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Class Pfs_db.async_exec

class async_exec : 'mode async_connection -> Unixqueue.event_system -> ?expect:Postgresql.result_status list -> ?params:string array -> ?binary_params:bool array -> ?copy_in_lines:string list -> ?noprepare:bool -> string -> [Postgresql.result] Uq_engines.engine
Execution as an engine.

The query is sent immediately. The response is awaited in an asynchronous way. When it is complete, the engine transitions to state `Done r where r is the result. In case of an error, the engine transitions to `Error e where e is the exception.

copy_in_lines is for "COPY IN" statements. noprepare does not prepare the statement (useful if it is not constant).

An abort invocation cancels the current query.

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