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%define toolname  findlib

Summary: OCAML FindLib package manager
Name: ocaml-%{toolname}
Version: 0.3.1
Release: 1
Copyright: GPL-like
Group: Development/Languages
Vendor:  Gerd Stolpmann
Prereq: fileutils, ocaml
Requires: fileutils, ocaml

%define dir_man      usr/man
%define dir_bin      usr/bin
%define dir_sitelib  usr/lib/ocaml/site-lib
%define files_doc    LICENSE README INSTALL

BuildRoot: /tmp/root-%{name}

Provides a scheme to manage reusable software components (packages), 
as collections of OCaml modules for which metainformation can be stored. 
The library contains functions to look the directory up that
stores a package, to query metainformation about a package, and 
to retrieve dependency information about multiple packages.
Metainformation includes a version string, the archives the package consists of, additional linker
options, and dependencies dependent on other packages.

%setup -n %{toolname}
./configure -mandir "/%{dir_man}" -bindir "/%{dir_bin}" -sitelib "/%{dir_sitelib}"

make all
make opt

# Install binary, libs, manuals
install -m 755 -d   "${DIR_BIN}"
install -m 755 -d   "${DIR_MAN}"
install -m 755 -d   "${DIR_SITELIB}"
# Move doc files to root, if needed
for F in %{files_doc} ; do test -f "./doc/${F}" && mv -f "./doc/${F}" . ; done

# HTML manual
if test -d doc/html ; then mv doc/html htmlman; else mkdir htmlman ; fi

# Create a symbolic link to version-specific HTML manual 
cd /usr/doc/HTML/
if test -L "%{name}" ; then rm -f "%{name}" ; fi
if test ! -e "%{name}" ; then ln -s "../%{name}-%{version}/htmlman" "%{name}" ; fi

cd /usr/doc/HTML/
if test "$1" = "0" -a -L %{name} ; then rm -f %{name} ; fi

if test `dirname "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}"` != "/" ; then rm -rf "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" ; fi

%doc %{files_doc} htmlman

* Fri Sep  1 2000 Olivier Montanuy <> 
- created and tested package, with html manual

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