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{1:tutorial Netchannels Tutorial} 

[Netchannels] is one of the basic modules of this library, because it
provides some very basic abstractions needed for many other functions
of the library. The key abstractions [Netchannels] defines are the types
[in_obj_channel] and [out_obj_channel]. Both are class types providing
sequential access to byte streams, one for input, one for output.
They are comparable to the types [in_channel] and [out_channel] of the
standard library that
allow access to files. However, there is one fundamental difference:
[in_channel] and [out_channel] are restricted to resources that are
available through file descriptors, whereas [in_obj_channel] and
[out_obj_channel] are just class types, and by providing implementations
for them any kind of resources can be accessed.

{2 Motivation}

In some respect, [Netchannels] fixes a deficiency of the standard
library. Look at the module [Printf] which defines six variants
of the [printf] function:
val fprintf : out_channel -> ('a, out_channel, unit) format -> 'a
val printf : ('a, out_channel, unit) format -> 'a
val eprintf : ('a, out_channel, unit) format -> 'a
val sprintf : ('a, unit, string) format -> 'a
val bprintf : Buffer.t -> ('a, Buffer.t, unit) format -> 'a
val kprintf : (string -> string) -> ('a, unit, string) format -> 'a
It is possible to write into six different kinds of print targets.
The basic problem of this style is that the provider of a service 
function like [printf] must define it for every commonly used
print target. The other solution is that the provider defines only
one version of the service function, but that the caller of the
function arranges the polymorphism. A [Netchannels]-aware [Printf]
would have only one variant of [printf]:
val printf : out_obj_channel -> ('a, out_obj_channel, unit) format -> 'a
The caller would create the right [out_obj_channel] object for the
real print target:
let file_ch = new output_file (file : out_channel) in
printf file_ch ...
(printing into files), or:
let buffer_ch = new output_buffer (buf : Buffer.t) in
printf buffer_ch ...
(printing into buffers).
Of course, this is only a hypothetical example. The point is that
this library defines many parsers and printers, and that it is really
a simplification for both the library and the user of the library
to have this object encapsulation of I/O resources.

{2 Programming with [in_obj_channel] }

For example, let us program a function reading a data source
line by line, and returning the sum of all lines which must be integer
numbers. The argument [ch] is an open {!Netchannels.in_obj_channel},
and the return value is the sum:
let sum_up (ch : in_obj_channel) =
  let sum = ref 0 in
    while true do
      let line = ch # input_line() in
      sum := !sum + int_of_string line
    assert false
    End_of_file ->
The interesting point is that the data source can be anything: a channel,
a string, or any other class that implements the class type

This expression opens the file ["data"] and returns the sum of this file:
let ch = new input_channel (open_in "data") in
sum_up ch
The class {!Netchannels.input_channel} is an implementation of the type
[in_obj_channel] where every method of the class simply calls the
corresponding function of the module [Pervasives]. (By the way, it would
be a good idea to close the channel afterwards: [ch#close_in()].
We will discuss that below.)

This expression sums up the contents of a constant string:
let s = "1\n2\n3\n4" in
let ch = new input_string s in
sum_up ch
The class {!Netchannels.input_string} is an implementation of the type
[in_obj_channel] that reads from a string that is treated
like a channel.

The effect of using the [Netchannels] module is that the same
implementation [sum_up] can be used to read from multiple
data sources, as it is sufficient to call the function with different
implementations of [in_obj_channel].

{2 The details of [in_obj_channel] }

The properties of any class that implements [in_obj_channel]
can be summarized as follows:

- After the object has been created ([new]), the
  netchannel is open. The netchannel remains open until it is
  explicitly closed (method [close_in : unit -> unit]). When you call a
  method of a closed netchannel, the exception
  [Closed_channel] is raised (even if you try to close the channel again).
- The methods
  really_input : string -> int -> int -> unit
  input_char : unit -> char
  input_byte : unit -> int
  input_line : unit -> string
   work like their counterparts of the standard library. In particular,
   the end of file condition is signaled by rasising [End_of_file].
- The method
  input : string -> int -> int -> int
  works like its counterpart of the standard library, except that the
  end of the file is also signaled by [End_of_file], and not by the
  return value 0.
- The method [pos_in : int] returns the current byte position of 
  the channel in a way that is logically consistent with the 
  input methods: After reading [n] bytes, the method
  must return a position that is increased by [n]. Usually the
  position is zero after the object has been created, but this
  is not specified. Positions are available even for file
  descriptors that are not seekable.
- There is intentionally no [seek_in] method.  Seekable channels are
  currently out of scope, as netstring focuses on non-seekable channels.

