exception Out_of_range
exception Parse_error of int
exception Header_too_short
module Type_name :
type type_name =
| Integer
| Enum
| Real
| Bitstring
| Octetstring
| Null
| Seq
| Set
| ObjectDescriptor
| External
| Embedded_PDV
| NumericString
| PrintableString
| TeletexString
| VideotexString
| VisibleString
| IA5String
| GraphicString
| GeneralString
| UniversalString
| BMPString
| UTF8String
| CharString
| UTCTime
| GeneralizedTime
module Value :
type pc = Primitive | Constructed
type value =
Bool of bool
| Integer of Netasn1.Value.int_value
| Enum of Netasn1.Value.int_value
| Real of Netasn1.Value.real_value
| Bitstring of Netasn1.Value.bitstring_value
| Octetstring of string
| Null
| Seq of Netasn1.Value.value list
| Set of Netasn1.Value.value list
| Tagptr of Netasn1.Value.tag_class * int * Netasn1.Value.pc *
Netstring_tstring.tstring_polybox * int * int
| Tag of Netasn1.Value.tag_class * int * Netasn1.Value.pc *
| ITag of Netasn1.Value.tag_class * int * Netasn1.Value.value
| OID of int array
| ROID of int array
| ObjectDescriptor of string
| External of Netasn1.Value.value list
| Embedded_PDV of Netasn1.Value.value list
| NumericString of string
| PrintableString of string
| TeletexString of string
| VideotexString of string
| VisibleString of string
| IA5String of string
| GraphicString of string
| GeneralString of string
| UniversalString of string
| BMPString of string
| UTF8String of string
| CharString of string
| UTCTime of Netasn1.Value.time_value
| GeneralizedTime of Netasn1.Value.time_value
and tag_class = Universal | Application | Context | Private
and int_value
and real_value
and bitstring_value
and time_value
type time_subtype = [ `G | `U ]
val type_of_value :
Netasn1.Value.value -> Netasn1.Type_name.type_name option
val get_int_repr : Netasn1.Value.int_value -> string
val get_int_b256 : Netasn1.Value.int_value -> int array
val get_int : Netasn1.Value.int_value -> int
val get_int32 : Netasn1.Value.int_value -> int32
val get_int64 : Netasn1.Value.int_value -> int64
val int : int -> Netasn1.Value.int_value
val int32 : int32 -> Netasn1.Value.int_value
val int64 : int64 -> Netasn1.Value.int_value
val int_b256 : int array -> Netasn1.Value.int_value
val get_real_repr : Netasn1.Value.real_value -> string
val get_bitstring_size : Netasn1.Value.bitstring_value -> int
val get_bitstring_data : Netasn1.Value.bitstring_value -> string
val get_bitstring_bits :
?size:int -> Netasn1.Value.bitstring_value -> bool array
val get_bitstring_repr : Netasn1.Value.bitstring_value -> string
val bitstring_of_bits : bool array -> Netasn1.Value.bitstring_value
val bitstring_of_string :
string -> int -> Netasn1.Value.bitstring_value
val truncate_trailing_zero_bits :
Netasn1.Value.bitstring_value -> Netasn1.Value.bitstring_value
val get_time_subtype :
Netasn1.Value.time_value -> Netasn1.Value.time_subtype
val get_time_repr : Netasn1.Value.time_value -> string
val get_time : Netasn1.Value.time_value -> Netdate.t
val utctime : Netdate.t -> Netasn1.Value.time_value
val gentime : digits:int -> Netdate.t -> Netasn1.Value.time_value
val equal : Netasn1.Value.value -> Netasn1.Value.value -> bool
val decode_ber :
?pos:int -> ?len:int -> string -> int * Netasn1.Value.value
val decode_ber_tstring :
?pos:int -> ?len:int -> Netsys_types.tstring -> int * Netasn1.Value.value
val decode_ber_poly :
?pos:int ->
?len:int ->
's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> 's -> int * Netasn1.Value.value
val decode_ber_contents :
?pos:int ->
?len:int ->
?indefinite:bool ->
string ->
Netasn1.Value.pc ->
Netasn1.Type_name.type_name -> int * Netasn1.Value.value
val decode_ber_contents_tstring :
?pos:int ->
?len:int ->
?indefinite:bool ->
Netsys_types.tstring ->
Netasn1.Value.pc ->
Netasn1.Type_name.type_name -> int * Netasn1.Value.value
val decode_ber_contents_poly :
?pos:int ->
?len:int ->
?indefinite:bool ->
's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops ->
's ->
Netasn1.Value.pc ->
Netasn1.Type_name.type_name -> int * Netasn1.Value.value
val decode_ber_length : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> string -> int
val decode_ber_length_tstring :
?pos:int -> ?len:int -> Netsys_types.tstring -> int
val decode_ber_length_poly :
?pos:int -> ?len:int -> 's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> 's -> int
val decode_ber_header :
?pos:int ->
?len:int ->
?skip_length_check:bool ->
string ->
int * Netasn1.Value.tag_class * Netasn1.Value.pc * int * int option
val decode_ber_header_tstring :
?pos:int ->
?len:int ->
?skip_length_check:bool ->
Netsys_types.tstring ->
int * Netasn1.Value.tag_class * Netasn1.Value.pc * int * int option
val decode_ber_header_poly :
?pos:int ->
?len:int ->
?skip_length_check:bool ->
's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops ->
's -> int * Netasn1.Value.tag_class * Netasn1.Value.pc * int * int option
val streamline_seq :
(Netasn1.Value.tag_class * int * Netasn1.Type_name.type_name) list ->
Netasn1.Value.value list -> Netasn1.Value.value option list
val streamline_set :
(Netasn1.Value.tag_class * int * Netasn1.Type_name.type_name) list ->
Netasn1.Value.value list -> Netasn1.Value.value list