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(*  Predefined set of functions. *)

include Omake_pos.Make (struct let name = "Omake_eval" end);;

let debug_eval =
  Lm_debug.create_debug (**)
    { debug_name = "debug-eval";
      debug_description = "Debug the evaluator";
      debug_value = false

let print_ast =
  Lm_debug.create_debug (**)
    { debug_name = "print-ast";
      debug_description = "Print the AST after parsing";
      debug_value = false

let print_ir =
  Lm_debug.create_debug (**)
    { debug_name = "print-ir";
      debug_description = "Print the IR after parsing";
      debug_value = false

let print_rules =
  Lm_debug.create_debug (**)
    { debug_name = "print-rules";
      debug_description = "Print the rules after evaluation";
      debug_value = false

let print_files =
  Lm_debug.create_debug (**)
    { debug_name = "print-files";
      debug_description = "Print the files as they are read";
      debug_value = false

let bool_of_string s =
  match String.lowercase s with
  | ""
  | "0"
  | "no"
  | "nil"
  | "false"
  | "undefined" ->
  | _ ->

 * For now, use a bogu location for parameters.
(* let param_loc = Lm_location.bogus_loc "Omake_eval.param" *)

 * Including files.

 * Utilities.
let raise_uncaught_exception pos = function
  | Sys.Break
  | Omake_value_type.OmakeException _
  | Omake_value_type.OmakeFatal _
  | Omake_value_type.OmakeFatalErr _
  | Omake_value_type.UncaughtException _ as exn ->
    raise exn
  | exn ->
    raise (Omake_value_type.UncaughtException (pos, exn))

 * Add an optional quote.
let buffer_add_quote buf = function
    Some c -> Buffer.add_char buf c
  | None -> ()

 * The various forms of empty values.
let rec is_empty_value ( v : Omake_value_type.t) =
  match v with
  | ValNone
  | ValWhite _
  | ValString ""
  | ValData ""
  | ValQuote []
  | ValArray []
  | ValRules [] ->
  | ValSequence vl ->
    List.for_all is_empty_value vl
  | ValObject obj ->
    (try is_empty_value 
        (Omake_env.venv_find_field_internal_exn obj Omake_symbol.builtin_sym) with
      Not_found ->
  | ValInt _
  | ValFloat _
  | ValData _
  | ValQuote _
  | ValQuoteString _
  | ValString _
  | ValArray _
  | ValMaybeApply _
  | ValFun _
  | ValFunCurry _
  | ValPrim _
  | ValPrimCurry _
  | ValRules _
  | ValNode _
  | ValDir _
  | ValStringExp _
  | ValBody _
  | ValMap _
  | ValChannel _
  | ValClass _
  | ValCases _
  | ValOther _
  | ValDelayed _
  | ValVar _ ->

 * Check whether a value has an embedded array.
let rec is_array_value (v : Omake_value_type.t) =
  match v with
  | ValArray _ ->
  | ValSequence [v]
  | ValQuote [v] ->
    is_array_value v
  | ValObject obj ->
      match Omake_env.venv_find_field_internal_exn obj Omake_symbol.builtin_sym with
        ValArray _ -> true
      | _ -> false
      Not_found ->
  | ValNone
  | ValInt _
  | ValFloat _
  | ValData _
  | ValQuote _
  | ValQuoteString _
  | ValWhite _
  | ValString _
  | ValMaybeApply _
  | ValSequence _
  | ValFun _
  | ValFunCurry _
  | ValPrim _
  | ValPrimCurry _
  | ValRules _
  | ValNode _
  | ValDir _
  | ValStringExp _
  | ValBody _
  | ValMap _
  | ValChannel _
  | ValClass _
  | ValCases _
  | ValOther _
  | ValVar _
  | ValDelayed _ ->

 * Determine when an application is ready from its arity.
type partial_arity =
  | FullArity    of Omake_value_type.t list * Omake_value_type.t list
  | PartialArity of Omake_ir.arity * Omake_value_type.t list

let rec concat_n_args args1 args2 n =
  if n = 0 then
    FullArity (List.rev args1, args2)
    match args2 with
      arg :: args2 ->
      concat_n_args (arg :: args1) args2 (n - 1)
    | [] ->
      raise (Invalid_argument "concat_n_args")

let arity_apply_args ( arity : Omake_ir.arity ) args1 args2 =
  let len = List.length args2 in
  match arity with
  | ArityRange (min, max) ->
    if len < min then
      let args = List.rev_append args2 args1 in
      PartialArity (ArityRange (min - len, max - len), args)
    else if len < max then
      let args = List.rev_append args1 args2 in
      FullArity (args, [])
      concat_n_args args1 args2 max
  | ArityExact i ->
    if len < i then
      let args = List.rev_append args2 args1 in
      PartialArity ( ArityExact (i - len), args)
      concat_n_args args1 args2 i
  | ArityNone ->
    FullArity ([], List.rev_append args1 args2)
  | ArityAny ->
    FullArity (List.rev_append args1 args2, [])

 * Compiling utilities.
let postprocess_ir venv ( ir : Omake_ir.t) =
  let () =
    if Lm_debug.debug print_ir then
      Format.eprintf "@[<v 3>IR1:@ %a@]@." 
        Omake_ir_print.pp_print_exp ir.ir_exp
  let ir = { ir with ir_exp = Omake_ir_semant.build_prog venv ir.ir_exp } in
  let () =
    if Lm_debug.debug print_ir then
      Format.eprintf "@[<v 3>IR2:@ %a@]@." Omake_ir_print.pp_print_exp ir.ir_exp

(**  Parse and evaluate a file. *)
let rec parse_ir 
    (venv : Omake_env.t) 
    (scope : Omake_env.include_scope) 
    (node : Omake_node.Node.t) : Omake_ir.t =
  let filename = Omake_node.Node.fullname node in
  let ast = Omake_ast_lex.parse_ast filename in
  let () =
    if Lm_debug.debug print_ast then
      Format.eprintf "@[<v 3>AST (initial):@ %a@]@." Omake_ast_print.pp_print_prog ast
  let ast = Omake_exp_lex.compile_prog ast in
  let () =
    if Lm_debug.debug print_ast then
      Format.eprintf "@[<v 3>AST %a:@ %a@]@." Omake_node.pp_print_node node Omake_ast_print.pp_print_prog ast
  let vars = Omake_env.venv_include_scope venv scope in
  let _senv, ir = Omake_ir_ast.compile_prog (Omake_ir_ast.penv_of_vars (open_ir venv) venv node vars) ast in
  postprocess_ir venv ir

 * When constructing a path, the relative filenames
 * should be auto-rehash.
 *    values  : the path
 *    dirname : the subdirectory to search (often ".")
and path_of_values_select venv pos (values : Omake_value_type.t list) dirname =
  let rec collect groups auto_rehash items (values : Omake_value_type.t list) =
    match values with
    | v :: values ->
      let rehash_flag, dir =
        match v with
        | ValDir dir ->
          false, dir
        | ValNode _ ->
          let dir = Omake_env.venv_intern_dir venv (string_of_value venv pos v) in
          false, dir
        | _ ->
          let s = string_of_value venv pos v in
          let rehash_flag = not (Lm_filename_util.is_absolute s) in
          let dir = Omake_env.venv_intern_dir venv s in
          rehash_flag, dir
      let dir = Omake_node.Dir.chdir dir dirname in
      let groups, items =
        if rehash_flag <> auto_rehash && items <> [] then
          (auto_rehash, List.rev items) :: groups, [dir]
          groups, dir :: items
      collect groups rehash_flag items values
    | [] ->
      if items <> [] then
        (auto_rehash, List.rev items) :: groups
  List.rev (collect [] false [] values)

and path_of_values_rehash venv pos values dirname =
  let dir_of_value (v : Omake_value_type.t) =
    let dir =
      match v with
      | ValDir dir ->
      | _ ->
        Omake_env.venv_intern_dir venv (string_of_value venv pos v)
    Omake_node.Dir.chdir dir dirname
  [true, dir_of_value values]

and path_of_values venv pos values dirname =
  let auto_rehash =
    try bool_of_value venv pos 
        (Omake_env.venv_find_var_exn venv Omake_var.auto_rehash_var) with
      Not_found ->
  let f =
    if auto_rehash then
  f venv pos values dirname

 * Open the file.
 * Get the IR and return the vars.
and find_include_file venv pos loc filename =
  let pos = string_pos "find_include_file" pos in
  let cache = Omake_env.venv_cache venv in
  if not (Filename.is_relative filename) || not (Filename.is_implicit filename) then
    let fullname = filename ^ Omake_state.omake_file_suffix in
    let node1 = Omake_env.venv_intern venv PhonyProhibited fullname in
    if Omake_cache.exists cache node1 then
      let node2 = Omake_env.venv_intern venv PhonyProhibited filename in
      if Omake_cache.exists cache node2 then
        let print_error buf =
          Format.fprintf buf "@[<hv 3>include file not found, neither file exists:@ %a@ %a@]" (**)
            Omake_node.pp_print_node node1
            Omake_node.pp_print_node node2
        raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (loc_pos loc pos, LazyError print_error))
    let dirname = Filename.dirname filename in
    let basename = Filename.basename filename in
    let fullname = basename ^ Omake_state.omake_file_suffix in
    let path = Omake_env.venv_find_var venv pos loc Omake_var.omakepath_var in
    let full_path = values_of_value venv pos path in
    let path = path_of_values venv pos full_path dirname in
    let cache = Omake_env.venv_cache venv in
    let listing = Omake_cache.ls_path cache path in
      match Omake_cache.listing_find cache listing fullname with
        DirEntry dir ->
        raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (loc_pos loc pos, StringDirError ("is a directory", dir)))
      | NodeEntry node ->
      Not_found ->
        match Omake_cache.listing_find cache listing basename with
          DirEntry dir ->
          raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (loc_pos loc pos, StringDirError ("is a directory", dir)))
        | NodeEntry node ->
        Not_found ->
        let print_error buf =
          Format.fprintf buf "@[<hv 3>include file %s not found in OMAKEPATH@ (@[<hv3>OMAKEPATH[] =%a@])@]" (**)
            Omake_value_print.pp_print_value_list full_path
        raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (loc_pos loc pos, LazyError print_error))

and open_ir venv filename pos loc =
  let pos = string_pos "open_ir" pos in
  let source = find_include_file venv pos loc filename in
  let ir  : Omake_ir.t = compile_ir venv Omake_env.IncludePervasives pos loc source in
  if !print_ir then begin
    Format.eprintf "@[<v 3>Vars: %a" Omake_node.pp_print_node source;
    Lm_symbol.SymbolTable.iter (fun v info ->
      Format.eprintf "@ %a = %a" Lm_symbol.pp_print_symbol v Omake_ir_print.pp_print_var_info info) ir.ir_vars;
    Format.eprintf "@]@."
  source, ir.ir_vars

