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(* $Id: 2151 2014-12-17 13:46:20Z gerd $ *)

(* Utilities for the generated object encapsulation *)

open Netsys_gssapi
open Netgss_bindings

let identity x = x

let _OM_uint32_of_int32 = identity
let _int32_of_OM_uint32 = identity

let calling_errors =
  [| `None;

let routine_errors =
  [| `None;

let suppl_status_flags =
  [| `Continue_needed;

let decode_status n : major_status =
  let bits_calling_error =
    Int32.to_int(Int32.shift_right_logical n 24) in
  let bits_routine_error =
    Int32.to_int(Int32.logand (Int32.shift_right_logical n 16) 0xffl) in
  let bits_suppl_info =
    Int32.to_int(Int32.logand n 0xffffl) in
    if bits_calling_error >= Array.length calling_errors then raise Not_found;
    if bits_routine_error >= Array.length routine_errors then raise Not_found;
    let suppl_info, _ =
        (fun (l, k) flag ->
           let is_set = (1 lsl k) land bits_suppl_info <> 0 in
           if is_set then
             (flag :: l, k+1)
             (l, k+1)
        ([], 0)
        suppl_status_flags in
    | Not_found ->
         failwith "Netgss.decode_status"

let _gss_ctx_id_t_of_context_option =
  | None -> no_context()
  | Some ctx -> ctx

let _context_option_of_gss_ctx_id_t ctx =
  if is_no_context ctx then
    Some ctx

let _gss_buffer_t_of_token s =
  buffer_of_string s 0 (String.length s)

let _gss_buffer_t_of_token_option =
  | Some s ->
       buffer_of_string s 0 (String.length s)
  | None ->
       buffer_of_string "" 0 0   (* should be ok for GSS_C_NO_BUFFER *)

(* In the following, all *_of_gss_buffer_t functions are destructive, and
   release (if possible) the buffer arg. This is ok, because these buffer
   args are output buffers from GSSAPI.

let _token_of_gss_buffer_t buf =
  let s = string_of_buffer buf in
  release_buffer buf;

let _gss_buffer_t_of_message (ml : Netxdr_mstring.mstring list) =
  match ml with
    | [] ->
         buffer_of_string "" 0 0
    | [ m ] ->
         ( match m#preferred with
             | `Memory ->
                  (* No copy in this case: buffer_of_memory takes the data
                     area of mem2 as data area of the gss_buffer_t. It is
                     ensured that mem2 cannot be collected before buf.
                  let (mem1, pos) = m#as_memory in
                  let mem2 = Bigarray.Array1.sub mem1 pos m#length in
                  buffer_of_memory mem2
             | `String ->
                  let (str, pos) = m#as_string in
                  buffer_of_string str pos m#length
    | _ ->
         let len = Netxdr_mstring.length_mstrings ml in
         let mem = Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.char Bigarray.c_layout len in
         Netxdr_mstring.blit_mstrings_to_memory ml mem;
         buffer_of_memory mem

let _message_of_gss_buffer_t pref_type buf =
  match pref_type with
    | `Memory ->
         let mem = memory_of_buffer buf in
         [ Netxdr_mstring.memory_to_mstring mem ]
         (* It is ok not to copy here, i.e. mem and buf share the same data
            area. buf will not be used for anything else after this call.
            Also, memory_of_buffer ensures that buf cannot be collected before
            mem (with a tricky finalizer).
    | `String ->
         let str = string_of_buffer buf in
         release_buffer buf;
         [ Netxdr_mstring.string_to_mstring str ]

let cb_typed_string =
  | `Unspecified s -> (0, s)
  | `Local s -> (1, s)
  | `Inet addr -> (2, Netsys.protostring_of_inet_addr addr)
  | `Nulladdr -> (255, "")
  | `Other(n,s) -> (Int32.to_int n,s)   (* FIXME *)

let _gss_channel_bindings_t_of_cb_option cb_opt =
  match cb_opt with
    | None ->
    | Some (i,a,data) ->
        let (i_ty, i_str) = cb_typed_string i in
        let (a_ty, a_str) = cb_typed_string a in
        map_cb i_ty i_str a_ty a_str data

let _oid_of_gss_OID gss_oid =
    let der = der_of_oid gss_oid in
    let p = ref 0 in
    Netgssapi_support.der_value_to_oid der p (String.length der)
  with Not_found -> [| |]

let _gss_OID_of_oid oid =
  if oid = [| |] then
    let der = Netgssapi_support.oid_to_der_value oid in
    oid_of_der der

let _oid_set_of_gss_OID_set gss_set =
    let gss_oid_a = array_of_oid_set gss_set in
    let oid_a = _oid_of_gss_OID gss_oid_a in
    Array.to_list oid_a
  with Not_found -> []

let _gss_OID_set_of_oid_set set =
  let set_a = Array.of_list set in
  let gss_oid_a = _gss_OID_of_oid set_a in
  oid_set_of_array gss_oid_a

let _time_of_OM_uint32 n =
  if n = gss_indefinite() then
    (* be careful with negative values. In C, the numbers are unsigned *)
    if n >= 0l then
      `This (Int32.to_float n)
      let offset = (-2.0) *. Int32.to_float Int32.min_int in
      `This (Int32.to_float n +. offset)

let uint32_of_float t =
  if t >= Int32.to_float Int32.max_int +. 1.0 then
    let offset = (-2.0) *. Int32.to_float Int32.min_int in
    let t1 = t -. offset in
    let t2 = min t1 (Int32.to_float Int32.max_int) in
    Int32.of_float t2
    Int32.of_float(max t 0.0)

let _OM_uint32_of_time =
  | `Indefinite -> gss_indefinite()
  | `This t -> uint32_of_float t

let _OM_uint32_of_time_opt =
  | None -> 0l
  | Some t -> uint32_of_float t

let _OM_uint32_of_wrap_size n =
  if n < 0 || Int64.of_int n > Int64.of_int32 Int32.max_int then
    failwith "Netgss: wrap size out of range";
  Int32.of_int n

let _wrap_size_of_OM_uint32 n =
  (* the output is normally smaller than the input *)
  if n < 0l || Int64.of_int32 n > Int64.of_int max_int then
    failwith "Netgss: wrap size out of range";
  Int32.to_int n

let _flags_of_req_flags flags = (flags : Netsys_gssapi.req_flag list :> flags)

let gss_display_minor_status min_status mech_type =
  let out_major = ref 0l in
  let out_minor = ref 0l in
  let l = ref [] in
  let mctx = ref 0l in
  let cont = ref true in
  while !cont do
    let (major, minor, new_mctx, display_string) =
        min_status `Mech_code mech_type !mctx in
    out_major := major;
    out_minor := minor;
    mctx := new_mctx;
    let success = Int32.logand major 0xffff0000l = 0l in
    if success then
      l := display_string :: !l;
    cont := !mctx <> 0l && success;
  let strings = string_of_buffer (List.rev !l) in
  (!out_major, !out_minor, strings)

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