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In the following sections we'll explain how to solve a basic
task in PXP, namely to parse a file and to represent it in 
memory, followed by paragraphs on variations of this task,
because not everybody will be happy with the basic solution.

{2 Parse a file and represent it as tree}

The basic piece of code to parse "filename.xml" is:

let config = Pxp_types.default_config
let spec = Pxp_tree_parser.default_spec
let source = Pxp_types.from_file "filename.xml"
let doc = Pxp_tree_parser.parse_document_entity config source spec

As you can see, a some defaults are loaded ({!Pxp_types.default_config},
and {!Pxp_tree_parser.default_spec}). These defaults have these effects
(as far as being important for an introduction):

- The parsed document is represented in ISO-8859-1. The file can
  be encoded differently, however, and if so, it is automatically
  recoded to ISO-8859-1.
- The generated tree only has nodes for elements and character data
  sections, but not for comments, and processing instructions.
- The top-most node of the tree, [doc#root], is the top-most element.
- No namespace processing is performed.

XML does not know the concept of file names. All files (or other
resources) are named by so-called ID's. Although we can pass here a
file name to [from_file], it is immediately converted into a [SYSTEM]
ID which is essentially a URL of the form
[file:///dir1/.../dirN/filename.xml]. This ID can be processed -
especially it is now clear how to treat releative [SYSTEM] ID's that
occur in the parsed document. For instance, if another file is
included by "filename.xml", and the [SYSTEM] ID is "parts/part1.xml",
the usual rules for resolving relative URL's say that the effective
file to read is [file:///dir1/.../dirN/parts/part1.xml]. Relative
[SYSTEM] ID's are resolved relative to the URL of the file where the
entity reference occurs that leads to the inclusion of the other file
(this is comparable to how hyperlinks in HTML are treated).

Note that we make here some assumptions about the file system of the
computer. {!Pxp_reader.make_file_url} has to deal with character
encodings of file names. It assumes UTF-8 by default. By passing
arguments to this function, other assumptions about the encoding of
file names can be made. Unfortunately, there is no portable way of
determining the character encoding the system uses for file names
(see the hyperlinks at the end of this section).

The returned [doc] object is of type {!classtype:Pxp_document.document}. This type
is used for all regular documents that exist independently. The root
of the node tree is returned by [doc#root] which is a
{Pxp_document.node}. See {!Intro_trees} for more about the tree

The call {!Pxp_tree_parser.parse_document_entity} does not only parse,
but it also validates the document. This works only if there is a DTD,
and the document conforms to the DTD. There is a weaker criterion for
formal correctness called well-formedness. See below how to only the
check for well-formedness while parsing without doing the whole

Links about the file name encoding problem:
 - {{:}How GLib treats the file name encoding problem}
 - {{:} OS X stores filenames on HFS+ volumes in a Unicode encoding}; the POSIX
   functions like [open] expect file names in UTF-8 encoding.
 - Current Windows versions store filenames in Unicode. The Win32 functions
   are available in a Unicode and in a so-called ANSI version
   (see {{:}
   Code Pages}), and the O'Caml runtime calls the latter. This means file
   names available to PXP are encoded in the active code page.

{2:complink Compiling and linking}

It is strongly recommended to compile and link with the help of
[ocamlfind]. For (byte) compiling use one of

- [ocamlfind ocamlc -package pxp-engine -c]
- [ocamlfind ocamlc -package pxp -c]

The package [pxp-engine] refers to the core library while [pxp] refers
to an extended version including the various lexers. For compiling, there
is no big difference between the two because the lexers are usually not
directly invoked. However, at link time you need these lexers. You can
choose between using the pre-defined package [pxp] and a manually selected
combination of [pxp-engine] with some lexer packages. So for linking
e.g. use one of:

- [ocamlfind ocamlc -package pxp -linkpkg -o executable ... ]
  to get the standard selection of lexers
- [ocamlfind ocamlc -package pxp-engine,pxp-lex-iso88591,pxp-ulex-utf8 -linkpkg -o executable ... ]
  to get lexers for ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8

There is a special lexer for every choice of encoding for the internal
representation of XML. If you e.g. choose to represent the document as
UTF-8 there must be a lexer capable of handling UTF-8. The package [pxp]
includes a standard set of lexers, including UTF-8 and many encodings of
the ISO-8859 series. For more about encodings, see below

{2 Variations}

{3:exn Catching and printing exceptions}

The relevant exceptions are defined in {!Pxp_types}. You can catch
these exceptions (as thrown by the parser) as in:

try ...
  | Pxp_types.Validation_error _
  | Pxp_types.WF_error _
  | Pxp_types.Namespace_error _
  | Pxp_types.Error _
  | Pxp_types.At(_,_) as error ->
      print_endline ("PXP error " ^ Pxp_types.string_of_exn error)

There are more exceptions, but these are usually caught within PXP
and converted to one of the mentioned exceptions.

