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#use "topfind";;
#require "equeue,nettls-gnutls";;

(* This example connects stdin/stdout with a remote SSL service. To test
 * replace the following IP address and port with real numbers, e.g.
 * with an HTTPS server. Then start with
 * ocaml
 * Then enter something like:
 * GET / HTTP/1.0
 * (+ double new lines).

let remote_name = "" ;;
let remote_ip_addr = 
  (Uq_resolver.get_host_by_name remote_name).Unix.h_addr_list.(0)
let remote_port = 443 ;;

let maybe_error err_opt =
  match err_opt with
    | None -> ()
    | Some err ->
	raise err

let communicate tls_mplex =
  prerr_endline "* TLS handshake done";
  let esys = tls_mplex # event_system in

  let shutdown_in = ref (fun _ _ _ -> ()) in
  let shutdown_out = ref (fun _ _ _ -> ()) in

  let in_ch = 
    new Uq_transfer.input_async_mplex 
	~onshutdown:(`Action (fun ch m s -> !shutdown_in ch m s))
	tls_mplex in
  let _sender =
    new Uq_transfer.sender
	esys in
  let out_ch =
    new Uq_transfer.output_async_mplex
	~onshutdown:(`Action (fun ch m s -> !shutdown_out ch m s))
	tls_mplex in
  let _receiver =
    new Uq_transfer.receiver
	esys in
  (* Shutdown actions: Because we have two channels attached to a
   * single multiplexer, we must synchronize the shutdown.
  shutdown_in := ( fun ch m s ->
		     (* The SSL connection is terminated. If the out_ch
                      * is already finished, we shut down the multiplexer.
                      * Else we simply abort the output channel.
		     match out_ch # state with
		       | `Working _ ->
			    out_ch # abort()
		       | _ ->
			    m # start_shutting_down
				  ~when_done:(fun _ -> ()) ()
  shutdown_out := (fun ch m s ->
		     (* The terminal connection is terminated. Now we
                      * have to check whether in_ch is still alive.
		     match in_ch # state with
		       | `Working _ ->
			    in_ch # abort()
		       | _ ->
			    m # start_shutting_down
				  ~when_done:(fun _ -> ()) ()

let main() =
  let esys = Unixqueue.create_unix_event_system() in
  let cl = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
  prerr_endline "* TCP connected";
  Unix.connect cl 
       (remote_ip_addr, remote_port));
  let tls_config =
      (module Nettls_gnutls.TLS) in
  let cl_mplex =
    Uq_multiplex.create_multiplex_controller_for_connected_socket cl esys in
  let _tls_mplex = 
      ~role:`Client ~peer_name:(Some remote_name) tls_config cl_mplex in
  esys# run()

(* Unixqueue.set_debug_mode true;*)

prerr_endline "DONE";

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