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/* $Id: netplex_ctrl.x 1718 2012-02-21 14:59:45Z gerd $ -*- c -*- */

typedef string longstring<>;

typedef longstring *longstring_opt;

typedef longstring *internal_port;
/* The path of a Unix domain socket if the service is found and enabled */

typedef longstring internal_ports<>;

struct message {
    longstring msg_name;
    longstring msg_arguments<>;

struct socket_id {
    longstring sock_protocol;   /* name of the protocol */
    int        sock_index;      /* array index */

typedef socket_id socket_id_list<>;

enum event_type {
    EVENT_NONE = 0,

union event switch(event_type discr) {
     int number;
     /* The number of connections to accepts in one go (greediness).
	number >= 1
     message msg;
     message msg;

enum level {
    LOG_EMERG = 0,
    LOG_ALERT = 1,
    LOG_CRIT = 2,
    LOG_ERR = 3,
    LOG_WARNING = 4,
    LOG_NOTICE = 5,
    LOG_INFO = 6,
    LOG_DEBUG = 7

program Control {
    /* Internal API between controller and container */

    version V1 {

	void ping(void) = 0;

	event poll(int,              /* Number of active connections */
                   bool              /* whether currently busy anyway (not accepting) */
		   ) = 1;
	/* Polls for the next controller event */

	void accepted(void) = 2;
	/* Tells the controller that a connection on this socket has just
         * been accepted. 
         * This is a special procedure: The controller does not send a
         * response for performance reasons.

	/* IDEA: Sometimes it is preferrable that [accepted] is called
         * in a synchronous way. This can be faster when there are a
         * lot of parallel jobs to do in the container. However, then
         * the problem arises how to ensure that the controller processes
         * the [accepted] call before the next [poll] call. 

    } = 1;

} = 1;

program System {
    /* API of the controller for all parts of the system */

    version V1 {
	void ping(void) = 0;

	internal_port lookup(longstring,        /* service name */
			     longstring         /* protocol */
			     ) = 1;

	void send_message(longstring,           /* service name */
			  message               /* message */
			  ) = 2;
	/* Service names may contain "*" as wildcard. For example,
         * send_message("*", msg) broadcasts to all processors.

	void log(level,                /* log level */
		 longstring,           /* subchannel or "" */
		 longstring            /* log message */
		 ) = 3;
        /* This is a special procedure: The controller does not send a
         * response for performance reasons.

	longstring call_plugin(_int64 hyper,         /* plugin ID */
			       longstring,    /* proc name */
			       longstring     /* proc argument */
			       ) = 4;
	/* Proc argument and return value are XDR-encoded according to the
           plugin program spec.

	void register_container_socket(longstring,  /* service name */
				       longstring,  /* proto name */
				       longstring   /* socket path */
				       ) = 5;
	/* Registers this socket under the passed service and protocol names.
           It is automatically unregistered when the container finishes.

	internal_ports lookup_container_sockets(longstring,
						longstring) = 6;
	/* Returns all container sockets for these service and protocol
           names. The list may be empty if there is no such socket.

	longstring activate_lever(int, longstring) = 7;
	/* Activates the already registered lever. The int is the ID.
           The string argument is the marshalled argument exception.
           The return value is the marshalled result exception.

    } = 1;

} = 2;

enum result_code {
    CODE_OK = 0,
    CODE_ERROR = 1

union unit_result switch (result_code discr) {
 case CODE_OK:
     longstring message;

enum socket_domain {
    PF_UNKNOWN = 0,
    PF_UNIX = 1,
    PF_INET = 2,
    PF_INET6 = 3

union port switch (socket_domain discr) {
 case PF_UNIX:
     longstring path;
 case PF_INET:
     struct {
	 longstring inet_addr;
	 int inet_port;
     } inet;
 case PF_INET6:
     struct {
	 longstring inet6_addr;
	 int inet6_port;
     } inet6;

typedef port port_list<>;

struct prot {
    longstring prot_name;
    port_list  prot_ports;

typedef prot prot_list<>;

enum srv_state {
    STATE_DOWN = 3

enum cnt_state_enum {
    CSTATE_BUSY = 2,

union cnt_state switch(cnt_state_enum d) {
 default: void;

struct container_info {
    _int64 hyper cnt_id;     /* Object ID of the container in the controller */
    longstring   cnt_sys_id; /* System ID (thread/process ID) */
    cnt_state    cnt_state;

struct service_info {
    longstring srv_name;
    prot_list  srv_protocols;
    int        srv_nr_containers;
    container_info srv_containers<>;
    srv_state  srv_state;

typedef service_info service_info_list<>;

program Admin {
    /* User API, accessible from the outside */

    version V2 {

	void ping(void) = 0;

	service_info_list list(void) = 1;
	/* list of services: name, protocols, ports, state */

	unit_result enable(longstring          /* service name */
			   ) = 2;

	unit_result disable(longstring         /* service name */
			    ) = 3;

	unit_result restart(longstring         /* service name */
			    ) = 4;
	unit_result restart_all(void) = 5;

	unit_result system_shutdown(void) = 6;

	unit_result reopen_logfiles(void) = 7;
	/* reopen logfiles */

	void send_admin_message(longstring,           /* service name */
				message               /* message */
				) = 8;
	/* Service names may contain "*" as wildcard. For example,
         * send_admin_message("*", msg) broadcasts to all processors.