 * The include file contains the IR for the file.
 * Try to load the old entry.
 * If it fails, compile the file and save the new entry.
and compile_add_ir_info venv scope pos _ source info =
  let _pos = string_pos "compile_add_ir_info" pos in
  try Omake_env.Static.get_ir info with
    Not_found ->
    let ir = parse_ir venv scope source in
    Omake_env.Static.add_ir info ir;

and compile_ir_info venv scope pos loc source info =
  let _pos = string_pos "compile_ir_info" pos in
  try Omake_env.Static.find_ir info with
    Not_found ->
    Omake_env.Static.rewrite info (compile_add_ir_info venv scope pos loc source)

and compile_ir venv scope pos loc source =
  let pos = string_pos "compile_ir" pos in
       * Try to get a cached copy.
  try Omake_env.venv_find_ir_file_exn venv source with
    Not_found ->
    let ir =
                * Open the database.
      try venv source (compile_ir_info venv scope pos loc source)
      with Not_found ->
        raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (loc_pos loc pos, StringNodeError ("can't open IR", source)))
    Omake_env.venv_add_ir_file venv source ir;

 * The object file contains the evaluated file.
and compile_add_object_info compile _ pos source info =
  let _pos = string_pos "compile_add_object_info_info" pos in
  try Omake_env.Static.get_object info with
    Not_found ->
    let obj = compile info source in
    Omake_env.Static.add_object info obj;

 * Try to load the old entry.
 * If it fails, compile the file and save the new entry.
and compile_object_info compile venv pos source info =
  let _pos = string_pos "compile_object_info" pos in
  try Omake_env.Static.find_object info with
    Not_found ->
    Omake_env.Static.rewrite info (compile_add_object_info compile venv pos source)

and compile_object compile venv pos loc source =
  let pos = string_pos "compile_ast" pos in

       * Try to get a cached copy.
  try Omake_env.venv_find_object_file_exn venv source with
    Not_found ->
    let obj =
                * Open the database.
      try venv source (compile_object_info compile venv pos source)
      with Not_found ->
        raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (loc_pos loc pos, StringNodeError ("can't open object", source)))
    Omake_env.venv_add_object_file venv source obj;

 * Value operations.

 * Get the string representation of a value.
 * It not legal to convert an array to a string.
and string_of_value venv pos (v : Omake_value_type.t) =
  let pos = string_pos "string_of_value" pos in
  let scratch_buf = Buffer.create 32 in
  let rec collect (v : Omake_value_type.t) =
    match eval_prim_value venv pos v with
    (* Values that expand to nothing *)
    | ValNone
    | ValFun _
    | ValFunCurry _
    | ValPrim _
    | ValPrimCurry _
    | ValRules _
    | ValBody _
    | ValMap _
    | ValObject _
    | ValChannel _
    | ValClass _
    | ValCases _
    | ValOther _
    | ValArray []
    | ValVar _ ->
    | ValSequence vl ->
      List.iter collect vl
    | ValQuote vl ->
      string_of_quote_buf scratch_buf venv pos vl
    | ValQuoteString (c, vl) ->
      Buffer.add_char scratch_buf c;
      string_of_quote_buf scratch_buf venv pos vl;
      Buffer.add_char scratch_buf c
    | ValArray [v] ->
      collect v
    | ValArray vl ->
      let print_error buf =
        Format.fprintf buf "@[<v 3>Array value where string expected:";
        Format.fprintf buf "@ Use the $(string ...) function if you really want to do this";
        Format.fprintf buf "@ @[<v 3>The array has length %d:" (List.length vl);
        ignore (List.fold_left (fun index v ->
            Format.fprintf buf "@ @[<hv 3>[%d] =@ %a@]" index Omake_value_print.pp_print_value v;
            succ index) 0 vl);
        Format.fprintf buf "@]@]@."
      raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, LazyError print_error))
    | ValInt i ->
      Buffer.add_string scratch_buf (string_of_int i)
    | ValFloat x ->
      Buffer.add_string scratch_buf (string_of_float x)
    | ValData s
    | ValWhite s
    | ValString s ->
      Buffer.add_string scratch_buf s
    | ValDir dir2 ->
      Buffer.add_string scratch_buf (Omake_env.venv_dirname venv dir2)
    | ValNode node ->
      Buffer.add_string scratch_buf (Omake_env.venv_nodename venv node)
    | ValStringExp _
    | ValMaybeApply _
    | ValDelayed _ ->
      raise (Invalid_argument "string_of_value")  in
  collect v;
  Buffer.contents scratch_buf

 * Collect the values in a quotation into a string.
 * Even array values are flattened without warning.
and string_of_quote venv pos c vl =
  let pos = string_pos "string_of_quote" pos in
  let scratch_buf = Buffer.create 32 in
  buffer_add_quote scratch_buf c;
  string_of_quote_buf scratch_buf venv pos vl;
  buffer_add_quote scratch_buf c;
  Buffer.contents scratch_buf

and string_of_quote_buf scratch_buf venv pos vl =
  let pos = string_pos "string_of_quote_buf" pos in
  let rec collect v =
    match (eval_value venv pos v : Omake_value_type.t) with
      (* Values that expand to nothing *)
    | ValNone
    | ValFun _
    | ValFunCurry _
    | ValPrim _
    | ValPrimCurry _
    | ValRules _
    | ValBody _
    | ValMap _
    | ValObject _
    | ValChannel _
    | ValClass _
    | ValCases _
    | ValOther _
    | ValArray []
    | ValVar _ ->
    | ValSequence vl
    | ValQuote vl ->
      List.iter collect vl
    | ValQuoteString (c, vl) ->
      Buffer.add_char scratch_buf c;
      List.iter collect vl;
      Buffer.add_char scratch_buf c
    | ValArray [v] ->
      collect v
    | ValArray vl ->
      collect_array vl
    | ValInt i ->
      Buffer.add_string scratch_buf (string_of_int i)
    | ValFloat x ->
      Buffer.add_string scratch_buf (string_of_float x)
    | ValData s
    | ValWhite s
    | ValString s ->
      Buffer.add_string scratch_buf s
    | ValDir dir2 ->
      Buffer.add_string scratch_buf (Omake_env.venv_dirname venv dir2)
    | ValNode node ->
      Buffer.add_string scratch_buf (Omake_env.venv_nodename venv node)
    | ValStringExp _
    | ValMaybeApply _
    | ValDelayed _ ->
      raise (Invalid_argument "string_of_value")
  and collect_array vl =
    match vl with
      [v] ->
      collect v
    | v :: vl ->
      collect v;
      Buffer.add_char scratch_buf ' ';
      collect_array vl
    | [] ->
  List.iter collect vl

 * Get a list of values from the value.
 * Array elements are always special, and returned as an element.
 * We divide values into two classes:
 *    The "catenable" values are the values that can be concatenated to
 *    form a string.  These include: string, node, dir, int, float.
 *    Nothing else can be concatenated with a string, and is always preserved
 *    in the value list.
and values_of_value venv pos v =
  let pos = string_pos "values_of_value" pos in

    * Convert a catenable value to a string
  let group tokens : Omake_value_type.t  = ValSequence tokens in
  let wrap_string s : Omake_value_type.t = ValString s in
  let wrap_data s   : Omake_value_type.t = ValData s in
  let wrap_token s  : Omake_value_type.t = ValData s in
  let lexer _ _ _   = None in
  let tokens = Lm_string_util.tokens_create_lexer ~lexer ~wrap_string ~wrap_data ~wrap_token ~group in

    * Array elements are always separate values.
    * The arrays are flattened.
  let rec collect_array tokens (vl : Omake_value_type.t list) vll =
    match vl, vll with
    | v :: vl, _ ->
      begin match eval_value venv pos v with
        ValArray el ->
        collect_array tokens el (vl :: vll)
      | ValSequence [v] ->
        collect_array tokens (v :: vl) vll
      | v ->
        collect_array (Lm_string_util.tokens_atomic tokens v) vl vll
    | [], vl :: vll ->
      collect_array tokens vl vll
    | [], [] ->

    * Collect_string is used when we have seen whitespace
    * in a sequence.  Collect the values into the string buffer,
    * then parse the string into separate tokens.
  let rec collect tokens vl vll =
    match vl, vll with
    | v :: vl, _ ->
      let v : Omake_value_type.t = eval_catenable_value venv pos v in
      begin match v with
      | ValNone ->
        collect tokens vl vll

      (* Strings *)
      | ValWhite s
      | ValString s ->
        collect (Lm_string_util.tokens_string tokens s) vl vll
      | ValSequence el ->
        collect tokens el (vl :: vll)

      (* Other catenable values *)
      | ValData _
      | ValInt _
      | ValFloat _
      | ValDir _
      | ValNode _
      | ValQuote _
      | ValQuoteString _ ->
        collect (Lm_string_util.tokens_add tokens v) vl vll

      (* Atomic values *)
      | ValArray el ->
        collect (collect_array (Lm_string_util.tokens_break tokens) el []) vl vll
      | ValFun _
      | ValFunCurry _
      | ValPrim _
      | ValPrimCurry _
      | ValRules _
      | ValBody _
      | ValMap _
      | ValObject _
      | ValChannel _
      | ValClass _
      | ValCases _
      | ValOther _
      | ValVar _ ->
        collect (Lm_string_util.tokens_atomic tokens v) vl vll
      | ValStringExp _
      | ValMaybeApply _
      | ValDelayed _ ->
        raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, StringValueError ("illegal application", v)))
    | [], vl :: vll ->
      collect tokens vl vll
    | [], [] ->
      Lm_string_util.tokens_flush tokens
  collect tokens [v] []

