(* main RFC: 4511 *) open Uq_engines open Uq_engines.Operators open Printf module Debug = struct let enable = ref false end let dlog = Netlog.Debug.mk_dlog "Netldap" Debug.enable let dlogr = Netlog.Debug.mk_dlogr "Netldap" Debug.enable let () = Netlog.Debug.register_module "Netldap" Debug.enable type asn1_message = Netasn1.Value.value type signal = { signal_eng : asn1_message engine; signal : asn1_message final_state -> unit } type tls_mode = [ `Disabled | `Immediate | `StartTLS | `StartTLS_if_possible ] class type ldap_server = object method ldap_endpoint : Netsockaddr.socksymbol method ldap_timeout : float method ldap_peer_name : string option method ldap_tls_config : (module Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_CONFIG) option method ldap_tls_mode : tls_mode end type sasl_bind_creds = { sasl_dn : string; sasl_user : string; sasl_authz : string; sasl_creds : (string * string * (string * string)list)list; sasl_params : (string * string * bool) list; sasl_mech : (module Netsys_sasl_types.SASL_MECHANISM); } type bind_creds = | Simple of string * string | SASL of sasl_bind_creds type ldap_connection = { srv : ldap_server; mutable fd : Unix.file_descr option; esys : Unixqueue.event_system; mplex0 : Uq_multiplex.multiplex_controller; (* the mplex for fd *) mplex1 : Uq_multiplex.multiplex_controller; (* if TLS is active, the TLS mplex, otherwise the same as mplex0 *) dev_in : Uq_io.in_device; (* mplex1 as buffered in_device *) dev_in_buf : Uq_io.in_buffer; (* the buffer of dev_in *) dev_out : Uq_io.out_device; (* mplex1 as out_device *) mutable next_id : int; (* the next message ID *) signals : (int, signal) Hashtbl.t; (* signals are invoked for server messages *) mutable recv_eng : unit engine; (* the receive engine *) } type result_code = [ `Success | `OperationsError | `ProtocolError | `TimeLimitExceeded | `SizeLimitExceeded | `CompareFalse | `CompareTrue | `AuthMethodNotSupported | `StrongAuthRequired | `Referral | `AdminLimitExceeded | `UnavailableCriticalExtension | `ConfidentialityRequired | `SaslBindInProgress | `NoSuchAttribute | `UndefinedAttributeType | `InappropriateMatching | `ConstraintViolation | `AttributeOrValueExists | `InvalidAttributeSyntax | `NoSuchObject | `AliasProblem | `InvalidDNSyntax | `AliasDereferencingProblem | `InappropriateAuthentication | `InvalidCredentials | `InsufficientAccessRights | `Busy | `Unavailable | `UnwillingToPerform | `LoopDetect | `NamingViolation | `ObjectClassViolation | `NotAllowedOnNonLeaf | `NotAllowedOnRDN | `EntryAlreadyExists | `ObjectClassModsProhibited | `AffectsMultipleDSAs | `Other | `Unknown_code of int ] type operation = [`Add|`Delete|`Replace] exception Timeout exception LDAP_error of result_code * string exception Auth_error of string class type ['a] ldap_result = object method code : result_code method matched_dn : string method diag_msg : string method referral : string list method value : 'a method partial_value : 'a end exception Notification of string ldap_result let create_result code matched_dn diag_msg referral (value : 'a) : 'a ldap_result = object method code = code method matched_dn = matched_dn method diag_msg = diag_msg method referral = referral method value = if code = `Success then value else raise (LDAP_error(code, diag_msg)) method partial_value = value end type scope = [ `Base | `One | `Sub ] type deref_aliases = [ `Never | `In_searching | `Finding_base_obj | `Always ] type filter = [ `And of filter list | `Or of filter list | `Not of filter | `Equality_match of string * string | `Substrings of string * string option * string list * string option | `Greater_or_equal of string * string | `Less_or_equal of string * string | `Present of string | `Approx_match of string * string | `Extensible_match of string option * string option * string * bool ] type search_result = [ `Entry of string * (string * string list) list | `Reference of string list ] let ldap_server ?(timeout=15.0) ?peer_name ?tls_config ?