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(* $Id: nethttpd_reactor.mli 1411 2010-02-14 19:49:46Z gerd $

 * Copyright 2005 Baretta s.r.l. and Gerd Stolpmann
 * This file is part of Nethttpd.
 * Nethttpd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Nethttpd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Nethttpd; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

(** {1 The reactive encapsulation of the HTTP daemon}
  * This is a user-friendlier encapsulation of the HTTP daemon. It uses a
  * "pull model": One pulls HTTP requests from the "reactor" one after the
  * other. Request/response pairs have a common environment that represents
  * the input and output facilities. Input and output are realised by
  * [Netchannels], and the implementation details are completely hidden.
  * This encapsulation can be easily used in a multi-threaded environment
  * when for every arriving HTTP connection a separate thread is used.

open Nethttp
open Nethttpd_types

class type http_processor_config =
  (* This config is also used for engines *)

  inherit Nethttpd_kernel.http_protocol_config

  method config_timeout_next_request : float
    (** Timeout in seconds to wait for the next request after the previous one
      * has been completely received. (-1) means no timeout.

  method config_timeout : float
    (** General timeout for network I/O (per I/O primitive).  
        (-1) means no timeout. *)

  method config_cgi : Netcgi.config
    (** The CGI configuration to use in the Netcgi environment *)

  method config_error_response : error_response_params -> string
    (** Get HTML error text for the HTTP status code. Must return a generic
      * text for unknown codes.

  method config_log_error : request_info -> string -> unit
    (** [config_log_error info msg]: Log the message [msg]. Information
        about the request can be taken from [info]. The request may
        only be partially available - be prepared that [info] methods
        raise [Not_found].

  method config_log_access : full_info -> unit
    (** Logs the access after the request/response cycle is complete.

        The [cgi_properties] are from the environment. As there
        is no automatic way of recording the last, finally used version of
        this list, it is required that users call [log_props] of the extended
        environment whenever the properties are updated. This is done by
        all [Nethttpd] modules.

val default_http_processor_config : http_processor_config
  (** Default configuration: Extends
      {!Nethttpd_kernel.default_http_protocol_config} with
       - [config_timeout_next_request = 15.0]
       - [config_timeout = 300.0]
       - [config_cgi = ]{!Netcgi.default_config}
       - [config_error_response =] {!Nethttpd_util.std_error_response}
       - [config_log_error]: Uses {!Nethttpd_util.std_error_log_string}
         to write a log message via {!Netlog}.
       - [config_log_access]: is a no-op

class modify_http_processor_config :
           (Nethttpd_kernel.http_protocol_config -> 
              Nethttpd_kernel.http_protocol_config) ->
        ?config_timeout_next_request:float ->
        ?config_timeout:float ->
        ?config_cgi:Netcgi.config ->
        ?config_error_response:(error_response_params -> string) ->
        ?config_log_error:(request_info -> string -> unit) ->
        ?config_log_access:(full_info -> unit) ->
        http_processor_config -> http_processor_config
  (** Modifies the passed config object as specified by the optional

      [modify_http_protocol_config]: This function can be used to modify the
      parts of the config object that are inherited from [http_protocol_config].
      For example:

        let new_cfg =
          new modify_http_processor_config
               (new Nethttpd_kernel.modify_http_protocol_config

class type http_reactor_config =
  inherit http_processor_config
  method config_reactor_synch : [ `Connection | `Close | `Flush | `Write ]
  (** Specifies when to synchronize output, i.e. force that all channel data are
    * actually transmitted to the client:
    * - [`Connection] means only at the end of the connection. This means that the
    *   channels of all pending requests may be buffered - needs a huge amount of
    *   memory
    * - [`Close] means only when closing the output channel (after every response). 
    *   This means that the whole response may be buffered - needs a lot of memory.
    * - [`Flush] means only when the [flush] method is called. This is a good idea
    *   when one can control that.
    * - [`Write] means every time the internal output buffer overflows. This is the
    *   recommended setting in general.

val default_http_reactor_config : http_reactor_config
  (** Default configuration: Extends
      {!Nethttpd_reactor.default_http_processor_config} with
       - [config_reactor_synch = `Write]

class modify_http_reactor_config :
           (Nethttpd_kernel.http_protocol_config -> 
              Nethttpd_kernel.http_protocol_config) ->
           (http_processor_config -> http_processor_config) ->
        ?config_reactor_synch:[ `Connection | `Close | `Flush | `Write ] ->
        http_reactor_config -> http_reactor_config
  (** Modifies the passed config object as specified by the optional

