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Index of class methods

abort [Mapred_io.record_writer]
Drops resources - intended to be used for error cleanup
abort [Mapred_io.record_reader]
Drops resources - intended to be used for error cleanup
active [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
whether this object refers to an existing row in the datastore table.
arguments [Mapred_def.mapred_env]
Job arguments

blockmap_alloc_e [Nn_state.bm_view_t]
Reserve blocks and allocate at commit time.
blockmap_dealloc_e [Nn_state.bm_view_t]
Mark blocks and deallocate at commit time.
blockmap_get_e [Nn_state.bm_view_t]
Get the contents of the blockalloc table for this datastore identity, wrapped into a blockmap_t object
blockmap_get_e [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
If the blockmap exists, return it.
blockmap_keep [Nn_state.bm_view_t]
Marks these blocks as "to keep" until commit/rollback.
blockmap_load_e [Nn_state.bm_view_t]
Ensures that all known blockmaps are loaded
blockmap_prioritizer [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Used to prioritize commits before other accesses to the blockmap.
blockmaps [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
All blockmaps
book_allocation [Plasma_shm.shm_manager]
Books this ID with this (total) size
bpos_out [Mapred_io.record_writer]
The byte position of the record that will be written next

check_config [Mapred_def.mapred_job]
Check the config.
close_in [Mapred_io.record_reader]
Releases resources (e.g.
close_out [Mapred_io.record_writer]
Releases resources (e.g.
clustername [Plasma_client_config.client_config]
The clustername
commit [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
commit owner: commits owner's reservations, and makes them permanent.
commit [Nn_db.transaction]
Commits the transaction (prepared or not), and returns
config_file [Mapred_def.mapred_env]
The config file
connection [Nn_db.transaction]
The connection.
connection [Nn_db.ro_transaction]
The connection.
continue_with [Pfs_db.async_connection]
continue_with f: Set f as the continuation.
create_blockmap [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
create_blockmap m: Creates a map of free/used/reserved blocks.
cur_rev_ident [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Returns current revision identifier

datastore_del_e [Nn_state.ds_view_t]
Delete this row in the datastore table
datastore_list_e [Nn_state.ds_view_t]
Get the contents of the datastore table
datastore_max_id [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Maximum ID used in the datastore table (None if use_id was never called)
datastore_new_id_e [Nn_state.ds_view_t]
The secret random number used for securing transactional writes
datastore_upd_e [Nn_state.ds_view_t]
Change the row in datastore identified by id so that the fields identity, size, and enabled are updated.
datastore_use_id [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Record that this ID is now also used in a transaction
db_dbname [Pfs_db.db_config]
db_host [Pfs_db.db_config]
db_hostaddr [Pfs_db.db_config]
db_password [Pfs_db.db_config]
db_port [Pfs_db.db_config]
db_ro_connections_max [Pfs_db.db_config]
db_user [Pfs_db.db_config]
delayed_inode_deletes [Nn_state.inode_view_t]
Inodes to be deleted at the end of the transaction
dn_blocksize [Nn_config.nn_node_config]
Expected blocksize of datanodes
dn_blocksize [Dn_config.dn_config]
The blocksize.
dn_blocksize [Dn_shm.dn_shm_config]
The blocksize.
dn_blocksize [Dn_store.dn_store_config]
The blocksize.
dn_clustername [Dn_config.dn_config]
The clustername
dn_directory [Dn_config.dn_config]
The directory containing the store.
dn_directory [Dn_store.dn_store_config]
The directory containing the store.
dn_io_processes [Dn_config.dn_config]
The number of dn_io processes.
dn_node_timeout [Nn_config.nn_node_config]
The timeout for connects and RPC calls to data nodes
dn_nodes [Nn_config.nn_node_config]
The data nodes in "host:port" syntax
dn_shm_queue_length [Dn_config.dn_config]
The size of the shm queue, in blocks.
dn_shm_queue_length [Dn_shm.dn_shm_config]
The size of the shm queue, in blocks.
dn_sync_period [Dn_config.dn_config]
How often the file is synced to disk
dump [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
Get a dump of the internal state