(tls_mode = `StartTLS_if_possible) addr : ldap_server = let tls_config = match tls_mode with | `Immediate | `StartTLS | `StartTLS_if_possible -> ( match tls_config with | None -> if tls_mode=`StartTLS_if_possible && Netsys_crypto.current_tls_opt()=None then None else let p = Netsys_crypto.current_tls() in let c = Netsys_tls.create_x509_config ~system_trust:true ~peer_auth:`Required p in Some c | Some tls -> Some tls ) | _ -> None in ( object method ldap_endpoint = addr method ldap_timeout = timeout method ldap_peer_name = peer_name method ldap_tls_config = tls_config method ldap_tls_mode = tls_mode end ) let ldap_server_of_url ?timeout ?tls_config ?tls_mode url = let sch = Neturl.url_scheme url in let dport = match sch with | "ldap" -> 389 | "ldaps" -> 636 | _ -> failwith "Netldap.ldap_server_of_url: not an LDAP URL" in let socksym = Neturl.url_socksymbol url dport in let tls_mode = match tls_mode, sch with | _, "ldaps" -> Some `Immediate | Some `Immediate, "ldap" -> Some `StartTLS | _, _ -> tls_mode in ldap_server ?timeout ?tls_config ?tls_mode socksym let anon_bind_creds = Simple("","") let simple_bind_creds ~dn ~pw = Simple(dn,pw) let sasl_bind_creds ~dn ~user ~authz ~creds ~params mech = SASL { sasl_dn = dn; sasl_user = user; sasl_authz = authz; sasl_creds = creds; sasl_params = params; sasl_mech = mech } let result_code code = match code with | 0 -> `Success | 1 -> `OperationsError | 2 -> `ProtocolError | 3 -> `TimeLimitExceeded | 4 -> `SizeLimitExceeded | 5 -> `CompareFalse | 6 -> `CompareTrue | 7 -> `AuthMethodNotSupported | 8 -> `StrongAuthRequired | 10 -> `Referral | 11 -> `AdminLimitExceeded | 12 -> `UnavailableCriticalExtension | 13 -> `ConfidentialityRequired | 14 -> `SaslBindInProgress | 16 -> `NoSuchAttribute | 17 -> `UndefinedAttributeType | 18 -> `InappropriateMatching | 19 -> `ConstraintViolation | 20 -> `AttributeOrValueExists | 21 -> `InvalidAttributeSyntax | 32 -> `NoSuchObject | 33 -> `AliasProblem | 34 -> `InvalidDNSyntax | 36 -> `AliasDereferencingProblem | 48 -> `InappropriateAuthentication | 49 -> `InvalidCredentials | 50 -> `InsufficientAccessRights | 51 -> `Busy | 52 -> `Unavailable | 53 -> `UnwillingToPerform | 54 -> `LoopDetect | 64 -> `NamingViolation | 65 -> `ObjectClassViolation | 66 -> `NotAllowedOnNonLeaf | 67 -> `NotAllowedOnRDN | 68 -> `EntryAlreadyExists | 69 -> `ObjectClassModsProhibited | 71 -> `AffectsMultipleDSAs | 80 -> `Other | _ -> `Unknown_code code let new_msg_id conn = let id = conn.next_id in conn.next_id <- id+1; id let ops = Netstring_tstring.bytes_ops let decode_ldap_result msg decode_value = let open Netasn1.Value in let fail() = failwith "LDAP protocol: cannot decode LDAPResult" in match msg with | (Enum rcode) :: (Octetstring result_matched_dn) :: (Octetstring result_error_msg) :: comps1 -> let rcode = get_int rcode in let result_referrals, comps = match comps1 with | Tagptr(Context, 3, ref_pc, ref_box, ref_pos, ref_len) :: comps2 -> let Netstring_tstring.Tstring_polybox(ref_ops, ref_s) = ref_box in let _, ref_msg = Netasn1.decode_ber_contents_poly ~pos:ref_pos ~len:ref_len ref_ops ref_s ref_pc Netasn1.Type_name.Seq in let refs = match ref_msg with | Seq list -> List.map (function | Octetstring url -> url | _ -> fail() ) list | _ -> fail() in refs, comps2 | _ -> [], comps1 in let value = decode_value rcode comps in create_result (result_code rcode) result_matched_dn result_error_msg result_referrals value | _ -> fail() let decode_unsolicited_notification msg = let open Netasn1.Value in match msg with | Seq [ Integer _; Tagptr(Application, 24, pc, box, pos, len) ] -> let Netstring_tstring.Tstring_polybox(ops, s) = box in let _, notification = Netasn1.decode_ber_contents_poly ~pos ~len ops s pc Netasn1.Type_name.Seq in ( match notification with | Seq notification -> decode_ldap_result notification (fun _ seq -> let ext_seq = Netasn1.streamline_seq [ Context, 10, Netasn1.Type_name.Octetstring; Context, 11, Netasn1.Type_name.Octetstring ] seq in ( match ext_seq with | [ Some(Octetstring oid); _ ] -> oid | [ None; _ ] -> "" | _ -> failwith "Bad ASN1" ) ) | _ -> assert false ) | _ -> assert false let rec receive_messages_e conn buf_eof = let open Netasn1.Value in if Uq_io.in_buffer_length conn.dev_in_buf = 0 && not buf_eof then ( (* Nothing received yet *) Uq_io.in_buffer_fill_e conn.dev_in_buf ++ (fun eof -> receive_messages_e conn eof ) ) else ( (* Check whether there is a full header in the buffer *) let s = Bytes.create 32 in let n = min 32 (Uq_io.in_buffer_length conn.dev_in_buf) in Uq_io.in_buffer_blit conn.dev_in_buf 0 (`Bytes s) 0 n; try let (hdr_len, _, _, _, data_len_opt) = Netasn1.decode_ber_header_poly ~len:n ~skip_length_check:true ops s in let data_len = match data_len_opt with | None -> failwith "LDAP protocol: message with implicit length found" | Some l -> l in let total_len = hdr_len + data_len in let msg_buf = Bytes.make total_len '\x00' in Uq_io.really_input_e conn.dev_in (`Bytes msg_buf) 0 total_len ++ (fun () -> let _, msg = Netasn1.decode_ber_poly ops msg_buf in match msg with | Seq (Integer msg_id_asn1 :: _) -> let msg_id = try get_int msg_id_asn1 with | Netasn1.Out_of_range -> failwith "LDAP protocol: unexpected MessageID" in dlog (sprintf "LDAP: got response for request %d" msg_id); if msg_id = 0 then (* this can only be an unsolicited notification *) match msg with | Seq [ Integer _; Tagptr(Application, 24, _, _, _, _) ] -> let nr = decode_unsolicited_notification msg in raise (Notification nr) | _ -> failwith "LDAP protocol: unexpected ASN.1 structure" else let signal = try Hashtbl.find conn.signals msg_id with | Not_found -> dlog (sprintf "LDAP: request %d is unknown" msg_id); failwith "LDAP protocol: unexpected MessageID" in Hashtbl.remove conn.signals msg_id; signal.signal (`Done msg); receive_messages_e conn false | _ -> failwith "LDAP protocol: unexpected ASN.1 structure" ) with Netasn1.Header_too_short -> (* from decode_ber_header *) if not buf_eof then Uq_io.in_buffer_fill_e conn.dev_in_buf ++ (fun eof -> receive_messages_e conn eof ) else ( dlog "LDAP: end of file"; raise End_of_file ) ) exception Sync_exit let sync e = let result = ref None in Uq_engines.when_state ~is_done:(fun x -> result := Some x; raise Sync_exit) ~is_error:(fun e -> raise e) ~is_aborted:(fun () -> failwith "Engine has been aborted") e; try Unixqueue.run e#event_system; raise Sync_exit with | Sync_exit -> match !result with | None -> assert false | Some x -> x let abort conn = dlog "LDAP: aborting connection"; ( match conn.fd with | None -> () | Some fd -> conn.mplex0 # inactivate(); conn.fd <- None ); Hashtbl.iter (fun _ s -> s.signal_eng # abort()) conn.signals; conn.recv_eng # abort() let send_message_no_tmo_e conn msg = let buf = Netbuffer.create 80 in ignore(Netasn1_encode.encode_ber buf msg); let data = Netbuffer.to_bytes buf in Uq_io.really_output_e conn.dev_out (`Bytes data) 0 (Bytes.length data) let send_message_e conn msg = Uq_engines.timeout_engine conn.srv#ldap_timeout Timeout (send_message_no_tmo_e conn msg) let await_response_no_tmo_e conn msg_id f_e = (* Invoke f_e with the response message when a response for msg_id arrives *) let signal_eng, signal = Uq_engines.signal_engine conn.esys in let s = { signal_eng; signal } in let e = signal_eng ++ f_e in Hashtbl.replace conn.signals msg_id s; when_state ~is_error:(fun err -> dlog(sprintf "LDAP: processing response for msg %d results in \ exception: %s" msg_id (Netexn.to_string err)) ) e; e let await_response_e conn msg_id f_e = Uq_engines.timeout_engine conn.srv#ldap_timeout Timeout (await_response_no_tmo_e conn msg_id f_e) let addr_of_server server = `Socket(Uq_client.sockspec_of_socksymbol Unix.SOCK_STREAM server#ldap_endpoint, Uq_client.default_connect_options) let tls_peer_name server = let addr = addr_of_server server in match server#ldap_peer_name with | Some n -> Some n | None -> ( match addr with | `Socket(`Sock_inet_byname(_,p,_), _) -> Some p | _ -> None ) let enable_receiver conn = dlog "LDAP: starting message receiver"; let e1 = receive_messages_e conn false in conn.recv_eng <- e1; Uq_engines.when_state ~is_error:(fun error -> dlog (sprintf "LDAP client: caught exception: %S" (Netexn.to_string error)); Hashtbl.iter (fun _ signal -> let g = Unixqueue.new_group conn.esys in Unixqueue.once conn.esys g 0.0 (fun () -> signal.signal (`Error error)) ) conn.signals; Hashtbl.clear conn.signals; abort conn ) e1 let tls_wrap_e conn tls = dlog "LDAP: replacing message receiver"; conn.recv_eng # abort(); let signal_eng, signal = Uq_engines.signal_engine conn.esys in let mplex1 = Uq_multiplex.tls_multiplex_controller ~on_handshake:(fun _ -> signal(`Done())) ~role:`Client ~peer_name:(tls_peer_name conn.srv) tls conn.mplex0 in let dev_in_raw = `Multiplex mplex1 in let dev_in_buf = Uq_io.create_in_buffer dev_in_raw in let dev_in = `Buffer_in dev_in_buf in let dev_out = `Multiplex mplex1 in let conn' = { conn with mplex1; dev_in; dev_in_buf; dev_out } in enable_receiver conn'; signal_eng ++ (fun _ -> eps_e (`Done conn') conn'.esys ) let real_connect_e ?proxy (server:ldap_server) esys = let addr = addr_of_server server in Uq_client.connect_e ?proxy addr esys ++ (function | `Socket(fd,fd_spec) -> dlog(sprintf "LDAP: connected to %s" (Netsockaddr.string_of_socksymbol server#ldap_endpoint)); let mplex0 = Uq_multiplex.create_multiplex_controller_for_connected_socket ~close_inactive_descr:true ~supports_half_open_connection:true (* timeout *) fd esys in let mplex1 = mplex0 in let dev_in_raw = `Multiplex mplex1 in let dev_in_buf = Uq_io.create_in_buffer dev_in_raw in let dev_in = `Buffer_in dev_in_buf in let dev_out = `Multiplex mplex1 in let next_id = 1 in let signals = Hashtbl.create 17 in let dummy_e = eps_e (`Done()) esys in let conn = { srv = server; fd = Some