 * Get a string list from the value.
 * This is always legal because arrays have been flattened.
and strings_of_value venv pos v =
  let values = values_of_value venv pos v in (string_of_value venv pos) values

 * Get a list of tokens from the value.
 * This is a lot like the previous function, but we use a lexer
 * for parsing special character sequences.
and tokens_of_value venv pos lexer v =
  let pos = string_pos "tokens_of_value" pos in

    * Convert a catenable value to a string
  let group tokens  = Omake_env.TokGroup tokens in
  let wrap_string s = Omake_env.TokString (ValString s) in
  let wrap_data s   = Omake_env.TokString (ValData s) in
  let wrap_token s  = Omake_env.TokToken s in
  let tokens = Lm_string_util.tokens_create_lexer ~lexer ~wrap_string ~wrap_data ~wrap_token ~group in

    * Array elements are always separate values.
    * The arrays are flattened.
  let rec collect_array (tokens : Omake_env.tok Lm_string_util.tokens) vl vll =
    match vl, vll with
      v :: vl, _ ->
      (match eval_value venv pos v with
        ValArray el ->
        collect_array tokens el (vl :: vll)
      | ValSequence [v] ->
        collect_array tokens (v :: vl) vll
      | v ->
        collect_array (Lm_string_util.tokens_atomic tokens (TokString v)) vl vll)
    | [], vl :: vll ->
      collect_array tokens vl vll
    | [], [] ->

    * Collect_string is used when we have seen whitespace
    * in a sequence.  Collect the values into the string buffer,
    * then parse the string into separate tokens.
  let rec collect (tokens : Omake_env.tok Lm_string_util.tokens) vl vll =
    match vl, vll with
      v :: vl, _ ->
      let v = eval_catenable_value venv pos v in
      (match v with
        ValNone ->
        collect tokens vl vll

      (* Strings *)
      | ValWhite s
      | ValString s ->
        collect (Lm_string_util.tokens_lex tokens s) vl vll
      | ValSequence el ->
        collect tokens el (vl :: vll)

      (* Other catenable values *)
      | ValData _
      | ValInt _
      | ValFloat _
      | ValDir _
      | ValNode _
      | ValQuote _ ->
        collect (Lm_string_util.tokens_add tokens (TokString v)) vl vll
      | ValQuoteString (_, v) ->
        collect (Lm_string_util.tokens_add tokens (TokString (ValQuote v))) vl vll

      (* Atomic values *)
      | ValArray el ->
        collect (collect_array (Lm_string_util.tokens_break tokens) el []) vl vll
      | ValFun _
      | ValFunCurry _
      | ValPrim _
      | ValPrimCurry _
      | ValRules _
      | ValBody _
      | ValMap _
      | ValObject _
      | ValChannel _
      | ValClass _
      | ValCases _
      | ValOther _
      | ValVar _ ->
        collect (Lm_string_util.tokens_atomic tokens (TokString v)) vl vll
      | ValStringExp _
      | ValMaybeApply _
      | ValDelayed _ ->
        raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, StringValueError ("illegal application", v))))
    | [], vl :: vll ->
      collect tokens vl vll
    | [], [] ->
      Lm_string_util.tokens_flush tokens
  collect tokens [v] []

 * Flatten the value list into a arg_string list.
 * Basically just concatenate all the values, being
 * careful to preserve quoting.  In addition, we want to
 * concatenate adjacent strings of the same type.
and arg_of_values venv pos vl =
  let pos = string_pos "arg_of_values" pos in

    * Flatten all sequences.
  let rec collect is_quoted tokens vl vll =
    match vl, vll with
      v :: vl, _ ->
      let v = eval_value venv pos v in
      (match v with
        ValNone ->
        collect is_quoted tokens vl vll

      (* Strings *)
      | ValWhite s
      | ValString s ->
        let tokens =
          if is_quoted then
            Omake_command.arg_buffer_add_data tokens s
            Omake_command.arg_buffer_add_string tokens s
        collect is_quoted tokens vl vll
      | ValData s ->
        collect is_quoted (Omake_command.arg_buffer_add_data tokens s) vl vll
      | ValSequence el ->
        collect is_quoted tokens el (vl :: vll)
      | ValArray el ->
        collect true tokens el (vl :: vll)

      (* Other quoted values *)
      | ValInt _
      | ValFloat _
      | ValDir _
      | ValNode _
      | ValQuote _
      | ValQuoteString _
      | ValFun _
      | ValFunCurry _
      | ValPrim _
      | ValPrimCurry _
      | ValRules _
      | ValBody _
      | ValMap _
      | ValObject _
      | ValChannel _
      | ValClass _
      | ValCases _
      | ValOther _
      | ValVar _ ->
        let tokens = Omake_command.arg_buffer_add_data tokens (string_of_value venv pos v) in
        collect is_quoted tokens vl vll

      (* Illegal values *)
      | ValStringExp _
      | ValMaybeApply _
      | ValDelayed _ ->
        raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, StringValueError ("illegal application", v))))
    | [], vl :: vll ->
      collect is_quoted tokens vl vll
    | [], [] ->
      Omake_command.arg_buffer_contents tokens
  collect false Omake_command.arg_buffer_empty vl []

and argv_of_values venv pos vll = (arg_of_values venv pos) vll

 * Boolean test.
 * Arrays are always true.
and bool_of_value venv pos v =
  let values = values_of_value venv pos v in
  match values with
  | [ValNone]
  | [ValWhite _] ->
  | [ValInt i] ->
    i <> 0
  | [ValFloat x] ->
    x <> 0.0
  | [ValData s]
  | [ValString s] ->
    bool_of_string s
  | [ValQuote vl] ->
    bool_of_string (string_of_quote venv pos None vl)
  | _ ->

 * The value should be a directory.
and file_of_value venv pos file =
  let pos = string_pos "file_of_value" pos in
  let file = eval_prim_value venv pos file in
  match file with
    ValNode node ->
  | ValDir dir ->
    Omake_node.Node.node_of_dir dir
  | ValData _
  | ValString _
  | ValSequence _
  | ValQuote _
  | ValQuoteString _
  | ValInt _
  | ValFloat _ ->
    Omake_env.venv_intern venv PhonyExplicit (string_of_value venv pos file)
  | ValArray _
  | ValNone
  | ValWhite _
  | ValMaybeApply _
  | ValFun _
  | ValFunCurry _
  | ValPrim _
  | ValPrimCurry _
  | ValRules _
  | ValStringExp _
  | ValBody _
  | ValMap _
  | ValObject _
  | ValChannel _
  | ValClass _
  | ValCases _
  | ValVar _
  | ValDelayed _
  | ValOther _ ->
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, StringError "illegal value"))

 * Be lazy about concatenating arrays, to
 * avoid quadratic behavior.
and append_arrays venv pos a1 a2 : Omake_value_type.t  =
  if is_array_value a1 then
    if is_array_value a2 then
      ValArray [a1; a2]
      let al = values_of_value venv pos a2 in
      ValArray (a1 :: al)
  else if is_array_value a2 then
    let al = values_of_value venv pos a1 in
    ValArray [ValArray al; a2]
  else if is_empty_value a1 then
  else if is_empty_value a2 then
    ValSequence [a1; ValWhite " "; a2]

 * Evaluation.

 * Eval a static value.
and eval_value_static venv pos key v =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_value_static" pos in
  let obj =
    match Omake_env.venv_find_static_info venv pos key with
      StaticValue obj ->
    | StaticRule 
        { srule_env  = venv;
          srule_deps = deps;
          srule_vals = values;
          srule_exp  = e;
          srule_static ; 
        } -> 
      let values = List.flatten ( (values_of_value venv pos) values) in
      let values = (eval_prim_value venv pos) values in
      let digest = Omake_command_digest.digest_of_exp pos values e in
      let cache = Omake_env.venv_cache venv in
      let obj =
        (* Try to fetch the value from the memo *)
        try Omake_cache.find_value cache key srule_static deps digest with
          Not_found ->
          (* Finally, if we don't have a value, evaluate the rule.
           * Prevent recursive calls *)
          let () = Omake_env.venv_set_static_info venv key (StaticValue Omake_value_util.empty_obj) in
          let venv, v = eval_exp venv Omake_value_type.ValNone e in
          let obj = eval_object venv pos v in
          Omake_cache.add_value cache key srule_static deps digest (MemoSuccess obj);
      Omake_env.venv_set_static_info venv key (StaticValue obj);
  Omake_env.venv_find_field_internal obj pos v

and eval_value_delayed venv pos (p : Omake_value_type.value_delayed ref) =
  match !p with
  | ValValue v ->
    eval_value_core venv pos v
  | ValStaticApply (key, v) ->
    let v = eval_value_static venv pos key v in
    p := ValValue v;
    eval_value_core venv pos v

 * Unfold the outermost application to get a real value.
and eval_value_core venv pos v : Omake_value_type.t =
  match v with
  | ValMaybeApply (loc, v) ->
    let v =
      try Some (Omake_env.venv_find_var_exn venv v) with
        Not_found ->
    begin match v with
    | Some v -> ValArray [eval_value_core venv pos (eval_var venv pos loc v)]
    | None -> ValNone
  | ValDelayed p ->
    eval_value_delayed venv pos p
  | ValSequence [v] ->
    eval_value_core venv pos v
  | ValStringExp (env, e) ->
    let v = eval_string_exp (Omake_env.venv_with_env venv env) pos e in
    eval_value_core venv pos v
  | _ ->

and eval_value venv pos v =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_value" pos in
  eval_value_core venv pos v

and eval_single_value venv pos v =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_single_value" pos in
  match eval_value venv pos v with
    ValArray [v] ->
    eval_single_value venv pos v
  | _ ->

and eval_prim_value venv pos v : Omake_value_type.t =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_prim_value" pos in
  let v = eval_value venv pos v in
  match v with
    ValArray [v] ->
    eval_prim_value venv pos v
  | ValObject obj ->
    (try Omake_env.venv_find_field_internal_exn obj Omake_symbol.builtin_sym with
      Not_found ->
  | _ ->

