exception Telnet_protocol of exn
type telnet_command =
Telnet_data of string
| Telnet_nop
| Telnet_dm
| Telnet_brk
| Telnet_ip
| Telnet_ao
| Telnet_ayt
| Telnet_ec
| Telnet_el
| Telnet_ga
| Telnet_sb of char
| Telnet_se
| Telnet_will of char
| Telnet_wont of char
| Telnet_do of char
| Telnet_dont of char
| Telnet_unknown of char
| Telnet_eof
| Telnet_timeout
type telnet_options = {
connection_timeout : float;
verbose_input : bool;
verbose_output : bool;
type telnet_negotiated_option =
| Telnet_echo
| Telnet_suppress_GA
| Telnet_status
| Telnet_timing_mark
| Telnet_ext_opt_list
| Telnet_end_of_rec
| Telnet_window_size
| Telnet_term_speed
| Telnet_term_type
| Telnet_X_display
| Telnet_linemode
| Telnet_flow_ctrl
| Telnet_auth
| Telnet_new_environ
| Telnet_option of int
type telnet_option_state = Not_negotiated | Accepted | Rejected
val char_of_option : Telnet_client.telnet_negotiated_option -> char
val option_of_char : char -> Telnet_client.telnet_negotiated_option
type telnet_connector =
Telnet_connect of (string * int)
| Telnet_socket of Unix.file_descr
class telnet_session :
method attach : unit -> unit
method disable_local_option :
Telnet_client.telnet_negotiated_option -> unit
method disable_remote_option :
Telnet_client.telnet_negotiated_option -> unit
method enable_local_option :
Telnet_client.telnet_negotiated_option -> unit
method enable_remote_option :
Telnet_client.telnet_negotiated_option -> unit
method expect_input : bool -> unit
method fetch_subnegotiation : string option
method get_local_option :
Telnet_client.telnet_negotiated_option ->
method get_options : Telnet_client.telnet_options
method get_remote_option :
Telnet_client.telnet_negotiated_option ->
method input_queue : Telnet_client.telnet_command Queue.t
method offer_local_option :
Telnet_client.telnet_negotiated_option -> unit
method option_negotiation_is_over : bool
method output_queue : Telnet_client.telnet_command Queue.t
method process_option_command : Telnet_client.telnet_command -> unit
method request_remote_option :
Telnet_client.telnet_negotiated_option -> unit
method reset : unit -> unit
method reset_local_option :
Telnet_client.telnet_negotiated_option -> unit
method reset_remote_option :
Telnet_client.telnet_negotiated_option -> unit
method run : unit -> unit
method send_synch : Telnet_client.telnet_command list -> unit
method set_callback : (bool -> unit) -> unit
method set_connection : Telnet_client.telnet_connector -> unit
method set_event_system : Unixqueue.event_system -> unit
method set_exception_handler : (exn -> unit) -> unit
method set_options : Telnet_client.telnet_options -> unit
method start_tls :
(module Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_CONFIG) ->
peer_name:string option -> unit
method tls_session_data : string option
method tls_session_props : Nettls_support.tls_session_props option
method update : unit -> unit
module Debug : sig val enable : bool Pervasives.ref end