fd; esys; mplex0; mplex1; dev_in; dev_in_buf; dev_out; next_id; signals; recv_eng = dummy_e } in ( match server#ldap_tls_mode, server#ldap_tls_config with | `Immediate, Some tls -> tls_wrap_e conn tls | _ -> enable_receiver conn; eps_e (`Done conn) esys ) | _ -> assert false ) let encode_starttls_req id = let open Netasn1.Value in Seq [ Integer (int id); ITag(Application, 23, Seq [ ITag(Context, 0, Octetstring "") ] ) ] let decode_starttls_resp msg = let open Netasn1.Value in match msg with | Seq [ Integer _; Tagptr(Application, 24, pc, box, pos, len) ] -> let Netstring_tstring.Tstring_polybox(ops, s) = box in let _, data = Netasn1.decode_ber_contents_poly ~pos ~len ops s pc Netasn1.Type_name.Seq in ( match data with | Seq seq -> decode_ldap_result seq (fun _ seq -> let ext_seq = Netasn1.streamline_seq [ Context, 10, Netasn1.Type_name.Octetstring; Context, 11, Netasn1.Type_name.Octetstring ] seq in match ext_seq with | [ None; None ] | [ Some(Octetstring ""); None ] -> () | _ -> raise Not_found ) | _ -> raise Not_found ) | _ -> raise Not_found let starttls_e conn = let server = conn.srv in match server#ldap_tls_mode, server#ldap_tls_config with | (`StartTLS | `StartTLS_if_possible), Some tls -> let id = new_msg_id conn in let req = encode_starttls_req id in dlog(sprintf "LDAP: STARTTLS request %d" id); send_message_e conn req ++ (fun () -> await_response_e conn id (fun resp_msg -> dlog(sprintf "LDAP: STARTTLS response %d" id); try let resp = decode_starttls_resp resp_msg in if resp#code = `Success then tls_wrap_e conn tls else if server#ldap_tls_mode = `StartTLS_if_possible then eps_e (`Done conn) conn.esys else failwith "LDAP server unwilling to start TLS session" with | Not_found -> failwith "LDAP protocol: bad STARTTLS response" ) ) | _ -> eps_e (`Done conn) conn.esys let tls_session_props conn = conn.mplex1 # tls_session_props let connect_e ?proxy server esys = Uq_engines.timeout_engine server#ldap_timeout Timeout (real_connect_e ?proxy server esys ++ (fun conn -> starttls_e conn >> (function | `Done conn -> `Done conn | `Error e -> abort conn; `Error e | `Aborted -> abort conn; `Aborted ) ) ) let connect ?proxy server = let esys = Unixqueue.create_unix_event_system() in sync (connect_e ?proxy server esys) let real_close_e conn = let id = new_msg_id conn in let req_msg = let open Netasn1.Value in Seq [ Integer (int id); ITag(Application, 2, Null) ] in let e = match conn.recv_eng # state with | `Error _ -> conn.recv_eng | `Working _ -> dlog (sprintf "LDAP: close request %d" id); send_message_e conn req_msg ++ (fun () -> dlog "LDAP: sending EOF"; Uq_io.write_eof_e conn.dev_out ++ (fun _ -> (* now End_of_file is acceptable *) dlog "LDAP: awaiting EOF"; conn.recv_eng >> (function | `Error End_of_file -> `Done () | other -> other ) ) ) | _ -> assert false in let cleanup _ = abort conn in when_state ~is_done:cleanup ~is_error:cleanup ~is_aborted:cleanup e; e let close_e conn = Uq_engines.timeout_engine conn.srv#ldap_timeout Timeout (real_close_e conn) let close conn = sync (close_e conn) let with_conn_e f conn = meta_engine (f conn) ++ (fun st -> (* FIXME: close only for only non-fatal errors! *) close_e conn ++ (fun () -> eps_e (st :> _ engine_state) conn.esys) ) let encode_simple_bind_req id bind_dn password = let open Netasn1.Value in let ldap_version = 3 in Seq [ Integer (int id); ITag(Application, 0, Seq [ Integer (int ldap_version); Octetstring bind_dn; ITag(Context, 0, Octetstring password) ] ) ] let encode_sasl_bind_req id bind_dn mech creds_opt = let open Netasn1.Value in let ldap_version = 3 in Seq [ Integer (int id); ITag(Application, 0, Seq [ Integer (int ldap_version); Octetstring bind_dn; ITag(Context, 3, Seq ( Octetstring mech :: ( match creds_opt with | None -> [] | Some creds -> [ Octetstring creds ] ) ) ) ] ) ] let decode_bind_resp ?(ok=[`Success]) resp_msg = let open Netasn1.Value in match resp_msg with | Seq [ Integer _; Tagptr(Application, 1, pc, box, pos, len) ] -> let Netstring_tstring.Tstring_polybox(ops, s) = box in let _, bind_resp = Netasn1.decode_ber_contents_poly ~pos ~len ops s pc Netasn1.Type_name.Seq in ( match bind_resp with | Seq bind_seq -> let bind_result = decode_ldap_result bind_seq (fun _ comps -> comps) in if not (List.mem bind_result#code ok) then ( dlog (sprintf "LDAP bind error: %s\n%!" bind_result#diag_msg); raise(LDAP_error(bind_result#code, bind_result#diag_msg)); ); bind_result | _ -> raise Not_found ) | _ -> raise Not_found let decode_simple_bind_resp resp_msg = let r = decode_bind_resp resp_msg in if r#value <> [] then raise Not_found; () let decode_sasl_bind_resp resp_msg = let open Netasn1.Value in let r = decode_bind_resp ~ok:[`Success;`SaslBindInProgress] resp_msg in let cont = r#code = `SaslBindInProgress in match r#partial_value with | [ Tagptr(Context, 7, pc, box, pos, len) ] -> let Netstring_tstring.Tstring_polybox(ops, s) = box in let _, creds_msg = Netasn1.decode_ber_contents_poly ~pos ~len ops s pc Netasn1.Type_name.Octetstring in ( match creds_msg with | Octetstring data -> (cont, Some data) | _ -> raise Not_found ) | [] -> (cont, None) | _ -> raise Not_found let conn_simple_bind_e conn bind_dn password = let fail() = failwith "LDAP bind: unexpected response" in let id = new_msg_id conn in let req_msg = encode_simple_bind_req id bind_dn password in dlog(sprintf "LDAP: simple bind request %d" id); send_message_e conn req_msg ++ (fun () -> await_response_e conn id (fun resp_msg -> dlog(sprintf "LDAP: simple bind response %d" id); try decode_simple_bind_resp resp_msg; eps_e (`Done()) conn.esys with | Not_found -> fail() ) ) let conn_sasl_bind_e conn (mech : (module Netsys_sasl_types.SASL_MECHANISM)) bind_dn user authz sasl_creds params = let module M = (val mech) in let fail() = failwith "LDAP bind: unexpected response" in let creds = M.init_credentials sasl_creds in let id = new_msg_id conn in let rec loop_e cs cont_needed = dlog (sprintf "LDAP: SASL request %d: entering loop, cont=%B" id cont_needed); match M.client_state cs with | `OK -> if cont_needed then fail(); dlog (sprintf "LDAP: SASL request %d: bind successful" id); eps_e (`Done()) conn.esys | `Auth_error msg -> dlog (sprintf "LDAP: SASL request %d: auth error %S" id msg); raise (Auth_error msg) | `Stale -> dlog (sprintf "LDAP: SASL request %d: stale" id); failwith "Netldap.conn_sasl_bind_e: unexpected SASL state" | `Wait -> dlog (sprintf "LDAP: SASL request %d: wait" id); if not cont_needed then fail(); dlog (sprintf "LDAP: SASL request %d: emitting request w/o challenge" id); let req_msg = encode_sasl_bind_req id bind_dn M.mechanism_name None in send_message_e conn req_msg ++ (fun () -> await_response_e conn id (on_challenge_e cs)) | `Emit -> dlog (sprintf "LDAP: SASL request %d: emit" id); if not cont_needed then fail(); dlog (sprintf "LDAP: SASL request %d: emitting request with challenge" id); let cs, data = M.client_emit_response cs in let req_msg = encode_sasl_bind_req id bind_dn M.mechanism_name (Some data) in send_message_e conn req_msg ++ (fun () -> await_response_e conn id (on_challenge_e cs)) and on_challenge_e cs resp_msg = dlog (sprintf "LDAP: SASL response %d" id); let cont_needed, data_opt = try decode_sasl_bind_resp resp_msg with | Not_found -> fail() in match M.client_state cs with | `OK -> dlog (sprintf "LDAP: SASL response %d: ok" id); if cont_needed then fail(); eps_e (`Done()) conn.esys | `Auth_error msg -> dlog (sprintf "LDAP: SASL response %d: auth error %S" id msg); raise (Auth_error msg) | `Wait -> dlog (sprintf "LDAP: SASL response %d: wait" id); ( match data_opt with | Some data -> let cs = M.client_process_challenge cs data in loop_e cs cont_needed | None -> fail() ) | `Stale | `Emit -> failwith "Netldap.conn_sasl_bind_e: unexpected SASL state" in let cs = M.create_client_session ~user ~authz ~creds ~params () in loop_e cs true let real_conn_bind_e conn creds = match creds with | Simple(dn,pw) -> conn_simple_bind_e conn dn pw | SASL sasl -> conn_sasl_bind_e conn sasl.sasl_mech sasl.sasl_dn sasl.sasl_user sasl.sasl_authz sasl.sasl_creds sasl.sasl_params let conn_bind_e conn creds = Uq_engines.timeout_engine conn.srv#ldap_timeout Timeout (real_conn_bind_e conn creds) let conn_bind conn creds = sync (conn_bind_e conn creds) let test_bind_e ?proxy server creds esys = connect_e ?proxy server esys ++ (fun conn -> let e = ( conn_bind_e conn creds >> (function | `Done() -> `Done true | `Error(Auth_error _ | LDAP_error _) -> `Done false | `Error err -> `Error err | `Aborted -> `Aborted ) ) ++ (fun ok -> close_e conn ++ (fun () -> eps_e (`Done ok) esys ) ) in Uq_engines.when_state ~is_done:(fun _ -> abort conn) ~is_error:(fun _ -> abort conn) ~is_aborted:(fun _ -> abort conn) e; e ) let test_bind ?proxy server creds = let esys = Unixqueue.create_unix_event_system() in sync (test_bind_e ?proxy server creds esys) let rec encode_filter_req (filter:filter) = let open Netasn1.Value in match filter with | `And inner -> if inner = [] then failwith "Netldap.search: AND filter applied to empty list"; ITag(Context, 0, Set (List.map encode_filter_req inner)) | `Or inner -> if inner = [] then failwith "Netldap.search: OR filter applied to empty list"; ITag(Context, 1, Set (List.map