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(** SCRAM as SASL mechanism

    {b This module needs the SHA-1 hash function. In order to use it,
    initialize crypto support, e.g. by including the [nettls-gnutls]
    packages and calling {!Nettls_gnutls.init}.}

    As for all SASL mechanisms in OCamlnet, SASLprep is not automatically
    called. Users of SCRAM should pass user names and passwords through

(** The profile sets some basic parameters. The common profile to use
    is {!Netmech_scram_sasl.SHA1}
module type PROFILE = 
    val hash_function : Netsys_digests.iana_hash_fn
      (** The hash function. We only allow functions where IANA registered
          an official name. Note that SCRAM is currently only specified for
          SHA1, although the hash function is easily exchangable.
   val iteration_count_limit : int
      (** The maximum iteration count supported *)
   val announce_channel_binding : bool
      (** Whether servers announce the availability of channel binding by
          adding "-PLUS" to the mechanism name.

module SHA1 : PROFILE
  (** Uses SHA-1 as hash function. The iteration count is limited to 100000.
      The mechanism name is "SCRAM-SHA-1".

  (** Same as {!Netmech_scram_sasl.SHA1}, only that the mechanism name is

module SHA256 : PROFILE
  (** Uses SHA-256 as hash function. The iteration count is limited to 100000.
      The mechanism name is "SCRAM-SHA-256".

module SHA256_PLUS : PROFILE
  (** Same as {!Netmech_scram_sasl.SHA256}, only that the mechanism name is

module SCRAM (P:PROFILE) : Netsys_sasl_types.SASL_MECHANISM
  (** Create a new SCRAM SASL mechanism for this profile.

      SCRAM is the most recent challenge/response mechanism specified by
      IETF, and should be preferred over others. See {!Netmech_scram} for

      {b Notes about [init_credentials]:}

      When used in servers, the credentials can be specified in the special
      "authPassword-SCRAM-SHA-1" format, e.g.

      let h = SHA1.hash_function
      let salt = Netmech_scram.create_salt()
      let i = 4096
      let (st_key,srv_key) = Netmech_scram.stored_key h password salt i
      let value =
        Netencoding.Base64.encode st_key ^ ":" ^ 
          Netencoding.Base64.encode srv_key in
      let creds_l =
        [ "authpassword-SCRAM-SHA-1", value,
           [ "info", sprintf "%d:%s" i (Netencoding.Base64.encode salt) ]
      let creds = SCRAM.init_credentials creds_l

      If existing, the "authPassword-*" entry takes precedence over a
      normal "password" entry. The parameter "info" is needed.
      This format is intended to be stored in authentication databases
      instead of the cleartext password (compare with RFC-5803; this is
      intentionally derived from the usual LDAP format for SCRAM credentials).

      {b Notes about [create_server_session]:}

      The implementation understands the parameter "i", which can be set
      to the iteration count. If omitted, an implementation-defined default
      is used.

      {b Parameters}

       - The parameters [mutual] and [secure] are understood but ignored
         (there is mutual authentication anyway, and SCRAM is considered as
         secure method)


module SCRAM_SHA1 : Netsys_sasl_types.SASL_MECHANISM
  (** SCRAM with SHA1 profile *)

module SCRAM_SHA1_PLUS : Netsys_sasl_types.SASL_MECHANISM
  (** SCRAM with SHA1_PLUS profile *)

module SCRAM_SHA256 : Netsys_sasl_types.SASL_MECHANISM
  (** SCRAM with SHA256 profile *)

module SCRAM_SHA256_PLUS : Netsys_sasl_types.SASL_MECHANISM
  (** SCRAM with SHA256_PLUS profile *)

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