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(* $Id: rpc.mli 1547 2011-02-15 01:04:25Z gerd $
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

(** Common types and exceptions *)

open Rtypes

type protocol =
    Tcp          (** means: stream-oriented connection *)
  | Udp;;        (** means: datagram exchange *)

type mode =
    Socket     (** classical server socket *)
  | BiPipe     (** server is endpoint of a bidirectional pipe *)

(* these are error conditions sent to the client: *)

type server_error =
    Unavailable_program                      (** accepted call! *)
  | Unavailable_version of (uint4 * uint4)   (** accepted call  *)
  | Unavailable_procedure                    (** accepted call  *)
  | Garbage                                  (** accepted call  *)
  | System_err                               (** accepted call  *)
  | Rpc_mismatch of (uint4 * uint4)          (** rejected call  *)
  | Auth_bad_cred                            (** rejected call  *)
  | Auth_rejected_cred                       (** rejected call  *)
  | Auth_bad_verf                            (** rejected call  *)
  | Auth_rejected_verf                       (** rejected call  *)
  | Auth_too_weak                            (** rejected call  *)
  | Auth_invalid_resp                        (** rejected call  *)
  | Auth_failed                              (** rejected call  *)
  | RPCSEC_GSS_credproblem                   (** rejected call  *)
  | RPCSEC_GSS_ctxproblem                    (** rejected call  *)

val string_of_server_error : server_error -> string
  (** returns a string for debug purposes *)

exception Rpc_server of server_error;;
  (** an exception generated by the RPC server *)

exception Rpc_cannot_unpack of string;;
  (** RPC protocol error (bad data) *)

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