encode_filter_req inner)) | `Not inner -> ITag(Context, 2, encode_filter_req inner) | `Equality_match(descr, value) | `Greater_or_equal(descr, value) | `Less_or_equal(descr, value) | `Approx_match(descr, value) -> let tag = match filter with | `Equality_match _ -> 3 | `Greater_or_equal _ -> 5 | `Less_or_equal _ -> 6 | `Approx_match _ -> 8 | _ -> assert false in ITag(Context, tag, Seq [ Octetstring descr; Octetstring value ]) | `Present descr -> ITag(Context, 7, Octetstring descr) | `Substrings(descr, prefix_match, substring_matches, suffix_match) -> if prefix_match=None && substring_matches=[] && suffix_match=None then failwith "Netldap.search: empty SUBSTRING filter"; ITag(Context, 4, Seq [ Octetstring descr; Seq ( (match prefix_match with | None -> [] | Some pm -> [ ITag(Context, 0, Octetstring pm) ] ) @ List.map (fun s -> ITag(Context, 1, Octetstring s)) substring_matches @ (match suffix_match with | None -> [] | Some pm -> [ ITag(Context, 3, Octetstring pm) ] ) ) ]) | `Extensible_match(matching_rule_id, attr_descr, value, dn_attrs) -> ITag(Context, 9, Seq ( (match matching_rule_id with | None -> [] | Some id -> [ITag(Context, 1, Octetstring id)] ) @ (match attr_descr with | None -> [] | Some d -> [ITag(Context, 2, Octetstring d)] ) @ [ ITag(Context, 3, Octetstring value); ITag(Context, 4, Bool dn_attrs) ])) let encode_attr_selection attrs = let open Netasn1.Value in if attrs = [] then Seq [ Octetstring "1.1" ] else Seq (List.map (fun s -> Octetstring s) attrs) let encode_search_req id ~base ~scope ~deref_aliases ~size_limit ~time_limit ~types_only ~filter ~attributes () = let open Netasn1.Value in Seq [ Integer (int id); ITag(Application, 3, Seq [ Octetstring base; Enum (int (match scope with | `Base -> 0 | `One -> 1 | `Sub -> 2 )); Enum (int (match deref_aliases with | `Never -> 0 | `In_searching -> 1 | `Finding_base_obj -> 2 | `Always -> 3 )); Integer (int size_limit); Integer (int time_limit); Bool types_only; encode_filter_req filter; encode_attr_selection attributes ] ) ] let decode_search_resp resp_msg to_return = let open Netasn1.Value in match resp_msg with | Seq [ Integer _; Tagptr(Application, 4, pc, box, pos, len) ] -> let Netstring_tstring.Tstring_polybox(ops, s) = box in let _, search_result_entry_msg = Netasn1.decode_ber_contents_poly ~pos ~len ops s pc Netasn1.Type_name.Seq in ( match search_result_entry_msg with | Seq [ Octetstring dn; Seq attributes ] -> let decoded_attributes = List.map (function | Seq [ Octetstring descr; Set values ] -> let decoded_values = List.map (function | Octetstring value -> value | _ -> raise Not_found ) values in (descr, decoded_values) | _ -> raise Not_found ) attributes in `Entry(dn, decoded_attributes) | _ -> raise Not_found ) | Seq [ Integer _; Tagptr(Application, 19, pc, box, pos, len) ] -> let Netstring_tstring.Tstring_polybox(ops, s) = box in let _, search_result_ref_msg = Netasn1.decode_ber_contents_poly ~pos ~len ops s pc Netasn1.Type_name.Seq in ( match search_result_ref_msg with | Seq msg -> let rf = List.map (function | Octetstring url -> url | _ -> raise Not_found ) msg in `Reference rf | _ -> raise Not_found ) | Seq [ Integer _; Tagptr(Application, 5, pc, box, pos, len) ] -> let Netstring_tstring.Tstring_polybox(ops, s) = box in let _, search_result_done_msg = Netasn1.decode_ber_contents_poly ~pos ~len ops s pc Netasn1.Type_name.Seq in ( match search_result_done_msg with | Seq msg -> let result = decode_ldap_result msg (fun _ comps -> if comps <> [] then raise Not_found; List.rev to_return ) in `Result result | _ -> raise Not_found ) | _ -> raise Not_found let search_e conn ~base ~scope ~deref_aliases ~size_limit ~time_limit ~types_only ~filter ~attributes () = let rec receive_e id to_return = await_response_e conn id (fun resp_msg -> try dlog(sprintf "LDAP: search response %d" id); match decode_search_resp resp_msg to_return with | `Entry _ as e -> receive_e id (e :: to_return) | `Reference _ as r -> receive_e id (r :: to_return) | `Result result -> dlog(sprintf "LDAP: search done %d" id); eps_e (`Done result) conn.esys with | Not_found -> failwith "LDAP protocol: bad search response" ) in let id = new_msg_id conn in let req = encode_search_req id ~base ~scope ~deref_aliases ~size_limit ~time_limit ~types_only ~filter ~attributes () in dlog(sprintf "LDAP: search request %d" id); send_message_e conn req ++ (fun () -> receive_e id [] ) let search conn ~base ~scope ~deref_aliases ~size_limit ~time_limit ~types_only ~filter ~attributes () = sync (search_e conn ~base ~scope ~deref_aliases ~size_limit ~time_limit ~types_only ~filter ~attributes ()) let encode_modify_req ~dn ~changes id = let open Netasn1.Value in Seq [ Integer (int id); ITag(Application, 6, Seq [ Octetstring dn; Seq (List.map (fun (op, (descr, values)) -> Seq [ ( match op with | `Add -> Enum (int 0) | `Delete -> Enum (int 1) | `Replace -> Enum (int 2) ); Seq [ Octetstring descr; Set ( List.map (fun s -> Octetstring s) values ) ] ] ) changes ) ] ) ] let decode_unit_value rcode comps = if comps <> [] then failwith "LDAP protocol: unexpected LDAPResult components"; () let decode_simple_resp_gen ?