enough_slaves [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Whether there are enough slaves
event_system [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
The common event system
event_system [Nn_db.transaction]
The event system this transaction uses
event_system [Nn_db.ro_transaction]
The event system this transaction uses
exists_blockmap [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Whether we have a blockmap for this identity
extract_key [Mapred_def.mapred_job]
Extracts the key from a record

filename_count_e [Nn_state.inode_view_t]
The count is the number of names for an inode (same as length of list returned by filename_rev_get_e)
filename_get_e [Nn_state.inode_view_t]
exists_lock: whether to create an `Exists lock
filename_link_e [Nn_state.inode_view_t]
adds this filename.
filename_list_e [Nn_state.inode_view_t]
Lists subnames of a potential directory name, together with inodes
filename_rev_get_e [Nn_state.inode_view_t]
filename_unlink_e [Nn_state.inode_view_t]
deletes this filename
fill_blockmap [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
fill_blockmap index data: Fills the blockmap at index with data, a string consisting of 0 and 1.
finish_transaction_serialized [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
finish_transaction_serialized f: Run f esys in a serialized way.
flush [Mapred_io.record_writer]
Flushes the records from the buffer to disk
forget_identity [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Forget everything about this datastore identity
free [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
free l owner: deallocates these blocks.

get_blockmap [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Get the blockmap for this identity, or Not_found
get_changes [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
get_changes owner: Returns the changes made by owner.

has_free_blocks [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
whether there are still free blocks

id [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
the datastore db table id
identity [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
This is the blockmap for this datastore identity
idle [Pfs_db.async_connection]
whether nothing is being executed
inactivate [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
Sets active to false
inode_alloc_e [Nn_state.inode_view_t]
Inserts a new inode and returns the ID.
inode_dealloc_e [Nn_state.inode_view_t]
deletes the inode.
inode_get_blocks_e [Nn_state.inode_view_t]
returns blocks.
inode_get_e [Nn_state.inode_view_t]
inode_get_new_id_serialized [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Serializer for getting a new ID from the inode table
inode_max_id [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Maximum ID used in the inode table (None if use_id was never called)
inode_upd_blocks_e [Nn_state.inode_view_t]
First delete the blocks in the del range, then add the blocks from add.
inode_upd_e [Nn_state.inode_view_t]
Updates the inode.
inode_upd_time [Nn_state.inode_view_t]
This update of mtime/ctime is lock-free
inode_use_id [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Record that this ID is now also used in a transaction
input_dir [Mapred_def.mapred_job]
This plasma directory contains the input files
input_record [Mapred_io.record_reader]
Reads one record, and advances the cursor.

keep [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
keep l owner: marks these blocks as "to keep" even if a competing transaction frees them.

lock_filename [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Lock types: `Link: States that the file is created, and must not be created by another transaction. A `Link lock is exlusive. , `Unlink: States that the file is removed. Several transactions are allowed to remove the same file without conflict., `Exists: States that the file exists. Several transactions can request this. (Used for ensuring that parent directories exist until the end of the transaction.) Certain lock type changes are allowed provided this is ok with the protected operations (e.g.
lock_inode [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Returns Some unlock if successful where calling unlock removes the lock, or reverts to the previous state (1-step undo)

map [Mapred_def.mapred_job]
The mapper reads records, maps them, and writes them into a second file.
map_tasks [Mapred_def.mapred_job]
The number of map tasks that should not be exceeded.
master [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
The master in host:port syntax
master_enabled [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Whether the master (i.e.
merge_limit [Mapred_def.mapred_job]
How many files are merged at most by a shuffle task
mr_shm_high [Mapred_config.mapred_config]
High watermark for shared memory
mr_shm_low [Mapred_config.mapred_config]
Low watermark for shared memory
mr_task_load_limit [Mapred_config.mapred_config]
Load limit per task server (in number of tasks)
mr_task_nodes [Mapred_config.mapred_config]
Task nodes (only hostname)
mr_task_port [Mapred_config.mapred_config]
The port number
mr_task_tmpdir [Mapred_config.mapred_config]
A directory where to put executables, logs, etc.

