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(* $Id$ *)

(** The SCRAM security mechanism for GSS-API 

    {b This module needs the SHA-1 hash function. In order to use it,
    initialize crypto support, e.g. by including the [nettls-gnutls]
    packages and calling {!Nettls_gnutls.init}.}

(** See RFC 5802 *)

open Netsys_gssapi

val scram_mech : oid
  (** The OID of SCRAM *)

(** A [client_key_ring] identifies the user on the client side *)
class type client_key_ring =
  method password_of_user_name : string -> string
    (** Returns the cleartext password for a user name, or
	raises [Not_found] if the user is unknown

  method default_user_name : string option
    (** This method may return a default user name *)

(** A [server_key_verifier] verifies on the server side that the users
    exist and have the right authentication credentials
class type server_key_verifier =
  method scram_credentials : string -> Netmech_scram.credentials
    (** Returns the credentials for a user, or raises [Not_found]. See
	{!Netmech_scram.create_server_session} for the meaning of this

val scram_gss_api : 
        ?client_key_ring:client_key_ring ->
        ?server_key_verifier:server_key_verifier ->
        Netmech_scram.profile ->
          (module Netsys_gssapi.GSSAPI)
  (** Returns a standard-compliant GSS-API object for the passed SCRAM
      profile. The object can be used on the client side for all
      users whose passwords are available via [client_key_ring].
      By default, the key ring is empty. On the server side, the object
      authenticates all users whose credentials are available via
      [server_key_verifier]. By default, no user can be verified.
      SCRAM only allows usernames of type [NT_USER_NAME] for identifying

      For principals (servers), this SCRAM implementation allows identifiers
      of type [NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE] and [NT_USER_NAME]. Any such name
      can be used, because the SCRAM protocol does not use principal
      names. The contexts will always return the hostbased service "@" as
      name of the principals.

      This implementation checks whether the messages are verified and
      unwrapped in the same order than generated, and reports this via the
      [`Unseq_token] and [`Gap_token] flags. Support for true replay
      detection ([`Duplicate_token]) is not implemented, though.
      Replayed tokens will also be marked as [`Unseq_token].

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