(decode_value=fun _ _ -> assert false) expected_tag resp_msg = let open Netasn1.Value in match resp_msg with | Seq [ Integer _; Tagptr(Application, tag, pc, box, pos, len) ] when tag = expected_tag -> let Netstring_tstring.Tstring_polybox(ops, s) = box in let _, data = Netasn1.decode_ber_contents_poly ~pos ~len ops s pc Netasn1.Type_name.Seq in ( match data with | Seq seq -> decode_ldap_result seq decode_value | _ -> raise Not_found ) | _ -> raise Not_found let decode_simple_resp expected_tag resp_msg = decode_simple_resp_gen ~decode_value:decode_unit_value expected_tag resp_msg let update_e conn name encode expected_tag = let id = new_msg_id conn in let req = encode id in dlog(sprintf "LDAP: %s request %d" name id); send_message_e conn req ++ (fun () -> await_response_e conn id (fun resp_msg -> dlog(sprintf "LDAP: %s response %d" name id); try eps_e (`Done(decode_simple_resp expected_tag resp_msg)) conn.esys with | Not_found -> failwith (sprintf "LDAP protocol: bad %s response" name) ) ) let modify_e conn ~dn ~changes () = update_e conn "modify" (encode_modify_req ~dn ~changes) 7 let modify conn ~dn ~changes () = sync(modify_e conn ~dn ~changes ()) let encode_add_req ~dn ~attributes id = let open Netasn1.Value in Seq [ Integer (int id); ITag(Application, 8, Seq [ Octetstring dn; Seq (List.map (fun (descr, values) -> Seq [ Octetstring descr; Set ( List.map (fun s -> Octetstring s) values ) ] ) attributes ) ] ) ] let add_e conn ~dn ~attributes () = update_e conn "add" (encode_add_req ~dn ~attributes) 9 let add conn ~dn ~attributes () = sync(add_e conn ~dn ~attributes ()) let encode_delete_req ~dn id = let open Netasn1.Value in Seq [ Integer (int id); ITag(Application, 10, Octetstring dn) ] let delete_e conn ~dn () = update_e conn "delete" (encode_delete_req ~dn) 11 let delete conn ~dn () = sync(delete_e conn ~dn ()) let encode_modify_dn_req ~dn ~new_rdn ~delete_old_rdn ~new_superior id = let open Netasn1.Value in Seq [ Integer (int id); ITag(Application, 12, Seq ( [ Octetstring dn; Octetstring new_rdn; Bool delete_old_rdn; ] @ ( match new_superior with | None -> [] | Some dn -> [ ITag(Context, 0, Octetstring dn) ] ) ) ) ] let modify_dn_e conn ~dn ~new_rdn ~delete_old_rdn ~new_superior () = update_e conn "modify_dn" (encode_modify_dn_req ~dn ~new_rdn ~delete_old_rdn ~new_superior) 13 let modify_dn conn ~dn ~new_rdn ~delete_old_rdn ~new_superior () = sync(modify_dn_e conn ~dn ~new_rdn ~delete_old_rdn ~new_superior ()) let encode_compare_req ~dn ~attr ~value id = let open Netasn1.Value in Seq [ Integer (int id); ITag(Application, 14, Seq [ Octetstring dn; Seq [ Octetstring attr; Octetstring value ] ] ) ] let derive_compare_result (r : unit ldap_result) : bool ldap_result = object method code = r#code method matched_dn = r#matched_dn method diag_msg = r#diag_msg method referral = r#referral method value = match r#code with | `CompareFalse -> false | `CompareTrue -> true | code -> raise (LDAP_error(code, r#diag_msg)) method partial_value = (r#code = `CompareTrue) end let compare_e conn ~dn ~attr ~value () = let id = new_msg_id conn in let req = encode_compare_req ~dn ~attr ~value id in dlog(sprintf "LDAP: compare request %d" id); send_message_e conn req ++ (fun () -> await_response_e conn id (fun resp_msg -> dlog(sprintf "LDAP: compare response %d" id); try let r1 = decode_simple_resp 15 resp_msg in let r2 = derive_compare_result r1 in eps_e (`Done r2) conn.esys with | Not_found -> failwith "LDAP protocol: bad compare response" ) ) let compare conn ~dn ~attr ~value () = sync(compare_e conn ~dn ~attr ~value ()) let upwd_re = Netstring_str.regexp "^{\\([0-9A-Za-z./_-]+\\)}\\(.