      [modify_http_protocol_config] and [modify_http_processor_config]:
      These functions can be used to modify the
      parts of the config object that are inherited from [http_protocol_config]
      and [http_processor_config], respectively:
      For example:

        let new_cfg =
          new modify_http_reactor_config
               (new Nethttpd_kernel.modify_http_protocol_config
               (new Nethttpd_reactor.modify_http_processor_config

class type internal_environment =
  inherit extended_environment

  method unlock : unit -> unit
  method req_method : http_method
  method response : Nethttpd_kernel.http_response
  method log_access : unit -> unit
  (** For private use only *)

class http_environment : #http_processor_config ->
                         string -> string -> protocol -> http_header ->
                         Unix.sockaddr -> Unix.sockaddr ->
                         Netchannels.in_obj_channel -> int64 ref ->
                         Netchannels.out_obj_channel -> output_state ref -> 
                         Nethttpd_kernel.http_response -> (unit -> unit) ->
                         bool ref -> int64 ->
  (** For private use only *)

class type http_reactive_request =
  method environment : extended_environment
    (** The Netcgi environment representing the request header, the response header, and
      * the channels to receive the request body and to send the response body.
      * The channels are locked until either [accept_body] or [reject_body] have been
      * called - using the channels before raises exceptions.
      * This environment is not fully CGI-compatible. In particular, the following
      * differences exist:
      * - There is no [cgi_path_info] and no [cgi_path_translated].
      * - The user is always unauthenticated.
      * - The [Status] response header works as in CGI. The [Location] header, however,
      *   must be a full URL when set (only browser redirects)
      * - When the request body is transmitted by chunked encoding, the header
      *   [Content-Length] is not set. In CGI this is interpreted as missing body.
      *   It is unlikely that clients send requests with chunked encoding, as this
      *   may cause interoperability problems anyway.

  method accept_body : unit -> unit
    (** Call this method to unlock the body channels. In terms of HTTP, this sends the
      * "100 Continue" response when necessary. One can reply with a positive or
      * negative message.

  method reject_body : unit -> unit
    (** Call this method to unlock the body channels. In terms of HTTP, this prevents
      * sending the "100 Continue" response. Any arriving request body is silently
      * discarded. One should immediately reply with an error mesage.

  method finish_request : unit -> unit
    (** Reads the rest of the body (if any), and discards that data *)

  method finish : unit -> unit
    (** This method should be called after the request has been fully processed.
      * It takes care that the HTTP protocol is fulfilled, and the next request
      * can be properly detected and parsed. If the request body has not been
      * fully read, this is now done, and its data are dropped. If the response
      * is incomplete, it is completed. If the error is not recoverable, a "Server
      * Error" is generated.


(** The [http_reactor] allows one to pull the next request from a connected
  * client, and to deliver the response to the protocol engine.
class http_reactor : #http_reactor_config -> Unix.file_descr ->
  method next_request : unit -> http_reactive_request option
    (** Tries to read the next request. When the header of the request is successfully
      * read, the method returns the request object (see above). It is connected
      * with the socket and can read the request body.
      * After receiving the request, one must either call [accept_body] when the
      * request is acceptable and one want to reply afer evaluating the body, or
      * invoke [reject_body] when the request can be denied without looking at the
      * body. One must also call [accept_body] when there is not any body (it
      * is a no-op then). The HTTP protocol explicitly forbids to perform the request
      * when [reject_body] has been invoked ("[The origin server] MUST NOT
      * perform the requested method if it returns a final status code").
      * The response must be written to the Netcgi environment. Depending on 
      * [config_reactor_synch] the response is immediately transmitted to the
      * client or at some specified time in the future (untransmitted data is buffered
      * in this case).
      * While transmitting output, the reactor is able to read the next request
      * in the background when the limits for the pipeline size allows that.
      * While receiving input, the reactor is able to write untransmitted response
      * data in the background.
      * It is {b an error} to call [next_request] again before the previous request
      * is completely processed (you can ensure this by calling [finish]).
      * In this case the HTTP connection is immediately shut down.
      * The method [next_request] returns [None] when all requests of the
      * connection are processed.

  method close : unit -> unit
    (** Closes the file descriptor with a reliable method. This method must be
      * called after [next_request] returned [None]. It can also be called at any
      * time to shut down the connection prematurely (this means a lingering close,
      * and may cost some time).

val process_connection : 
      #http_reactor_config -> Unix.file_descr -> 'a http_service -> unit
  (** Processes all HTTP requests in turn arriving at the file descriptor, and
    * calls the service provider for every request. Finally, the descriptor is
    * closed.
    * All stages of HTTP processing, as defined by the service provider, are
    * executed in the current thread.
    * Any exceptions are caught and logged. The connection is immediately closed
    * in this case.

(** {1 Debugging} *)

module Debug : sig
  val enable : bool ref
    (** Enables {!Netlog}-style debugging of this module


(* Internal: *)
val logged_error_response :
      Unix.sockaddr ->
      Unix.sockaddr ->
      (string*string) option ->
      int64 ->
      bool ->
      http_status -> 
      http_header option ->
      string option ->
      extended_environment option ->
      Nethttpd_kernel.http_response option ->
      http_processor_config ->

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