{3:toploop Printing trees in the O'Caml toploop}

There are toploop printers for nodes and documents. They are automatically
activated when the findlib directive [#require "pxp"] is used to load
PXP into the toploop. Alternatively, one can also do

#install_printer Pxp_document.print_node;;
#install_printer Pxp_document.print_doc;;

For example, the tree [<x><y>foo</y></x>] would be shown as:

  # tree;;
  _ : ('a Pxp_document.node Pxp_document.extension as 'a) Pxp_document.node =
  * T_element "x"
    * T_element "y"
      * T_data "foo"

{3:wfmode Parsing in well-formedness mode}

In well-formedness mode many checks are not performed regarding the
formal integrity of the document. Note that the terms "valid" and
"well-formed" are rigidly defined in the XML standard, and that PXP
strictly tries to conform to the standard. Especially note that the
[DOCTYPE] clause is not rejected in well-formedness mode and that the
declarations are parsed although interpreted differently.

In order to call the parser in well-formedness mode, call one of the
"wf" functions, e.g.

let doc = Pxp_tree_parser.parse_wfdocument_entity config source spec

{b Details.}
Even in well-formedness mode there is a DTD object. The DTD object is,
however, differently treated:
- All declarations are parsed. However, the declarations of elements,
  attributes, and notations are not added to the DTD object. The
  declarations of entities are fully processed. Processing instructions
  are also not handled in any way differently than when validation
  is enabled. Note that all this means
  that you can get syntax errors about ill-formed declarations in 
  well-formedness mode, although the declarations are not further 
- When the parser checks the integrity of elements, attributes or
  notations it finds in the XML text to parse, it accepts that there
  is no declaration in the DTD object. This is controlled by a 
  special DTD mode called [arbitrary_allowed] 
  (see {!Pxp_dtd.dtd.allow_arbitrary}). If enabled as done in
  well-formedness mode, the DTD reacts specially when a declaration
  is missing so that the parser knows it has to accept that. 
  Note that, if one added a declaration programmatically
  to the DTD object, the DTD would find it, and would actually
  validate against it. Effectively, validation is not disabled in
  well-formedness mode, only the constraints imposed by the DTD
  object on the document are weaker. There is in fact a way
  to add declarations in well-formedness mode to get partly the
  effects of validation: This is called {!Intro_advanced.mixedmode}.
- It is not checked whether the top-most element is the one declared
  in the [DOCTYPE] clause (if that clause exists).

When processing well-formed documents one should be more careful
because the parser has not done any checks on the structure of the
node tree.

{3:lateval Validating well-formed trees}

It is possible to validate a tree later that was originally only 
parsed in well-formedness mode.

Of course, there is one obvious difficulty. As mentioned in the
previous section, the DTD object is incompletely built (declarations
of elements, attributes, and notations are ignored), so the DTD object
is not suitable for validating the document against it. For
validation, however, a complete DTD object is required.  The solution
is to replace the DTD object by a different one. As the DTD object is
referenced from all nodes of the tree, and thus intricately connected
with it, the only way to do so is to copy the entire tree. The
function {!Pxp_marshal.relocate_subtree} can be used for this type of
copy operation.

We assume here that we can get the replacement DTD from an external
file, "file.dtd", and that another constraint is that the root
element must be [start] (as if we had [<!DOCTYPE start SYSTEM "file.dtd">]).
Also [doc] is the parsed "filename.xml" file as retrieved by

let config = Pxp_types.default_config
let spec = Pxp_tree_parser.default_spec
let source = Pxp_types.from_file "filename.xml"
let doc = Pxp_tree_parser.parse_wfdocument_entity config source spec

Now the validation against a different DTD is done by:

let rdtd_source = Pxp_types.from_file "file.dtd"
let rdtd = Pxp_dtd_parser.parse_dtd_entity config rdtd_source
let () = rdtd # set_root "start"
let vroot = Pxp_marshal.relocate_subtree doc#root rdtd spec
let () = Pxp_document.validate vroot
let vdoc = new Pxp_document.document config.warner config.encoding
let () = vdoc#init_root vroot doc#raw_root_name