*\\)$" let apwd_re = Netstring_str.regexp "^[ ]*\\([0-9A-Za-z./_-]+\\)[ ]*[$][ ]*\\([^ $]*\\)[ ]*[$][ ]*\\([^ ]+\\)[ ]*$" let retr_password_e ~dn srv creds esys = connect_e srv esys ++ (fun conn -> conn_bind_e conn creds ++ (fun () -> search_e ~base:dn ~scope:`Base ~deref_aliases:`Never ~size_limit:1 ~time_limit:0 ~types_only:false ~filter:(`Present("objectclass")) ~attributes:[ "userPassword" ] conn () ) ++ (fun resp -> let resp_list = resp#value in let upwd_list = List.flatten (List.map (function | `Entry(_, [_, values]) -> List.flatten (List.map (fun v -> match Netstring_str.string_match upwd_re v 0 with | Some m -> let scheme = Netstring_str.matched_group m 1 v in let data = Netstring_str.matched_group m 2 v in [ "userPassword-" ^ STRING_UPPERCASE scheme, data, [] ] | _ -> [ "password", v, [] ] ) values ) | _ -> [] ) resp_list ) in search_e ~base:dn ~scope:`Base ~deref_aliases:`Never ~size_limit:1 ~time_limit:0 ~types_only:false ~filter:(`Present("objectclass")) ~attributes:[ "authPassword" ] conn () ++ (fun resp -> let resp_list = resp#value in let apwd_list = List.flatten (List.map (function | `Entry(_, [_, values]) -> List.flatten (List.map (fun v -> match Netstring_str.string_match apwd_re v 0 with | Some m -> let scheme = Netstring_str.matched_group m 1 v in let info = Netstring_str.matched_group m 2 v in let data = Netstring_str.matched_group m 3 v in [ "authPassword-" ^ STRING_UPPERCASE scheme, data, [ "info", info ] ] | _ -> [] ) values ) | _ -> [] ) resp_list ) in eps_e (`Done (upwd_list @ apwd_list)) conn.esys ) ) ) let retr_password ~dn srv creds = let esys = Unixqueue.create_unix_event_system() in sync(retr_password_e ~dn srv creds esys) let encode_modify_password_req id uid_opt old_pw_opt new_pw_opt = let open Netasn1.Value in let req_val = Seq ( ( match uid_opt with | None -> [] | Some uid -> [ Octetstring uid ] ) @ ( match old_pw_opt with | None -> [] | Some old_pw -> [ Octetstring old_pw ] ) @ ( match new_pw_opt with | None -> [] | Some new_pw -> [ Octetstring new_pw ] ) ) in Seq [ Integer (int id); ITag(Application, 23, Seq [ ITag(Context, 0, Octetstring ""); ITag(Context, 1, req_val) ] ) ] let decode_modify_password_resp msg = let open Netasn1.Value in decode_simple_resp_gen ~decode_value:(fun _ seq -> let ext_seq = Netasn1.streamline_seq [ Context, 10, Netasn1.Type_name.Octetstring; Context, 11, Netasn1.Type_name.Seq ] seq in match ext_seq with | [ None; None ] -> None | [ None; Some(Seq seq) ] -> let ext_seq = Netasn1.streamline_seq [ Context, 0, Netasn1.Type_name.Octetstring ] seq in ( match ext_seq with | [ None ] -> None | [ Some (Octetstring pw) ] -> Some pw | _ -> assert false ) | _ -> failwith "LDAP protocol: bad modify-passwd result" ) 24 msg let modify_password_e conn ~uid ~old_pw ~new_pw () = let id = new_msg_id conn in let req = encode_modify_password_req id uid old_pw new_pw in dlog (sprintf "LDAP: modify-passwd request %d" id); send_message_e conn req ++ (fun () -> await_response_e conn id (fun resp_msg -> dlog(sprintf "LDAP: modify-passwd response %d" id); try let r = decode_modify_password_resp resp_msg in eps_e (`Done r) conn.esys with | Not_found -> failwith "LDAP protocol: bad modify-passwd response" ) ) let modify_password conn ~uid ~old_pw ~new_pw () = sync (modify_password_e conn ~uid ~old_pw ~new_pw ()) (* #use "topfind";; #require "netclient,nettls-gnutls";; open Netldap;; Debug.enable := true;; let password = "XXX";; let bind_dn = "uid=gerdsasl,ou=users,o=gs-adressbuch";; let server = ldap_server ~peer_name:"gps.dynxs.de" (`Inet_byname("office1", 389)) ;; let creds1 = simple_bind_creds ~dn:bind_dn ~pw:password;; let creds2 = sasl_bind_creds ~dn:bind_dn ~user:"gerdsasl" ~authz:"" ~creds:[ "password", password, [] ] ~params:[] (module Netmech_scram_sasl.SCRAM_SHA1 : Netsys_sasl_types.SASL_MECHANISM);; let conn = connect server;; conn_bind conn creds1;; conn_bind conn creds2;; let r = search conn ~base:"o=gs-adressbuch" ~scope:`Sub ~deref_aliases:`Never ~size_limit:0 ~time_limit:0 ~types_only:false ~filter:(`Present "objectclass") ~attributes:["*"] ();; let r = search conn ~base:"o=gs-adressbuch" ~scope:`Sub ~deref_aliases:`Never ~size_limit:0 ~time_limit:0 ~types_only:false ~filter:(`Not(`Equality_match("ou","users"))) ~attributes:["*"] ();; let r = add conn ~dn:"cn=sample, ou=adressen, o=gs-adressbuch" ~attributes:["cn", ["sample"]; "objectClass", ["inetOrgPerson"]; "sn", ["surname"]] ();; let r = delete conn ~dn:"cn=sample, ou=adressen, o=gs-adressbuch"();; let r = modify conn ~dn:"cn=sample, ou=adressen, o=gs-adressbuch" ~changes:[`Replace, ("sn", ["surname1"])] ();; let r = search conn ~base:"cn=sample2, ou=adressen, o=gs-adressbuch" ~scope:`Base ~deref_aliases:`Never ~size_limit:0 ~time_limit:0 ~types_only:false ~filter:(`Present "objectclass") ~attributes:["*"] ();; let r = modify_dn conn ~dn:"cn=sample, ou=adressen, o=gs-adressbuch" ~new_rdn:"cn=sample2" ~delete_old_rdn:true ~new_superior:None ();; retr_password ~dn:bind_dn server creds1;; close conn;; *)