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(* $Id: 1485 2010-09-08 22:21:50Z gerd $ *)

open Printf

external _exit : int -> unit = "netsys__exit";;
(* needed here to avoid dep on Netsys *)

type action =
    [ `Callback of int -> unit
    | `Install of unit -> unit

type entry =
    { sig_number : int;
      sig_library : string option;
      sig_priority : int;
      sig_keep_default : bool;
      sig_name : string;
      sig_action : action;

module Debug = struct
  let enable = ref false

let dlog = Netlog.Debug.mk_dlog "Netsys_signal" Debug.enable
let dlogr = Netlog.Debug.mk_dlogr "Netsys_signal" Debug.enable

let () =
  Netlog.Debug.register_module "Netsys_signal" Debug.enable

let is_win32 =
  match Sys.os_type with
    | "Win32" -> true
    | _ -> false

let sig_enable = Hashtbl.create 30
  (** Maps signal number to [`Unchanged], [`Enabled], [`Disabled], or
      [`Unchanged] is the same as if there was no entry for the signal 
      number and means that [Sys.set_signal] has not been called yet.
      [`Enabled] means this function has been called. [`Disabled] means
      that the signal is on the "keep away list". [`Exclusive] is like
      [`Enabled] for exclusive handlers.

let sig_definition = Hashtbl.create 30
  (** Maps signal number to [entry] in priority order. *)

let otp = !Netsys_oothr.provider

let mutex = otp # create_mutex()

let while_locked f =
  Netsys_oothr.serialize mutex f ()

let lethal_default_actions =
  [ Sys.sighup; Sys.sigint; Sys.sigquit; Sys.sigill; Sys.sigabrt;
    Sys.sigfpe; (* Sys.sigkill *) Sys.sigsegv; (* Sys.sigpipe *)
    Sys.sigalrm; Sys.sigterm; Sys.sigusr1; Sys.sigusr2; 

let handle signo =
  dlogr (fun () -> sprintf "handle %d" signo);
  let entries =
    try Hashtbl.find sig_definition signo
    with Not_found -> [] in
  let emulate_default = ref true in
    (fun entry ->
       emulate_default := !emulate_default && entry.sig_keep_default;
	 match entry.sig_action with
	   | `Install _ -> ()
	   | `Callback cb ->
	       dlogr (fun () -> 
			sprintf "signal %d calling back %s handler '%s'"
			  (match entry.sig_library with 
			     | None -> "application"
			     | Some lib -> "library '" ^ lib ^ "'")
	       cb signo
       with _ -> ()
	 (* Be hard with exceptions here! *)
  if !emulate_default then (
    dlogr (fun () -> sprintf "signal %d emulating default" signo);
    (* If the default signal action is not "ignore", it is an action that
       will terminate the process. So we can emulate it by setting the
       signal handler again, and by sending the signal to the process.
    if List.mem signo lethal_default_actions then (
      _exit 126;
      (*  - This does not reliably work in multi-threaded programs: *)
      ignore(Sys.signal signo Sys.Signal_default);
      Unix.kill (Unix.getpid()) signo;
      (* The signal signo is pending but usually blocked because this function
       * is called from within the signal handler for signo. To force that
       * the signal is delivered we must unblock the signal.
      ignore(Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_UNBLOCK [ signo ]);
      (* Wait for any signal - at least signo will happen! *)
      while true do Unix.pause() done;
      (* Never return to this point of execution! *)
      assert false

let sig_manage signo =  
  (* must not be called for `Exclusive handlers! *)
  let is_disabled =
    try Hashtbl.find sig_enable signo = `Disabled
    with Not_found -> false in
  if not is_disabled then (
    ( try
	dlogr (fun () -> sprintf "signal %d installing normal handler" signo);
	Sys.set_signal signo (Sys.Signal_handle handle)
      with Invalid_argument _ -> ()
    Hashtbl.replace sig_enable signo `Enabled

