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(* $Id: nethttp.mli 1875 2013-08-13 20:41:36Z gerd $
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Nethttp: Basic definitions for the HTTP protocol

(** {1 Basic definitions for the HTTP protocol} *)

(** These definitions can be used by both HTTP clients and servers, and by
 *  protocols in the middle, e.g. CGI.

type protocol_version =
    int * int           (* (major,minor) number *)
      (** A pair of a major and minor version number *)

type protocol_attribute =
  [ `Secure_https

type protocol =
  [ `Http of (protocol_version * protocol_attribute list)
  | `Other
  (** The base protocol. RFC 2145 defines how to interpret major and
   *  minor numbers.  In particular, we have:
   *  - [`Http((0,9),_)] is the ancient HTTP version 0.9
   *  - [`Http((1,n),_)] is the HTTP protocol 1.n.  It is expected that
   *                     all these versions are compatible to each other
   *                     except negotiable features.
   *  - [`Http((m,_),_)] for m>1 is regarded as unknown protocol,
   *                     incompatible to any [`Http((1,n),_)]
   *  - [`Other] is anything else (unrecognizes protocol)

val string_of_protocol : protocol -> string
  (** Returns the string representation, e.g. "HTTP/1.0". Fails for [`Other] *)

val protocol_of_string : string -> protocol
  (** Parses the protocol string, e.g. "HTTP/1.0". Returns [`Other]
   *  for unrecognized strings *)

type http_status =   (* Status codes from RFC 2616 *)
  (* 1xx: (informational) *)
  [ `Continue
  | `Switching_protocols
  (* 2xx: (successful) *)
  | `Ok
  | `Created
  | `Accepted
  | `Non_authoritative
  | `No_content
  | `Reset_content
  | `Partial_content
  (* 3xx: (redirection) *)
  | `Multiple_choices
  | `Moved_permanently
  | `Found
  | `See_other
  | `Not_modified
  | `Use_proxy
  | `Temporary_redirect
  (* 4xx: (client error) *)
  | `Bad_request
  | `Unauthorized
  | `Payment_required
  | `Forbidden
  | `Not_found
  | `Method_not_allowed
  | `Not_acceptable
  | `Proxy_auth_required
  | `Request_timeout
  | `Conflict
  | `Gone
  | `Length_required
  | `Precondition_failed
  | `Request_entity_too_large
  | `Request_uri_too_long
  | `Unsupported_media_type
  | `Requested_range_not_satisfiable
  | `Expectation_failed
  (* 5xx: (server error) *)
  | `Internal_server_error
  | `Not_implemented
  | `Bad_gateway
  | `Service_unavailable
  | `Gateway_timeout
  | `Http_version_not_supported
  (** HTTP response status:
   * {b Informational (1xx):}
   * - [`Continue]
   * - [`Switching_protocols]
   * {b Successful (2xx):}
   * - [`Ok]
   * - [`Created]
   * - [`Accepted]
   * - [`Non_authoritative]
   * - [`No_content]
   * - [`Reset_content]
   * - [`Partial_content]
   * {b Redirection (3xx):}
   * - [`Multiple_choices]
   * - [`Moved_permanently]
   * - [`Found]
   * - [`See_other]
   * - [`Not_modified]
   * - [`Use_proxy]
   * - [`Temporary_redirect]
   * {b Client error (4xx):}
   * - [`Bad_request]
   * - [`Unauthorized]
   * - [`Payment_required]
   * - [`Forbidden]
   * - [`Not_found]
   * - [`Method_not_allowed]
   * - [`Not_acceptable]
   * - [`Proxy_auth_required]
   * - [`Request_timeout]
   * - [`Conflict]
   * - [`Gone]
   * - [`Length_required]
   * - [`Precondition_failed]
   * - [`Request_entity_too_large]
   * - [`Request_uri_too_long]
   * - [`Unsupported_media_type]
   * - [`Request_range_not_satisfiable]
   * - [`Expectation_failed]
   * {b Server Error (5xx):}
   * - [`Internal_server_error]
   * - [`Not_implemented]
   * - [`Bad_gateway]
   * - [`Service_unavailable]
   * - [`Gateway_timeout]
   * - [`Http_version_not_supported]