n_free [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
Number of used, transitional, free blocks
n_trans [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
n_used [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
name [Mapred_def.mapred_job]
A name for identifying this job, e.g.
new_id [Plasma_shm.shm_manager]
allocates a new ID for an shm object
new_rev_ident [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Creates a new revision identifier
next [Pfs_db.async_connection]
If there is a delayed continuation execute it now
nn_clustername [Mapred_config.mapred_config]
The clustername
nn_clustername [Nn_config.nn_node_config]
The clustername
nn_elect_timeout [Nn_config.nn_node_config]
For how many seconds to wait for neighbor namenodes
nn_hostname [Nn_config.nn_node_config]
The hostname of this node.
nn_inodecaches [Nn_config.nn_node_config]
Which inodecaches are announced to the clients
nn_node_alive_min [Nn_config.nn_node_config]
How many name nodes need to be alive to continue with operations
nn_node_alive_min_startup [Nn_config.nn_node_config]
How many name nodes need to be alive at cluster startup
nn_node_timeout [Nn_config.nn_node_config]
The timeout for connects and RPC calls to name nodes
nn_nodes [Mapred_config.mapred_config]
The name nodes in "host:port" syntax
nn_nodes [Nn_config.nn_node_config]
The name nodes in "host:port" syntax
nn_nodes [Plasma_client_config.client_config]
The name nodes in "host:port" syntax
nn_rank [Nn_config.nn_node_config]
The rank of this node compared to other nodes.
nn_replication [Nn_config.nn_node_config]
Default replication factor
node_config [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
the configuration

open_cluster [Mapred_def.mapred_env]
Opens the cluster filesystem
output_dir [Mapred_def.mapred_job]
This plasma directory will get output files.
output_record [Mapred_io.record_writer]
Outputs these records.

partition_of_key [Mapred_def.mapred_job]
Determines the partition of a key.
partitions [Mapred_def.mapred_job]
The number of partitions = number of reduce tasks
peek_record [Mapred_io.record_reader]
Reads the record, but does not advance the cursor, i.e.
pos_in [Mapred_io.record_reader]
The ordinal number of the record that will be read next.
pos_out [Mapred_io.record_writer]
The ordinal number of the record that will be written next.
post_commit [Nn_state.view_t]
Needs to be called after a commit.
pre_commit [Nn_state.view_t]
Prepares the commit, and returns the journal to commit
prepare [Nn_db.transaction]
Prepares the transaction for commit

reduce [Mapred_def.mapred_job]
The reducer reads all the records of one partition, and puts them into an output file.
reserve [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
reserve n owner: finds n free blocks and returns their indices.
return [Nn_db.transaction]
return the transaction to the pool or closes it
return [Nn_db.ro_transaction]
return the transaction to the pool
ro_connection [Nn_db.transaction]
The same connection coerced to read-only
rollback [Nn_state.view_t]
Rolls this view back
rollback [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
rollback owner: unreserves owner's blocks.
rollback [Nn_db.transaction]
Rolls the transaction back, and returns

set_rev_ident [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Sets the identitifer returned by cur_rev_ident
shm_condition [Plasma_shm.shm_manager]
Estimate where we are
size [Nn_blockmap.blockmap_t]
Size of the blockmap in blocks
slaves [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
Connections to the name slaves as triples (name,client,enabled).
sort_limit [Mapred_def.mapred_job]
How big the data chunks are that can be sorted in-memory
split_limit [Mapred_def.mapred_job]
How many files are created at most by a shuffle task

unlock_filenames [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
unlock all filenames of this owner
unlock_inodes [Nn_state.shared_state_t]
unlock all inodes of this owner

work_dir [Mapred_def.mapred_job]
This plasma directory is used for temporary files.

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