let sig_install entry =
  (* only for `Exclusive handlers! *)
  let is_disabled =
    try Hashtbl.find sig_enable entry.sig_number = `Disabled
    with Not_found -> false in
  if not is_disabled then (
    match entry.sig_action with
      | `Callback _ -> assert false
      | `Install f -> 
	  dlogr (fun () -> 
		   sprintf "signal %d installing excl handler" 
	  Hashtbl.replace sig_enable entry.sig_number `Exclusive

let restore_management signo =
    (fun () ->
       let state =
	 try Hashtbl.find sig_enable signo
	 with Not_found -> `Unchanged in
       match state with
	 | `Enabled -> 
	     sig_manage signo
	 | `Exclusive -> 
	     ( match Hashtbl.find sig_definition signo with
		 | [ e ] -> sig_install e
		 | _ -> assert false
	 | _ ->

let keep_away_from signo =
    (fun () ->
       let state =
	 try Hashtbl.find sig_enable signo
	 with Not_found -> `Unchanged in
       dlogr (fun () -> sprintf "signal %d keep away %s" 
		( match state with
		    | `Enabled -> 
		    | `Exclusive ->
		    | _ ->
       Hashtbl.replace sig_enable signo `Disabled

let register_handler ?library ?priority ?(keep_default=false) 
                     ~name ~signal ~callback () =
    (fun () ->
       let state =
	 try Hashtbl.find sig_enable signal
	 with Not_found -> `Unchanged in
       if state = `Exclusive then
	 failwith ("Netsys_signal.register_handler: \
                    Cannot override an exclusive handler (signal " ^ 
		     string_of_int signal ^ ")");
       let entry =
	 { sig_number = signal;
	   sig_library = library;
	   sig_priority = if library=None then 100 else 0;
	   sig_keep_default = keep_default;
	   sig_name = name;
	   sig_action = `Callback callback
	 } in
       let old_list =
	 try Hashtbl.find sig_definition signal
	 with Not_found -> [] in
       let same_handler e1 e2 =
	 e1.sig_number = e2.sig_number &&
	 e1.sig_library = e2.sig_library &&
	 e1.sig_name = e2.sig_name in
       let hdl_exists = List.exists (fun e -> same_handler entry e) old_list in
       let rm_list =
	 if hdl_exists then
	     (fun e -> not(same_handler entry e))
	   old_list in
       let new_list =
	   (fun e1 e2 ->
	      match compare e1.sig_priority e2.sig_priority with
		| 0 -> compare e1.sig_name e2.sig_name
	   | n -> n
	   (entry :: rm_list) in
       Hashtbl.replace sig_definition signal new_list;
       sig_manage signal

let register_exclusive_handler ~name ~signal ~install () =
    (fun () ->
       let state =
	 try Hashtbl.find sig_enable signal
	 with Not_found -> `Unchanged in
       if state = `Enabled then
	 failwith ("Netsys_signal.register_exclusive_handler: \
                    There is already a handler definition (signal " ^ 
		     string_of_int signal ^ ")");
       let entry =
	 { sig_number = signal;
	   sig_library = None;
	   sig_priority = 100;
	   sig_keep_default = false;
	   sig_name = name;
	   sig_action = `Install install
	 } in
       Hashtbl.replace sig_definition signal [entry];
       sig_install entry

let list() =
    (fun () ->
	 (fun _ l acc -> l @ acc)

let keep_away_list() =
    (fun () ->
	 (fun signo state acc ->
	    if state = `Disabled then signo::acc else acc)

let () =
  if is_win32 then (
    (* Disable all except Sys.sigint: *)
      (fun signo -> Hashtbl.add sig_enable signo `Disabled)
      [ Sys.sigabrt; Sys.sigalrm; Sys.sigfpe; Sys.sighup; Sys.sigill;
	Sys.sigkill; Sys.sigpipe; Sys.sigquit; Sys.sigsegv; Sys.sigterm;
	Sys.sigusr1; Sys.sigusr2; Sys.sigchld; Sys.sigcont; Sys.sigstop;
	Sys.sigtstp; Sys.sigttin; Sys.sigttou; Sys.sigvtalrm; Sys.sigprof

let () =
    ~name:"Sigpipe default handler"
    ~callback:(fun _ -> ())

let init() = ()

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