val int_of_http_status : http_status -> int
  (** Returns the integer code for a status value *)

val http_status_of_int : int -> http_status
  (** Returns the status value for an integer code, or raises [Not_found] *)

val string_of_http_status : http_status -> string
  (** Returns the informational text for a status value *)
  (* See also Netcgi.status_line *)

val base_code : int -> int
  (** Allows to handle unknown status codes that are untranslatable by
       - for a code 100 to 199 the value 100 is returned
       - for a code 200 to 299 the value 200 is returned
       - for a code 300 to 399 the value 300 is returned
       - for a code 400 to 499 the value 400 is returned
       - for all other codes 500 is returned

  let st =
    try Nethttp.http_status_of_int code
    with Not_found ->
      Nethttp.http_status_of_int (Nethttp.base_code code)

type http_method = string * string
  (** Method name, URI *)

type cache_control_token =
    [ `No_store
    | `Max_age of int
    | `Max_stale of int option
    | `Min_fresh of int
    | `No_transform
    | `Only_if_cached
    | `Public
    | `Private of string list
    | `No_cache of string list
    | `Must_revalidate
    | `Proxy_revalidate
    | `S_maxage of int
    | `Extension of string * string option
    (** The cache control token for the [Cache-control] header *)

type etag =
    [ `Weak of string
    | `Strong of string
   (** Entity tags can be weak or strong *)

val weak_validator_match : etag -> etag -> bool
  (** Whether the tags match weakly (see RFC 2616 for definition) *)

val strong_validator_match : etag -> etag -> bool
  (** Whether the tags match strongly (see RFC 2616 for definition) *)

exception Bad_header_field of string
  (** Raised when a header field cannot be parsed. The string argument
   * is the name of the failing function *)

class type http_header = Netmime.mime_header
class type http_header_ro = Netmime.mime_header_ro
  (** The HTTP header is represented as MIME header *)

class type http_trailer = Netmime.mime_header
class type http_trailer_ro = Netmime.mime_header_ro
  (** The HTTP trailer is represented as MIME header *)

val status_of_cgi_header : http_header -> (int * string)
  (** Returns the status code and the status text corresponding to the
   * [Status] header *)

type netscape_cookie =
    { cookie_name : string;
        (** The name of the cookie *)
      cookie_value : string;
        (** The value of the cookie. There are no restrictions on the
	 * value of the cookie
      cookie_expires : float option;
        (** Expiration:
	 *  - [None]: the cookie expires when the browser session ends.
         *  - [Some t]: the cookie expires at the time [t] (seconds since
	 *    the epoch)
      cookie_domain : string option;
        (** Cookies are bound to a certain domain, i.e. the browser sends
	 * them only when web pages of the domain are requested:
	 *  - [None]: the domain is the hostname of the server
         *  - [Some domain]: the domain is [domain]
      cookie_path : string option;
        (** Cookies are also bound to certain path prefixes, i.e. the browser
	 * sends them only when web pages at the path or below are requested.
	 * - [None]: the path is script name + path_info
         * - [Some p]: the path is [p]. With [Some "/"] you can disable the
	 *   path restriction completely.
      cookie_secure : bool;
        (** Cookies are also bound to the type of the web server:
	 * [false] means servers without SSL, [true] means servers with
	 * activated SSL ("https").
    (** These are old-style cookies, as introduced by Netscape. For
        a better representation of cookies see the {!Nethttp.Cookie}

        This type is kept for now (and is also not considered as deprecated),
        as the access functions in the {!Nethttp.Header} module are more
        complete than those for {!Nethttp.Cookie}.

type cookie = netscape_cookie
    (** Compatibility name. {b Deprecated} *)

val decode_query : string -> (string * string)
  (** Splits the URI into a "script name" and a "query string" *)

val split_host_port : string -> (string * int option)
  (** Splits the [Host] header in hostname and optional port number.
    * Fails on syntax error

val uripath_encode : string -> string
  (** Encodes unsafe characters in URI paths. The slash character is not encoded.
    * This function should only be applied to the part before '?'.

val uripath_decode : string -> string
  (** Decodes %XX sequences in URI paths. %2F is forbidden (failure).
    * This function should only be applied to the part before '?'.