 * The values are being flattened, so expand all sequences.
and eval_catenable_value venv pos v =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_catenable_value" pos in
  let v = eval_value venv pos v in
  match v with
    ValObject obj ->
      match Omake_env.venv_find_field_internal_exn obj Omake_symbol.builtin_sym with
      | ValWhite _
      | ValString _
      | ValSequence _
      | ValData _
      | ValInt _
      | ValFloat _
      | ValDir _
      | ValNode _
      | ValArray _
      | ValRules _ as v ->
      | _ ->
      Not_found ->
  | _ ->

 * Evaluate the value in a function body.
 * Expand all applications.
and eval_body_value venv pos v : Omake_value_type.t =
  match (eval_value venv pos v : Omake_value_type.t) with
  | ValSequence sl ->
    ValSequence ( (eval_body_value venv pos) sl)
  | ValArray sl ->
    ValArray ( (eval_body_value venv pos) sl)
  | ValBody (_, [], [], body, _) ->
    snd (eval_sequence_exp venv pos body)
  | ValNone
  | ValInt _
  | ValFloat _
  | ValData _
  | ValWhite _
  | ValString _
  | ValQuote _
  | ValQuoteString _
  | ValDir _
  | ValNode _
  | ValFun _
  | ValFunCurry _
  | ValPrim _
  | ValPrimCurry _
  | ValRules _
  | ValMap _
  | ValObject _
  | ValChannel _
  | ValClass _
  | ValCases _
  | ValVar _
  | ValOther _ as result ->
  | ValBody _    (* it is an error when keyword/params <> [] *)
  | ValStringExp _
  | ValMaybeApply _
  | ValDelayed _ ->
    raise (Invalid_argument "eval_body_value")

and eval_body_exp venv pos x v : (Omake_env.t * Omake_value_type.t) =
  match (eval_value venv pos v : Omake_value_type.t) with
  | ValSequence sl ->
    venv, ValSequence ( (eval_body_value venv pos) sl)
  | ValArray sl ->
    venv, ValArray ( (eval_body_value venv pos) sl)
  | ValBody (_, [], [], body, export) ->
    eval_sequence_export venv pos x body export
  | ValNone
  | ValInt _
  | ValFloat _
  | ValData _
  | ValQuote _
  | ValQuoteString _
  | ValWhite _
  | ValString _
  | ValDir _
  | ValNode _
  | ValFun _
  | ValFunCurry _
  | ValPrim _
  | ValPrimCurry _
  | ValRules _
  | ValMap _
  | ValObject _
  | ValChannel _
  | ValClass _
  | ValCases _
  | ValVar _
  | ValOther _ as result ->
    venv, result
  | ValBody _    (* it is an error when keyword/params <> [] *)
  | ValStringExp _
  | ValMaybeApply _
  | ValDelayed _ ->
    raise (Invalid_argument "eval_body_exp")

 * Evaluate a variable.
 * It is fine for the variable to evaluate to a function.
 * But if the function has arity 0, then evaluate it.
and eval_var venv pos loc v =
  match v with
  | ValFun (env, _, [], body, _) ->
    let venv = Omake_env.venv_with_env venv env in
    let _, result = eval_sequence venv pos Omake_value_type.ValNone body in
  | ValFunCurry (env, args, _, [], body, _, []) ->
    let venv = Omake_env.venv_with_partial_args venv env args in
    let _, result = eval_sequence venv pos ValNone body in
  | ValFunCurry (env, args, _, [], body, export, kargs) ->
    (* XXX: verify that we should pass forward the exports *)
    let venv_new = Omake_env.venv_with_partial_args venv env args in
    let venv_new, v = eval_sequence venv_new pos ValNone body in
    let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
    eval_apply venv pos loc v [] kargs
  | ValPrim (_, _, ApplyEmpty, f) ->
    snd (Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f venv pos loc [] [])
  | _ ->

 * Evaluate a key.
and eval_key venv pos loc v =
    let map = eval_map venv pos (Omake_env.venv_find_var_exn venv Omake_var.map_field_var) in
    Omake_env.venv_map_find map pos (ValData v)
    Not_found ->
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (loc_pos loc pos, UnboundKey v))

 * Evaluate an application.
and eval_apply venv pos loc v args kargs =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_apply" pos in
  match eval_value venv pos v with
    ValFun (env, keywords, params, body, _) ->
    let venv = Omake_env.venv_add_args venv pos loc env params args keywords kargs in
    let _, result = eval_sequence_exp venv pos body in
  | ValFunCurry (env, pargs, keywords, params, body, export, kargs1) ->
    let venv_new, args, kargs = Omake_env.venv_add_curry_args venv pos loc env pargs params args keywords kargs1 kargs in
    let venv_new, v = eval_sequence_exp venv_new pos body in
    let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
    eval_apply venv pos loc v args kargs
  | ValPrim (_, _, _, f) ->
    snd (Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f venv pos loc args kargs)
  | ValPrimCurry (_, _, f, args1, kargs1) ->
    snd (Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f venv pos loc (List.rev_append args1 args) (List.rev_append kargs1 kargs))
  | ValBody (env, keywords, params, body, exports) when keywords <> [] || params <> [] ->
      let v = Omake_value_type.ValFun(env, keywords, params, body, exports) in
      eval_apply venv pos loc v args kargs
  | v ->
    if args = [] && kargs = [] then
      let print_error buf =
        Format.fprintf buf "@[<v 3>illegal function application:@ @[<hv 3>function:@ %a@]" Omake_value_print.pp_print_value v;
        List.iter (fun arg ->
          Format.fprintf buf "@ @[<hv 3>arg = %a@]" Omake_value_print.pp_print_value arg) args;
        List.iter (fun (v, arg) ->
          Format.fprintf buf "@ @[<hv 3>%a = %a@]" Lm_symbol.pp_print_symbol v Omake_value_print.pp_print_value arg) kargs;
        Format.fprintf buf "@]"
      raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, LazyError print_error))

 * Evaluate an application with string arguments.
and eval_apply_string_exp venv venv_obj pos loc v args kargs =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_apply_string_exp" pos in
  match eval_value venv pos v with
    ValFun (env, keywords, params, body, _) ->
    let args = (eval_string_exp venv pos) args in
    let kargs = (fun (v, s) -> v, eval_string_exp venv pos s) kargs in
    let venv_new = Omake_env.venv_add_args venv_obj pos loc env params args keywords kargs in
    let _, result = eval_sequence_exp venv_new pos body in
  | ValFunCurry (env, pargs, keywords, params, body, export, kargs1) ->
    let args = (eval_string_exp venv pos) args in
    let kargs = (fun (v, s) -> v, eval_string_exp venv pos s) kargs in
    let venv_new, args, kargs = Omake_env.venv_add_curry_args venv_obj pos loc env pargs params args keywords kargs1 kargs in
    let venv_new, v = eval_sequence_exp venv_new pos body in
    let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
    eval_apply venv pos loc v args kargs
  | ValPrim (_, be_eager, _, f) ->
    let args = (eval_prim_arg_exp be_eager venv pos) args in
    let kargs = (fun (v, s) -> v, eval_prim_arg_exp true venv pos s) kargs in
    snd (Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f venv_obj pos loc args kargs)
  | ValPrimCurry (_, be_eager, f, args1, kargs1) ->
    let args = (eval_prim_arg_exp be_eager venv pos) args in
    let kargs = (fun (v, s) -> v, eval_prim_arg_exp true venv pos s) kargs in
    snd (Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f venv_obj pos loc (List.rev_append args1 args) (List.rev_append kargs1 kargs))
  | ValBody (env, keywords, params, body, exports) when keywords <> [] || params <> [] ->
      let v = Omake_value_type.ValFun(env, keywords, params, body, exports) in
      eval_apply_string_exp venv venv_obj pos loc v args kargs
  | v ->
    if args = [] && kargs = [] then
      let print_error buf =
        Format.fprintf buf "@[<v 3>illegal function application:@ @[<hv 3>function:@ %a@]" Omake_value_print.pp_print_value v;
        List.iter (fun arg ->
          Format.fprintf buf "@ @[<hv 3>arg = %a@]" Omake_ir_print.pp_print_string_exp arg) args;
        List.iter (fun (v, arg) ->
          Format.fprintf buf "@ @[<hv 3>%a = %a@]" Lm_symbol.pp_print_symbol v Omake_ir_print.pp_print_string_exp arg) kargs;
        Format.fprintf buf "@]"
      raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, LazyError print_error))

 * Get a function from a value.
and eval_fun ?(caller_env=false) venv pos v =
  match eval_value venv pos v with
    ValFun (env, keywords, params, body, export) ->
    let f venv pos loc args kargs =
      let venv_new = Omake_env.venv_add_args venv pos loc env params args keywords kargs in
      let venv_new, result = eval_sequence_exp venv_new pos body in
      let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
      venv, result
    true, f
  | ValFunCurry (env, pargs, keywords, params, body, export, kargs1) ->
    let f venv pos loc args kargs =
      let venv_new, args, kargs = Omake_env.venv_add_curry_args venv pos loc env pargs params args keywords kargs1 kargs in
      let venv_new, v = eval_sequence_exp venv_new pos body in
      let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
      eval_apply_export venv pos loc v args kargs
    true, f
  | ValPrim (_, be_eager, _, f) ->
    be_eager, Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f
  | ValPrimCurry (_, be_eager, f, args1, kargs1) ->
    let f venv pos loc args2 kargs2 =
      Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f venv pos loc (List.rev_append args1 args2) (List.rev_append kargs1 kargs2)
    be_eager, f
  | ValBody (defenv, keywords, params, body, export) ->
    let f venv pos loc args kargs =
      let env =  (* diff to ValFun! *)
        if caller_env then
          Omake_env.venv_get_env venv
          defenv in
      let venv_new = Omake_env.venv_add_args venv pos loc env params args keywords kargs in
      let venv_new, result = eval_sequence_exp venv_new pos body in
      let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
      venv, result
    true, f
  | _ ->
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, StringError "not a function"))