{2 Programming with [out_obj_channel] }

The following function outputs the numbers of an [int list]
sequentially on the passed netchannel:
let print_int_list (ch : out_obj_channel) l =
    (fun n ->
       ch # output_string (string_of_int n);
       ch # output_char '\n';
  ch # flush()
The following statements write the output into a file:
let ch = new output_channel (open_out "data") in
print_int_list ch [1;2;3]
And these statements write the output into a buffer:
let b = Buffer.create 16 in
let ch = new output_buffer b in
print_int_list ch [1;2;3]

Again, the caller of the function [print_int_list] determines the
type of the output destination, and you do not need several functions
for several types of destination.

{2 The details of [out_obj_channel] }

The properties of any class that implements [out_obj_channel]
can be summarized as follows:

- After the object has been created ([new]), the
  netchannel is open. The netchannel remains open until it is
  explicitly closed (method [close_out : unit -> unit]). When you call a
  method of a closed netchannel, the exception
  [Closed_channel] is raised (even if you try to close the channel again).
- The methods
  output : string -> int -> int -> int
  really_output : string -> int -> int -> unit
  output_char : char -> unit
  output_byte : int -> unit
  output_string : string -> unit
  work like their counterparts of the standard library. There is
  usually an output buffer, but this is not specified. By calling
  [flush : unit -> unit], the contents of the output buffer are
  forced to be written to the destination.
- The method
  output_buffer : Buffer.t -> unit
  works like [Buffer.output_channel], i.e. the contents of the buffer
  are printed to the channel.
- The method
  output_channel : ?len:int -> in_obj_channel -> unit
  reads data from the argument [in_obj_channel] and prints them to
  the output channel. By default, the input channel is read until the
  EOF position. If the [len] argument is passed, at
  most this number of bytes are copied from the input
  channel to the output channel. The input channel remains
  open in all cases.
- The method [pos_out : int] returns byte positions
  that are logically consistent: After writing [n] bytes, the method
  must return a position that is increased by [n]. Usually the
  position is zero after the object has been created, but this
  is not specified. Positions are available even for file
  descriptors that are not seekable.
- There is intentionally no [seek_out] method.
  Seekable channels are currently out of scope, as netstring
  focuses on non-seekable channels.

{2 How to close channels}

As channels may use file descriptors for their implementation,
it is very important that all open channels are closed after they have
been used; otherwise the operating system will certainly get out of
file descriptors. The simple way,
let ch = new <channel_class> args ... in
... do something ...
ch # close_in() or close_out()
is dangerous because an exception may be raised between channel creation
and the [close_*] invocation. An elegant solution is to use
[with_in_obj_channel] and [with_out_obj_channel], as in:
with_in_obj_channel             (* or with_out_obj_channel *)
  (new <channel_class> ...)
  (fun ch ->
     ... do something ...
This programming idiom ensures that the channel is always closed after
usage, even in the case of exceptions.

Complete examples:

let sum = with_in_obj_channel
            (new input_channel (open_in "data"))
            sum_up ;;

  (new output_channel (open_out "data"))
  (fun ch -> print_int_list ch ["1";"2";"3"]) ;;

{2 Examples: HTML Parsing and Printing}

In the Netstring library there are lots of parsers and printers
that accept netchannels as data sources and destinations, respectively. One
of them is the {!Nethtml} module providing an HTML parser and printer. A
few code snippets how to call them, just to get used to netchannels:
let html_document =
    (new input_channel (open_in "myfile.html"))
    Nethtml.parse ;;
  (new output_channel (open_out "otherfile.html"))
  (fun ch -> Nethtml.write ch html_document) ;;

