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 * Configuration variables.

 * Error codes for various actions.
let signal_error_code   = 127
let fork_error_code     = 126
let internal_error_code = 125
let deadlock_error_code = 124
let exn_error_code      = 123
let scanner_error_code  = 122

 * Name of the database.
let db_name = ".omakedb"

 * Name of the makefiles.
let makefile_name = "OMakefile"
let makeroot_name = "OMakeroot"
let omake_file_suffix = ".om"
let makeroot_short_name = "Root" ^ omake_file_suffix

let omake_dir_ref = ref None
let cache_dir_ref = ref None
let always_use_dotomake = ref false

let set_omake_dir dir =
   let () =
      try Unix.mkdir dir 0o777 with
         Unix.Unix_error _ ->
   let dir =
      if Filename.is_relative dir then
            Filename.concat (Unix.getcwd ()) dir
         with Unix.Unix_error _ ->
      omake_dir_ref := Some dir;
      cache_dir_ref := None

 * Directories.
let lib_dir, lib_dir_reason =
   let key_name = "SOFTWARE\\MetaPRL\\OMake" in
   let field_name = "OMAKELIB" in
         Sys.getenv field_name, "OMAKELIB environment variable"
      with Not_found ->
            Lm_unix_util.registry_find Lm_unix_util.HKEY_CURRENT_USER key_name field_name,
               "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" ^ key_name ^ "\\" ^ field_name ^ " registry key"
         with Not_found ->
               Lm_unix_util.registry_find Lm_unix_util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key_name field_name,
                  "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\" ^ key_name ^ "\\" ^ field_name ^ " registry key"
            with Not_found ->
               Omake_magic.lib_dir, ""

let home_dir = Lm_unix_util.home_dir
let application_dir = Lm_unix_util.application_dir

let omakeinit_file = Filename.concat home_dir ".omakeinit"
let omakerc_file = Filename.concat home_dir ".omakerc"
let oshrc_file = Filename.concat home_dir ".oshrc"

let omake_dir () =
   match !omake_dir_ref with
      Some dir ->
    | None ->
         let dirname = Filename.concat application_dir ".omake" in
            set_omake_dir dirname;

 * Cache directory is separate for each host.
let cache_dir () =
  match !cache_dir_ref with
  | Some dir -> dir
  | None ->
    let dirname = Filename.concat (omake_dir ()) "cache" in
    let () =
      try Unix.mkdir dirname 0o777 with
        Unix.Unix_error _ ->
    cache_dir_ref := Some dirname;

(* Create cache file hierarchy under the HOME directory *)
let cache_file dir name =
  let dir =
    match Lm_filename_util.filename_string dir with
    | AbsolutePath (DriveRoot c, name) ->
      Filename.concat (String.make 1 c) name
    | AbsolutePath (NullRoot, name) ->
    | RelativePath path ->
      raise (Invalid_argument ("Omake_state.cache_file: received a relative path: " ^ path))
  let dirname = Filename.concat (cache_dir ()) dir in
  Lm_filename_util.mkdirhier dirname 0o777;
  Filename.concat dirname name

let open_cache_file dir name =
   let filename = cache_file dir name in
   filename, Lm_unix_util.openfile filename [O_RDWR; O_CREAT] 0o666

let get_cache_file dir name =
  if !always_use_dotomake then
    open_cache_file dir name
    let filename = Filename.concat dir name in
    try filename, Lm_unix_util.openfile filename [O_RDWR; O_CREAT] 0o666 with
      Unix.Unix_error _ ->
      open_cache_file dir name

 * XXX: TODO: We use lockf, but it is not NFS-safe if filesystem is mounted w/o locking.
 * Also, lockf is not always supported, so we may raise an exception for a "wrong" reason.
 * May be we should implement a "sloppy" locking as well - see
 * also the mailing list discussions:
 *    -
 *    -
let lock_file fd mode =
   Lm_unix_util.lockf fd mode 0

let db_file () =
   Filename.concat (omake_dir ()) db_name

let history_file () =
   Filename.concat (omake_dir ()) "osh_history"

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