith "Rpc_auth_gssapi: cannot continue context establishment";
	self # verify_context ctx conn_id;
	gss_api # accept_sec_context
	  ~context:(Some ctx.context)
	  ~input_token:(self # get_token details)
	    fun ~src_name ~mech_type ~output_context
	      ~output_token ~ret_flags ~time_rec 
	      ~delegated_cred ~minor_status ~major_status
	      () ->
		let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
		if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
		  failwith("Rpc_auth_gssapi: Cannot accept token: " ^ 
			     string_of_major_status major_status);
		(* CHECK: do we need to check whether output_context is
		   the current context? Can this change? 
		ctx.ctx_continue <- List.mem `Continue_needed flags;
		if not ctx.ctx_continue then
		  self#fixup_svc_flags ctx ret_flags;
		let reply =
		  { res_handle = h;
		    res_major =
		      if ctx.ctx_continue 
		      then gss_s_continue_needed
		      else gss_s_complete;
		    res_minor = zero;
		    res_seq_window = ( match seq_number_window with
					 | None ->
					 | Some n -> 
					     Rtypes.uint4_of_int n
		    res_token = output_token
		  } in
		self # auth_init_result ctx reply

      method private auth_init_result ctx reply =
	dlog "auth_init_result";
	let xdr_val =
	  Rpc_auth_gssapi_aux._of_rpc_gss_init_res reply in
	let m =
	    xdr_val rpc_gss_init_res [] in
	let (verf_flav, verf_data) =
	  if ctx.ctx_continue  then
	    ("AUTH_NONE", "")
	    let window_s =
	      Rtypes.uint4_as_string reply.res_seq_window in
	    let mic =
	      gss_api # get_mic
		~message:[Xdr_mstring.string_to_mstring window_s]
		~out:(fun ~msg_token ~minor_status ~major_status () ->
			let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
			if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
			  failwith("Rpc_auth_gssapi: \
                                  Cannot compute MIC: " ^ 
				     string_of_major_status major_status);
		() in
	    ("RPCSEC_GSS", mic) in
	Rpc_server.Auth_reply(m, verf_flav, verf_data)

      method private auth_data srv conn_id details cred1 =
	dlog "auth_data";
	(* Get context: *)
	let h = cred1.handle in
	let ctx =
	  try Hashtbl.find ctx_by_handle h
	  with Not_found ->
	    failwith "Rpc_auth_gssapi: unknown context handle" in
	self # verify_context ctx conn_id;

	(* Verify the header first *)
	let (verf_flav, verf_data) = details # verifier in
	if verf_flav <> "RPCSEC_GSS" then
	  failwith "Rpc_auth_gssapi: Bad type of verifier";
	let pv = details # message in
	let n = Rpc_packer.extract_call_gssapi_header pv in
	let s = Rpc_packer.prefix_of_packed_value pv n in
	gss_api # verify_mic
	  ~message:[Xdr_mstring.string_to_mstring s]
	  ~out:(fun ~qop_state ~minor_status ~major_status () ->
		  let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
		  if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
		    raise(Rpc.Rpc_server Rpc.RPCSEC_GSS_credproblem)
		      (* demanded by the RFC *)
		    failwith("Rpc_auth_gssapi: \
                                  Cannot verify MIC: " ^ 
			       string_of_major_status major_status);

	(* FIXME: we should also check here whether the credentials'
	   lifetime is over, and if so, report RPCSEC_GSS_ctxproblem.
	   We cannot delay this until encoding/decoding because the
	   exception handling would not work by then. So it must
	   happen now. I have no idea how to do so, though.

	(* Check sequence number *)
	if Rtypes.gt_uint4 cred1.seq_num maxseq then
	  raise(Rpc.Rpc_server Rpc.RPCSEC_GSS_ctxproblem);

	let drop =
	  match ctx.ctx_window with
	    | None -> false
	    | Some w ->
		not (check_seq_num w cred1.seq_num) in