(** {2 Parsing and Printing of Headers} *)

module Cookie : sig
  (* This module has been written by Christophe Troestler. See
     the header of netcgi.mli for full copyright message.
  (** Functions to manipulate cookies.

      You should know that besides the [name] and [value] attribute,
      user agents will send at most the [path], [domain] and [port] and
      usually will not send them at all.

      For interoperability, cookies are set using version 0 (by
      Netscape) unless version 1 (RFC 2965 and the older RFC 2109)
      fields are set.  While version 0 is well supported by browsers,
      RFC 2109 requires a recent browser and RFC 2965 is usually not
      supported.  You do not have to worry however, cookies are always
      sent in such a way older browsers understand them -- albeit not
      all attributes of course -- so your application can be ready for
      the time RFC 2965 will be the norm.  
      This cookie representation is preferred over the Netscape-only
      type {!Nethttp.netscape_cookie}.

      N.B. This module appears also as {!Netcgi.Cookie}.
  type t
      (** Mutable cookie type *)

  val make :
    ?max_age:int ->
    ?domain:string ->
    ?path:string ->
    ?secure:bool ->
    ?comment:string ->
    ?comment_url:string ->
    ?ports:int list ->
    string -> string -> t
    (** [make ?expires ?domain ?path ?secure name value] creates a new
        cookie with name [name] holding [value].

        @param max_age see {!Netcgi.Cookie.set_max_age}.
                       Default: when user agent exits.
        @param domain see {!Netcgi.Cookie.set_domain}.
	              Default: hostname of the server.
        @param path see {!Netcgi.Cookie.set_path}.
                    Default: script name + path_info.
        @param secure see {!Netcgi.Cookie.set_secure}.  Default: [false].
	@param comment see {!Netcgi.Cookie.set_comment}.  Default: [""].
	@param comment_url see {!Netcgi.Cookie.set_comment_url}.
	                   Default: [""].
	@param ports see {!Netcgi.Cookie.set_ports}.
	             Default: same port the cookie was sent.

  val name : t -> string
    (** The name of the cookie. *)
  val value : t -> string
    (** The value of the cookie. *)
  val domain : t -> string option
    (** The domain of the cookie, if set. *)
  val path : t -> string option
    (** The path of the cookie, if set. *)
  val ports : t -> int list option
    (** [port c] the ports to which the cookie may be returned or [[]] if
	not set. *)
  val max_age : t -> int option
    (** The expiration time of the cookie, in seconds.  [None] means
        that the cookie will be discarded when the browser exits.
        This information is not returned by the browser. *)
  val secure : t -> bool
    (** Tells whether the cookie is secure.
        This information is not returned by the browser. *)
  val comment : t -> string
    (** Returns the comment associated to the cookie or [""] if it
        does not exists.  This information is not returned by the
        browser. *)
  val comment_url : t -> string
    (** Returns the comment URL associated to the cookie or [""] if it
        does not exists.  This information is not returned by the
        browser. *)

  val set_value : t -> string -> unit
    (** [set_value c v] sets the value of the cookie [c] to [v]. *)
  val set_max_age : t -> int option -> unit
    (** [set_max_age c (Some t)] sets the lifetime of the cookie [c]
        to [t] seconds.  If [t <= 0], it means that the cookie should
        be discarded immediately.  [set_expires c None] tells the
        cookie to be discarded when the user agent exits.  (Despite
        the fact that the name is borrowed from the version 1 of the
        specification, it works transparently with version 0.) *)
  val set_domain : t -> string option -> unit
    (** Cookies are bound to a certain domain, i.e. the browser sends
	them only when web pages of the domain are requested:
	- [None]: the domain is the hostname of the server.
	- [Some domain]: the domain is [domain].  *)
  val set_path : t -> string option -> unit
    (** Cookies are also bound to certain path prefixes, i.e. the
        browser sends them only when web pages at the path or below are
        - [None]: the path is script name + path_info
        - [Some p]: the path is [p]. With [Some "/"] you can disable the
          path restriction completely.  *)
  val set_secure : t -> bool -> unit
    (** Cookies are also bound to the type of the web server:
        [set_secure false] means servers without SSL, [set_secure
        true] means servers with activated SSL ("https").  *)
  val set_comment : t -> string -> unit
    (** [set_comment c s] sets the comment of the cookie [c] to [s]
	which must be UTF-8 encoded (RFC 2279).  Because cookies can
	store personal information, the comment should describe how
	the cookie will be used so the client can decide whether to
	allow the cookie or not.  To cancel a comment, set it to [""].

