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The "finder" example for:

 - RPC client
 - RPC server
 - Netplex + RPC

The "finder" is a simple daemon that implements one RPC procedure "find".
"find" searches for a given file name in a directory hierarchy and returns
the first match.

The "finder" daemon is implemented with Netplex for maximum parallelism.
It can either be run in a multi-processing (default) or multi-threading
(switch -mt) mode. As Netplex has a nice configuration file, many
of its parameters can be set in this file.

After compiling, start the daemon with

./finder_daemon -conf netplex.cfg

Queries can be issued with the command

./finder_client <filename to search>

You can control finder_daemon with the generic Netplex administration
command, netplex-admin. For example, to shut the finder down, run

netplex-admin -shutdown

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