{2 Transactional Output Channels}

Sometimes you do not want that generated output is directly sent to the
underlying file descriptor, but rather buffered until you know that
everything worked fine. Imagine you program a network service, and
you want to return the result only when the computations are successful,
and an error message otherwise. One way to achieve this effect is
to manually program a buffer:
let network_service ch =
    let b = Buffer.create 16 in
    let ch' = new output_buffer b in
    ... computations, write results into ch' ...
    ch' # close_out;
    ch # output_buffer b
    error ->
      ... write error message to ch ...
There is a better way to do this, as there are transactional output
channels. This type of netchannels provide a buffer for all written
data like the above example, and only if data is explicitly committed
it is copied to the real destination. Alternatively, you can also
rollback the channel, i.e. delete the internal buffer. The signature
of the type [trans_out_obj_channel] is:
class type trans_out_obj_channel = object
  inherit out_obj_channel
  method commit_work : unit -> unit
  method rollback_work : unit -> unit
They have the same methods as [out_obj_channel] plus
[commit_work] and [rollback_work]. There are two
implementations, one of them keeping the buffer in memory, and the
other using a temporary file:
let ch' = new buffered_trans_channel ch
let ch' = new tempfile_trans_channel ch
In the latter case, there are optional arguments specifiying where the
temporary file is created.

Now the network service would look like:
let network_service transaction_provider ch =
    let ch' = transaction_provider ch in
    ... computations, write results into ch' ...
    ch' # commit_work();
    ch' # close_out()     (* implies ch # close_out() *)
    error ->
      ch' # rollback_work();
      ... write error message to ch' ...
      ch' # commit_work();
      ch' # close_out()   (* implies ch # close_out() *)
You can program this function without specifying which of the two
implementations is used. Just call this function as
network_service (new buffered_trans_channel) ch
network_service (new tempfile_trans_channel) ch
to determine the type of transaction buffer.

Some details:
- The method [commit_work] copies all uncommitted data
  to the underlying channel, and flushes all buffers.
- When [rollback_work] is called the uncommitted data are deleted.
- The method [flush] does not have any effect.
- The reported position adds the committed and the uncommitted
  amounts of data. This means that [rollback_work] resets the position
  to the value of the last [commit_work] call.
- When the transactional channel is closed, the underlying
  channel is closed, too. By default, the uncommitted data is deleted, but
  the current implementations can optionally commit data in this case.

{2 Pipes and Filters}

The class [pipe] is an [in_obj_channel] and an
[out_obj_channel] at the same time (i.e. the class has
the type [io_obj_channel]). A pipe has two endpoints, one
for reading and one for writing (similar in concept to the pipes provided
by the operating system, but note that our pipes have nothing to do
with the OS pipes). Of course, you cannot read and write
at the same time, so
there must be an internal buffer storing the data that have
been written but not yet read. How can such a construction be
useful? Imagine you have two routines that run alternately,
and one is capable of writing into netchannels, and the other
can read from a netchannel. Pipes are the missing
communication link in this situation, because the writer
routine can output into the pipe, and the reader routine can
read from the buffer of the pipe. In the following example,
the writer outputs numbers from 1 to 100, and the reader sums
them up:
let pipe = new pipe() ;;
let k = ref 1 ;;
let writer() =
  if !k <= 100 then (
    pipe # output_string (string_of_int !k);
    incr k;
    if !k > 100 then pipe # close_out() else pipe # output_char '\n';
  ) ;;
let sum = ref 0 ;;
let reader() =
  let line = pipe # input_line() in
  sum := !sum + int_of_string line ;;
  while true do
  End_of_file ->
    () ;;
The [writer] function prints the numbers into the pipe, and the
[reader] function reads them in. By closing only the output end
Of the pipe the [writer] signals the end of the stream, and the
[input_line] method raises the exception [End_of_file].

Of course, this example is very simple. What does happen
when more is printed into the pipe than read? The internal
buffer grows. What does happen when more is tried to read from
the pipe than available? The input methods signal this by
raising the special exception
[Buffer_underrun]. Unfortunately, handling this exception
can be very complicated, as the reader must be able to deal
with partial reads.