    } = 2;

} = 3;

/* Plugins: */

program Semaphore {
    version V1 {
	void ping (void) = 0;
	_int64 hyper increment(longstring) = 1;     /* semaphore name */
	/* Increments the semaphore by 1, and returns the new semaphore
           value. If the semaphore does not exist, it is created with an
           initial value of 0, and 1 is returned.

	_int64 hyper decrement(longstring, bool) = 3;
	/* Decrements the semaphore by 1, and returns the new value.
	   A semaphore value cannot become negative. If the value is already
           0, the semaphore is not decremented, but -1 is returned. 
           If the semaphore does not exist,
           it is created with an initial value of 0, and -1 is returned.

	   If the bool arg is true, and the semaphore is already 0, it is
	   first waited until it is incremented again.

	_int64 hyper get(longstring) = 4;
	/* Returns the value of the semaphore. If the semaphore does not
	   exist a value of 0 is returned instead.

	bool create(longstring, _int64 hyper, bool) = 5;
	/* Create the semaphore if it does not exist. The second arg is the
	   initial value. Returns whether the semaphore has been created
	   (true), or the semaphore already existed (false).

           The bool arg says whether the semaphore is protected.
	   When the container finishes (or even crashes), the protected 
	   semaphore is decremented by the number pi-d, where pi is
           the number of increments the container has requested,
           and d the number of decrements the container has requested.

	   It is not possible to change the style of semaphores from 
	   non-protected to protected or back after creation. 
	   Implicitly created semaphores are always protected.

	void destroy(longstring) = 6;
	/* Destroys this semaphore. Any waiting [decrement] operation gets
	   immediately (-1) as return value.

    } = 1;
} = 4;

enum shvar_enum {
    SHVAR_OK = 0,         /* success */
    SHVAR_BADTYPE = 1,    /* bad type */
    SHVAR_NOTFOUND = 2,   /* variable does not exist */
    SHVAR_EXISTS = 3,     /* variable exists */
    SHVAR_NOPERM = 4      /* no permission */

union shvar_code switch(shvar_enum d) {
 case SHVAR_OK: void;
 default: void;

union shvar_get switch(shvar_enum d) {
 case SHVAR_OK: 
     longstring value;

program Sharedvar {
    version V1 {
	void ping(void) = 0;

	shvar_code create_var(longstring, bool, bool, longstring) = 1;
	/* create_var(var_name, own_flag, ro_flag, ty): Creates the variable 
           an empty string
           as value. It is an error if the variable has already been created.
           Returns whether the function is successful (i.e. the variable
           did not exist before).

           own_flag: if true, the created variable is owned by the calling
           socket service.
           Only the caller can delete it, and when the last component of
           the socket service terminates, the variable is automatically 

           ro_flag: if true, only the owner can set the value

           ty: the type identifier ("string", or "exn")

	shvar_code set_value(longstring, longstring, longstring) = 2;
	/* set_value(var_name, var_value, ty): Sets the variable var_name to
           var_value. This is only possible when the variable exists,
           and has the right type.
           Returns whether the function is successful (i.e. the variable

	shvar_get get_value(longstring, longstring) = 3;
	/* get_value(var_name, ty): Returns the value of the existing variable,
           or an error if the variable does not exist.

	shvar_code delete_var(longstring) = 4;
	/* delete_var(var_name): Deletes the variable. This is only possible
           when the variable exists. Returns whether the function is 
           successful (i.e. the variable existed).

	shvar_get wait_for_value(longstring, longstring) = 5;
	/* wait_for_value(var_name,ty): If the variable exists and
           set_value has already been called, the current value is
           simply returned. If the variable exists, but set_value has
           not yet been called, the function waits until set_value is
           called, and returns the value set then. If the variable
           does not exist, the function immediately returns NULL.

	void dump(longstring, longstring) = 6;
	/* dump(var_name, log_level): Dump the access counter of this
	   variable (or all variables if var_name="*"). log_level is
	   the stringified log level

    } = 1;
} = 5;

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