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 * Some builtin functions.
 * \begin{doc}
 * \chapter{Build functions and utilities}
 * \label{chapter:build}
 * \cutname{omake-build.html}
 * \end{doc}

include Omake_pos.Make (struct let name = "Omake_builtin_rule" end)

 * These targets are decribed in doc/src/omake-rules.tex
 * \begin{doc}
 * \section{Builtin .PHONY targets}
 * The complete set of builtin \verb+.PHONY+ targets include the following.
 * \begin{description}
 * \item[.PHONY] Declares new phony targets (Section~\ref{target:.PHONY}).
 * \item[.DEFAULT] Declare the default build targets (Section~\ref{target:.DEFAULT}).
 * \item[.SUBDIRS] Include a directory as part of the project (Section~\ref{target:.SUBDIRS}).
 * \item[.SCANNER] Define a dependency scanner (Section~\ref{target:.SUBDIRS}).
 * \item[.INCLUDE] Include a file (Section~\ref{target:.INCLUDE}).
 * \item[.ORDER] Define a file-dependency ordering rule (Section~\ref{target:.ORDER}).
 * \item[.BUILD\_BEGIN] Commands to be executed at the beginning of a build.
 * \item[.BUILD\_SUCCESS] Commands to be executed if the build is successful.
 * \item[.BUILD\_FAILURE] Commands to be executed if the build fails.
 * \end{description}
 * \targetlabelref{.BUILD_BEGIN}{.BUILD\_BEGIN}
 * \targetlabelref{.BUILD_SUCCESS}{.BUILD\_SUCCESS}
 * \targetlabelref{.BUILD_FAILURE}{.BUILD\_FAILURE}
 * The \verb+.BUILD+ targets can be used to specify commands to be executed at
 * the beginning and end of the build.  The \verb+.BUILD_BEGIN+ target is built
 * at the beginning of a project build, and one of \verb+.BUILD_FAILURE+ or
 * \verb+.BUILD_SUCCESS+ is executed when the build terminates.
 * For example, the following set of rules simply print additional messages
 * about the status of the build.
 * \begin{verbatim}
 *        echo Build starting
 *        echo The build was successful
 *        println($"The build failed: $(length $(find-build-targets Failed)) targets could not be built")
 * \end{verbatim}
 * Another common use is to define notifications to be performed when
 * the build completes.  For example, the following rule will create
 * a new X terminal displaying the summary of the build
 * (using the \hypervarx{BUILD_SUMMARY}{BUILD\_SUMMARY}).
 * \begin{verbatim}
 *         xterm -e vi $(BUILD_SUMMARY)
 * \end{verbatim}
 * If you do not wish to add these rules directly to your project (which
 * is probably a good idea if you work with others), you can
 * define them in your \verb+.omakerc+ (see Section~\ref{section:.omakerc}).
 * The \hyperfun{find-build-targets}
 * is useful for obtaining a firther summary of the build.  Note that
 * when output diversions are in effect (with the \verb+--output-*+ options --- see Chapter~\ref{chapter:options}),
 * any output produced by the commands is copied to a file.  The name of the
 * file is specified by the \verb+output-file+ field of the \hyperobj{Target}.
 * You may find this useful in defining custom build summaries.
 * \end{doc}
let phony_targets =

 * Set options.
 * \begin{doc}
 * \section{Options and versioning}
 * \fun{OMakeFlags}
 * \begin{verbatim}
 *    OMakeFlags(options)
 *       options : String
 * \end{verbatim}
 * The \verb+OMakeFlags+ function is used to set \verb+omake+ options from
 * within \File{OMakefile}s.  The options have exactly the same format as
 * options on the command line.
 * For example, the following code displays the progress bar unless
 * the \verb+VERBOSE+ environment variable is defined.
 * \begin{verbatim}
 *     if $(not $(defined-env VERBOSE))
 *         OMakeFlags(-S --progress)
 *         export
 * \end{verbatim}
 * \end{doc}
let set_options venv pos loc args _ =
   let pos = string_pos "OMakeFlags" pos in
      match args with
         [arg] ->
            let argv = Omake_value.strings_of_value venv pos arg in
            let venv = Omake_env.venv_set_options venv loc pos argv in
               venv, Omake_value_type.ValNone
       | _ ->
            raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (loc_pos loc pos, ArityMismatch (ArityExact 1, List.length args)))