The [vdoc] document has now the same contents as [doc] but points to
a different DTD, namely [rdtd]. Also, the validation checks have been
performed. A few more comments:

- We use here the same [config] for parsing the original document [doc]
  and the replacement DTD [rdtd]. This is not strictly required. However,
  the encoding of the in-memory representation must be identical
  (i.e. [config.encoding]).
- When you omit [rdtd#set_root], any root element is allowed.
- The entity definitions of the old DTD object are lost.
- It is of course possible to modify [doc] before doing the validation,
  or to validate a [doc] that is not the result of a parser call but
  programmatically created.

{3:encodings Encodings}

In PXP, the encoding of the parsed text (the external encoding), and the
encoding of the in-memory representation can be distinct. For processing
external encodings PXP relies on Ocamlnet. The external encoding is
usually indicated in the XML declaration at the beginning of the text,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-2"?>

There is also an autorecognition of the external encoding that works for
UTF-8 and UTF-16.

It is generally possible to override the external encoding
(e.g. because the file has already been converted but the XML
declaration was not changed at the same time). Some of the [from_*]
sources allow it to override the encoding directly, e.g. by setting
the [fixenc] argument when calling {!Pxp_types.from_channel}. Note
that {!Pxp_types.from_file} does not have this option as this source
allows it to read any file. Overriding encodings is, however, only
interesting for certain files. A workaround is to combine [from_file]
with a catalog of ID's, and to override the encodings for certain
files there. (Catalogs also allow to override external encodings.
See below, {!Intro_getting_started.sources} for examples using catalogs.)

As mentioned, the encoding of the in-memory representation can be
distinct from the external encoding. It is required that every character
in the document can be represented in the representation encoding.
Because of this, the chosen encoding should be a superset of all external
encodings that may occur. If you choose UTF-8 for the representation
every character can be represented anyway.

You set the representation encoding in the [config] record, e.g.

let config =
  { Pxp_types.default_config
      with encoding = `Enc_utf8

It is strictly required that only a single encoding is used in a
document (and PXP also checks that).

The available encodings for the in-memory representation are a subset
of the encodings supported by Ocamlnet. Effectively, UTF-8 is 
supported and a number of 8-bit encodings as far as they are ASCII-
compatible (i.e. extensions of 7 bit ASCII).

For every representation encoding PXP needs a different lexer. PXP
already comes with a set of lexers for the supported encodings. However,
at link time the user program must ensure that the lexer is linked into
the executable. The lexers are available as separate findlib packages:
- [pxp-ulex-utf8]: This is the standard lexer for UTF-8
- [pxp-wlex-utf8]: This is the old, wlex-based lexer for UTF-8. It is not
  built when ulex is available.
- [pxp-lex-utf8]: This is the old, ocamllex-based lexer for UTF-8.
  It is slightly faster than [pxp-ulex-utf8], but consumes a lot more
- [pxp-lex-*]: These are lexers for various 8 bit character sets

For the link command, see above: {!Intro_getting_started.complink}.

{3:evparser Event parser (push/pull parsing)}

It is sometimes not desirable to represent the parsed XML data as
tree. An important reason is that the amount of data would exceed the
available memory resources. Another reason may be to combine XML
parsing with a custom grammar. In order to support this, PXP can be
called as event parser. Basically, PXP emits events (tokens) while parsing
certain syntax elements, and the caller of PXP processes these events.
This mode can only be used together with well-formedness mode - for
validation the tree representation is a prerequisite.

Here we show how to parse "filename.xml" with a pull parser:

let config = Pxp_types.default_config
let source = Pxp_types.from_file "filename.xml"
let entmng = Pxp_ev_parser.create_entity_manager config source
let entry = `Entry_document []
let next = Pxp_ev_parser.create_pull_parser config entry entmng

Now, one can call [next()] repeatedly to get one event after the other.
The events have type {!Pxp_types.event} [option].

More about event parsing can be found in {!Intro_events}.