	Cookie version 1 (RFC 2109).  *)
  val set_comment_url : t -> string -> unit
    (** [set_comment_url c url] same as {!Netcgi.Cookie.set_comment}
	except that the cookie comment is available on the page
	pointed by [url].  To cancel, set it to [""].

	Cookie version 1 (RFC 2965).  *)
  val set_ports : t -> int list option -> unit
    (** [set ports c (Some p)] says that the cookie [c] must only be
	returned if the server request comes from one of the listed
	ports.  If [p = []], the cookie will only be sent to the
	request-port it was received from.  [set_ports c None] says
	that the cookie may be sent to any port.

	Cookie version 1 (RFC 2965).  *)

  val of_netscape_cookie : netscape_cookie -> t
    (** Convert a Netscape cookie to the new representation *)

  val to_netscape_cookie : t -> netscape_cookie
    (** Convert to Netscape cookie (with information loss) *)

module Header : sig
  (** This module is a parser/printer for the header fields used in HTTP/1.1.
    * The [get_*] functions generally raise [Not_found] when the queried header
    * is not present. If the syntax of the field is a comma-separated list of
    * multiple values, the [get_*] functions generally merge all headers of
    * the same type. The order is preserved in this case. The list [[]] means
    * that the header exists, but only with empty value. For example,
    * {[
    * Accept: text/html
    * Accept: text/plain
    * ]}
    * would be returned as [["text/html",[],[]; "text/plain", [],[]]]
    * by [get_accept].  The header
    * {[Accept:]}
    * would be returned as [[]].
    * The [set_*] functions generally produce only a single header with comma-
    * separated values. Existing header are overwritten/removed.
    * To remove a header, simply use the [delete_field] method of [http_header].
    * Error behaviour: The [get_*] functions raise [Bad_header_field]
    * when they cannot parse a header field. The [set_*] functions
    * raise [Invalid_argument] when an invalid value is passed to them
    * (only very few functions do that).  The argument of both
    * exceptions is the function name.

  val get_accept : #http_header_ro -> (string *
		                 (string * string) list *
			        (string * string) list) list
    (** Returns the [Accept] header as list of triples [(media_range,
      * media_range_params, accept_params)].  If there are
      * [accept_params], the first such parameter is always ["q"].
      * All present [Accept] headers are merged. The function returns
      * [[]] when there is at least one [Accept] header, but none of
      * the headers has a non-empty value. The function raises
      * [Not_found] if there no such headers at all (which should be
      * interpreted as [ ["*/*",[],[] ] ]).

  val best_media_type : #http_header_ro -> string list -> ( string * (string * string) list )
    (** Returns the best media type for a header and a list of supported types.
      * If any type is acceptable, "*/*" will be returned. If no type is
      * acceptable, "" will be returned.
      * The supported media types should be sorted such that the best type
      * is mentioned first.
      * Of several media types with equal quality the one mentioned first in the
      * list of supported types is chosen. In case several types in the Accept:
      * header match the same type in the list of supported types, the most
      * specific type is chosen.

  val set_accept : #http_header -> (string *
		                       (string * string) list *
			               (string * string) list) list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Accept] header *)

  val get_accept_charset : #http_header_ro -> (string *
					 (string * string) list) list
    (** Returns the [Accept-charset] header as list of pairs [(charset,params)].
      * The only mentioned parameter in RFC 2616 is ["q"].
      * All present [Accept-charset] headers are merged. The function
      * raises [Not_found] when there is no [Accept-charset] header
      * (which should be interpreted as [ ["*",[]] ]).

