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#!/usr/bin/env osh

.LANGUAGE: program

errors = false

# Test all the operators
check(exp, e, r) =
    if e = r
        println($"$(exp) = $e [SUCCESS]")
        eprintln($"$(exp) = $e, should be $r [FAILURE]")
	errors = true

x = 11
y = 22
z = 33
check($"x + y", x + y, 33)
check($"x - y", x - y, -11)
check($"x * y", x * y, 242)
check($"x / y", x / y, 0)
check($"x + y * z", x + y * z, 737)
check($"(x + y) * z", (x + y) * z, 1089)
check($"x < y", x < y, true)
check($"x > y", x > y, false)
check($"x = y", x = y, false)
check($"x & y", x & y, 2)
check($"x | y", x | y, 31)
check($"x ^ y", x ^ y, 29)
check($"1 << 2", 1 << 2, 4)
check($"8 >> 2", 8 >> 2, 2)
check($"-8 >> 2", -8 >> 2, -2)
check($"(-1 >>> 1) < 0", (-1 >>> 1) < 0, false)
check($"1 > 2 && (1 / 0) = 1", 1 > 2 && (1 / 0) = 1, false)
check($"2 > 1 || (1 / 0) = 1", 2 > 1 || (1 / 0) = 1, true)

X[] =

check($"X[0]", X[0], 10)
i = 2
check($"X[i]", X[i], 30)
check($"X[i] + i", X[i] + i, 32)

Y = [100; 200; 300; 400 + 1]
check($"Y[3]", Y[3], 401)

Z = [1000 + 17, 120 * 10, 200 << 2]
check($"Z[2]", Z[2], 800)

# Program exit
if errors
    exit 1

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