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(* $Id: 429 2011-10-04 19:07:05Z gerd $ *)

(* Tests Nn_blockmap *)

open Nn_config
open Plasma_util
open Printf

let bmaprowsizeL = Int64.of_int bmaprowsize

let do_test name f =
    printf "Test: %s %!" name;
    if f() then
      printf "PASSED\n%!"
      printf "FAILED\n%!"
    | err ->
        printf "EXCEPTION %s\n%!" (Printexc.to_string err)

let overlap l1 l2 =
  (* whether triv_ranges l1 and l2 overlap with each other *)
  let s =
      (fun acc (p,n) ->
	 assert (n >= 1L);
	 let q = Int64.pred (Int64.add p n) in
	 I64RM.add (p,q) (p,q) acc
      l1 in
    (fun (p,n) ->
       assert (n >= 1L);
       let q = Int64.pred (Int64.add p n) in
       let u = I64RM.sub (p,q) s in
       u <> I64RM.empty

let count_changed_blocks bm o1 =
    (fun acc (_,s) ->
       let n = ref 0 in
       for k = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
	 if s.[k] = '1' then incr n
       acc + !n
    (bm#get_changes o1)

let test1 () =
  (* reservations do not overlap *)
  do_test "test1" (
    fun () ->
      let bm = new Nn_blockmap.blockmap 0 "map0" (Int64.mul bmaprowsizeL 10L) in
      let ri = Nn_blockmap.create_reserve_info () in
      let o1 = Nn_blockmap.create_owner() in
      let r1 = bm#reserve (5*bmaprowsize) o1 ri in
      let o2 = Nn_blockmap.create_owner() in
      let r2 = bm#reserve (5*bmaprowsize) o2 ri in
      let flag1 = overlap r1 r2 in
      (* printf "flag1=%B used=%Ld trans=%Ld\n" flag1 bm#n_used bm#n_trans; *)
      let (n_used,n_trans,n_free) = bm#stats in
      not flag1 && n_used = 0L && 
	  n_trans = Int64.mul bmaprowsizeL 10L &&
	  count_changed_blocks bm o1 = 5*bmaprowsize &&
	  count_changed_blocks bm o2 = 5*bmaprowsize

let test2 () =
  (* reservation does not overlap with committed block *)
  do_test "test2" (
    fun () ->
      let bm = new Nn_blockmap.blockmap 0 "map0" (Int64.mul bmaprowsizeL 10L) in
      let ri = Nn_blockmap.create_reserve_info () in
      let o1 = Nn_blockmap.create_owner() in
      let r1 = bm#reserve (5*bmaprowsize) o1 ri in
      bm#commit o1;
      let o2 = Nn_blockmap.create_owner() in
      let r2 = bm#reserve (5*bmaprowsize) o2 ri in
      bm#commit o2;
      let flag1 = overlap r1 r2 in
      (* printf "flag1=%B used=%Ld trans=%Ld\n" flag1 bm#n_used bm#n_trans; *)
      let (n_used,n_trans,n_free) = bm#stats in
      not flag1 && n_used = Int64.mul bmaprowsizeL 10L && 
	  n_trans = 0L &&
	  count_changed_blocks bm o1 = 0 &&
	  count_changed_blocks bm o2 = 0

let test3 () =
  (* Reserved then freed blocks are still not available for other owners *)
  do_test "test3" (
    fun () ->
      let bm = new Nn_blockmap.blockmap 0 "map0" (Int64.mul bmaprowsizeL 10L) in
      let ri = Nn_blockmap.create_reserve_info () in
      let o1 = Nn_blockmap.create_owner() in
      let r1 = bm#reserve (5*bmaprowsize) o1 ri in
      let (p,n) = List.hd r1 in
      bm#free [p,n] o1;
      (* printf "n=%Ld\n" n; *)  (* i.e. n=bmaprowsize *)
      let o2 = Nn_blockmap.create_owner() in
      let r2 = bm#reserve (5*bmaprowsize) o2 ri in
      let flag1 = overlap r1 r2 in
      let flag2 =
	try bm#reserve 1 o2 ri = []
	with Failure _ -> true in
      let (n_used,n_trans,n_free) = bm#stats in
      (* printf "flag1=%B flag2=%B used=%Ld trans=%Ld\n" flag1 flag2 n_used n_trans; *)
      not flag1 && flag2 && n_used = 0L && 
	  n_trans = Int64.mul bmaprowsizeL 10L &&
	  count_changed_blocks bm o1 = 5*bmaprowsize-(Int64.to_int n) &&
	  count_changed_blocks bm o2 = 5*bmaprowsize