  val best_charset : #http_header_ro -> string list -> string
    (** Returns the best charset for a header and a list of supported charsets.
      * If any charset is acceptable, "*" will be returned.
      * The supported charsets should be sorted such that the best charset
      * is mentioned first.
      * This function already implements the special handling of ISO-8859-1
      * mentioned in RFC 2616.

  val set_accept_charset : #http_header -> (string *
					    (string * string) list) list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Accept-charset] header *)

  val get_accept_encoding : #http_header_ro -> (string *
					         (string * string) list) list
    (** Returns the [Accept-encoding] header as list of pairs [(coding,params)].
      * The only mentioned parameter in RFC 2616 is ["q"]. The RFC describes
      * compatibility problems with the "q" parameter.
      * All present [Accept-encoding] headers are merged. The function
      * raises [Not_found] when there is no [Accept-encoding] header
      * (which should be interpreted as [ ["identity",[]] ]).  The
      * return value [[]] must be interpreted as [ ["identity",[]] ].

  val best_encoding : #http_header_ro -> string list -> string
    (** Returns the best encoding for a header and a list of supported
      * encodings.  If anything else fails, "identity" will be
      * returned.  The supported encodings should be sorted such that
      * the best encoding is mentioned first.

  val set_accept_encoding : #http_header -> (string *
					(string * string) list) list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Accept-encoding] header *)

  val get_accept_language : #http_header_ro -> (string *
					(string * string) list) list
    (** Returns the [Accept-language] header as list of pairs
      * [(lang_range,params)].  The only mentioned parameter in RFC
      * 2616 is ["q"].
      * All present [Accept-language] headers are merged. The function
      * raises [Not_found] when there is no [Accept-language] header
      * (which should be interpreted as [ ["*",[]] ]).

  val set_accept_language : #http_header -> (string *
					(string * string) list) list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Accept-language] header *)

  val get_accept_ranges : #http_header_ro -> string list
    (** Returns the [Accept-ranges] header as list of tokens.
      * All present [Accept-ranges] headers are merged. The function
      * raises [Not_found] when there is no [Accept-ranges]
      * header. The RFC leaves it open how this is to be interpreted
      * in general.

  val set_accept_ranges : #http_header -> string list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Accept-ranges] header *)

  val get_age : #http_header_ro -> float
    (** Returns the [Age] header as number

  val set_age : #http_header -> float -> unit
    (** Sets the [Age] header *)

  val get_allow : #http_header_ro -> string list
    (** Returns the [Allow] header as list of tokens.
      * All present [Allow] headers are merged. The function raises [Not_found]
      * when there is no [Allow] header. The RFC leaves it open how this is
      * to be interpreted in general.

  val set_allow : #http_header -> string list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Allow] header *)

  val get_authorization : #http_header_ro -> (string * (string * string) list)
    (** Returns the [Authorization] header as pair [(auth_scheme,auth_params)],
      * or raises [Not_found] if not present.
      * The "Basic" authentication scheme is represented specially as
      * [("basic", [ "credentials", creds ])] where [creds] are the
      * Base64-encoded credentials.

  val set_authorization : #http_header ->
                               (string * (string * string) list) -> unit
    (** Sets the [Authorization] header.
      * The "Basic" authentication scheme is represented as explained for
      * [get_authorization].

  val get_cache_control : #http_header_ro -> cache_control_token list
    (** Returns the [Cache-control] header as list of tokens.
      * All present [Cache-control] headers are merged. The function
      * raises [Not_found] when there is no [Cache-control] header.

  val set_cache_control : #http_header -> cache_control_token list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Cache-control] header *)

  val get_connection : #http_header_ro -> string list
    (** Returns the [Connection] header as list of tokens.
      * All present [Connection] headers are merged. The function
      * raises [Not_found] when there is no [Connection] header.
      * The Connection header must be ignored when received from a
      * HTTP/1.0 client.

  val set_connection : #http_header -> string list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Connection] header *)

  val get_content_encoding : #http_header_ro -> string list
    (** Returns the [Content-encoding] header as list of tokens.
      * All present [Content-encoding] headers are merged.
      * @raise Not_found when there is no [Content-encoding] header.