{3:lowprofile Low-profile trees}

When the tree classes in {!Pxp_document} are too much overhead,
it is easily possible to define a specially crafted tree data type, and
to transform the event-parsed document into such trees. For example,
consider this cute definition:

type tree =
  | Element of string * (string * string) list * tree list
  | Data of string

A tree node is either an [Element(name,atts,children)] or a 
[Data(text)] node. Now we event-parse the XML file:

let config = Pxp_types.default_config
let source = Pxp_types.from_file "filename.xml"
let entmng = Pxp_ev_parser.create_entity_manager config source
let entry = `Entry_document []
let next = Pxp_ev_parser.create_pull_parser config entry entmng

Finally, here is a function [build_tree] that calls the [next] function to
build our low-profile tree:

let rec build_tree() =
  match next() with
    | Some (E_start_tag(name,atts,_,_)) ->
        let children = build_children [] in
        let tree = Element(name,atts,children) in
    | Some (E_error e) ->
        raise e
    | Some _ ->
    | None ->
        assert false     

and build_node() =
  match next() with
    | Some (E_char_data data) ->
        Some(Data data)
    | Some (E_start_tag(name,atts,_,_)) ->
        let children = build_children [] in
    | Some (E_end_tag(_,_)) ->
    | Some (E_error e) ->
        raise e
    | Some _ ->
    | None ->
        assert false

and build_children l =
  match build_node() with
    | Some n -> build_children (n :: l)
    | None -> List.rev l
and skip_rest() =
  match next() with
    | Some E_end_of_stream ->
    | Some (E_error e) ->
        raise e
    | Some _ ->
    | None ->
        assert false

Of course, this all is only reasonable for the well-forermedness mode,
as PXP's validation routines depend on the built-in tree representation
of {!Pxp_document}.

{3:nodetypes Choosing the node types to represent}

By default, PXP only represents element and data nodes (both in the
normal tree representation and in the event stream). It is possible
to enable more node types:

- {b Comment} nodes are created for XML comments. In the tree 
  representation, the node type [T_comment] is used for them.
  In the event stream, the event type [E_comment] is used.
- {b Processing instruction} nodes are created for processing
  instructions (PI's) occuring in the normal XML flow (i.e. outside
  of DTD's). In the tree representation, the [T_pinstr] node type
  is used, and in the event stream, the event type [E_pinstr] is
- The {b super root node} can be put at the top of the tree, so that
  the top-most element is a child of this node. This can be reasonable
  especially when comment nodes and PI nodes are also enabled, because
  when these nodes surround the top-most element they also become children
  of the super root node. In the tree representation, the [T_super_root]
  node type is used, and in the event stream, the event type [E_start_super]
  marks the beginning of this node, and [E_end_super] marks the end of 
  this node.

These node types are enabled in the [config] record, e.g.

let config =
  { Pxp_types.default_config
      with enable_comment_nodes = true;
           enable_pinstr_nodes = true;
           enable_super_root_node = true 

Note that the "super root node" is sometimes called "root node" in
various XML standards giving semantical model of XML.  For PXP the
name "super root node" is preferred because this node type is not
obligatory, and the top-most element node can also be considered as
root of the tree.

{3:whitespace Controlling whitespace}

Depending on the mode, PXP applies some automatic whitespace rules. The
user can call functions to reduce whitespace even more.

In {b validating mode}, there are whitespace rules for data nodes and
for attributes (the latter below). In this mode it is possible that an
element [x] is declared such that a regular expression describes the
permitted children.  For instance,

{[ <!ELEMENT x (y,z)> ]}

is such a declaration, meaning that [x] may only have [y] and [z]
as children, exactly in this order, as in

{[ <x><y>why</<y><z>zet</z></x> ]}

XML, however, allows that whitespace is added to make such terms more
readable, as in


The additional whitespace should not, however, appear as children of
node [x], because it is considered as a purely notational improvement
without impact on semantics. By default, PXP does not create data nodes
for such notational whitespace. It is possible to disable the
suppression of this type of whitespace by setting
[drop_ignorable_whitespace] to [false]:

  let config =
    { Pxp_types.default_config 
        with drop_ignorable_whitespace = false

In {b well-formedness mode}, there is no such feature because element
declarations are ignored.

Note that although in {b event mode} the parser is restricted to
well-formedness parsing, it is still possible to get the effect of
[drop_ignorable_whitespace]. See
{!Pxp_event.drop_ignorable_whitespace_filter} for how to selectively
enable this validation feature.

The other whitespace rules apply to attributes. In {b all modes} line
breaks in attribute values are converted to spaces. That means [a1]
and [a2] have identical values:

<x a1="1 2" a2="1
2" a3="1&#10;2"/>

It is possible to suppress this conversion by using [&#10;] as line
separator, as in [a3], which truly includes a line-feed character.

