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(* $Id: http_client_conncache.mli 1916 2013-10-01 14:24:54Z gerd $ *)

(** Connection cache *)

(** This module allows one to create special connection caches, e.g.
    by deriving from the official ones

type channel_binding_id = int
    (** Same as in {!Http_client.channel_binding_id} *)

type private_data = exn option

type conn_state = 
  [ `Inactive of channel_binding_id * private_data
  | `Active of < >
  (** A TCP connection may be either [`Inactive], i.e. it is not used
    * by any pipeline, or [`Active obj], i.e. it is in use by the pipeline
    * [obj] (this is the {!Http_client.pipeline} coerced to [< >]).
    * Since Ocamlnet-3.3, [`Inactive] connections carry the channel binding
    * ID as argument. Since 3.8, there is the option of storing an exception
    * value [private_data]. This may be used by implementations to store 
    * private data together with the file descriptor.

type peer =
    [ `Direct of string * int
    | `Http_proxy of string * int
    | `Http_proxy_connect of (string * int) * (string * int)
    | `Socks5 of (string * int) * (string * int)

class type connection_cache =
  method get_connection_state : Unix.file_descr -> conn_state
    (** Returns the state of the file descriptor, or raises [Not_found] *)
  method set_connection_state : Unix.file_descr -> peer -> conn_state -> unit
    (** Sets the state of the file descriptor. It is allowed that
      * inactive descriptors are simply closed and forgotten. It is
      * also possible that this method raises [Not_found], leaving it
      * to the caller to close the connection.
  method find_inactive_connection : peer -> channel_binding_id ->
                                     Unix.file_descr * private_data
    (** Returns an inactive connection to the passed peer, or raise
      * [Not_found]. Since Ocamlnet-3.3, the required channel binding ID
      * is also an argument of this method.
  method find_my_connections : < > -> Unix.file_descr list
    (** Returns all active connections owned by the object *)
  method close_connection : Unix.file_descr -> unit
    (** Deletes the connection from the cache, and closes it *)
  method close_all : unit -> unit
    (** Closes all descriptors known to the cache *)

class restrictive_cache : unit -> connection_cache
  (** A restrictive cache closes connections as soon as there are no
    * pending requests.

class aggressive_cache : unit -> connection_cache
  (** This type of cache tries to keep connections as long open as
    * possible. The consequence is that users are responsible for
    * closing the descriptors (by calling [close_connection_cache]) when the
    * cache is no longer in use. It is also possible to derive a special
    * version of the cache from this class, e.g. for closing descriptors
    * when they are idle for some time.

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