  val set_content_encoding : #http_header -> string list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Content-encoding] header *)

  val get_content_language : #http_header_ro -> string list
    (** Returns the [Content-language] header as list of tokens.
      * All present [Content-language] headers are merged.
      * @raise Not_found when there is no [Content-language] header.

  val set_content_language : #http_header -> string list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Content-language] header *)

  val get_content_length : #http_header_ro -> int64
    (** Returns the [Content-length] header as number. If the number
      * is too big for int64, the exception [Bad_header_field
      * "Content-length"] will be raised.
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_content_length : #http_header -> int64 -> unit
    (** Sets the [Content-length] header *)

  val get_content_location : #http_header_ro -> string
    (** Returns the [Content-location] header as string.
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_content_location : #http_header -> string -> unit
    (** Sets the [Content-location] header *)

  val get_content_md5 : #http_header_ro -> string
    (** Returns the [Content-MD5] header as string. The Base64 encoding
      * has not been touched.
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_content_md5 : #http_header -> string -> unit
    (** Sets the [Content-MD5] header *)

  val get_content_range : #http_header_ro
    -> [ `Bytes of (int64*int64) option * int64 option ]
    (** Returns the [Content-range] header as
      * [`Bytes(byte_range_resp_spec, instance_length)].  The option value
      * [None] corresponds to "*" in the RFC.
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_content_range : #http_header ->
    [ `Bytes of (int64*int64) option * int64 option ] -> unit
    (** Sets the [Content-range] header *)

  val get_content_type : #http_header_ro -> string * (string * string) list
    (** Returns the [Content-type] header as pair [(media_type, params)].
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_content_type : #http_header -> string * (string * string) list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Content-type] header *)

  val get_date : #http_header_ro -> float
    (** Returns the [Date] header as number (seconds since the Epoch).
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_date : #http_header -> float -> unit
    (** Sets the [Date] header *)

  val get_etag : #http_header_ro -> etag
    (** Returns the [Etag] header.
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_etag : #http_header -> etag -> unit
    (** Sets the [Etag] header *)

  val get_expect : #http_header_ro -> (string * string option * (string * string) list) list
    (** Returns the [Expect] header as list of triples [(token,value,params)].
      * All present [Expect] headers are merged.
      * @raise Not_found when there is no [Expect] header.

  val set_expect : #http_header ->
    (string * string option * (string * string) list) list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Expect] header *)

  val get_expires : #http_header_ro -> float
    (** Returns the [Expires] header as number (seconds since the Epoch).
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_expires : #http_header -> float -> unit
    (** Sets the [Expires] header *)

  val get_from : #http_header_ro -> string
    (** Returns the [From] header as string.
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_from : #http_header -> string -> unit
    (** Sets the [From] header *)

  val get_host : #http_header_ro -> string * int option
    (** Returns the [Host] header as pair [(host,port)].
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_host : #http_header -> string * int option -> unit
    (** Sets the [Host] header *)

  val get_if_match : #http_header_ro -> etag list option
    (** Returns the [If-match] header. The value [None] means "*".
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_if_match : #http_header -> etag list option -> unit
    (** Sets the [If-match] header *)

  val get_if_modified_since : #http_header_ro -> float
    (** Returns the [If-modified-since] header as number (seconds
      * since the Epoch).
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_if_modified_since : #http_header -> float -> unit
    (** Sets the [If-modified-since] header *)

  val get_if_none_match : #http_header_ro -> etag list option
    (** Returns the [If-none-match] header. The value [None] means "*".
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_if_none_match : #http_header -> etag list option -> unit
    (** Sets the [If-none-match] header *)

  val get_if_range : #http_header_ro -> [ `Etag of etag | `Date of float ]
    (** Returns the [If-range] header.
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.
  val set_if_range : #http_header -> [ `Etag of etag | `Date of float ] -> unit
    (** Sets the [If-range] header *)

  val get_if_unmodified_since : #http_header_ro -> float
    (** Returns the [If-unmodified-since] header as number (seconds
      * since the Epoch).
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_if_unmodified_since : #http_header -> float -> unit
    (** Sets the [If-unmodified-since] header *)

