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%define toolname netclient

Summary: OCAML Netclient HTTP/1.1 library
Name: ocaml-%{toolname}
Version: 0.3
Release: 1
Copyright: GPL-like
Group: Development/Languages
Vendor:  Gerd Stolpmann
Prereq: fileutils, ocaml >= 3.0 , ocaml-findlib, ocaml-netstring, ocaml-xstr
Requires: fileutils, ocaml >= 3.0 , ocaml-netstring, ocaml-xstr

%define dir_sitelib  usr/lib/ocaml/site-lib
%define files_doc    LICENSE README
BuildRoot: /tmp/root-%{name}

HTTP 1.1-compliant client, implements enough of HTTP 1.1 to communicate with any
HTTP 1.1 or 1.0 server. Simple to use, can process whole requests and whole replies,
or customized requests with specific headers.
Features persistent connections, chunked messages, authentication (basic and digest),
automatic redirections, support for proxies 

%setup -n %{toolname}
make clean

make all
make opt

# Install binary, libs, manuals

install -m 755 -d   "${DIR_INSTALL}"
# Install in non-standard directory
# replace "$(OCAMLFIND) install" or "ocamlfind install"
cat Makefile | sed "s#[_A-Za-z\(\)\$]* install \$(NAME)#\$(TRICK)#" > Makefile.trick
# Ugly trick: replace "findlib" by "cp"
make -f Makefile.trick install "TRICK=cp -f --target-directory=${DIR_INSTALL}"

# Move doc files to root, if needed
for F in %{files_doc} ; do test -f "./doc/${F}" && mv -f "./doc/${F}" . ; done

if test `dirname "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}"` != "/" ; then rm -rf "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" ; fi

%doc %{files_doc}

* Wed Sep  6 2000 Olivier Montanuy <>
- created and tested package

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