	if drop then
	  match cred1.service with
	    | `rpc_gss_svc_none ->
		if not ctx.ctx_svc_none then
		  failwith "Rpc_auth_gssapi: unexpected unprotected message";
		self#auth_data_result ctx cred1.seq_num None None;
	    | `rpc_gss_svc_integrity ->
		if not ctx.ctx_svc_integrity then
		  failwith "Rpc_auth_gssapi: unexpected integrity-proctected \
		let encoder =
		    gss_api ctx.context true cred1 rpc_gss_integ_data in
		let decoder =
		    gss_api ctx.context true cred1 rpc_gss_integ_data in
		  ctx cred1.seq_num (Some encoder) (Some decoder)
	    | `rpc_gss_svc_privacy ->
		if not ctx.ctx_svc_privacy then
		  failwith "Rpc_auth_gssapi: unexpected privacy-proctected \
		let encoder =
		    gss_api ctx.context true cred1 rpc_gss_priv_data in
		let decoder =
		  privacy_decoder gss_api ctx.context true
		    cred1 rpc_gss_priv_data in
		self # auth_data_result
		  ctx cred1.seq_num (Some encoder) (Some decoder)
      method private auth_data_result ctx seq enc_opt dec_opt =
	dlog "auth_data_result";
	let seq_s =
	  Rtypes.uint4_as_string seq in
	let mic =
	  gss_api # get_mic
	    ~message:[Xdr_mstring.string_to_mstring seq_s]
	    ~out:(fun ~msg_token ~minor_status ~major_status () ->
		    let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
		    if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
		      raise(Rpc.Rpc_server Rpc.RPCSEC_GSS_ctxproblem);
		      failwith("Rpc_auth_gssapi: \
                                  Cannot compute MIC: " ^ 
				 string_of_major_status major_status);
	    () in
	  self#get_user ctx,
	  "RPCSEC_GSS", mic, enc_opt, dec_opt

      method private auth_destroy srv conn_id details cred1 =
	dlog "auth_destroy";
	if details#procedure <> Rtypes.uint4_of_int 0 then
	  failwith "For context destruction the RPC procedure must be 0";
	let r =
	  self # auth_data srv conn_id details cred1 in
	match r with
	  | Rpc_server.Auth_positive(_, flav, mic, enc_opt, dec_opt) ->
	      (* Check that the input args are empty: *)
	      let raw_body =
		  details#message details#frame_len in
	      let body_length =
		match dec_opt with
		  | None -> String.length raw_body
		  | Some dec -> 
		      let (b,n) = dec raw_body 0 (String.length raw_body) in
		      n in
	      if body_length <> 0 then
		failwith "Rpc_auth_gssapi: invalid destroy request";

	      (* Now destroy: *)
	      let h = cred1.handle in
	      Hashtbl.remove ctx_by_handle h;
	      (* Create response: *)
	      let encoded_emptiness =
		match enc_opt with
		  | None -> []
		  | Some enc -> enc [] in

	      (* Respond: *)
	      Rpc_server.Auth_reply(encoded_emptiness, flav, mic)
	  | _ ->

let client_auth_method 
      ?(user_name_interpretation = `Prefixed_name)
      (gss_api : gss_api) mech : Rpc_client.auth_method =

  let default_initiator_cred() =
    gss_api # acquire_cred
	fun ~cred ~actual_mechs ~time_rec ~minor_status ~major_status() ->
	  let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
	  if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
	    failwith("Rpc_auth_gssapi: Cannot acquire default creds: " ^ 
		       string_of_major_status major_status);
      () in

  let rpc_gss_cred_t =
      Rpc_auth_gssapi_aux.xdrt_rpc_gss_cred_t in

  let rpc_gss_integ_data =
      Rpc_auth_gssapi_aux.xdrt_rpc_gss_integ_data in

  let rpc_gss_priv_data =
      Rpc_auth_gssapi_aux.xdrt_rpc_gss_priv_data in

  let session (m:Rpc_client.auth_method)
              ctx service handle cur_seq_num
        : Rpc_client.auth_session =
    let seq_num_of_xid = Hashtbl.create 15 in
    ( object(self)
	method next_credentials client prog proc xid =
	  (* N.B. Exceptions raised here probably abort the client,
	     and fall through to the event loop

	    (fun () ->
	       sprintf "next_credentials proc=%s xid=%Ld"
		 proc (Rtypes.int64_of_uint4 xid)

	  let cred1 =
	    { gss_proc = `rpcsec_gss_data;
	      seq_num = !cur_seq_num;
	      service = service;
	      handle = handle
	    } in
	  let cred1_xdr = _of_rpc_gss_cred_t (`_1 cred1) in
	  let cred1_s =
	      cred1_xdr rpc_gss_cred_t [] in
	  let h_pv =
	      prog xid proc "RPCSEC_GSS" cred1_s in
	  let h =
	    Rpc_packer.string_of_packed_value h_pv in
	  let mic =
	    gss_api # get_mic
	      ~message:[Xdr_mstring.string_to_mstring h]
	      ~out:(fun ~msg_token ~minor_status ~major_status () ->
		      let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
		      if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
			failwith("Rpc_auth_gssapi: \
                          Cannot obtain MIC: " ^ 
				   string_of_major_status major_status);
	      () in

	  (* Save seq_num: *)
	  Hashtbl.replace seq_num_of_xid xid !cur_seq_num;