and definition_env_of_fun venv pos v =
  match eval_value venv pos v with
    | ValFun (env, _, _, _, _) -> env
    | ValFunCurry (env, _, _, _, _, _, _) -> env
    | ValBody (env, _, _, _, _) -> env
    | ValPrim _
    | ValPrimCurry _ -> Omake_env.venv_get_env venv
    | _ ->
        raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, StringError "not a function"))
 * Get an object from a variable.
and eval_map venv pos x =
  match eval_value venv pos x with
    ValMap map ->
  | _ ->
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, StringError "not a map"))

and eval_object venv pos x =
  try eval_object_exn venv pos x with
    Not_found ->
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, StringError "not an object"))

and eval_object_exn venv pos x =
  let x = eval_value venv pos x in
  match x with
    ValObject env ->
  | ValInt _
  | ValOther (ValExitCode _) ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.int_object_var
  | ValFloat _ ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.float_object_var
  | ValData _
  | ValQuote _
  | ValQuoteString _ ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.string_object_var
  | ValSequence _
  | ValWhite _
  | ValString _
  | ValNone ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.sequence_object_var
  | ValArray _ ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.array_object_var
  | ValFun _
  | ValFunCurry _
  | ValPrim _
  | ValPrimCurry _ ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.fun_object_var
  | ValRules _ ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.rule_object_var
  | ValNode _ ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.file_object_var
  | ValDir _ ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.dir_object_var
  | ValBody (env, keywords, params, body, exports) when keywords <> [] || params <> [] ->
      let x = Omake_value_type.ValFun(env, keywords, params, body, exports) in
      eval_object_exn venv pos x
  | ValBody _ ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.body_object_var
  | ValChannel (InChannel, _) ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.in_channel_object_var
  | ValChannel (OutChannel, _) ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.out_channel_object_var
  | ValChannel (InOutChannel, _) ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.in_out_channel_object_var
  | ValOther (ValLexer _) ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.lexer_object_var
  | ValOther (ValParser _) ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.parser_object_var
  | ValOther (ValLocation _) ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.location_object_var
  | ValOther (ValEnv _) ->
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, StringError "dereferenced <env>"))
  | ValClass _ ->
    raise (Invalid_argument "internal error: dereferenced $class")
  | ValCases _ ->
    raise (Invalid_argument "internal error: dereferenced cases")
  | ValMap _ ->
    create_map venv x Omake_var.map_object_var
  | ValVar _ ->
    create_object venv x Omake_var.var_object_var
  | ValStringExp _
  | ValMaybeApply _
  | ValDelayed _ ->
    raise (Invalid_argument "find_object")

and create_object venv x v =
  let obj = Omake_env.venv_find_var_exn venv v in
  match obj with
    ValObject env ->
    Omake_env.venv_add_field_internal env Omake_symbol.builtin_sym x
  | _ ->
    raise Not_found

and create_map venv x v =
  let obj = Omake_env.venv_find_var_exn venv v in
  match obj with
    ValObject env ->
    Omake_env.venv_add_field_internal env Omake_symbol.map_sym x
  | _ ->
    raise Not_found

 * Field operations.
and eval_find_field_exn venv path obj pos vl =
  match vl with
    [v] ->
    path, obj, v
  | v :: vl ->
    let path, v = Omake_env.venv_find_field_path_exn venv path obj pos v in
    let obj = eval_object_exn venv pos v in
    eval_find_field_exn venv path obj pos vl
  | [] ->
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, StringError "empty method name"))

and eval_find_field_aux venv envl pos v vl =
  match envl with
  | [env] ->
    let env = eval_object_exn venv pos env in
    let path : Omake_value_type.path = PathVar v in
    eval_find_field_exn venv path env pos vl
  | env :: envl ->
    let env = eval_object_exn venv pos env in
    (try eval_find_field_exn venv (PathVar v) env pos vl with
      Not_found ->
      eval_find_field_aux venv envl pos v vl)
  | [] ->
    raise Not_found

and eval_find_field venv pos _ v vl =
  let envl = Omake_env.venv_current_objects venv pos v in
  try eval_find_field_aux venv envl pos v vl with
    Not_found ->
    let pos = string_pos "eval_find_field" pos in
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, UnboundMethod vl))

 * Method paths.
and eval_with_method_exn venv path obj pos vl =
  match vl with
    [v] ->
    let v = Omake_env.venv_find_field_exn venv obj pos v in
    let venv = Omake_env.venv_with_object venv obj in
    venv, path, v
  | v :: vl ->
    let path, v = Omake_env.venv_find_field_path_exn venv path obj pos v in
    let obj = eval_object_exn venv pos v in
    eval_with_method_exn venv path obj pos vl
  | [] ->
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, StringError "empty method name"))

and eval_with_method_aux venv envl pos v vl =
  match envl with
  | [env] ->
    let env = eval_object_exn venv pos env in
    eval_with_method_exn venv (PathVar v) env pos vl
  | env :: envl ->
    let env = eval_object_exn venv pos env in
    (try eval_with_method_exn venv (PathVar v) env pos vl with
      Not_found ->
      eval_with_method_aux venv envl pos v vl)
  | [] ->
    raise Not_found

and eval_with_method venv pos loc v vl =
  let envl = Omake_env.venv_current_objects venv pos v in
  try eval_with_method_aux venv envl pos v vl with
    Not_found ->
    let pos = string_pos "eval_with_method" (loc_pos loc pos) in
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, UnboundMethod vl))

 * Method paths.
and eval_find_method_exn venv obj pos vl =
  match vl with
    [v] ->
    let v = Omake_env.venv_find_field_exn venv obj pos v in
    let venv = Omake_env.venv_with_object venv obj in
    venv, v
  | v :: vl ->
    let v = Omake_env.venv_find_field_exn venv obj pos v in
    let obj = eval_object_exn venv pos v in
    eval_find_method_exn venv obj pos vl
  | [] ->
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, StringError "empty method name"))

and eval_find_method_aux venv envl pos vl =
  match envl with
    [env] ->
    let env = eval_object_exn venv pos env in
    eval_find_method_exn venv env pos vl
  | env :: envl ->
    let env = eval_object_exn venv pos env in
    (try eval_find_method_exn venv env pos vl with
      Not_found ->
      eval_find_method_aux venv envl pos vl)
  | [] ->
    raise Not_found

and eval_find_method venv pos loc v vl =
  let envl = Omake_env.venv_current_objects venv pos v in
  try eval_find_method_aux venv envl pos vl with
    Not_found ->
    let pos = string_pos "eval_find_method" (loc_pos loc pos) in
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, UnboundMethod vl))

 * Check whether a field is defined.
and eval_defined_field_exn venv env pos vl =
  match vl with
    [v] ->
    Omake_env.venv_defined_field venv env v
  | v :: vl ->
    let v = Omake_env.venv_find_field_exn venv env pos v in
    let obj = eval_object_exn venv pos v in
    eval_defined_field_exn venv obj pos vl
  | [] ->
    raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, StringError "empty method name"))

and eval_defined_field_aux venv envl pos vl =
  match envl with
    [env] ->
    let env = eval_object_exn venv pos env in
    eval_defined_field_exn venv env pos vl
  | env :: envl ->
    let env = eval_object_exn venv pos env in
    (try eval_defined_field_exn venv env pos vl with
      Not_found ->
      eval_defined_field_aux venv envl pos vl)
  | [] ->
    raise Not_found

and eval_defined_field venv pos _ v vl =
  let envl = Omake_env.venv_current_objects venv pos v in
  try eval_defined_field_aux venv envl pos vl with
    Not_found ->

 * Simplify a quoted value if possible.
 * Strings are concatenated.
and simplify_quote_val venv pos c (el : Omake_value_type.t list) : Omake_value_type.t  =
  let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
  let flush vl : Omake_value_type.t list =
    if Buffer.length buf = 0 then
      let s = Buffer.contents buf in
      Buffer.clear buf;
      ValData s :: vl in
  let rec collect vl el =
    match el with
      | e :: el ->
          ( match eval_value venv pos e with
              | ValWhite s
              | ValString s
              | ValData s ->
                  Buffer.add_string buf s;
                  collect vl el
              | v ->
                  collect (v :: flush vl) el
      | [] ->
          List.rev (flush vl) in
  let el = collect [] el in
  match c with
    | None ->
        (* GS: ValQuote just concatenates the inner elements without caring
           about sequences. Think about renaming to ValConcat.
        ( match el with
            | [ValData _ as e] -> e
            | _ -> ValQuote el
    | Some c ->
        ValQuoteString (c, el)

 * Evaluate a string expression.
and eval_string_exp venv pos s =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_string_exp" pos in
  match s with
    NoneString _ ->
  | IntString (_, i) ->
    ValInt i
  | FloatString (_, x) ->
    ValFloat x
  | WhiteString (_, s) ->
    ValWhite s
  | ConstString (_, s) ->
    ValString s
  | KeyApplyString (loc, v) ->
    eval_key venv pos loc v
  | FunString (_, opt_params, params, body, export) ->
    let opt_params = eval_keyword_param_value_list_exp venv pos opt_params in
    let env = Omake_env.venv_get_env venv in
    (* We use now ValBody with parameters instead of ValFun for translating
       "=>..." blocks. ValFun has the disadvantage that it resets the
       static (private) variables every time the function is invoked. This
       doesn't play nice with foreach and potentially other imperative loop
    ValBody (env, opt_params, params, body, export)
  | ApplyString (loc, v, [], []) ->
    eval_var venv pos loc (Omake_env.venv_find_var venv pos loc v)
  | ApplyString (loc, v, args, kargs) ->
    eval_apply_string_exp venv venv pos loc (Omake_env.venv_find_var venv pos loc v) args kargs
  | SuperApplyString (loc, super, v, args, kargs) ->
    let v = Omake_env.venv_find_super_field venv pos loc super v in
    eval_apply_string_exp venv venv pos loc v args kargs
  | MethodApplyString (loc, v, vl, args, kargs) ->
    let venv_obj, v = eval_find_method venv pos loc v vl in
    eval_apply_string_exp venv venv_obj pos loc v args kargs
  | SequenceString (_, sl) ->
    ValSequence ( (eval_string_exp venv pos) sl)
  | ObjectString (_, e, export)
  | BodyString (_, e, export) ->
    let env = Omake_env.venv_get_env venv in
    ValBody (env, [], [], e, export)
  | ArrayString (_, el) ->
    ValArray ( (eval_string_exp venv pos) el)
  | ArrayOfString (_, e) ->
    let v = eval_string_exp venv pos e in
    ValArray (values_of_value venv pos v)
  | ExpString (_, e, _) ->
    let _, result = eval_sequence_exp venv pos e in
  | CasesString (_, cases) ->
    let cases = (fun (v, e1, e2, export) ->
        v, eval_string_exp venv pos e1, e2, export) cases
    ValCases cases
  | QuoteString (_, el) ->
    simplify_quote_val venv pos None ( (eval_string_exp venv pos) el)
  | QuoteStringString (_, c, el) ->
    simplify_quote_val venv pos (Some c) ( (eval_string_exp venv pos) el)
  | VarString (loc, v) ->
    ValVar (loc, v)
  | ThisString _ ->
    ValObject (Omake_env.venv_this venv)
  | LazyString (_, s) ->
    ValStringExp (Omake_env.venv_get_env venv, s)
  | LetVarString (_, v, s1, s2) ->
    let x = eval_string_exp venv pos s1 in
    let venv = Omake_env.venv_add_var venv v x in
    eval_string_exp venv pos s2

