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OASISFormat:  0.4
Name:         ocamlnet
Version:      4.0.1
Synopsis:     Internet protocols and helper data structures
Authors:      Gerd Stolpmann et al.
ConfType:     custom (0.4)
BuildType:    custom (0.4)
InstallType:  custom (0.4)
BuildTools:   make
OCamlVersion: >= 4.00.0

XCustomConf: ./configure
PostConfCommand: make -s postconf
XCustomBuild: make build
XCustomInstall: make install
XCustomUninstall: make uninstall

Flag "gtk2"
  Description: gtk2: Support for gtk2 event loops
  Default: false

Flag "tcl"
  Description: tcl: Support for Tcl/Tk event loops
  Default: false

Flag "zlib"
  Description: zlib: Support for compression
  Default: false

Flag "apache"
  Description: apache: Build the Apache module
  Default: false

Flag "gnutls"
  Description: gnutls: Enable (Gnu) TLS
  Default: false

Flag "gssapi"
  Description: gssapi: Enable GSSAPI
  Default: false

Flag "pcre"
  Description: pcre: Build netstring-pcre library
  Default: false

Flag "full_pcre"
  Description: full_pcre: Use pcre for all regular expressions
  Default: false

Flag "nethttpd"
  Description: nethttpd: Build the webserver nethttpd
  Default: false

Library "equeue"
  Path: src/equeue

Library "equeue-gtk2"
  Path: src/equeue-gtk2
  BuildDepends: lablgtk2
  Build: false
  if flag(gtk2)
    Build: true

Library "equeue-tcl"
  Path: src/equeue-tcl
  Build: false
  if flag(tcl)
    Build: true

Library "netcamlbox"
  Path: src/netcamlbox

Library "netcgi2"
  Path: src/netcgi2

Library "netcgi2-plex"
  Path: src/netcgi2-plex

Library "netcgi2-apache"
  Path: src/netcgi2-apache
  Build: false
  if flag(apache)
    Build: true

Library "netclient"
  Path: src/netclient

Library "netgss-system"
  Path: src/netgss-system
  Build: false
  if flag(gssapi)
    Build: true

Library "nethttpd"
  Path: src/nethttpd
  Build: false
  if flag(nethttpd)
    Build: true

Library "netmulticore"
  Path: src/netmulticore

Library "netplex"
  Path: src/netplex

Library "netshm"
  Path: src/netshm

Library "netstring"
  Path: src/netstring

Library "netstring-pcre"
  Path: src/netstring-pcre
  BuildDepends: pcre
  Build: false
  if flag(pcre) || flag(full_pcre)
    Build: true

Library "netsys"
  Path: src/netsys

Library "nettls-gnutls"
  Path: src/netsys-gnutls
  Build: false
  if flag(gnutls)
    Build: true

Library "netunidata"
  Path: src/netunidata

Library "netzip"
  Path: src/netzip
  BuildDepends: zip
  Build: false
  if flag(zlib)
    Build: true

Library "rpc"
  Path: src/rpc

Library "rpc-auth-local"
  Path: src/rpc-auth-local

Library "rpc-generator"
  Path: src/rpc-generator

Library "rpc-xti"
  Path: src/rpc-xti
  Build: false
  if system(sunos) || system(solaris)
    Build: true

Library "shell"
  Path: src/shell

Executable "ocamlrpcgen"
  Path: src/rpc-generator

Executable "netplex-admin"
  Path: src/netplex

This web site is published by Informatikbüro Gerd Stolpmann
Powered by Caml