let test4 () =
  (* Reserved then freed then committed blocks are available for other owners *)
  do_test "test4" (
    fun () ->
      let bm = new Nn_blockmap.blockmap 0 "map0" (Int64.mul bmaprowsizeL 10L) in
      let ri = Nn_blockmap.create_reserve_info () in
      let o1 = Nn_blockmap.create_owner() in
      let r1 = bm#reserve (3*bmaprowsize) o1 ri in
      let (p,n) = List.hd r1 in
      bm#free [p,n] o1;
      (* printf "n=%Ld\n" n; *)  (* i.e. n=bmaprowsize *)
      bm#commit o1;
      bm#release o1;
      let o2 = Nn_blockmap.create_owner() in
      let r2 = bm#reserve (7*bmaprowsize+Int64.to_int n) o2 ri in
      let flag1 = overlap r1 r2 in (* this is expected now *)
      (* printf "flag1=%B used=%Ld trans=%Ld\n" flag1 bm#n_used bm#n_trans; *)
      bm#commit o2;
      bm#release o2;
      let (n_used,n_trans,n_free) = bm#stats in
      flag1 && n_used = (Int64.mul bmaprowsizeL 10L) &&
	  n_trans = 0L &&
	  count_changed_blocks bm o1 = 0 &&
	  count_changed_blocks bm o2 = 0

let test5 () =
  (* Freed then committed blocks are available for other owners *)
  do_test "test5" (
    fun () ->
      let bm = new Nn_blockmap.blockmap 0 "map0" (Int64.mul bmaprowsizeL 10L) in
      let ri = Nn_blockmap.create_reserve_info () in
      let o1 = Nn_blockmap.create_owner() in
      let r1 = bm#reserve (5*bmaprowsize) o1 ri in
      bm#commit o1;
      bm#release o1;
      bm#free r1 o1;
      bm#commit o1;
      bm#release o1;
      let o2 = Nn_blockmap.create_owner() in
      let _r2 = bm#reserve (10*bmaprowsize) o2 ri in
      bm#commit o2;
      bm#release o2;
      let (n_used,n_trans,n_free) = bm#stats in
      n_used = (Int64.mul bmaprowsizeL 10L) &&
	  n_trans = 0L &&
	  count_changed_blocks bm o1 = 0 &&
	  count_changed_blocks bm o2 = 0

let test6 () =
  (* Kept then freed blocks are not available for other owners *)
  do_test "test6" (
    fun () ->
      let bm = new Nn_blockmap.blockmap 0 "map0" (Int64.mul bmaprowsizeL 10L) in
      let ri = Nn_blockmap.create_reserve_info () in
      let o1 = Nn_blockmap.create_owner() in
      let r1 = bm#reserve (10*bmaprowsize) o1 ri in
      bm#commit o1;
      bm#release o1;
      bm#pin r1 o1;
      let o2 = Nn_blockmap.create_owner() in
      bm#free r1 o2;
      bm#commit o2;
      bm#release o2;
      let flag1 = 
	try bm#reserve 1 o2 ri = []
	with Failure _ -> true in
      let (n_used,n_trans,n_free) = bm#stats in
      flag1 && n_used = 0L &&
	  n_trans = (Int64.mul bmaprowsizeL 10L) &&
	  count_changed_blocks bm o1 = 0 &&
	  count_changed_blocks bm o2 = 0

let test7 () =
  (* Tests reserve_info *)
  do_test "test7" (
    fun () ->
      let bm = new Nn_blockmap.blockmap 0 "map0" (Int64.mul bmaprowsizeL 10L) in
      let ri1 = Nn_blockmap.create_reserve_info () in
      let o1 = Nn_blockmap.create_owner() in
      let r1 = bm#reserve 1 o1 ri1 in
      bm#commit o1;
      bm#release o1;
      let ai =
	{ Nn_db.ai_inode = 0L;
	  ai_index = 0L;
	  ai_identity = "map0";
	  ai_block = fst (List.hd r1)
	} in
      let ri2 = Nn_blockmap.create_reserve_info ~blocks:[ai] () in
      let o2 = Nn_blockmap.create_owner() in
      let r2 = bm#reserve 1 o2 ri2 in
      bm#commit o2;
      bm#release o2;
      (* printf "block1=%Ld block2=%Ld\n"
	 (fst (List.hd r1)) (fst (List.hd r2));

      let flag1 =
	fst (List.hd r2) = Int64.succ(fst (List.hd r1)) in
      let (n_used,n_trans,n_free) = bm#stats in
      flag1 && n_used = 2L &&
	  n_trans = 0L &&
	  count_changed_blocks bm o1 = 0 &&
	  count_changed_blocks bm o2 = 0

let () =
  printf "ps_blockmap\n%!";
  printf "ps_blockmap done\n%!"

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