This could be solved by using the {!Netstream} module. A
netstream is another extension of [in_obj_channel] that
allows one to look ahead, i.e. you can look at the bytes that
will be read next, and use this information to decide whether
enough data are available or not. Netstreams are explained in
another chapter of this manual.

Pipes have another feature that makes them useful even for
"normal" programming. You can specify a conversion function
that is called when data is to be transferred from the writing
end to the reading end of the pipe. The module
{!Netencoding.Base64} defines such a pipe that converts data: The
class [encoding_pipe] automatically encodes all bytes
written into it by the Base64 scheme:
let pipe = new Netencoding.Base64.encoding_pipe() ;;
pipe # output_string "Hello World";
pipe # close_out() ;;
let s = pipe # input_line() ;;
[s] has now the value ["SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ="], the encoded
form of the input. This kind of pipe has the same interface
as the basic pipe class, and the same problems to use it.
Fortunately, the Netstring library has another facility
simplifying the usage of pipes, namely {b filters}.

There are two kinds of filters: The class
{!Netchannels.output_filter} redirects data written to an
[out_obj_channel] through a pipe, and the class
{!Netchannels.input_filter} arranges that data read from an
[in_obj_channel] flows through a pipe. An example makes
that clearer. Imagine you have a function [write_results]
that writes the results of a computation into an
[out_obj_channel]. Normally, this channel is simply a
  (new output_channel (open_out "results"))
Now you want that the file is Base64-encoded. This can be
arranged by calling [write_results] differently:
let pipe = new Netencoding.Base64.encoding_pipe() in
  (new output_channel (open_out "results"))
  (fun ch ->
    let ch' = new output_filter pipe ch in
    write_results ch';
    ch' # close_out()
Now any invocation of an output method for [ch']
actually prints into the filter, which redirects the data
through the [pipe], thus encoding them, and finally
passing the encoded data to the underlying channel
[ch]. Note that you must close [ch'] to ensure
that all data are filtered, it is not sufficient to flush

It is important to understand why filters must be closed to
work properly. The problem is that the Base64 encoding
converts triples of three bytes into quadruples of four
bytes.  Because not every string to convert is a multiple of
three, there are special rules how to handle the exceeding
one or two bytes at the end. The pipe must know the end of
the input data in order to apply these rules correctly. If
you only flush the filter, the exceeding bytes would simply
remain in the internal buffer, because it is possible that
more bytes follow. By closing the filter, you indicate that
the definite end is reached, and the special rules for
trailing data must be performed. \- Many conversions have
similar problems, and because of this it is a good advice to
always close output filters after usage.

There is not only the class [output_filter] but also
[input_filter]. This class can be used to perform
conversions while reading from a file. Note that you often do
not need to close input filters, because input channels can
signal the end by raising [End_of_file], so the mentioned
problems usually do not occur.

There are a number of predefined conversion pipes:
- {!Netencoding.Base64.encoding_pipe}: Performs Base64 encoding
- {!Netencoding.Base64.decoding_pipe}: Performs Base64 decoding
- {!Netencoding.QuotedPrintable.encoding_pipe}: Performs
  QuotedPrintable encoding
- {!Netencoding.QuotedPrintable.decoding_pipe}: Performs
  QuotedPrintable decoding
- {!Netconversion.conversion_pipe}: Converts the character encoding
  form charset A to charset B

{2 Defining Classes for Object Channels}

As subtyping and inheritance are orthogonal in O'Caml, you can
simply create your own netchannels by defining classes that match the
[in_obj_channel] or [out_obj_channel] types. E.g.
class my_in_channel : in_obj_channel =
object (self)
  method input s pos len = ...
  method close_in() = ...
  method pos_in = ...
  method really_input s pos len = ...
  method input_char() = ...
  method input_line() = ...
  method input_byte() = ...

