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(* This is a port of the "adder" of the Ocamlnet examples to Nethttpd, 
 * using only the reactor module.

open Netcgi;;
open Nethttpd_reactor;;
open Printf;;

let rec service_loop reactor netcgi_processor =
  match reactor # next_request () with
    | Some req ->
	( try
	    req # accept_body();   (* Always! *)
	    let env =
	      req # environment in
	    let cgi = 
		(new Netcgi_common.cgi)
		(env :> Netcgi.cgi_environment)
		(fun _ _ _ -> `Automatic) in
	    netcgi_processor cgi
	      e ->
		printf "Uncaught exception: %s\n" (Printexc.to_string e);
		flush stdout
	req # finish();
	service_loop reactor netcgi_processor

    | None ->

let serve fd netcgi_processor =
  let config = Nethttpd_reactor.default_http_reactor_config in
  let reactor = new http_reactor config fd in
  service_loop reactor netcgi_processor;
  reactor # close()

let start netcgi_processor =
  let master_sock = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
  Unix.setsockopt master_sock Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true;
  Unix.bind master_sock (Unix.ADDR_INET(Unix.inet_addr_any, 8765));
  Unix.listen master_sock 100;
  printf "Listening on port 8765\n";
  flush stdout;

    while true do
      let conn_sock, _ = Unix.accept master_sock in
      Unix.set_nonblock conn_sock;
      serve conn_sock netcgi_processor
	Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EINTR,_,_) -> ()  (* ignore *)

 * The following is copied, almost verbatim, from

 * This example demonstrates a very simple CGI page that refers to itself
 * using the GET method.

let text = Netencoding.Html.encode_from_latin1;;
(* This function encodes "<", ">", "&", double quotes, and Latin 1 characters 
 * as character entities. E.g. text "<" = "&lt;", and text "ä" = "&auml;"

let begin_page cgi title =
  (* Output the beginning of the page with the passed [title]. *)
  let out = cgi # output # output_string in
  out "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"\">\n";
  out "<HTML>\n";
  out "<HEAD>\n";
  out ("<TITLE>" ^ text title ^ "</TITLE>\n");
  out ("<STYLE TYPE=\"text/css\">\n");
  out "body { background: white; color: black; }\n";
  out "</STYLE>\n";
  out "</HEAD>\n";
  out "<BODY>\n";
  out ("<H1>" ^ text title ^ "</H1>\n")

let end_page cgi =
  let out = cgi # output # output_string in
  out "</BODY>\n";
  out "</HTML>\n"

let generate_query_page (cgi : cgi_activation) =
  (* Display the query form. *)
  begin_page cgi "Add Two Numbers";
  let out = cgi # output # output_string in
  out "<P>This CGI page can perform additions. Please enter two integers,\n";
  out "and press the button!\n";
  out (sprintf "<P>GET: <FORM METHOD=GET ACTION=\"%s\">\n" 
	 (text (cgi#url())));
  (* Note that cgi#url() returns the URL of this script (without ? clause).
   * We pass this string through the text function to avoid problems with
   * some characters.
  out "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=\"x\"> + <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=\"y\"> = ";
  out "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=\"button\" VALUE=\"Go!\">\n";
  (* The hidden field only indicates that now the result page should
   * be consulted.
  out "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"page\" VALUE=\"result\">\n";
  out "</FORM>\n";
  out (sprintf "<P>POST: <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=\"%s\">\n" 
	 (text (cgi#url())));
  out "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=\"x\"> + <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=\"y\"> = ";
  out "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=\"button\" VALUE=\"Go!\">\n";
  out "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"page\" VALUE=\"result\">\n";
  out "</FORM>\n";
  end_page cgi

let generate_result_page (cgi : cgi_activation) =
  (* Compute the result, and display it *)
  begin_page cgi "Sum";
  let out = cgi # output # output_string in
  out "<P>The result is:\n";
  let x = cgi # argument_value "x" in
  let y = cgi # argument_value "y" in
  let sum = (int_of_string x) + (int_of_string y) in
  out (sprintf "<P>%s + %s = %d\n" x y sum);
  out (sprintf "<P><A HREF=\"%s\">Add further numbers</A>\n" 
	 (text (cgi#url 
		                   (`Args [new simple_argument "page" "query"])
  (* Here, the URL contains the CGI argument "page", but no other arguments. *)
  end_page cgi

let generate_page (cgi : cgi_activation) =
  (* Check which page is to be displayed. This is contained in the CGI
   * argument "page".
  match cgi # argument_value "page" with
      "" ->
	(* The argument is the empty string, or the argument is missing.
	 * This is the same like the page "query".
	generate_query_page cgi
    | "query" ->
	generate_query_page cgi
    | "result" ->
	generate_result_page cgi
    | _ ->
	assert false

let process (cgi : cgi_activation) =
  (* A [cgi_activation] is an object that allows us to program pages
   * in a quite abstract way. By creating the [std_activation] object
   * the CGI/1.1 protocol is used to communicate with the outer world.
   * The CGI arguments are read in, and further properties of the protocol
   * are available by method calls.
   * The parameter [~operating_type] specifies that the generated HTML
   * page is buffered, and sent to the browser when it is complete. This
   * has the advantage that you can catch errors while the page is generated,
   * and can output error messages. Other [~operating_type]s make it
   * possible that the HTML page is buffered in a temporary file, and it
   * can also be specified that the HTML page is not buffered at all.
  (* The [try] block catches errors during the page generation. *)
    (* Set the header. The header specifies that the page must not be
     * cached. This is important for dynamic pages called by the GET
     * method, otherwise the browser might display an old version of
     * the page.
     * Furthermore, we set the content type and the character set.
     * Note that the header is not sent immediately to the browser because
     * we have enabled HTML buffering.
    cgi # set_header 
      ~content_type:"text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\""

    generate_page cgi;

    (* After the page has been fully generated, we can send it to the
     * browser. 
    cgi # output # commit_work();
      error ->
	(* An error has happened. Generate now an error page instead of
	 * the current page. By rolling back the output buffer, any 
	 * uncomitted material is deleted.
	cgi # output # rollback_work();

	(* We change the header here only to demonstrate that this is
	 * possible.
	cgi # set_header 
	  ~status:`Forbidden                  (* Indicate the error *)
	  ~content_type:"text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\""

	begin_page cgi "Software error";
        cgi # output # output_string "While processing the request an O'Caml exception has been raised:<BR>";
        cgi # output # output_string ("<TT>" ^ text(Printexc.to_string error) ^ "</TT><BR>");
	end_page cgi;

	(* Now commit the error page: *)
	cgi # output # commit_work()

let conf_debug() =
  (* Set the environment variable DEBUG to either:
       - a list of Netlog module names
       - the keyword "ALL" to output all messages
       - the keyword "LIST" to output a list of modules
     By setting DEBUG_WIN32 additional debugging for Win32 is enabled.
  let debug = try Sys.getenv "DEBUG" with Not_found -> "" in
  if debug = "ALL" then
  else if debug = "LIST" then (
    List.iter print_endline (Netlog.Debug.names());
    exit 0
  else (
    let l = Netstring_str.split (Netstring_str.regexp "[ \t\r\n]+") debug in
      (fun m -> Netlog.Debug.enable_module m)
  if (try ignore(Sys.getenv "DEBUG_WIN32"); true with Not_found -> false) then
    Netsys_win32.Debug.debug_c_wrapper true

(* main: *)
start process ;;

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