In {b validating mode} only there are more rules because attributes
are declared. If the attribute is declared with a list value
([IDREFS], [ENTITIES], or [NMTOKENS]), any amount of whitespace can
be used to separate the list elements. PXP returns the value as
[Valuelist l] where [l] is an O'Caml list of strings.

If the {b tree representation} is chosen, the function
{!Pxp_document.strip_whitespace} can be called to reduce the amount
of whitespace in data nodes.

{3:idcheck Checking the [ID] consistency and looking up nodes by [ID]}

In XML it is possible to identify elements by giving them an [ID]
attribute. The requires a DTD, and could be done with declarations


meaning that element [x] has a mandatory attribute [id] with the special
[ID] property: Every node must have a unique [id] value.

In the same context, it is possible to declare attributes as references
to other nodes, expressed by denoting the [id] of the other node:


Here, the (optional) attribute [r] of [y] is a reference to another node.
It is only allowed to put identifiers into such attributes that also
occur in the [ID] of another node.

{b By default, PXP does neither check the uniqueness of [ID]-declared 
attributes nor the existence of the nodes referenced by [IDREF]-declared
attributes.} In tree mode, it is possible to enable that, however.

For that purpose, one has to create an {!Pxp_tree_parser.index}. If
passed to the parser function, the parser adds the [ID]-values of all
nodes to the index, and checks whether every [ID] value is unique.
Additionally, when one enables the [idref_pass] the parser also checks
whether [IDREF] attributes only point to existing nodes. The code:

let config = { Pxp_types.default_config with idref_pass = true }
let spec = Pxp_tree_parser.default_spec
let source = Pxp_types.from_file "filename.xml"
let hash_index = new Pxp_tree_parser.hash_index
let id_index = (hash_index :> _ Pxp_tree_parser.hash_index)
let doc = Pxp_tree_parser.parse_document_entity ~id_index config source spec

The difference between [hash_index] and [id_index] is that the former
object has one additional method [index] returning the whole index.

The [id_index] may also be useful after the document has been parsed.
The code processing the parsed documennt can take advantage of it by
looking up nodes in it. For example, to find the node identified
by "foo", one can call

{[ id_index # find "foo" ]}

which either returns this node, or raises [Not_found].

Note that the [id_index] is not automatically updated when the parsed
tree is modified.

{3:findelements Finding nodes by element names}

As we are at it: PXP does not maintain indexes of any kind. Unlike in
other tree representations, there is no index of elements that would
help one to quickly find elements by their names. The reason for this
omission is that such indexes need to be updated when the tree is
modified, and these updates can be quite expensive operations.

The [ID] index explained in the last section is not automatically
updated, and it has only been added to comply fully to the XML
standard (which demands [ID] checking).

Nevertheless, one can easily define indexes of one own (and for
the advanced programmer it might be an interesting task to develop
an extension module to PXP that generically solves this problem).
For instance, here is an index of elements:

  let index = Hashtbl.create 50

    ~pre:(fun node ->
             match node with
               | T_element name -> Hashtbl.add index name node
               | _ -> ()

Now, [Hashtbl.find] can be used to get the last occurrence, and
[Hashtbl.find_all] to get all occurrences.

If it is not worth-while to build an index, one can also call
the functions {!Pxp_document.find_element} and 
{!Pxp_document.find_all_elements}, but these functions rely on
linear searching.

{3:sources Specifying sources}

The {!Pxp_types.source} says from where the data to parse comes.  The
task of the [source] is more complex as it looks at the first glance,
as it not only says from where the initially parsed entity comes, but
also from where further entities can be loaded that are referenced and
included by the first one.

The mentioned function {!Pxp_types.from_file} allows that all files
can be opened as entities, and maps the [SYSTEM] identifiers to file
names. It is very powerful.

There are three more [from_*] functions:
- {!Pxp_types.from_string} gets the data from a string
- {!Pxp_types.from_channel} gets the data from an [in_channel]
- {!Pxp_types.from_obj_channel} gets the data from an [in_obj_channel]
  (an Ocamlnet definition)

These three variants differ from [from_file] in so far as {b only
one} entity can be parsed at all (unless one passes alternate resolvers
to them). This means it is not possible that the initially parsed
entity includes data from another entity. Example code:

{[ let source = Pxp_types.from_string "<?xml version='1.0'?><foo/>" ]}

So the [source] mechanism has these limitations:
- The {!Pxp_types.from_file} function allows one to read from all
  files by using [SYSTEM] URL's of the form [file:///path]. It is
  not possible to restrict the file access in any way. There is no support
  for [PUBLIC] identifiers.
- The other functions like {!Pxp_types.from_string} allow one to
  parse data coming from everywhere, and it is not possible to access
  any files (as it is not possible to open any further external entity).

