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(* $Id: 471 2011-10-13 12:14:19Z gerd $ *)

(* Random reads from a file using multi_read_e *)

open Printf
open Plasma_rpcapi_aux
open Uq_engines.Operators

let run c filename n =

  let esys = Plasma_client.event_system c in
  let trans = Plasma_client.start c in
  let inode = Plasma_client.lookup trans filename false in
  let ii = Plasma_client.get_inodeinfo trans inode in
  let blocksize = Plasma_client.blocksize c in
  let blocks = Int64.to_int(Int64.div ii.eof (Int64.of_int blocksize)) in
  let buf = String.create blocksize in

  let get_task k =
    if k < n then
      let i = blocks in
      let task = ( ( Int64.of_int (i*blocksize),
		     (`String buf),
		     blocksize ),
		   (fun (n,_,_) ->
		      printf "Got %d bytes from block %d\n%!" n i
		 ) in
      Some (eps_e (`Done (Some task)) esys)
      None in

    (Plasma_client.multi_read_e c inode) (Stream.from get_task);
  printf "Done\n%!"

let () =
  let cluster = ref None in
  let namenodes = ref [] in
  let filename = ref None in
  let n = ref 1024 in
  let args =
    [ "-cluster", Arg.String (fun s -> cluster := Some s),
      "<name>    Set the cluster name";
      "-namenode", Arg.String (fun n -> namenodes := n :: !namenodes),
      "<host>:<port>   Also use this namenode (can be given several times)";

      "-n", Arg.Set_int n,
      "<n>    Number of blocks to read randomly (default: 1024)"

    ] in

    (fun s -> filename := Some s)
    "usage: ps_random filename";

  let esys = Unixqueue.create_unix_event_system() in
  let nn_nodes =
    if !namenodes = [] then None else Some !namenodes in
  let cfg = Plasma_client_config.get_config
    ?nn_nodes () in
  let c = Plasma_client.open_cluster_cc cfg esys in
  Plasma_client.configure_auth_daemon c;
  (* Intentionally we do not configure buffers *)

  match !filename with
    | None -> failwith "Missing filename"
    | Some fn ->
	run c fn !n

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