Of course, this is non-trivial, especially for the [in_obj_channel]
case. Fortunately, the Netchannels module includes a "construction kit"
that allows one to define a channel class from only a few methods.
A closer look at [in_obj_channel] and [out_obj_channel]
shows that some methods can be derived from more fundamental methods.
The following class types include only the fundamental methods:

class type raw_in_channel = object
  method input : string -> int -> int -> int
  method close_in : unit -> unit
  method pos_in : int
class type raw_out_channel = object
  method output : string -> int -> int -> int
  method close_out : unit -> unit
  method pos_out : int
  method flush : unit -> unit

In order to define a new class, it is sufficient to define this
raw version of the class, and to lift it to the full functionality.
For example, to define [my_in_channel]:
class my_raw_in_channel : raw_in_channel =
object (self)
  method input s pos len = ...
  method close_in() = ...
  method pos_in = ...
class my_in_channel =
  in_obj_channel_delegation (lift_in (`Raw(new my_raw_in_channel)))

The function {!Netchannels.lift_in} can lift several forms of incomplete
channel objects to the full class type [in_obj_channel]. There is also
the corresponding function {!Netchannels.lift_out}. Note that lifting
adds by default another internal buffer to the channel that must be
explicitly turned off when it is not wanted. The rationale for this
buffer is that it avoids some cases with extremely poor performance
which might be surprising for many users.

The class [in_obj_channel_delegation] is just an auxiliary construction
to turn the [in_obj_channel] {i object} returned by [lift_in] again
into a class.

{2 Some FAQ}

{- {i Netchannels add further layers on top of the
   built-in channels or file descriptors. Does this make them

   Of course, Netchannels are slower than the underlying
   built-in I/O facilities. There is at least one, but often
   even more than one method call until the data is transferred
   to or from the final I/O target. This costs time, and it is
   a good idea to reduce the number of method calls for maximum
   speed. Especially the character- or byte-based method calls
   should be avoided, it is better to collect data and pass
   them in larger chunks. This reduces the number
   of method calls that are needed to transfer a block of

   However, some classes implement buffers themselves, and
   data are only transferred when the buffers are full (or
   empty). The overhead for the extra method calls is small
   for these classes. The classes that implement their own
   buffers are the transactional channels, the pipes, and
   all the classes with "buffer" in their name.

   Netchannels are often stacked, i.e. one netchannel object
   transfers data to an underlying object, and this object
   passes the data to further objects. Often buffers are
   involved, and data are copied between buffers several
   times. Of course, these copies can reduce the speed, too.}
{- {i Why do Netchannels not support seeking?}

   Netchannels were invented to support the implementation of
   network protocols. Network endpoints are not seekable.}
{- {i What about [printf] and [scanf]?}

   In principle, methods for [printf] and [scanf] could be
   added to [out_obj_channel] and [in_obj_channel], respectively,
   as recent versions of O'Caml added the necessary language
   means (polymorphic methods, [kprintf], [kscanf]). However,
   polymorphic methods work only well when the type of the
   channel object is always annotated (e.g. as 
   [(ch : out_obj_channel) # printf ...]), so this is not
   that much better than
   [ch # output_string (sprintf ...)].}
{- {i Can I pass an [in_obj_channel] to an ocamllex-generated

   Yes, just call {!Netchannels.lexbuf_of_in_obj_channel} to turn the
   [in_obj_channel] into a [lexbuf].}
{- {i Do Netchannels support non-blocking I/O?}

   Yes and no. Yes, because you can open a descriptor in
   non-blocking mode, and create a netchannel from it. When
   the program would block, the [input] and [output] methods return 0
   to indicate this. However, the non-raw methods cannot cope
   with these situations.}
{- {i Do Netchannels support multiplexed I/O?}

   No, there is no equivalent to [] on the
   level of netchannels.}
{- {i Can I use Netchannels in multi-threaded programs?}

   Yes. However, shared netchannels are not locked, and strange
   things can happen when netchannels are used by several threads
   at the same time.}
{- {i Can I use pipes to communicate between threads?}

   This could be made work, but it is currently not the case.
   A multithreading-aware wrapper around pipes could do the job.}
{- {i Pipes call external programs to do their job, don't they?}

   No, they do not call external programs, nor do they need
   any parallel execution threads. Pipes are just a tricky way
   of organizing buffers.}
{- {i How do I define my own conversion pipe?}

   Look at the sources [], it includes several
   examples of conversion pipes.}

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