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(* Configuration file for the "netplex" program. *)

netplex {
  controller {
    max_level = "debug";    (* Log level *)
    logging {
      type = "stderr";    (* Log to stderr *)
  service {
    name = "netcgi";
    protocol {
      (* This section creates the socket for FastCGI *)
      name = "fcgi";
      address {
	type = "internet";
	bind = "";
    protocol {
      (* This section creates the socket for SCGI *)
      name = "scgi";
      address {
	type = "internet";
	bind = "";
    protocol {
      (* This section creates the socket for AJP 1.3 *)
      name = "ajp";
      address {
	type = "internet";
	bind = "";
    processor {
      (* This section specifies how to process data of the socket *)
      type = "netcgi";
      timeout = 5;
    workload_manager {
      type = "dynamic";
      max_jobs_per_thread = 1;  (* Everything else is senseless *)
      min_free_jobs_capacity = 1;
      max_free_jobs_capacity = 1;
      max_threads = 20;

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