module A :
module StringMap :
type key = string
type +'a t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val find : key -> 'a t -> 'a
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val iter : (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
val mapi : (key -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
val fold : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b
val compare : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int
val equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
type ext_id =
System of string
| Public of (string * string)
| Anonymous
| Private of Pxp_core_types.A.private_id
and private_id
type resolver_id = {
rid_private : Pxp_core_types.A.private_id option;
rid_public : string option;
rid_system : string option;
rid_system_base : string option;
type dtd_id =
External of Pxp_core_types.A.ext_id
| Derived of Pxp_core_types.A.ext_id
| Internal
type content_model_type =
| Empty
| Any
| Mixed of Pxp_core_types.A.mixed_spec list
| Regexp of Pxp_core_types.A.regexp_spec
and mixed_spec = MPCDATA | MChild of string
and regexp_spec =
Optional of Pxp_core_types.A.regexp_spec
| Repeated of Pxp_core_types.A.regexp_spec
| Repeated1 of Pxp_core_types.A.regexp_spec
| Alt of Pxp_core_types.A.regexp_spec list
| Seq of Pxp_core_types.A.regexp_spec list
| Child of string
type att_type =
| A_id
| A_idref
| A_idrefs
| A_entity
| A_entities
| A_nmtoken
| A_nmtokens
| A_notation of string list
| A_enum of string list
type att_default =
| D_implied
| D_default of string
| D_fixed of string
type att_value =
Value of string
| Valuelist of string list
| Implied_value
type pool
module type S =
module StringMap :
type key = string
type +'a t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val find : key -> 'a t -> 'a
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val iter : (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
val mapi : (key -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
val fold : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b
val compare : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int
val equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
type ext_id =
Pxp_core_types.A.ext_id =
System of string
| Public of (string * string)
| Anonymous
| Private of Pxp_core_types.S.private_id
and private_id = Pxp_core_types.A.private_id
val allocate_private_id : unit -> Pxp_core_types.S.private_id
type resolver_id =
Pxp_core_types.A.resolver_id = {
rid_private : Pxp_core_types.S.private_id option;
rid_public : string option;
rid_system : string option;
rid_system_base : string option;
val resolver_id_of_ext_id :
Pxp_core_types.S.ext_id -> Pxp_core_types.S.resolver_id
type dtd_id =
Pxp_core_types.A.dtd_id =
External of Pxp_core_types.S.ext_id
| Derived of Pxp_core_types.S.ext_id
| Internal
type content_model_type =
Pxp_core_types.A.content_model_type =
| Empty
| Any
| Mixed of Pxp_core_types.S.mixed_spec list
| Regexp of Pxp_core_types.S.regexp_spec
and mixed_spec =
Pxp_core_types.A.mixed_spec =
| MChild of string
and regexp_spec =
Pxp_core_types.A.regexp_spec =
Optional of Pxp_core_types.S.regexp_spec
| Repeated of Pxp_core_types.S.regexp_spec
| Repeated1 of Pxp_core_types.S.regexp_spec
| Alt of Pxp_core_types.S.regexp_spec list
| Seq of Pxp_core_types.S.regexp_spec list
| Child of string
type att_type =
Pxp_core_types.A.att_type =
| A_id
| A_idref
| A_idrefs
| A_entity
| A_entities
| A_nmtoken
| A_nmtokens
| A_notation of string list
| A_enum of string list
type att_default =
Pxp_core_types.A.att_default =
| D_implied
| D_default of string
| D_fixed of string
type att_value =
Pxp_core_types.A.att_value =
Value of string
| Valuelist of string list
| Implied_value
class type collect_warnings = object method warn : string -> unit end
class drop_warnings : collect_warnings
type warning =
[ `W_XML_version_not_supported of string
| `W_code_point_cannot_be_represented of int
| `W_element_mentioned_but_not_declared of string
| `W_entity_declared_twice of string
| `W_multiple_ATTLIST_declarations of string
| `W_multiple_attribute_declarations of string * string
| `W_name_is_reserved_for_extensions of string ]
class type symbolic_warnings =
object method warn : Pxp_core_types.S.warning -> unit end
val string_of_warning : Pxp_core_types.S.warning -> string
val warn :
Pxp_core_types.S.symbolic_warnings option ->
Pxp_core_types.S.collect_warnings -> Pxp_core_types.S.warning -> unit
type encoding = Netconversion.encoding
type rep_encoding =
[ `Enc_cp1006
| `Enc_cp437
| `Enc_cp737
| `Enc_cp775
| `Enc_cp850
| `Enc_cp852
| `Enc_cp855
| `Enc_cp856
| `Enc_cp857
| `Enc_cp860
| `Enc_cp861
| `Enc_cp862
| `Enc_cp863
| `Enc_cp864
| `Enc_cp865
| `Enc_cp866
| `Enc_cp869
| `Enc_cp874
| `Enc_iso88591
| `Enc_iso885910
| `Enc_iso885913
| `Enc_iso885914
| `Enc_iso885915
| `Enc_iso885916
| `Enc_iso88592
| `Enc_iso88593
| `Enc_iso88594
| `Enc_iso88595
| `Enc_iso88596
| `Enc_iso88597
| `Enc_iso88598
| `Enc_iso88599
| `Enc_koi8r
| `Enc_macroman
| `Enc_usascii
| `Enc_utf8
| `Enc_windows1250
| `Enc_windows1251
| `Enc_windows1252
| `Enc_windows1253
| `Enc_windows1254
| `Enc_windows1255
| `Enc_windows1256
| `Enc_windows1257
| `Enc_windows1258 ]
exception Validation_error of string
exception WF_error of string
exception Namespace_error of string
exception Error of string
exception Character_not_supported
exception At of (string * exn)
exception Undeclared
exception Method_not_applicable of string
exception Namespace_method_not_applicable of string
exception Not_competent
exception Not_resolvable of exn
exception Namespace_not_managed of string
exception Namespace_prefix_not_managed of string
exception Namespace_not_in_scope of string
val string_of_exn : exn -> string
type output_stream =
[ `Out_buffer of Buffer.t
| `Out_channel of Pervasives.out_channel
| `Out_function of string -> int -> int -> unit
| `Out_netchannel of Netchannels.out_obj_channel ]
val write :
Pxp_core_types.S.output_stream -> string -> int -> int -> unit
type pool = Pxp_core_types.A.pool
val make_probabilistic_pool :
?fraction:float -> int -> Pxp_core_types.S.pool
val pool_string : Pxp_core_types.S.pool -> string -> string
module I : S