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Class Uq_gtk.gtk_event_system

class gtk_event_system : ?run:runner -> unit -> Unixqueue.event_system
This class is an alternate implementation of the Unixqueue event systems for the Glib event loop. Use this class instead of unix_event_system.

Both Unixqueue and Glib provide event queues for system events, and it is possible to merge both queues such that events may happen and be processed on one queue while the other queue blocks.

To achieve this, just use this class instead of unix_event_system. It automatically creates handlers for the Glib loop when necessary. However, you must not invoke the method run, as this class does not provide its own event loop. Instead, ensure that GMain.main is called.

Of course, this is all intended to help writing applications which have a graphical user interface (GUI) built with lablgtk, and some network functionality which is designed to work in the background. Simply create your GUI with lablgtk, and after the button is pressed which starts the network I/O, you add resources to this event queue, and the I/O will be processed concurrently with any user input coming from the GUI.

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