	  (* Increment cur_seq_num: *)
	  cur_seq_num := 
		(Int64.succ (Rtypes.int64_of_uint4 !cur_seq_num))

	  let enc_opt, dec_opt =
	    match service with
	      | `rpc_gss_svc_none ->
		  None, None
	      | `rpc_gss_svc_integrity ->
		  let encoder =
		      gss_api ctx false cred1 rpc_gss_integ_data in
		  let decoder =
		      gss_api ctx false cred1 rpc_gss_integ_data in
		  (Some encoder), (Some decoder)

	      | `rpc_gss_svc_privacy ->
		  let encoder =
		    privacy_encoder gss_api ctx false cred1 rpc_gss_priv_data in
		  let decoder =
		    privacy_decoder gss_api ctx false cred1 rpc_gss_priv_data in
		  (Some encoder), (Some decoder) in

	    (fun () ->
	       sprintf "next_credentials returns normally"

	  ("RPCSEC_GSS", cred1_s,
	   "RPCSEC_GSS", mic,
	   enc_opt, dec_opt

	method server_rejects client xid code =
	    (fun () ->
	       sprintf "server_rejects xid=%Ld"
		 (Rtypes.int64_of_uint4 xid)
	  Hashtbl.remove seq_num_of_xid xid;
	  match code with
	    | Rpc.RPCSEC_GSS_credproblem | Rpc.RPCSEC_GSS_ctxproblem ->
	    | Rpc.Auth_too_weak ->
	    | _ ->

	method server_accepts client xid verf_flav verf_data =
	    (fun () ->
	       sprintf "server_accepts xid=%Ld"
		 (Rtypes.int64_of_uint4 xid)
	  if verf_flav <> "RPCSEC_GSS" then
	    raise(Rpc.Rpc_server Rpc.Auth_invalid_resp);
	  let seq =
	    try Hashtbl.find seq_num_of_xid xid
	    with Not_found -> 
	      raise(Rpc.Rpc_server Rpc.Auth_invalid_resp) in
	  let seq_s =
	    Rtypes.uint4_as_string seq in
	  Hashtbl.remove seq_num_of_xid xid;
	  gss_api # verify_mic
	    ~message:[Xdr_mstring.string_to_mstring seq_s]
	    ~out:(fun ~qop_state ~minor_status ~major_status () ->
		    let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
		    if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
		      raise(Rpc.Rpc_server Rpc.Auth_invalid_resp);
	  dlog "server_accepts returns normally"

	method auth_protocol = p

    ) in

  let protocol (m:Rpc_client.auth_method) client cred
       : Rpc_client.auth_protocol =
    let first = ref true in
    let state = ref `Emit in
    let ctx = ref None in
    let input_token = ref "" in
    let handle = ref "" in
    let init_prog = ref None in
    let init_service = ref None in

    let get_context() =
      match !ctx with Some c -> c | None -> assert false in

    (* CHECK: what happens with exceptions thrown here? *)

    ( object(self)
	method state = !state

	method emit xid prog_nr vers_nr =
	  assert(!state = `Emit);
	    (fun () ->
	       sprintf "emit prog_nr=%Ld vers_nr=%Ld xid=%Ld"
		 (Rtypes.int64_of_uint4 prog_nr)
		 (Rtypes.int64_of_uint4 vers_nr)
		 (Rtypes.int64_of_uint4 xid)
	    let prog =
	      match !init_prog with
		| None ->
		    let p =
			(Xdr.validate_xdr_type_system [])
			[ "init", 
			  (  (Rtypes.uint4_of_int 0), 
			] in
		    init_prog := Some p;
		| Some p -> p in
	    let req_flags =
	      ( if integrity=`If_possible || integrity=`Required then
		  [ `Integ_flag ]
	      ) @
		( if privacy=`If_possible || privacy=`Required then
		    [ `Conf_flag ]
		) in
	    let (output_token, cont_needed, have_priv, have_integ) =
	      gss_api # init_sec_context
		~input_token:(if !first then None else Some !input_token)
		~out:(fun ~actual_mech_type ~output_context ~output_token 
			~ret_flags ~time_rec ~minor_status ~major_status
			() ->
			  let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
			  if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
			    failwith("Rpc_auth_gssapi: Cannot init sec ctx: " ^ 
				       string_of_major_status major_status);
			  ctx := output_context;
			   List.mem `Continue_needed flags,
			   List.mem `Conf_flag ret_flags,
			   List.mem `Integ_flag ret_flags
		() in
	    let service_i =
	      match integrity with
		| `Required ->
		    if not have_integ && not have_priv then
		      failwith "Rpc_auth_gssapi: Integrity is not available";
		| `If_possible ->
		    if have_integ then
		| `None ->
		    `rpc_gss_svc_none in
	    let service =
	      match privacy with
		| `Required ->
		    if not have_priv then
		      failwith "Rpc_auth_gssapi: Privacy is not available";
		| `If_possible ->
		    if have_priv then
		| `None ->
		    service_i in
	    init_service := Some service;
	    let cred1 =
	      `_1 { gss_proc = ( if !first then `rpcsec_gss_init
				 else `rpcsec_gss_continue_init );
		    seq_num = Rtypes.uint4_of_int 0;  (* FIXME *)
		    service = service;
		    handle = !handle
		  } in
	    let cred1_xdr = _of_rpc_gss_cred_t cred1 in
	    let cred1_s =
		cred1_xdr rpc_gss_cred_t [] in
	    let pv =
		prog xid "init"
		"RPCSEC_GSS" cred1_s
		"AUTH_NONE" ""
		(Xdr.XV_struct_fast [| Xdr.XV_opaque output_token |] ) in
	    first := false;
	    state := `Receive xid;
	    dlog "emit returns normally";
	  with error ->
	    Netlog.logf `Err
	      "Rpc_auth_gssapi: Error during message preparation: %s"
	      (Netexn.to_string error);
	    state := `Error;
	    raise error

