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Module Nettls_gnutls.Digests

module Digests: Netsys_crypto_types.DIGESTS 
Cryptographic digests

Cryptographic digests.

Users should not call functions of the provider directly, but use Netsys_digests, or another higher-level layer.

type digest 
Describes a digest
val digests : digest list
returns digests
val find : string -> digest
Returns the digest of this name, or raises Not_found
val name : digest -> string
returns the name of the digest. The name follows the format <uppercasename>-<size>, e.g. "MD5-128", "SHA1-160", "SHA2-256".
val size : digest -> int
returns the size of the hash output (in bytes)
val block_length : digest -> int
the block length (in bytes)
type digest_ctx 
A digest context stores state while digesting data
val create : digest -> digest_ctx
Creates a fresh context
val add : digest_ctx -> Netsys_types.memory -> unit
Adds data
val finish : digest_ctx -> string
Returns the digest
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