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(* Configuration file for the "netplex" program. *)

netplex {
  controller {
    max_level = "debug";    (* Log level *)
    logging {
      type = "stderr";    (* Log to stderr *)
  service {
    name = "nethttpd";
    protocol {
      (* This section creates the socket *)
      name = "http";
      address {
	type = "internet";
	bind = "";
      address {
	type = "internet";
	bind = "[::1]:4445";   (* IPv6 example *)
    processor {
      (* This section specifies how to process data of the socket *)
      type = "nethttpd";
      access_log = "debug";  (* or "off" or "enabled" *)
      suppress_broken_pipe = true;
      host {
	(* Think of Apache's "virtual hosts" *)
	pref_name = "localhost";
	pref_port = 4444;
	names = "*:0";   (* Which requests are matched here: all *)
	uri {
	  path = "/";
	  service {
	    type = "file";
	    docroot = "/usr";
	    media_types_file = "/etc/mime.types";
	    enable_listings = true;
	uri {
	  path = "/adder";  (* This path is bound to the adder *)
	  service {
	    type = "dynamic";
	    handler = "adder";
      tls {
        x509 {
          trust {
            crt_file = "certs/x509-ca.pem";
          key {
            crt_file = "certs/x509-server.pem";
            key_file = "certs/x509-server-key.pem";
          key {
            crt_file = "certs/x509-server2.pem";
            key_file = "certs/x509-server2-key.pem";
    workload_manager {
      type = "dynamic";
      max_jobs_per_thread = 1;  (* Everything else is senseless *)
      min_free_jobs_capacity = 1;
      max_free_jobs_capacity = 1;
      max_threads = 20;

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