Plasma GitLab Archive
Projects Blog Knowledge

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE ui:application
	  PUBLIC "-//NPC//DTD WDIALOG 2.1//EN" "">

<ui:application start-dialog="add-numbers">

  <ui:dialog name="add-numbers" start-page="enter-numbers">

    <ui:variable name="first_number"/>
    <ui:variable name="second_number"/>
    <ui:variable name="result"/>

    <ui:page name="enter-numbers">
	  <title>The Ultimative Adder</title>
	    <h1>The Ultimative Adder</h1>

	    <p>Please enter the two numbers you want to add:</p>
	      <ui:text variable="first_number"/> +
	      <ui:text variable="second_number"/> =
	      <ui:button name="add" label="Compute Result" goto="display-result"/>

    <ui:page name="display-result">
	  <title>The Ultimative Adder</title>
	    <h1>The Ultimative Adder</h1>

	    <p>The result is:</p>

	      <ui:dynamic variable="first_number"/> +
	      <ui:dynamic variable="second_number"/> =
	      <ui:dynamic variable="result"/>

	      <ui:button name="back" label="Go back" goto="enter-numbers"/>

    <ui:page name="display-error">
	  <title>The Ultimative Adder</title>
	    <h1>The Ultimative Adder</h1>

	    <p>Sorry, one of your numbers is not a number. Please go
	    back and correct your input.</p>

	      <ui:button name="back" label="Go back" goto="enter-numbers"/>


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