There is the {!Pxp_reader} module with a very powerful abstraction
called {!Pxp_reader.resolver}. There are resolvers for files, for
alternate resources like data channels, and there is the possibility
of building more complex resolvers by composing simpler ones.

Please see {!Pxp_reader} and {!Intro_resolution} for deeper explanations.
Here are the most important recipes to use this advanced mechanism:

{b Read from files, and define a catalog of exceptions:}

let catalog =
 new Pxp_reader.lookup_id_as_file
  [ System(""), "/usr/share/";
    Public("-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN",""), "/home/stuff/xhtml_strict.dtd"
let source = Pxp_types.from_file ~alt:[catalog] "filename.xml"

This allows one to open all local files using the [file:///path] 
URL's, but also maps the [SYSTEM] ID "" and
the [PUBLIC] ID "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" to local files.

There is also {!classtype:Pxp_reader.lookup_id_as_string} mapping to strings.

{b Read from files, but restrict access, and map URL's}

let resolver =
  new Pxp_reader.rewrite_system_id
    [ "", "file:///usr/share/";
      "file:///", "file:///home/stuff/localxml"
    (new Pxp_reader.resolve_as_file())
let file_url = Pxp_reader.make_file_url "filename.xml"
let source = ExtID(System((Neturl.string_of_url file_url), resolver)

This allows one to open entities from the whole []
hierarchy, but the data is not downloaded by HTTP, but instead
assumed to reside in the local directory hierarchy 
[/usr/share/]. Also, the whole [file:///] hierarchy is
re-rooted to [/home/stuff/localxml]. As the URL's are normalized
before any access is tried, this scheme provides access protection
to other parts of the file system (i.e. one cannot escape from the
new root by "..").

In order to combine with a [catalog] as defined above, use

let resolver =
  new Pxp_reader.combine
    [ catalog;
      new Pxp_reader.rewrite_system_id ...

{b Virtual entity hierarchy}

Given we have the three identifiers 
- [] 
- [] 
- [] 

and these identifiers include each other by using relative [SYSTEM] ID's,
and we have O'Caml strings [f1_xml], [f2_xml], and [f3_xml] with the
contents, we want to make the [] hierarchy available
while parsing from a string [s].

let resolver =
  new Pxp_reader.norm_system_id
    (new Pxp_reader.lookup_id_as_string
       [ ""; f1_xml;
         ""; f2_xml;
         ""; f3_xml
let source = Pxp_types.from_string ~alt:[resolver] s

The trick is {!classtype:Pxp_reader.norm_system_id}. This class makes it possible
that these three enumerated documents can refer to each other by relative
URL. Without the [SYSTEM] ID normalization, these documents can only be
opened when exactly the URL is referenced that is also mentioned in the

{3:codewriter Embedding large constant XML in source code}

Sometimes one needs to embed XML files into source code. For small files
this is no problem at all, just define them as string literals

let s = "<?xml?> ..."

and parse the strings on demand, using the {!Pxp_types.from_string}
source. For larger files, the disadvantage of this approach is that
the whole document has to be parsed again for every run of the
program. There is an efficient way of avoiding that.

The {!Pxp_codewriter} module provides a function 
{!Pxp_codewriter.write_document} that takes an already parsed XML tree
and writes O'Caml code as output that will create the tree again when
executed. This can be used as follows:
- Write a helper application [generate] that parses the XML file with
  the required configuration options and that outputs the O'Caml code
  for this file using {!Pxp_codewriter}
- In the real program that needs to operate on the XML document
  reconstruct the document by running the generated code. Use the same
  configuration options as in [generate]

There is also {!Pxp_marshal} for marshalling XML trees. The codewriter
module uses it.