  val get_last_modified : #http_header_ro -> float
    (** Returns the [Last-modified] header as number (seconds since the Epoch).
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_last_modified : #http_header -> float -> unit
    (** Sets the [Last-modified] header *)

  val get_location : #http_header_ro -> string
    (** Returns the [Location] header as string.
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.
  val set_location : #http_header -> string -> unit
    (** Sets the [Location] header *)

  val get_max_forwards : #http_header_ro -> int
    (** Returns the [Max-forwards] header as number.
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_max_forwards : #http_header -> int -> unit
    (** Sets the [Max-forwards] header *)

  val get_pragma : #http_header_ro -> (string * string option) list
    (** Returns the [Pragma] header as list of pairs [(token,value)].
      * All present [Pragma] headers are merged.
      * @raise Not_found when there is no [Pragma] header.

  val set_pragma : #http_header -> (string * string option) list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Pragma] header *)

  val get_proxy_authenticate : #http_header_ro ->
                                 (string * (string * string) list) list
    (** Returns the [Proxy-authenticate] header as list of challenges
      * [(auth_scheme,auth_params)].
      * All present [Proxy-authenticate] headers are merged.
      * @raise Not_found when there is no [Proxy-authenticate] header.

  val set_proxy_authenticate : #http_header ->
                                 (string * (string * string) list) list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Proxy-authenticate] header *)

  val get_proxy_authorization : #http_header_ro ->
                                 (string * (string * string) list)
    (** Returns the [Proxy-authorization] header as pair
      * [(auth_scheme,auth_params)]. @raise Not_found when the header is
      * missing.
      * The "Basic" authentication scheme is represented specially as
      * [("basic", [ "credentials", creds ])] where [creds] are the
      * Base64-encoded credentials.

  val set_proxy_authorization : #http_header ->
                                   (string * (string * string) list)-> unit
    (** Sets the [Proxy-authorization] header
      * The "Basic" authentication scheme is represented as explained for
      * [get_proxy_authorization].

  val get_range : #http_header_ro -> [`Bytes of (int64 option * int64 option) list ]
    (** Returns the [Range] header as [`Bytes ranges], where the list [ranges]
      * has elements of the form [(Some first_pos, Some last_pos)],
      * [(Some first_pos, None)] (prefix range), or [(None, Some
      * last_pos)] (suffix range).
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_range : #http_header -> [`Bytes of (int64 option * int64 option) list ] -> unit
    (** Sets the [Range] header *)

  val get_referer : #http_header_ro -> string
    (** Returns the [Referer] header as string.
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val get_referrer : #http_header_ro -> string
    (** Same, for addicts of correct orthography *)

  val set_referer : #http_header -> string -> unit
    (** Sets the [Referer] header *)

  val set_referrer : #http_header -> string -> unit
    (** Same, for addicts of correct orthography *)

  val get_retry_after : #http_header_ro -> [ `Date of float | `Seconds of int ]
    (** Returns the [Retry-after] header.
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_retry_after : #http_header -> [ `Date of float | `Seconds of int ] -> unit
    (** Sets the [Retry-after] header *)

  val get_server : #http_header_ro -> string
    (** Returns the [Server] header as uninterpreted string (including
      * comments).
      * @raise Not_found when the header is missing.

  val set_server : #http_header -> string -> unit
    (** Sets the [Server] header *)

  val get_te : #http_header_ro -> (string *
		              (string * string) list *
		              (string * string) list) list
    (** Returns the [TE] header as list of triples
      * [(te_token, te_params, accept_params)].
      * If there are [accept_params], the first such parameter is always ["q"].
      * All present [TE] headers are merged. The function returns [[]] when
      * there is at least one [TE] header, but none of the headers has a
      * non-empty value.
      * @raise Not_found if there no such headers at all.

  val set_te : #http_header -> (string *
		              (string * string) list *
		              (string * string) list) list -> unit
    (** Sets the [TE] header *)

  val get_trailer : #http_header_ro -> string list
    (** Returns the [Trailer] header as list of field names.
      * All present [Trailer] headers are merged. The function returns
      * [[]] when there is at least one [Trailer] header, but none of
      * the headers has a non-empty value.
      * @raise Not_found if there no such headers at all.