 * Version checking.
 * \begin{doc}
 * \fun{OMakeVersion}
 * \begin{verbatim}
 *    OMakeVersion(version1)
 *    OMakeVersion(version1, version2)
 *       version1, version2 : String
 * \end{verbatim}
 * The \verb+OMakeVersion+ function is used for version checking
 * in \File{OMakefile}s.  It takes one or two arguments.
 * In the one argument form, if the \Prog{omake} version number
 * is less than \verb+<version1>+,
 * then an exception is raised.  In the two argument form,
 * the version must lie between \verb+version1+ and \verb+version2+.
 * \fun{cmp-versions}
 * \begin{verbatim}
 *    $(cmp-versions version1, version2)
 *       version1, version2 : String
 * \end{verbatim}
 * The \verb+cmp-versions\+ functions can be used to compare arbitrary version strings.
 * It returns 0 when the two version strings are equal, a negative number when the first
 * string represents an earlier version, and a positive number otherwise.
 * \end{doc}
let split_int =
   let rec split_int_aux i s =
      match String.length s with
         0 -> i, s
       | l ->
               match s.[0] with
                  '0'..'9' as c ->
                     split_int_aux (i * 10 + (Char.code c - 48)) (String.sub s 1 (l - 1))
                | _ ->
                     i, s
      split_int_aux 0

let rec compare_versions v1 v2 =
   match String.length v1, String.length v2 with
      0, 0 -> 0
    | 0, _ -> -1
    | _, 0 -> 1
    | l1, l2 ->
            match v1.[0],v2.[0] with
               '0'..'9', '0'..'9' ->
                  let i1, s1 = split_int v1 in
                  let i2, s2 = split_int v2 in
                        match i1 - i2 with
                           0 -> compare_versions s1 s2
                         | i -> i
             | c1, c2 when c1 = c2 ->
                  compare_versions (String.sub v1 1 (l1 - 1)) (String.sub v2 1 (l2 - 1))
             | c1, c2 ->
                  Char.code c1 - Char.code c2

let check_version venv pos loc args =
  let pos = string_pos "check_version" pos in
  let version = Omake_magic.version in
  let check lowest highest =
    if compare_versions version lowest < 0 then
      raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeFatalErr (loc_pos loc pos, LazyError (fun out ->
            Format.fprintf out "@[<0>This version of OMake is too old,@ you need to upgrade to at least version@ %s;@ current OMake version is@ %s.@ You should be able to download the latest version of OMake from]" lowest version)));
    match highest with
      Some highest ->
      if compare_versions version highest > 0 then
        raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeFatalErr (loc_pos loc pos, LazyError (fun out ->
              Format.fprintf out "@[<0>This version of OMake is too new or the given file is too old.@ This file accepts versions@ %s-%s;@ current OMake version is@ %s@]" lowest highest version)))
    | None ->
  match args with
    [lowest] ->
    let lowest = Lm_string_util.trim (Omake_value.string_of_value venv pos lowest) in
    check lowest None;
    Omake_value_type.ValString version
  | [lowest; highest] ->
    let lowest = Lm_string_util.trim (Omake_value.string_of_value venv pos lowest) in
    let highest = Lm_string_util.trim (Omake_value.string_of_value venv pos highest) in
    check lowest (Some highest);
    ValString version
  | _ ->
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (loc_pos loc pos, ArityMismatch (ArityRange (1,2), List.length args)))

let cmp_version venv pos loc args =
  let pos = string_pos "cmp_version" pos in
  match args with
    [v1; v2] ->
    let v1 = Lm_string_util.trim (Omake_value.string_of_value venv pos v1) in
    let v2 = Lm_string_util.trim (Omake_value.string_of_value venv pos v2) in
    Omake_value_type.ValInt (compare_versions v1 v2)
  | _ ->
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (loc_pos loc pos, ArityMismatch (ArityExact 2, List.length args)))

 * Add the command-line vars.
 * \begin{doc}
 * \fun{DefineCommandVars}
 * \begin{verbatim}
 *    DefineCommandVars()
 * \end{verbatim}
 * The \verb+DefineCommandVars+ function redefines the variables passed on
 * the commandline.  Variables definitions are passed on the command line
 * in the form \verb+name=value+.  This function is primarily for internal
 * use by \Prog{omake} to define these variables for the first time.
 * \end{doc}
let define_command_vars venv pos loc args kargs =
  let pos = string_pos "DefineCommandVars" pos in
  match args, kargs with
    [], []
  | [_], [] ->
    Omake_builtin.venv_add_command_defs venv, Omake_value_type.ValNone
  | _ ->
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (loc_pos loc pos, ArityMismatch (ArityRange (0, 1), List.length args)))

 * Table of built-in functions.
let () =
  let builtin_funs =
    [true,  "OMakeVersion",          check_version,       Omake_ir.ArityRange (1, 2);
     true,  "cmp-versions",          cmp_version,         ArityExact 2;
  let builtin_kfuns =
    [true,  "OMakeFlags",            set_options,         Omake_ir.ArityExact 1;
     true,  "DefineCommandVars",     define_command_vars, ArityRange (0, 1);
  let builtin_rules =
    [true, [".PHONY"], phony_targets]
  let builtin_info =
    { Omake_builtin_type.builtin_empty with builtin_funs  = builtin_funs;
      builtin_kfuns = builtin_kfuns;
      builtin_rules = builtin_rules;
      phony_targets = phony_targets
  Omake_builtin.register_builtin builtin_info

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