(* and eval_keyword_string_exp venv pos (v, s) = *)
(*   v, eval_string_exp venv pos s *)

and eval_keyword_param_value_list_exp venv pos opt_params = (eval_keyword_param_value_exp venv pos) opt_params

and eval_keyword_param_value_exp venv pos = function
    v, v_info, Some s ->
    v, v_info, Some (eval_string_exp venv pos s)
  | _, _, None as param ->

and eval_prim_arg_exp be_eager venv pos s =
  if be_eager then
    eval_string_exp venv pos s
    ValStringExp (Omake_env.venv_get_env venv, s)

 * Export versions.
 * These functions with the _export suffix also allow modifications
 * to the environment.
and eval_var_export venv pos loc (v : Omake_value_type.t) =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_var_export" pos in

  (* Do not use eval_value; we don't want to force evaluation *)
  match v with
  | ValFun (env, _, [], body, export) ->
    let venv_new = Omake_env.venv_with_env venv env in
    let venv_new, result = eval_sequence venv_new pos ValNone body in
    let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
    venv, result
  | ValFunCurry (env, pargs, _, [], body, export, []) ->
    let venv_new = Omake_env.venv_with_partial_args venv env pargs in
    let venv_new, result = eval_sequence venv_new pos ValNone body in
    let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
    venv, result
  | ValFunCurry (env, pargs, _, [], body, export, kargs) ->
    let venv_new = Omake_env.venv_with_partial_args venv env pargs in
    let venv_new, v = eval_sequence venv_new pos ValNone body in
    let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
    eval_apply_export venv pos loc v [] kargs
  | ValPrim (_, _, ApplyEmpty, f) ->
    Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f venv pos loc [] []
  | _ ->
    venv, v

 * Evaluate an application.
and eval_apply_export venv pos loc v args kargs =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_apply_export" pos in
  match (eval_value venv pos v : Omake_value_type.t) with
  | ValFun (env, keywords, params, body, export) ->
    let venv_new = Omake_env.venv_add_args venv pos loc env params args keywords kargs in
    let venv_new, result = eval_sequence_exp venv_new pos body in
    let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
    venv, result
  | ValFunCurry (env, pargs, keywords, params, body, export, kargs1) ->
    let venv_new, args, kargs = Omake_env.venv_add_curry_args venv pos loc env pargs params args keywords kargs1 kargs in
    let venv_new, v = eval_sequence_exp venv_new pos body in
    let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
    eval_apply_export venv pos loc v args kargs
  | ValPrim (_, _, _, f) ->
    Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f venv pos loc args kargs
  | ValPrimCurry (_, _, f, args1, kargs1) ->
    Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f venv pos loc (List.rev_append args1 args) (List.rev_append kargs1 kargs)
  | ValBody (env, keywords, params, body, exports) when keywords <> [] || params <> [] ->
      let v = Omake_value_type.ValFun(env, keywords, params, body, exports) in
      eval_apply_export venv pos loc v args kargs
  | v ->
    if args = [] && kargs = [] then
      venv, v
      let print_error buf =
        Format.fprintf buf "@[<v 3>illegal function application:@ @[<hv 3>function:@ %a@]" Omake_value_print.pp_print_value v;
        List.iter (fun arg ->
          Format.fprintf buf "@ @[<hv 3>arg = %a@]" Omake_value_print.pp_print_value arg) args;
        List.iter (fun (v, arg) ->
          Format.fprintf buf "@ @[<hv 3>%a = %a@]" Lm_symbol.pp_print_symbol v Omake_value_print.pp_print_value arg) kargs;
        Format.fprintf buf "@]"
      raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, LazyError print_error))

and eval_partial_apply venv pos loc v args kargs :  (Omake_env.t * Omake_value_type.t )=
  match eval_value venv pos v with
  | ValFun (env, keywords, params, body, export) ->
    begin match 
      (Omake_env.venv_add_partial_args venv pos loc env [] params args keywords [] kargs
      ) with
    | PartialApply (env, pargs, keywords, params, kargs) ->
      venv, ValFunCurry (env, pargs, keywords, params, body, export, kargs)
    | FullApply (venv, args, kargs) ->
      let venv_new, v = eval_sequence_exp venv pos body in
      let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
      eval_partial_apply venv pos loc v args kargs
  | ValFunCurry (env, pargs, keywords, params, body, export, kargs1) ->
    (match Omake_env.venv_add_partial_args venv pos loc env pargs params args keywords kargs1 kargs with
      PartialApply (env, pargs, keywords, params, kargs) ->
      venv, ValFunCurry (env, pargs, keywords, params, body, export, kargs)
    | FullApply (venv, args, kargs) ->
      let venv_new, v = eval_sequence_exp venv pos body in
      let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
      eval_partial_apply venv pos loc v args kargs)
  | ValPrim (arity, eager, _, f) ->
    (match arity_apply_args arity [] args with
      FullArity (current_args, rest_args) ->
      (* We assume the primitive takes all the keyword args *)
      let venv, v = Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f venv pos loc current_args kargs in
      eval_partial_apply venv pos loc v rest_args []
    | PartialArity (arity, args) ->
      venv, ValPrimCurry (arity, eager, f, args, List.rev kargs))
  | ValPrimCurry (arity, eager, f, args1, kargs1) ->
    (match arity_apply_args arity args1 args with
      FullArity (current_args, rest_args) ->
      (* We assume the primitive takes all the keyword args *)
      let venv, v = Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f venv pos loc current_args kargs in
      eval_partial_apply venv pos loc v rest_args []
    | PartialArity (arity, args) ->
      venv, ValPrimCurry (arity, eager, f, args, List.rev_append kargs kargs1))
  | ValBody (env, keywords, params, body, exports) when keywords <> [] || params <> [] ->
      let v = Omake_value_type.ValFun(env, keywords, params, body, exports) in
      eval_partial_apply venv pos loc v args kargs
  | v ->
    if args = [] && kargs = [] then
      venv, v
      let print_error buf =
        Format.fprintf buf "@[<v 3>illegal function application:@ @[<hv 3>function:@ %a@]" Omake_value_print.pp_print_value v;
        List.iter (fun arg ->
          Format.fprintf buf "@ @[<hv 3>arg = %a@]" Omake_value_print.pp_print_value arg) args;
        List.iter (fun (v, arg) ->
          Format.fprintf buf "@ @[<hv 3>%a = %a@]" Lm_symbol.pp_print_symbol v Omake_value_print.pp_print_value arg) kargs;
        Format.fprintf buf "@]"
      raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, LazyError print_error))

and eval_apply_string_export_exp venv venv_new pos loc v args kargs =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_apply_string_export_exp" pos in
  match eval_value venv pos v with
    ValFun (env, keywords, params, body, export) ->
    let args = (eval_string_exp venv pos) args in
    let kargs = (fun (v, s) -> v, eval_string_exp venv pos s) kargs in
    let venv_new = Omake_env.venv_add_args venv_new pos loc env params args keywords kargs in
    let venv_new, result = eval_sequence_exp venv_new pos body in
    let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
    venv, result
  | ValFunCurry (env, pargs, keywords, params, body, export, kargs1) ->
    let args = (eval_string_exp venv pos) args in
    let kargs = (fun (v, s) -> v, eval_string_exp venv pos s) kargs in
    let venv_new, args, kargs = Omake_env.venv_add_curry_args venv_new pos loc env pargs params args keywords kargs1 kargs in
    let venv_new, v = eval_sequence_exp venv_new pos body in
    let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
    eval_apply_export venv pos loc v args kargs
  | ValPrim (_, be_eager, _, f) ->
    let args = (eval_prim_arg_exp be_eager venv pos) args in
    let kargs = (fun (v, s) -> v, eval_prim_arg_exp be_eager venv pos s) kargs in
    Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f venv_new pos loc args kargs
  | ValPrimCurry (_, be_eager, f, args1, kargs1) ->
    let args = (eval_prim_arg_exp be_eager venv pos) args in
    let kargs = (fun (v, s) -> v, eval_prim_arg_exp be_eager venv pos s) kargs in
    Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f venv_new pos loc (List.rev_append args1 args) (List.rev_append kargs1 kargs)
  | ValBody (env, keywords, params, body, exports) when keywords <> [] || params <> [] ->
      let v = Omake_value_type.ValFun(env, keywords, params, body, exports) in
      eval_apply_string_export_exp venv venv_new pos loc v args kargs
  | v ->
    if args = [] && kargs = [] then
      venv, v
      let print_error buf =
        Format.fprintf buf "@[<v 3>illegal function application:@ @[<hv 3>function:@ %a@]" Omake_value_print.pp_print_value v;
        List.iter (fun arg ->
          Format.fprintf buf "@ @[<hv 3>arg = %a@]" Omake_ir_print.pp_print_string_exp arg) args;
        List.iter (fun (v, arg) ->
          Format.fprintf buf "@ @[<hv 3>%a = %a@]" Lm_symbol.pp_print_symbol v Omake_ir_print.pp_print_string_exp arg) kargs;
        Format.fprintf buf "@]"
      raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, LazyError print_error))