	method receive pv =
	    dlog "receive";
	    let prog =
	      match !init_prog with
		| None -> assert false
		| Some p -> p in
	    let (xid, flav_name, flav_data, result_xdr) =
	      Rpc_packer.unpack_reply prog "init" pv in
	    assert( !state = `Receive xid );

	      (fun () ->
		 sprintf "receive xid=%Ld"
		   (Rtypes.int64_of_uint4 xid)
	    let res = _to_rpc_gss_init_res result_xdr in
	    let cont_needed =
	      res.res_major = gss_s_continue_needed in
	    if not cont_needed && res.res_major <> gss_s_complete then
		(sprintf "Rpc_auth_gssapi: Got GSS-API error code %Ld"
		   (Rtypes.int64_of_uint4 res.res_major));
	    if cont_needed then (
	      if flav_name <> "AUTH_NONE" || flav_data <> "" then
		failwith "Rpc_auth_gssapi: bad verifier";
	    else (
	      if flav_name <> "RPCSEC_GSS" then
		failwith "Rpc_auth_gssapi: bad verifier";
	      let window_s =
		Rtypes.uint4_as_string res.res_seq_window in
	      gss_api # verify_mic
		~message:[Xdr_mstring.string_to_mstring window_s]
		~out:(fun ~qop_state ~minor_status ~major_status () ->
			let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
			if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
			  failwith("Rpc_auth_gssapi: \
                                  Cannot verify MIC: " ^ 
				     string_of_major_status major_status);
	    handle := res.res_handle;	  
	    input_token := res.res_token;
	    if cont_needed then
	      state := `Emit
	      let c = get_context () in
	      let service =
		match !init_service with Some s -> s | None -> assert false in
	      let cs = ref (Rtypes.uint4_of_int 0) in
	      let s = 
		  m (self :> Rpc_client.auth_protocol) c service !handle cs in
	      state := `Done s;
	      dlog "receive returns normally";
	  with error ->
	    Netlog.logf `Err
	      "Rpc_auth_gssapi: Error during message verification: %s"
	      (Netexn.to_string error);
	    state := `Error;
	    raise error

	method auth_method = m

    ) in

  ( object(self)
      method name = "RPCSEC_GSS"

      method new_session client user_opt =
	  (fun () ->
	     sprintf "new_session user=%s"
	       (match user_opt with
		  | None -> "-" | Some u -> u

	let cred =
	  match user_opt with
	    | None ->
	    | Some user ->
		let (input_name, input_name_type) =
		  match user_name_interpretation with
		    | `Exported_name ->
			(user, nt_export_name)
		    | `Prefixed_name ->
			let l = String.length user in
			( try
			    let k = String.index user '}' in
			    let oid = string_to_oid (String.sub user 0 (k+1)) in
			    let n = String.sub user (k+1) (l-k-1) in
			    (n, oid)
			  with _ ->
			      ("Rpc_auth_gssapi: cannot parse user name")
		    | `Plain_name input_name_type ->
			(user, input_name_type) in
		let name =
		  gss_api # import_name
		    ~out:(fun ~output_name ~minor_status ~major_status
			    () ->
			      let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
			      if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
				  ("Rpc_auth_gssapi: Cannot import name: "
				   ^ string_of_major_status major_status);
		    () in
		gss_api # acquire_cred
		    fun ~cred ~actual_mechs ~time_rec ~minor_status
		      () ->
			let (c_err, r_err, flags) = major_status in
			if c_err <> `None || r_err <> `None then
			    ("Rpc_auth_gssapi: Cannot acquire default creds: " 
			     ^ string_of_major_status major_status);
		  () in
	protocol (self :> Rpc_client.auth_method) client cred


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