{3:prepro Using the preprocessor to create XML trees}

One way of creating XML trees programmatically is to call the [create_*]
functions in {!Pxp_document}, e.g. {!Pxp_document.create_element_node}.
However, this looks ugly, e.g. for creating [<x><y>foo</y></x>] one ends
up with

let tree =
  Pxp_document.create_element_node spec dtd "x" []
let y =
  Pxp_document.create_element_node spec dtd "y" []
let data =
  Pxp_document.create_data_node spec dtd "foo"
y # append_node data;
tree # append_node y

It is easier to use the PXP preprocessor, a camlp4 extension of the
O'Caml syntax. It simplifies the above code to (line breaks are

  let tree =

For more about the preprocessor, see {!Intro_preprocessor}.

{3:namespaces Namespaces}

PXP support namespaces, but
- this has to be enabled explicitly, and
- the way of processing namespaces is different from what parsers
  do that output DOM trees

{b How to enable namespace processing.} Depending on the mode different
things have to be done. In any case a namespace manager is required, and it 
has to be made available to PXP in the [config] record:

let m = Pxp_dtd.create_namespace_manager()

let config =
  { Pxp_types.default_config
      with enable_namespace_processing = Some m

In event mode, this is already enough. In tree mode, you also need to
direct PXP that it uses the special namespace-enabled node classes:

let spec = Pxp_tree_parser.default_namespace_spec

Of course, PXP can also parse namespace directives when namespace
processing is off. However, all the namespace-specific node methods
do not work like {!Pxp_document.node.namespace_uri}.

{b Prefix normalization.} PXP implements a technique called prefix
normalization when processing namespaces. The namespace prefix is
the part before the colon in element and attribute names like
[prefix:localname]. The prefix is changed in the document so every
namespace is uniquely identified by a prefix. Note that this means
that the elements and attributes may be renamed by the parser.

For details how the prefix normalization works, see {!Intro_namespaces}.
Namespace processing can also be combined with event-oriented
parsing, see {!Intro_events.namespaces}.

{3:spec Specifying which classes implement nodes - the mysterious [spec] parameter}

For the tree representation PXP defines a set of classes implementing
the various node types. These classes, such as [element_impl], are
all defined in {!Pxp_document}.

It is now possible to instruct PXP to use different classes. In the
last section we have already seen an example of this, because for
namespace-enabled parsing a different set of node classes is used:

let spec = Pxp_tree_parser.default_namespace_spec

The mysterious [spec] parameter controls which class it uses for
which node type. In the source code of {!Pxp_tree_parser}, we find

let default_spec =
    ~super_root_exemplar:      (new super_root_impl default_extension)
    ~comment_exemplar:         (new comment_impl default_extension)
    ~default_pinstr_exemplar:  (new pinstr_impl default_extension)
    ~data_exemplar:            (new data_impl default_extension)
    ~default_element_exemplar: (new element_impl default_extension)
    ~element_mapping:          (Hashtbl.create 1)

let default_namespace_spec =
    ~super_root_exemplar:      (new super_root_impl default_extension)
    ~comment_exemplar:         (new comment_impl default_extension)
    ~default_pinstr_exemplar:  (new pinstr_impl default_extension)
    ~data_exemplar:            (new data_impl default_extension)
    ~default_element_exemplar: (new namespace_element_impl default_extension)
    ~element_mapping:          (Hashtbl.create 1)

The function {!Pxp_document.make_spec_from_mapping} creates a [spec]
from a set of constructors. In the namespace version of [spec], the
only difference is that a special implementation for element nodes is

One can also use this mechanism to let the parser create trees made of
customized classes. Note, however, that it is not possible to simply
create new classes by inherting from a predefined classes and then
adding new methods. The problem is that the typing constraints of PXP
do not allow that users add methods directly to node classes. However,
there is a special extension mechanism built-in, and one can use it to
add new methods indirectly to nodes. This means these methods do not
appear directly in the class type of nodes, but in the class type of
the node extension. See {!Intro_extensions} for more about this.

{2 What PXP cannot do for you}

Although PXP has a long list of features, there are some types of parsing
XML it is not designed for:

- It is not possible to leave entities unresolved in the text. Whenever
  there is an [&entity;] or [%entity;] PXP replaces it with the definition
  of that entity. It is an error if the entity turns out to be undefined,
  and parsing is stopped with an exception.
- It is not possible to figure out notational details of the XML text,
  such as where CDATA sections are used
- It is not possible to parse a syntactically wrong document as much as
  possible, and to return the parseable parts. PXP either parses the 
  document completely, or it fails completely.

Effectively, this makes it hard to use PXP for XML editing, but otherwise
does not limit its uses.

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