and eval_apply_method_export_exp venv venv_obj pos loc path v args kargs =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_apply_method_export_exp" pos in
  match eval_value venv pos v with
    ValFun (env, keywords, params, body, export) ->
    let args = (eval_string_exp venv pos) args in
    let kargs = (fun (v, s) -> v, eval_string_exp venv pos s) kargs in
    let venv_new = Omake_env.venv_add_args venv_obj pos loc env params args keywords kargs in
    let venv_new, result = eval_sequence_exp venv_new pos body in
    let venv = Omake_env.add_path_exports venv venv_obj venv_new pos path export in
    venv, result
  | ValFunCurry (env, pargs, keywords, params, body, export, kargs1) ->
    (* XXX: JYH: this, need to think about *)
    let args = (eval_string_exp venv pos) args in
    let kargs = (fun (v, s) -> v, eval_string_exp venv pos s) kargs in
    let venv_new, args, kargs = Omake_env.venv_add_curry_args venv_obj pos loc env pargs params args keywords kargs1 kargs in
    let venv_new, v = eval_sequence_exp venv_new pos body in
    let venv = Omake_env.add_path_exports venv venv_obj venv_new pos path export in
    eval_apply_export venv pos loc v args kargs
  | ValPrim (_, be_eager, _, f) ->
    let args = (eval_prim_arg_exp be_eager venv pos) args in
    let kargs = (fun (v, s) -> v, eval_prim_arg_exp be_eager venv pos s) kargs in
    let venv_new, result = Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f venv_obj pos loc args kargs in
    let venv = Omake_env.hoist_this venv venv_new path in
    venv, result
  | ValPrimCurry (_, be_eager, f, args1, kargs1) ->
    let args = (eval_prim_arg_exp be_eager venv pos) args in
    let kargs = (fun (v, s) -> v, eval_prim_arg_exp be_eager venv pos s) kargs in
    let venv_new, result = Omake_env.venv_apply_prim_fun f venv_obj pos loc (List.rev_append args1 args) (List.rev_append kargs1 kargs) in
    let venv = Omake_env.hoist_this venv venv_new path in
    venv, result
  | ValBody (env, keywords, params, body, exports) when keywords <> [] || params <> [] ->
      let v = Omake_value_type.ValFun(env, keywords, params, body, exports) in
      eval_apply_method_export_exp venv venv_obj pos loc path v args kargs
  | v ->
    if args = [] && kargs = [] then
      venv, v
      let print_error buf =
        Format.fprintf buf "@[<v 3>illegal function application:@ @[<hv 3>function:@ %a@]" Omake_value_print.pp_print_value v;
        List.iter (fun arg ->
          Format.fprintf buf "@ @[<hv 3>arg = %a@]" Omake_ir_print.pp_print_string_exp arg) args;
        List.iter (fun (v, arg) ->
          Format.fprintf buf "@ @[<hv 3>%a = %a@]" Lm_symbol.pp_print_symbol v Omake_ir_print.pp_print_string_exp arg) kargs;
        Format.fprintf buf "@]"
      raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, LazyError print_error))

 * Evaluate a string expression, and allow exports.
and eval_string_export_exp venv pos ( s : Omake_ir.string_exp)
  : (Omake_env.t * Omake_value_type.t)=
  let pos = string_pos "eval_string_export_exp" pos in
  match s with
  | NoneString _ ->
    venv, ValNone
  | IntString (_, i) ->
    venv, ValInt i
  | FloatString (_, x) ->
    venv, ValFloat x
  | WhiteString (_, s) ->
    venv, ValWhite s
  | ConstString (_, s) ->
    venv, ValString s
  | KeyApplyString (loc, v) ->
    venv, eval_key venv pos loc v
  | FunString (_, opt_params, params, body, export) ->
    let opt_params = eval_keyword_param_value_list_exp venv pos opt_params in
    let env = Omake_env.venv_get_env venv in
    venv, ValFun (env, opt_params, params, body, export)
  | ApplyString (loc, v, [], []) ->
    eval_var_export venv pos loc (Omake_env.venv_find_var venv pos loc v)
  | ApplyString (loc, v, args, kargs) ->
    eval_apply_string_export_exp venv venv pos loc (Omake_env.venv_find_var venv pos loc v) args kargs
  | SuperApplyString (loc, super, v, args, kargs) ->
    let v = Omake_env.venv_find_super_field venv pos loc super v in
    eval_apply_string_export_exp venv venv pos loc v args kargs
  | MethodApplyString (loc, v, vl, args, kargs) ->
    let venv_obj, path, v = eval_with_method venv pos loc v vl in
    eval_apply_method_export_exp venv venv_obj pos loc path v args kargs
  | SequenceString (_, sl) ->
    venv, ValSequence ( (eval_string_exp venv pos) sl)
  | ObjectString (_, e, export)
  | BodyString (_, e, export) ->
    let env = Omake_env.venv_get_env venv in
    venv, ValBody (env, [], [], e, export)
  | ArrayString (_, el) ->
    venv, ValArray ( (eval_string_exp venv pos) el)
  | ArrayOfString (_, e) ->
    let v = eval_string_exp venv pos e in
    venv, ValArray (values_of_value venv pos v)
  | ExpString (_, e, export) ->
    eval_sequence_export_exp venv pos e export
  | CasesString (_, cases) ->
    let cases = (fun (v, e1, e2, export) ->
        v, eval_string_exp venv pos e1, e2, export) cases
    venv, ValCases cases
  | QuoteString (_, el) ->
    venv, simplify_quote_val venv pos None ( (eval_string_exp venv pos) el)
  | QuoteStringString (_, c, el) ->
    venv, simplify_quote_val venv pos (Some c) ( (eval_string_exp venv pos) el)
  | VarString (loc, v) ->
    venv, ValVar (loc, v)
  | ThisString _ ->
    venv, ValObject (Omake_env.venv_this venv)
  | LazyString (_, s) ->
    venv, ValStringExp (Omake_env.venv_get_env venv, s)
  | LetVarString (_, v, s1, s2) ->
    let venv, x = eval_string_export_exp venv pos s1 in
    let venv = Omake_env.venv_add_var venv v x in
    eval_string_export_exp venv pos s2

 * Evaluate an expression.
and eval_exp venv _ e =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_exp" (ir_exp_pos e) in
  match e with
    LetVarExp (_, v, [], flag, s) ->
    eval_let_var_exp venv pos v flag s
  | LetVarExp (loc, v, vl, flag, s) ->
    eval_let_var_field_exp venv pos loc v vl flag s
  | LetKeyExp (_, v, flag, s) ->
    eval_let_key_exp venv pos v flag s
  | LetFunExp (loc, v, [], curry, opt_params, params, body, export) ->
    eval_let_fun_exp venv pos loc v curry opt_params params body export
  | LetFunExp (loc, v, vl, curry, opt_params, params, body, export) ->
    eval_let_fun_field_exp venv pos loc v vl curry opt_params params body export
  | LetObjectExp (_, v, [], s, e, export) ->
    eval_let_object_exp venv pos v s e export
  | LetObjectExp (loc, v, vl, s, e, export) ->
    eval_let_object_field_exp venv pos loc v vl s e export
  | LetThisExp (_, e) ->
    eval_let_this_exp venv pos e
  | ShellExp (loc, e) ->
    eval_shell_exp venv pos loc e
  | IfExp (_, cases) ->
    eval_if_exp venv pos cases
  | SequenceExp (_, e) ->
    eval_sequence_exp venv pos e
  | SectionExp (_, _, e, export) ->
    eval_section_exp venv pos e export
  | OpenExp (loc, s) ->
    eval_open_exp venv pos loc s
  | IncludeExp (loc, s, e) ->
    eval_include_exp venv pos loc s e
  | ApplyExp (loc, f, args, kargs) ->
    eval_apply_exp venv pos loc f args kargs
  | SuperApplyExp (loc, super, v, args, kargs) ->
    eval_super_apply_exp venv pos loc super v args kargs
  | MethodApplyExp (loc, v, vl, args, kargs) ->
    eval_method_apply_exp venv pos loc v vl args kargs
  | ReturnBodyExp (_, e, id) ->
    eval_return_body_exp venv pos e id
  | StringExp (_, s) ->
    eval_string_value_exp venv pos s
  | ReturnExp (loc, s, id) ->
    eval_return_exp venv pos loc s id
  | ReturnSaveExp _ ->
    eval_return_save_exp venv pos
  | ReturnObjectExp (_, names) ->
    eval_return_object_exp venv pos names
  | KeyExp (loc, v) ->
    eval_key_exp venv pos loc v
  | StaticExp (_, node, key, e) ->
    eval_static_exp venv pos node key e

 * Variable definitions.
and eval_let_var_exp venv pos v flag s =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_var_exp" pos in
  let venv, s = eval_string_export_exp venv pos s in
  let s =
    match flag with
      VarDefNormal ->
    | VarDefAppend ->
      append_arrays venv pos (Omake_env.venv_get_var venv pos v) s
  let venv = Omake_env.venv_add_var venv v s in
  venv, s

and eval_let_var_field_exp venv pos loc v vl flag s =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_var_field_exp" pos in
  let venv, e = eval_string_export_exp venv pos s in
  let path, obj, v = eval_find_field venv pos loc v vl in
  let e =
    match flag with
      VarDefNormal ->
    | VarDefAppend ->
      append_arrays venv pos (Omake_env.venv_find_field venv obj pos v) e
  let venv, obj = Omake_env.venv_add_field venv obj pos v e in
  let venv = Omake_env.hoist_path venv path obj in
  venv, e

 * Key (property) definitions.
and eval_let_key_exp venv pos v flag s =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_let_key_exp" pos in

  let venv, s = eval_string_export_exp venv pos s in

  (* Get the current property list *)
  let map =
    try Omake_env.venv_find_var_exn venv Omake_var.map_field_var with
      Not_found ->
      raise (Omake_value_type.OmakeException (pos, StringError "current object is not a Map"))
  let map = eval_map venv pos map in
  let v : Omake_value_type.t = ValData v in
  (* Add the new definition *)
  let s =
    match flag with
    | VarDefNormal ->
    | VarDefAppend ->
      append_arrays venv pos (Omake_env.venv_map_find map pos v) s
  let map = Omake_env.venv_map_add map pos v s in
  let venv = Omake_env.venv_add_var venv Omake_var.map_field_var (ValMap map) in
  venv, s