  val set_trailer : #http_header -> string list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Trailer] header *)

  val get_transfer_encoding : #http_header_ro -> (string * (string * string) list) list
    (** Returns the [Transfer-encoding] header as list of pairs
      * [(token, params)].
      * All present [Transfer-encoding] headers are merged. The
      * function returns [[]] when there is at least one
      * [Transfer-encoding] header, but none of the headers has a
      * non-empty value.
      * @raise Not_found if there no such headers at all.

  val set_transfer_encoding : #http_header -> (string * (string * string) list) list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Transfer-encoding] header *)

  val get_upgrade : #http_header_ro -> string list
    (** Returns the [Upgrade] header as list of products.
      * All present [Upgrade] headers are merged. The function returns
      * [[]] when there is at least one [Upgrade] header, but none of
      * the headers has a non-empty value.
      * @raise Not_found if there no such headers at all.

  val set_upgrade : #http_header -> string list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Upgrade] header *)

  val get_user_agent : #http_header_ro -> string
    (** Returns the [User-agent] header as uninterpreted string
      * (including comments).
      * @raise Not_found if the header is missing.

  val set_user_agent : #http_header -> string -> unit
    (** Sets the [User-agent] header *)

  val get_vary : #http_header_ro -> [ `Star | `Fields of string list ]
    (** Returns the [Vary] header.
      * @raise Not_found if the header is missing.

  val set_vary : #http_header -> [ `Star | `Fields of string list ] -> unit
    (** Sets the [Vary] header *)
  val get_via : #http_header_ro -> (string option * string * string * string option) list
    (** Returns the [Via] header as list of tuples
      * [(proto_name, proto_version, received_by, comment)].
      * All present [Via] headers are merged.
      * @raise Not_found if the header is missing.
  val set_via : #http_header -> (string option * string * string * string option) list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Via] header *)
  val get_warning : #http_header_ro -> (int * string * string * float option) list
    (** Returns the [Warning] header as list of tuples
      * [(code, agent, text, date)].
      * All present [Warning] headers are merged.
      * @raise Not_found if the header is missing.
  val set_warning : #http_header -> (int * string * string * float option) list -> unit
    (** Sets the [Warning] header *)

  val get_www_authenticate : #http_header_ro ->
                                 (string * (string * string) list) list
    (** Returns the [WWW-Authenticate] header as list of challenges
      * [(auth_scheme,auth_params)].
      * All present [WWW-Authenticate] headers are merged.
      * @raise Not_found if the header is missing.

  val set_www_authenticate : #http_header ->
                               (string * (string * string) list) list -> unit
    (** Sets the [WWW-Authenticate] header *)

  val get_cookie : #http_header_ro -> (string * string) list
    (** Get the (Netscape) cookies as (name,value) pairs (or Not_found).

  val get_cookie_ct : #http_header_ro -> Cookie.t list
    (** Get the cookies in the {!Nethttp.Cookie.t} representation
        (the suffix "_ct" reminds of [Cookie.t]).
        This function also supports version 1 cookies.
        Returns the empty list if there are no cookies.

  val set_cookie : #http_header -> (string * string) list -> unit
    (** Set the [Cookie] header. Note: This does not set cookies in the client,
     * use [set_set_cookie] instead!

  val get_set_cookie : #http_header_ro -> netscape_cookie list
    (** Get the [Set-Cookie] header *)

  val set_set_cookie : #http_header -> netscape_cookie list -> unit
    (** Set the [Set-Cookie] header *)

  val set_set_cookie_ct : #http_header -> Cookie.t list -> unit
    (** Set the [Set-Cookie] and [Set-Cookie2] headers:

      [set_set_cookie_ct header cookies] sets the [cookies] in [header]
	using version 0 or version 1 depending on whether version 1
	fields are used.  For better browser compatibility, if
	"Set-cookie2" (RFC 2965) is issued, then a "Set-cookie"
	precedes (declaring the same cookie with a limited number of



val rev_split : (char -> bool) -> string -> string list
  (* See netcgi_common.mli *)

This web site is published by Informatikbüro Gerd Stolpmann
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