 * Function definitions.
and eval_let_fun_exp venv pos _ v curry opt_params params body export =
  let opt_params = eval_keyword_param_value_list_exp venv pos opt_params in
  let env = Omake_env.venv_get_env venv in
  let e : Omake_value_type.t =
    if curry then
      ValFunCurry (env, [], opt_params, params, body, export, [])
      ValFun (env, opt_params, params, body, export)
  let venv = Omake_env.venv_add_var venv v e in
  venv, e

and eval_let_fun_field_exp venv pos loc v vl curry opt_params params body export =
  let opt_params = eval_keyword_param_value_list_exp venv pos opt_params in
  let env = Omake_env.venv_get_env venv in
  let e : Omake_value_type.t =
    if curry then
      ValFunCurry (env, [], opt_params, params, body, export, [])
      ValFun (env, opt_params, params, body, export)
  let path, obj, v = eval_find_field venv pos loc v vl in
  let venv, obj = Omake_env.venv_add_field venv obj pos v e in
  let venv = Omake_env.hoist_path venv path obj in
  venv, e

 * Shell expression.
and eval_shell_exp venv pos loc e =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_shell_exp" pos in
  let () =
    if !Omake_shell_type.debug_shell then
      Format.eprintf "@[<v 3>eval_shell_exp (pid = %i):@ %a@]@." (**)
        (Unix.getpid()) Omake_ir_print.pp_print_string_exp e
  let v = Omake_env.venv_find_var venv pos loc Omake_var.system_var in
  let venv, s = eval_string_export_exp venv pos e in
  eval_apply_export venv pos loc v [s] []

 * Conditionals.
 * The test should expand to a Boolean of some form.
and eval_if_cases venv pos cases =
  match cases with
    (s, el, export) :: cases ->
    let s = eval_string_exp venv pos s in
    let b = bool_of_value venv pos s in
    if b then
      eval_sequence_export_exp venv pos el export
      eval_if_cases venv pos cases
  | [] ->
    venv, ValNone

and eval_if_exp venv pos cases =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_if_exp" pos in
  eval_if_cases venv pos cases

 * Sequence.
and eval_sequence venv pos result el =
  match el with
    e :: el ->
    let venv, result = eval_exp venv result e in
    eval_sequence venv pos result el
  | [] ->
    venv, result

and eval_sequence_export venv pos result el export =
  let venv_new, result = eval_sequence venv pos result el in
  let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos export in
  venv, result

and eval_sequence_exp venv pos el =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_sequence_exp" pos in
  eval_sequence venv pos ValNone el

and eval_sequence_export_exp venv pos el export =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_sequence_export_exp" pos in
  eval_sequence_export venv pos ValNone el export

and eval_section_exp venv pos el export =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_section_exp" pos in
  eval_sequence_export venv pos ValNone el export

 * Look for a cached object.  If it does not exist,
 * then evaluate the body to create the object.
 * Inline all the fields.
and eval_static_exp venv pos node key el =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_static_exp" pos in
  let obj =
    try Omake_env.venv_find_static_object venv node key with
      Not_found ->
      (* Evaluate the object, and save it *)
      let _, result = eval_sequence (Omake_env.venv_define_object venv) pos ValNone el in
      let obj = eval_object venv pos result in
      Omake_env.venv_add_static_object venv node key obj;
  let venv = Omake_env.venv_include_static_object venv obj in
  venv, ValNone

 * Object.
 * The argument string is ignored.
 * Push a new object.
and eval_let_object_exp venv pos v s el export =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_let_object_exp" pos in
  let parent = eval_string_exp venv pos s in
  let obj = eval_object venv pos parent in
  let venv_obj = Omake_env.venv_define_object venv in
  let venv_obj = Omake_env.venv_include_object venv_obj obj in
  let venv_obj, result = eval_sequence venv_obj pos ValNone el in
  let venv = Omake_env.venv_add_var venv v result in
  let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_obj pos export in
  venv, result

and eval_let_object_field_exp venv pos loc v vl s el export =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_let_object_field_exp" pos in
  let parent = eval_string_exp venv pos s in
  let obj = eval_object venv pos parent in
  let venv_obj = Omake_env.venv_define_object venv in
  let venv_obj = Omake_env.venv_include_object venv_obj obj in
  let venv_obj, e = eval_sequence venv_obj pos ValNone el in
  let path, obj, v = eval_find_field venv pos loc v vl in
  let venv, obj = Omake_env.venv_add_field venv obj pos v e in
  let venv = Omake_env.hoist_path venv path obj in
  let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_obj pos export in
  venv, e

 * This.
 * Set the current object to the given object.
and eval_let_this_exp venv pos s =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_this_exp" pos in
  let venv, obj = eval_string_export_exp venv pos s in
  let obj = eval_object venv pos obj in
  let venv = Omake_env.venv_with_object venv obj in
  venv, ValObject obj

 * Include a file.
 * The environment after the file is evaluated is used in the rest
 * of this file.
and eval_include_exp venv pos loc s _ =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_include" pos in
  let name =
    match eval_string_exp venv pos s with
      ValNode node ->
      (* Use an absolute name, preventing path lookup *)
      Omake_node.Node.absname node
    | name ->
      string_of_value venv pos name
  let node = find_include_file venv pos loc name in
  let venv = Omake_env.venv_add_file venv node in
  let venv = include_file venv Omake_env.IncludePervasives pos loc node in
  venv, ValNone

 * Open a file.
 * Include it if it is not already included.
and eval_open_exp venv pos loc nodes =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_open" pos in
  let venv =
    List.fold_left (fun venv node ->
      if Omake_env.venv_is_included_file venv node then
        let venv = Omake_env.venv_add_file venv node in
        include_file venv Omake_env.IncludePervasives pos loc node) venv nodes
  venv, ValNone

 * Key lookup.
and eval_key_exp venv pos loc v =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_key_exp" pos in
  let result = eval_key venv pos loc v in
  venv, result

 * Function application.
and eval_apply_exp venv pos loc f args kargs =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_apply_exp" pos in
  eval_apply_string_export_exp venv venv pos loc (Omake_env.venv_find_var venv pos loc f) args kargs

and eval_super_apply_exp venv pos loc super v args kargs =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_super_apply_exp" pos in
  let v = Omake_env.venv_find_super_field venv pos loc super v in
  eval_apply_string_export_exp venv venv pos loc v args kargs

and eval_method_apply_exp venv pos loc v vl args kargs =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_method_apply_exp" pos in
  let venv_obj, path, v = eval_with_method venv pos loc v vl in
  eval_apply_method_export_exp venv venv_obj pos loc path v args kargs

 * Return a value.  This is just the identity.
and eval_return_body_exp venv pos e id =
  let _pos = string_pos "eval_return_body_exp" pos in
  try eval_sequence_exp venv pos e with
    Omake_value_type.Return (_, v, id') when id' == id ->
    venv, v

and eval_return_exp venv pos loc s id =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_return_exp" pos in
  let result = eval_string_exp venv pos s in
  raise (Omake_value_type.Return (loc, result, id))

and eval_string_value_exp venv pos s =
  let pos = string_pos "eval_string_value_exp" pos in
  let result = eval_string_exp venv pos s in
  venv, result

and eval_return_save_exp venv pos =
  let _pos = string_pos "eval_return_save_exp" pos in
  venv, ValNone

and eval_return_object_exp venv _ names =
  let result = Omake_env.venv_current_object venv names in
  venv, ValObject result

 * Include a file.
and eval_include_file venv scope pos loc node =
  let ir = compile_ir venv scope pos loc node in
  let venv_new = Omake_env.venv_add_var venv 
      Omake_var.file_var (ValNode node) in
  let venv_new, result = eval_exp venv_new ValNone ir.ir_exp in
  let venv = Omake_env.add_exports venv venv_new pos ExportAll in
  venv, result

and include_file venv scope pos loc target =
  let pos = string_pos "include_file" pos in
  let venv = Omake_env.venv_add_included_file venv target in
  let venv, _ = eval_include_file venv scope pos loc target in

 * Parse and evaluate a file as if it were an object.
and eval_object_file venv pos loc node =
  let parse_obj info node =
    let ir = compile_add_ir_info venv IncludePervasives pos loc node info in
    match ir with
      { ir_classnames = names;
        ir_exp = e;
        _}      ->

      let venv = Omake_env.venv_get_pervasives venv node in
      let venv = Omake_env.venv_define_object venv in
      let venv, _ = eval_exp venv ValNone e in
      Omake_env.venv_current_object venv names in
  compile_object parse_obj venv pos loc node

 * Evaluator.
and eval venv e =
  let _, result = eval_exp venv ValNone e in

let eval_open_file = open_ir

let eval_apply = eval_apply_export

 * Project compiler.
let compile venv =
  let rootname =
    if Sys.file_exists Omake_state.makeroot_name then
  let node = Omake_env.venv_intern venv PhonyProhibited rootname in
  let venv = Omake_env.venv_add_file venv node in
  let loc = Lm_location.bogus_loc (Omake_node.Node.fullname node) in
  let pos = string_pos "compile" (loc_exp_pos loc) in
  let _ = eval_include_file venv IncludePervasives pos loc node in
  if Lm_debug.debug print_rules then
    Format.eprintf "@[<hv 3>Rules:%a@]@." Omake_env.pp_print_explicit_rules venv

 * Dependencies.
let compile_deps venv node buf =
  let deps = Omake_ast_lex.parse_deps buf in
  let vars = Omake_env.venv_include_scope venv IncludePervasives in
  let senv_empty = Omake_ir_ast.penv_of_vars (open_ir venv) venv node vars in 
    (fun (target, source, loc) ->
      let pos = string_pos "compile_deps" (loc_exp_pos loc) in
      let _, target = Omake_ir_ast.build_string senv_empty target pos in
      let _, source = Omake_ir_ast.build_string senv_empty source pos in
      let target = eval_string_exp venv pos target in
      let source = eval_string_exp venv pos source in
      let targets = strings_of_value venv pos target in
      let sources = strings_of_value venv pos source in
      targets, sources) deps

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